It's a big deal to hurt each other and die together!

As a result, Kaguya found reluctantly that this world could not carry out nuclear fission or nuclear fusion at all...

There are some things that cannot be applied at all... otherwise he would have been invincible!

Even if Kaguya draws a nuclear bomb in the future, it may not be able to be used in the Pokémon world!

However, if Gilluta's weapon only had champion-level damage, it wouldn't have much impact on Reshiram!

And the cost of [-] million alliance coins is a bit high!Thinking about the missiles Jilluta used until now, Kaguya remembered that fighting is indeed a waste of money! .

Text Chapter 419 Appearance of the God of the Sea

"Ding, I found that the host is too salty in daily life, and issued a temporary task: cooperate with the god of the sea to extinguish the anger of the three gods, and get a chance to win a high-level lottery!"

"Issuing a temporary task: cooperate with the God of the Sea to seal the "Fallen Angel" and get a chance to win a god-level lottery!"

Hui Ye was stunned when he heard the words, what's going on! ?Isn't his system playing dead dogs? !Why did you post a new task to yourself!

However, the lottery chance in this system is getting more and more difficult!In the past, as long as you defeated a slightly stronger Gym trainer, you could get an advanced lottery chance!Now you need to defeat the three god birds!

This gap is too big, right? !

And what is the so-called "fallen angel"? !Could it be a Pokémon you don't know about! ?

Or is there other traversers besides himself and Artoria? ! (Readers, please rest assured that the bloody plot will not appear!)

While Kaguya was thinking about it, a melodious voice had already sounded - the song of Lugia!

Kaguya listened to the tune quietly, even someone like him who didn't understand the tune could hear that this tune was different!I don't know who made this!

Maybe this really has a lot to do with Lugia!

This piece may have been created by every music master after seeing the God of the Sea!

377 "Here we come!" Suddenly, the Hippo King's expression changed, and he looked at the surface of the sea devoutly. He knew that the God of the Sea had appeared again!

"En!?" Kaguya and the others turned their attention to the sea, Lugia is really high-quality!

Without such a cumbersome ceremony, it is estimated that it will not come out!

And this song, is Lugia's BGM? !

"Roar" "Roar!" Two huge eddies began to appear on the surface of the sea, countless waterspouts were generated on the surface of the sea, and two voices came to everyone's ears!

One of the voices was the voice of Lugia, who Kaguya had encountered!

And the other voice was much heavier and more vicissitudes than what Kaguya had encountered before!

The real god of the sea! ?

For some reason, Kaguya's heart fluctuated more or less!

God! ?

In fact, he also has a lot of gods. Celebi is the god of the forest, and the dream has the potential of the god of creation, and the top first-level divine beast Reshiram Kaguya also has it!

Lugia, it's not like he hasn't seen it before, and he has even seen (beag) several times!

Logically speaking, Kaguya should not be excited anymore!

Why is this so! ?

This feeling is that Kaguya herself is not very clear!

Soon, two pure white figures emerged from the vortex, and two Lugias, one large and one small, emerged from the water...

Of course, this "small" is also relative!

The Lugia that Kaguya had seen before is actually a standard body type, and it definitely doesn't match up with Xiao!

However, the size of this other Lugia is really too big!

That's nearly double the size of the other one!

Chapter 419 Appearance of the God of the Sea -->> (page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

That's nearly double the size of the other one!

This is the real sea god!

Its aura is farther and deeper!

Almost forgot to breathe! (Then Lugia will be used to call the Lugia Kaguya met before, and the Lugia Patriarch will be replaced by the God of the Sea!)


In the steel spaceship, Jill Lutai saw two white figures emerging from the vortex, with a greedy face on his face!

Didn't he create such a big storm just to attract Lugia, the god of the sea! ?

As for the other God of Ice, God of Fire, and God of Thunder, although the collection value is not bad, their IQ is too low!He is somewhat disgusted!

The collection value is definitely not as high as Lugia!

Whether it is strength, status, brains or looks!Lugia is far beyond the Three God Birds!

Jill Lutai wanted to collect Lugia, and now two came at once, how could Jill Lutai not be excited? !

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