"You're fine!" Kongjue opened his eyes suddenly, and everyone felt the pressure coming to him again in an instant, and said with a smile: "Su benefactor, you can be regarded as a hero, not someone who is for the purpose. The unscrupulous villain, who does what he does and what he does not, is admired by the poor monk."

"I'm not interested in those compliments. I do whatever I want. I can help you Shaolin once if I like it. I don't like it. Today I will kill you Shaolin. This is me. I'm Su Chu. It's not so much a hero. It's the devil!&


Looking up to the sky and laughing, the color of the sky and the earth seemed to change again, Su Chu's figure floated up slowly without wind, one palm slowly raised above his head, and said lightly: "Be careful!" &

Following Su Chu's words, a palm descended from the sky, and the palm print showed a golden light, which was a pure golden brilliance. The palm had an appearance representing the aura of the Buddha, the figure of the power of the Buddha, and that pure Buddhist aura was absolutely amazing. Not fake.

"what is this?&

"Agitation r

Following someone's question, everyone present swallowed hard. Although the battle between the Five Jue just now was powerful, it definitely couldn't reach such a level. This is really terrifying. The palm that seems to destroy the world, the most important thing is that it contains the breath of Buddhism.

"What is this? W Kongjue took a deep breath and couldn't help asking.

"Have you heard of the palm technique that falls from the sky with one move?" Su Chu's faint voice came from the void, as if it was full of holy meaning.


With the shock of the sky falling and the earth cracking, everyone felt as if the world was being pushed down suddenly.

At this time, Su Chu's figure appeared out of nowhere in the void, and slowly fell to the ground, while the figures of the three old monks suddenly rushed out, covered in dust and dust, as if they had just rushed over to Yixiang, but when they looked carefully, they found No injuries at all.

"What kind of palm is this?" Kongjue looked at Su Chu solemnly and asked quietly.

"Tathagata God Palm!" Following Su Chu's words, the palm actually emitted a golden light, but the next moment Su Chu held the palm, the golden light collapsed, and Su Chu also looked at the people present indifferently, the palm slightly Hold it up, with a faint smile.

"Tathagata God's Palm?" The three old monks were taken aback at the same time, the three of them had never heard of such martial arts.

In fact, Su Chu doesn't know this martial art either. After all, according to the real Tathagata palm, it is definitely at the level of the Heavenly Kungfu. Do you think it is so easy to create such a martial art?Su Chu may be able to break out by gathering hundreds of families, but it will take time, and it will not appear casually.

The current move is nothing more than Su Chu's personal understanding of Buddhism and Taoism, plus many 570 palm techniques. Martial arts, but internal strength, and a move that has been created.

The reason why she has such a great power is entirely due to her true energy after marriage.

"It's really interesting to play in the world." Huang Chang smiled slightly, he naturally saw the reality of this move, and also understood that this move was actually just a random move created by Su Chu.

However, just because Huang Chang could see it didn't mean others could see it. The three old monks obviously couldn't see the lineup, and looked at Su Chu's movements solemnly. The three of them didn't expect Su Chu to be so outrageous.

Whether it is the Yinyang family or the Quanzhen sect, they all belong to Taoism, and one method can lead to ten thousand methods, so it is not surprising that Su Chu knows this kind of martial arts, but Buddhism and Taoism are not at all one family, and they are even hostile. Su Chu To create such a terrifying palm technique, the three old monks were shocked!

"The three will not die today." Su Chu raised his palm, which turned out to be the simplest posture of Wudang Changquan.

ps: Pepper's new book "My Name of Martial Arts, Wei Zhuang" I hope you will support me a lot. Please don't be polite for collections, flowers, and rewards. Let's kill Pepper! .

Chapter 147: Palm to Fist

Chapter 147: Palm to Fist


The breeze suddenly stopped in the air, everything seemed to disappear at this moment, and all the visions disappeared. Su Chu just stood there quietly, looking like an ordinary person, but when he really Only those who stand opposite Su Chu can feel how terrible Su Chu is at this moment."How can this feeling be possible?" Kong Jue squinted his eyes slightly, looking at Su Chu very solemnly. This feeling is very strange.

It's not that Kongjue has never seen masters at the level of masters. There may be few masters in this era, but there are two masters hidden in Shaolin Temple, and they are two old masters, but even they don't have the kind of power that Su Chu exudes now. This sense of danger.

