Gopaluwon, Delakion, and Birigion glanced at each other after hearing the words, and Copalwon stood up and asked Keldeo in a condensed voice, "Then you plan to follow him?!"

It is not that the holy swordsman has not followed Pokémon trainers in history. It is not difficult to guess what Keldeo thinks. During this time, they have seen some traces. In fact, they even saw Kaguya Dance for the first time. I also feel that I have benefited a lot from the sword!

Even the swordsmanship 467 of the Four Holy Swords is not as good as Hui Ye, a bug-like swordsman who has Dugu Qiubai's swordsmanship inheritance!

The Four Sword Saints have also gained a lot of insights. If they follow Kaguya, their swordsmanship will be greatly improved.For Gopaluwon, Derakion, and Biligion, their level is already difficult to improve. If you want to improve your strength, you can only study skills. For them, swordsmanship is the best way!

It's just that the price of learning swordsmanship from Kaguya is a bit high. At least when Kaguya is still alive, they have to follow him. This is the dignity of being a holy swordsman!Of course, the last time I saw Kaguya Dancing Sword was an exception...

For this reason, the holy swordsman needs to think carefully about his actions.

Kaguya, is it worth them to follow? !Looking at the small tent nearly [-] meters away, Copaluong, Delakion, and Pilijion expressed their doubts!

If ordinary Pokémon, they don't have such good hearing and hearing ability, but the Four Holy Swords present, except Keldeo, the cute newcomer, Gopaluwon, Delakion, and Biligion are all three of them. Class beast!

Such a small distance is not a problem at all. Listening to Nazi's gentle and ethereal voices coming from the tent, Gopaluwon, Derakion, and Biligion said that they really didn't listen to the corner on purpose!

Naturally, Hui Ye didn't know that the Four Sacred Swords had been paying attention to him, and he had eavesdropped on his corner more than once. Although his five senses were very sensitive, he could not detect the Four Sacred Swords that were far stronger than him from a distance of a thousand meters. Spying on the Sword!

He should be glad that every time he has a bottom line and takes out a small tent, instead of messing around with the sky as the bed and the ground as the seat!

"Are you sure!?" Birigion asked Keldeo, this is a very prudent thing, if Kaguya's character is good, then there is no problem for Keldeo to follow Kaguya for a while of!

Compared with the age of humans, the lifespan of these divine beasts is obviously much longer, generally hundreds or thousands of years, and just a few decades is really nothing, and Keldeo is still young, and Kaguya has another. It seems like a great deal for a quick boost in Pokémon's abilities!

Keldeo looked at his three big brothers and nodded: "I decided, but now is not the time!"

Its family knows its own affairs, its level is still too low, and it has not even mastered the holy sword, let alone the mysterious sword!Maybe its talent is the best, but (becg) it's not up to par right now!

Chapter 259 Keldeo's Choice-->>(page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

Its family knows its own affairs, its level is still too low, and it has not even mastered the holy sword, let alone the mysterious sword!Maybe its talent is the best, but (becg) it's not up to par right now!

Regarding the choice of the little brother, the other three didn't say much, maybe this is a good home for Keldeo!But before that, they have to cultivate Keldeo's outlook on life and values!


The next day, Kaguya didn't wake up late until noon. He used to practice early, but now he didn't. It was useless for him to practice early!

His body is already stronger than many Pokémon, and it has already surpassed the extremes of ordinary humans. If you want to go one step closer, you have to give him a mental method or an immortal mental method!

Now Kaguya is looking forward to when his god-level lottery system can give himself a spiritual method of cultivating immortals, and he also wants to become a god!

In addition to Kaguya, Nazi was the last to get up. She was tormented by Kaguya every day, which had become a habit!She's used to it, and so are the others!

"Unfortunately, I still haven't seen the legendary Four Sacred Swords!" Even though he had seen such bigwigs as Lugia and Reshiram, Xiao Huang still felt a pity that he had not seen the Four Sacred Swords.She is kind-hearted and kind to the Four Holy Swords, a kind-hearted divine beast who often helps humans.

"There should be opportunities in the future!" Hui Ye said lightly, if Xiao Huang likes it, he doesn't mind that he will be stronger in the future, and he will grab those cottage alpacas for Xiao Huang to use as mounts! (Don't brag, don't black, the four holy swords are too low in appearance except for Keldeo!)

Kaguya's heart is still extremely domineering and short-sighted!

"It's a pity to be separated from Kaguya again!" Mei's face was full of sorrow. The girls had already discussed how to divide Kaguya. Before the Quartz Conference, she and Touzi would cultivate themselves in the Yew Research Institute. 's Pokémon, wait for Kaguya to challenge the Quartz Conference, and travel to the Chengdu area together.

Xiaohuang and Nazi will accompany Kaguya on their trip to the Kanto region. After the Quartz Conference is over, they will return to the Yew Research Institute to live!

As for Xiaolan, at least she will accompany Kaguya to complete the capital area!

This is extremely scientific and reasonable, at least Kaguya's harem looks very harmonious now!The team will not look too bloated, after all, Kaguya is traveling, not wandering around with her harem!

Kaguya and the others will go to the Hoenn area within a few days after returning to the Yew Research Institute, and Mei and Touko will not follow!

(PS: I recommend a new book by the boss, the FGO system of Xingyue World, everyone who likes Xingyue can go and read it!).

Chapter 260 Someone is looking for trouble

When Kaguya and his party left the wild reserve, all the Pokémon in the wild reserve ran out to see them off, which moved Mei and Touzi.

Only Kaguya and the others knew that these Pokémon might just need a party to celebrate Kaguya and their departure!

Obviously, Kaguya's Pokmon is a nightmare for these Pokmon, but fortunately they are still sensible, and there are no Pokmon~seriously injured!

After greeting the person in charge of the wild reserve, Hui Ye and the others prepared to leave Fukiyo City and return to Luzi Town.There is nothing in Fukiyo City - good shopping!

It's ridiculous to say that, although Kaguya has been in the Pokémon world for more than ten years, and he can be regarded as a person from the Hezhong area, but he really hasn't visited the Hezhong area properly!

It's almost half of the Kanto region to visit!

However, when Kaguya and the others wanted to leave, they came to the door when they were in trouble.

A group of cops (police officers were harmonized!) blocked their way!

"Sir, we are the cops from Fukiyose City. We have received a report from an informant and suspect that you are related to a Pokmon poaching incident. Please come with us!" The leader of the cops showed his ID Said to Kaguya, and at the same time, several other stalkers put their hands on weapons or Pokmon balls for unfathomable reasons.

"Did you find the wrong person?! How could we be related to the poaching incident!" Before Kaguya and the others could speak first, Ya Yi was the first to speak!

How could they possibly do such a thing? !There is absolutely no need!

Hui Ye and a few people knew that someone was deliberately messing with them!Once this crime is confirmed, all their Pokémon will be confiscated or released, and they will no longer be able to become Pokémon trainers for the rest of their lives!

"Is this an arrest or an investigation assistance?!" Kaguya looked at the smiling and silent notes and asked.

Now he doesn't know if he was deliberately targeted or if the alliance is going to attack him!

Yesterday, he just had a phone call with Sister Yew, and things are going well over there. It doesn't make sense!

Moreover, it is not so easy to deal with Doctor Elf in a region. The current Yew is his most powerful backstage!In the United States, who is going to deal with themselves? !This can be regarded as their own home ah!

The occurrence of this kind of thing is like a super official, the second generation, being in trouble on his own "ground"!So uncomfortable!The happy mood that I could see my elder sister soon dissipated all at once!

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