The human heart is more terrifying than ghosts and gods, and the more real and uninhibited a person is, when he finally really hates someone in his heart and wants to accomplish something, then it will be a very terrifying thing. thing.

Because such a person doesn't care about the eyes of the world, nor does he care about the eyes of others.

He doesn't even care about the eyes of his relatives. In his opinion, what he does is right, and all those who stand in front of him are his enemies.

Of course, maybe he is right, but that extreme treatment is not acceptable to everyone. After all, not everyone is like Huang Shang, who is detached from the shackles and has an open-minded heart, and not everyone is like Huang Yaoshi. A person who is both good and evil.

It's not Su Chu who doesn't care about anything and does whatever he wants!

Therefore, if there is not enough need for a person like the old monk, it is better not to provoke him! .

Chapter 198: My name is Xiao Yuanshan

Chapter 198: My name is Xiao Yuanshan

"You already have the will to die?" Su Chu stared at the old monk, his undisguised death will was extremely conspicuous. Obviously this time, after this battle, he is no longer ready to live, maybe it doesn't matter whether he wins or loses, or He has already made up his mind to die at the hands of Su Chu.


The old monk nodded and said with a sigh: "My life is for revenge. The enemy of that year is dead. I have lived in Shaolin for so long and I am no longer that person. Even if Shaolin has hatred for me , but I can't forget the kindness of teaching for so many years, what Shaolin owed me has long been settled. &

"You only have Murong Bo as your enemy, it's empty! **Su Chu paused, then changed back to Kong's name again, he is not qualified to use the name Murong Bo.

Hearing the change in Su Chu's tone, the old monk smiled and said: "Indeed, indeed, that guy is no longer the Murong Bo of the past, he is just Shaolin. If the Murong Bo of the past was such a waste, I would feel ashamed." , I was wiped out by such a waste, unfortunately, that person was Murong Bo, not Lao Kong. "

"Indeed! 1? Su Chu also nodded and shook her head slightly.

It's still the same sentence that Murong Bo is no longer qualified to be called Murong Bo. He has abandoned the ambition and talent of the Murong family, and the only thing left is the ambition of the Murong family. Man is just a simple piece of trash.

Perhaps thinking of this at the same time, both Su Chu and the old monk saw the smile in each other's eyes, smiled lightly, and stopped talking.

After a moment of silence, the old monk continued: "Now Kong is dead, and my last hatred is gone. I have lived long enough in this world. Next, I should go down to accompany my wife and children." I wonder if my son and daughter-in-law will welcome me.々? "

"They will! Of course Su Chu knows who the old monk is talking about, but people are about to die, and Su Chu feels very good about the old monk, so let's comfort him!

"This battle, whether I win or lose, I will never let go." The old monk clenched his fists and said firmly.

Su Chu slightly cast her eyes on the old monk and said interestingly: "How can you say that you won't let go?**

"You are very strong, I can see this from your battle with Kong, but I don't think I am your opponent, I am not that trash of Kong, it would be great if I can die in your hands in this battle, But if I kill you by mistake, I will commit suicide too." The old monk laughed arrogantly.

Looking at the old monk with a full smile, Su Chu smiled happily: "It's been a long time! I don't know how long it has been since no one dared to say in front of me that he was going to kill me. Just say this to you. You are entitled to stand in this position.

"Of course! The old monk gently rubbed his long beard with both hands, and soon the beard fell down, revealing a big man's face, not handsome but absolutely unparalleled in fortitude.

"What's your name, old monk? What's your hair number?" Huang Rong ran up behind Su Chu mischievously at this time, poked her head out carefully, and asked curiously.

After many experiments, this position is the safest position for Huang Rong. Except for the man in front of her who can't dodge the attack, anyone else will be blocked by the man in front of her. Whether it is a violent storm or a storm, there will be absolutely no problem.

"What are you messing around with, girl?" Su Chu patted Huang Rong's head, causing Huang Rong to stick out her little tongue.

However, Su Chu is actually a little curious about how the old monk would answer this question. However, Su Chu probably guessed the answer. If it is not that the answer he guessed is wrong, it proves that Su Chu also misunderstood the old monk. Therefore, there is no need to send him to die. It may be a good choice to let him live in pain forever as a useless person.

Take it as the price of deceiving yourself.

"Come on!" Su Chu smiled, and secretly thought: "Come on, tell me your choice?"Let me see if you are who I imagined you to be.

"Little girl, it's easy to be hostile to you." The old monk didn't notice Su Chu's situation, but looked at Huang Rong and laughed and said, "Hmph! With a coquettish snort, Huang Rong said domineeringly: "No, I have Brother Su's protection, and no one can hurt me. No one who can hurt me under the protection of Brother Su has yet to be born." Right, brother Su? &-

Be a concubine! &

Su Chu nodded without the slightest hesitation. Whether she has or not, her own woman must be protected by herself. Otherwise, what right does she have to have a relationship with the other party? Even a man who cannot protect her own woman is not qualified to be called It is a man.

"What domineering words!" The old monk laughed, but his smile was full of bitterness.

Helpless bitterness, how similar I was to Su Chu back then, with the same high spirits, thinking that I could protect all my relatives, but what happened?

As a result, I failed, and my relatives died one after another in front of myself, and died in front of my body, which made the old monk disheartened, and he had been serving revenge all his life.

Until today, the hatred (Li Nuozhao) has finally dissipated, and what I have to do now is to live once for myself, as a warrior. Facing a master like Su Chu, the old monk feels that his ambition that has been silent for hundreds of years has begun It bloomed again.

"I hope you can fulfill what you said today!" The old monk looked at Su Chu and thought silently in his heart.

Huang Rong looked at the old monk who was lost in thought again, and said helplessly: "Monk, I'm asking you something, tell me what's your name?"We can't always be great monks, the great monks call you, right? "

"Ha ha!&

The old monk laughed and said: "That's true!" &

"Remember the old man's name carefully. The old man's name is Xiao Yuanshan. I will always only have such a name in my previous and future lives. I don't need a Buddhist name. I am Xiao Yuanshan, and that is enough!

Chapter 199: The difference between crossing the sky and leaving the sky

Chapter 199: The difference between crossing the sky and leaving the sky

"Xiao Yuanshan?" Huang Rong blinked cutely, and finally said helplessly: "Let's forget it!"The name Xiao Yuanshan is too difficult to remember, I think it is better to call you Great Monk, it is easy to remember and easy to say, Great Monk, right? "

"Little girl!?

Xiao Yuanshan didn't get angry at all, instead he looked at Huang Rong with a smile. In his opinion, a little girl like Huang Rong was younger than his own granddaughter. There's no need to be angry, that's really too intolerant.

Xiao Yuanshan is a very heroic person, to be honest, if you didn't take the initiative to provoke him!Then he basically doesn’t care about some small problems in your language. This can be seen from the original work. If Xiao Yuanshan hadn’t been killed for his wife, he would still stick to his principle of not killing Han people until his wife was killed. It was only then that he completely blackened from a principled man.

Especially when Su Chu just killed his enemy, it can be said that he avenged himself indirectly. If it wasn't for Shaolin's joy, Xiao Yuanshan would have committed suicide now, so he would still be talking nonsense here. For such a little girl It doesn't matter that much at all.

"You little girl!" Li Qi nodded Huang Rong's head helplessly.

Li Qiong could clearly see Huang Rong's little girl's thoughtfulness. Huang Rong actually wanted to anger Xiao Yuanshan. He is such a broad-minded person who doesn't care about his little tricks at all.

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