That's right, it's dangerous. It's not just Kongjue. The three old monks should have already felt it. You must know that if the three of them join forces, even if the two old masters hidden in the Shaolin Temple fight alone, although they are undefeated and say they will win, the winning rate is also [-]%. However, facing a guru like Su Chu who has just broken through, this feeling is really too strange.

What's more, you must know that the three monks are not from this era, but from the last era a hundred years ago. Their era was simply an era full of strange things. There are many innate masters. Peerless is nothing. Only a master can be regarded as a master .

Even the Great Grandmaster had several, but even in that era, there was no Grandmaster who could give the three of them such a feeling. After all, the Vajra Subduing Demon Circle is like the formation of the Five Great Ming Kings, and they all practiced since childhood. No one has ever given the three of them such a dangerous feeling.

"Is it strange? Su Chu smiled faintly, stepped forward with one step, and already punched fiercely.

An ordinary punch without the slightest bit of energy, even at first glance, it can even be seen as a trick by someone who does not know martial arts, but when such a trick is placed in the hands of a real master-level master On the body, I am afraid it represents a return to basics.

"Not good.々丨" Kongjue said secretly, and crossed his hands suddenly in front of Yue Xiong to block Su Chu's punch.

However, the momentary question said that it was terrifying, but in fact it should be said that the true qi that had already reached the extreme of terror immediately poured into his body. The terrifying, even majestic true qi made Kongjue rush to circulate the true qi in his body to suppress it. Seeing this alien true energy, Kong Jing and Kong Zheng, who were behind them, immediately discovered the vision of Kongjue.

The two teamed up against Kongjue's body, and the majestic trinity-like true energy immediately poured into Kongjue's body, and this strange kind of true energy was suppressed in an instant, but it would take a while to refine it. At this time, Su Chu has already bullied her.


With a loud shout, I saw that Kongjue didn't even move, and the two of them stood in the same place, you came and bet on each other, but after dozens of moves had been exchanged, Su Chu jumped back and landed not far away, seemingly not far away. To decide the outcome, one must know that there are actually two monks behind Kongjue to help him.

The three of them teamed up to draw with Su Chu, and it was very clear who was stronger and who was weaker in an instant.

"Huh" let out a long breath of turbid air, Kongjue's face was indifferent, the true energy in his body had been completely suppressed, and he sighed secretly: It seems that I am really old, I am old, and I can't even use such a simple method. On the way.

It is true that Su Chu's method is very simple, and it is not difficult for anyone who has a little preparation to dodge, but who made Su Chu's speed so fast that it is impossible for ordinary people to dodge, but it definitely does not include three He is an old monk, but Kong Jue has been tricked. There is only one possibility that Kong Jue is not really alert at all, or... The three seem to have lost many things. & Su Chu looked at the three of them interestingly.

"Some things are lost, and their existence is not important. Kong Jue shook his head slightly. It was Su Chu who took the initiative just now, but this time he took the initiative.

Raising hands is a set of the most basic Shaolin Luohan group in Shaolin. Well, it is not the [-]-style Luohan boxing, which is one of the [-] stunts, but the ordinary Luohan boxing. It is almost the same as the Wudang Changquan in Su Chu's hand.

"Interesting! M Su Chu smiled and raised his hand to meet Kongjue's attack.

On the other side, Kong Jing and Kong Zheng squinted their eyes slightly, clasped their hands together and didn't seem to care about anything, but Su Chu was sure that the two of them were definitely trying to manage their own battle situation on the field, Looking for the best and most suitable opportunity to intervene in the battle.

But this time what Su Chu used was not Wudang Changquan. To put it bluntly, Wudang Changquan was adapted from Taizu Changquan. Fist, while Wudang Changquan has been modified by Zhang Sanfeng, which is similar to the combination of hardness and softness, but it does not rely on this fundamental.

It is not particularly suitable for Luohan boxing to use this set of boxing techniques, but the most suitable set of palm techniques!

touch, touch, touch

Su Chu's palms are invisible, they are so soft and soft, each palm can be seen clearly, but it seems invisible, but such soft/1-muscled fists easily block Kongjue's fierce and unparalleled Arhat boxing has always been suppressing the empty feeling.

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