They are loyal to Vladali!I have been fighting desperately for Fradali, and I have done a lot of harmless things!

Now, Fradali has abandoned them! !

Pokémon are very innocent creatures, sometimes you are nice to them, even if you do something wrong, Pokémon will accompany you!

A lot of times, Pokémon will treat the trainer as everything, but when the trainer abandons them, the Pokémon will feel like they've lost everything!

Although, Fradali said before leaving, let them wait for him, but can you wait?

Pokémon aren't stupid, they know they've been abandoned by their trainers!

Kaguya glanced at these three Pokémon, and her heart ached for a while!

How to deal with these Pokémon? !

stay? !kindness!It seems that the probability of getting these Pokémon by yourself is not high!The people of the alliance are eyeing it!

Kaguya doesn't want to completely tear up the face of the alliance now...the strength is still not enough!

However, after this, everyone who wants to do something to him will have to weigh them up. Haven't you seen Chaomeng covering Kaguya! ?

killed? !This can be considered!There are just dangers!

Looking at Hui Ye's uncertain face, Mirage was a little flustered, and he could see that Hui Ye seemed to be making up his mind!

Even though he is also a mythical beast trainer and an Interpol, he is a key target for cultivation even among Interpols, but he really doesn't have much confidence in front of Kaguya!

Emperor Yan is indeed very good, but Hui Ye also has divine beasts!

And Kaguya's other Pokémon are not weak!

Chapter 400 Fradari ran away -->>(page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

And Kaguya's other Pokémon are not weak!

The status is not bad...

Mirage has no capital to be proud of in front of Kaguya!

"Don't you want to do something!?!" Mirage asked Kaguya after hesitating slightly.

"Besides, fight to the death first!" Kaguya immediately gave an order to her Pokémon!

Although, he also thinks that most Pokémon are kind, but these Pokémon are indeed full of crimes, and there are occasional exceptions, right? ?

It was their fault to follow Fradali!

· · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????


The Rockets retreated very quickly, and almost after Fradali and the others boarded the airship, the Queen of Deoxys left!

Neither Mewtwo nor Reshiram seems to have any intention of continuing to chase Deoxys!

Reshiram just took a deep look at Kaguya in the crowd, and then said again in Kaguya's mind: "What is the real world you want?!" Then he spread his wings proudly, sending out a trace Long Ming, he left!

Look at its back is extremely noble and elegant!

Kaguya touched his head, the real world he wanted! ?He suddenly felt that there seemed to be some more memory in his mind. Of course, it was not that kind of miscellaneous things, but a map!


This is where Reshiram usually is...

Does it want to find it by itself! ?

Kaguya murmured as she watched Reshiram leave!

Although it is said that becoming Reshiram's Pokémon trainer also bears such responsibilities, but the benefits are many, and the current Kaguya really needs Reshiram's power!

"What about you!?" Kaguya contacted Chao Meng through telepathy, and it seemed that within a certain range, he could talk to Chao Meng through this!This is a tacit understanding of both parties!

"I'm looking for the key to my breakthrough, and I feel like I'm about to find it! But don't worry, I'll keep an eye on you!" Chaomeng said to Huiye, and then a gate of ten appeared beside it, and it Then got in!Disappeared again!

What is this? !Did you have such a super fighter? !Might be a life saver! ?

Kaguya still knows Chaomeng relatively well, it should be concerned about itself, otherwise it will not save itself, and it will not explain so much!

If it were someone else, it would be strange to have so many explanations according to Chaomeng's aloof character!

They didn't go after the Rockets, and Damaranche didn't go to rescue them either!These don't care about Kaguya's affairs, and if the alliance wants to save or exchange them later, it has nothing to do with Kaguya's affairs!

However, after this incident, maybe the alliance will not be peaceful! ! .

Main Text Chapter 401 Post-war Daily Life (Second Update)

The Rockets' invasion was quickly reported to the world, and the champion of the Quartz Conference Kaguya might be the first champion in history who didn't even have an award ceremony!

Alliance President Dama Lanci was kidnapped by the Rockets, and no one gave Kaguya an award!And the other officials of the alliance and the King of Heaven have no time to take care of Kaguya and the others!

After all, competitions like the Quartz Conference are held every year, and are also held in various regions. To be honest, the champion of the competition is actually not very rare, and it is more treated by the alliance as a key recruitment target!

However, will Kaguya care? ?

To be honest, Kaguya doesn't care who the champion of the Quartz Conference is at all, but since he participated, the champion must be his own!Coupled with the relationship of the system lottery, Kaguya will do my part to be the champion of the Quartz Conference!

The "[-]" and the others stayed on the Quartz Plateau for one night, and then headed to the Hezhong area again!

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