To others, this palm is basically a palm technique transformed by Yideng and Yiyang finger, but Su Chu really saw the mystery of this palm.

This palm is like a mountain of prajna, like a Buddha in the palm, exuding endless brilliance, this palm is one of the seventy-two unique skills of Shaolin, the Sumeru Mountain Palm, but the one that drives the Sumeru Mountain Palm is not simply Shaolin internal strength, but one yang finger force.

Yiyang Finger is a rare combination of martial arts and internal skills. Repairing internal skills is equivalent to practicing martial arts, and practicing martial arts is also equivalent to practicing internal skills. Duan Siping who created this skill is indeed a genius.

But Yideng was not much worse, he completely combined the Sumeru Mountain Palm and Yiyang Finger Power, forming a strange combination, which was more powerful and easier to manipulate.

Mount Sumeru Palm is not difficult for Su Chu, who has hundreds of unique skills in cultivation, but in fact, this Mount Sumeru Palm Su Chu has not cultivated to the extreme. It is even said that Su Chu has only practiced at the beginning. As the name suggests, Mount Sumeru Palm has been cultivated to the peak The diameter of the palm is like holding the Sumeru world, and you can rule the world with your hands and palms!

How can this kind of martial arts be so simple that it can be practiced successfully?Even the current Yideng is just an entry, Su Chu means entry, there is specialization in skills, it is impossible for a person to be said to be omnipotent!

What's more, the Sumeru Mountain Palm also includes the power of the Xiantian Kungfu, which is to condense the purest innate qi. With this touch of innate zhenqi added, the Sumeru Mountain Palm is even more powerful, and people in the world can take it There are almost very few people with a lamp.

Especially now that he is completely in the state of spring anger, the power of this palm is even more terrifying, and there are only a few people who can catch it.

"Of course I can see it. 1? Su Chu nodded with a smile, but the next moment he was stunned, and the red seal appeared in the palm of his hand, and said coldly:

"It's a pity that it's useless to me! u

"Whether it's useful or not is not as simple as what you say." M-Deng sneered.


Yideng was silent, and everyone was silent.

Everyone can see that Yideng's palm is absolutely 560 pairs. It can be said to be an extremely powerful palm. The bloody handprint of the skeleton was broken, as if it had been broken without any resistance.

The bloody handprints of skeletons that wanted to resist last time did not dissipate after smashing Yideng's handprints this time, even in the eyes of outsiders, they didn't even weaken much. He roared towards a light.

"Let me see what kind of hole cards you have!" Su Chu narrowed his eyes, this move of seal is to use all of Su Chu's strength, did Su Chu really make a move?Now Su Chu is in a stage of rapid progress, progress is very simple for Su Chu, he will soon be able to break through the master, how can people like Huang Chang understand how terrible his full strength is.

But Su Chu is just a kind of learning from the beginning to the end. The stronger the person, the more he knows how to learn. Su Chu broke away from that kind of psychological arrogance through the battle with Hong Qigong, and now he has put down his mind and studied hard.

Now he just wanted to see what Yideng's last hole card was! .

Chapter 124: The six veins are sharp, withered and prosperous in spring

Chapter 124: The six veins are sharp, withered and prosperous in spring

"The tree of yin and yang is just a small way! It's a branch of Taoism, how can it compare to my Buddhist orthodox martial arts!" Yideng raised his head very proudly.

For a moment, everyone was speechless. Some people wanted to open their mouths but found that they couldn’t open their mouths. To put it bluntly, it was true. It's not surprising, but after so many years, the Yin-Yang School has developed into a sect no less than Taoism.

In ancient times, it was listed as one of the twelve most powerful schools of thought. Now that Yideng said such words, he was clearly causing trouble for Su Chu!Or it could be said that he was secretly satirizing Su Chu. He is not even considered a Taoist, so how can he be called the number one master of Taoism in the world today!

"Really?" Su Chu asked back, her face turned slightly cold.

Su Chu has never been the kind of person who punches me and I move the other side of my face to make you slap me. She is the kind of person who hits me and I return the knife! .


There was a slight sound, although it was still very light, but everyone could feel that Su Chu was angry. His left hand was red and his right hand was emerald green. Two completely different forces, even fire and wood, gathered in Su Chu's hands to form a smear. Too big, swept across the sky!

This move was just a sweep, and most of the people present closed their eyes, not because they didn’t want to watch it but because they didn’t have the qualifications to watch it. The power of this move was too terrifying. The combination of Yin-Yang Aiki Mudra and Wanye Feihua Flow, this kind of power is terrifying!

"Kou Hang,

But even in the face of the bloody handprints of skeletons in front of him, and the terrifying red and green Tai Chi in the back, Yideng's expression remained unchanged. Instead, he clasped his hands together like a holy monk and prayed silently. Then he loosened his hands, and his right hand slowly Released, the left hand formed a fist, but the little finger was slowly revealed.

"Could it be that?" Seeing Yideng's movement, Su Chu obviously thought of that possibility.

Because Su Chu guessed what Yideng did, the reason is also very simple, he is also proficient in this martial art, and even said that it is definitely a very strong martial art of Su Chu, but today this martial art is standing on the opposite side of his own .

In the next moment, what Su Chu guessed happened!

There are a lot of top internal skills in Jin Yong's martial arts, such as Taixuan Divine Art, Yi Jin Jing, Nine Yin and Nine Yang, these are all top internal skills, and there are also many means of attack!The swordsmanship represents the Dugu Nine Swords, the palm technique represents the Dragon Subduing Eighteen Palms, and the last fingering technique represents the Six Meridians Excalibur, yes Yideng is using the Six Meridians Excalibur.


The Six Paths Sword Qi flashed across the air, and the bloody skull was instantly defeated. The Six Meridians Excalibur is definitely a powerful martial art that can break through the surface. In today's words, it is at the same level as a sniper rifle plus armor-piercing bullets. It’s not over yet, Yideng’s hands are different, the continuous six-meridian sword is blasted out continuously, and the red and green Taiji are also shattered in an instant. Maybe it’s exhausted. With the shattering of Taiji, Yideng also stopped, Outsiders can't see it, but Su Chu can see that Yideng is already covered in cold sweat, breathing slightly heavier, and his heartbeat is also very violent.

Can't you really think that the Six Meridians Excalibur doesn't need money?

Do not joke!Su Chu majors in internal strength, and the Six Meridians Excalibur can even have the effect of a machine gun, but what is a lamp?Back then Duan Siping's Six Meridians Excalibur might have been terrifying, but Yideng was absolutely incomparable, they were not at the same level.

"Cough Ke Yi Deng coughed twice.

But everyone was surprised.

Both Huang Rong and Mu Nianci opened their mouths wide in surprise. Because Huang Yaoshi was wearing a mask, no one else could see him. Except for Huang Chang, even Du Kong didn't expect Yideng to hide such a big hole card. Even Lin Chaoying, who was as cold as ice, widened his eyes.

"This is Dali Kingdom-■

■? Six Meridians Excalibur! u

"It is definitely the Six Meridians Divine Sword. My ancestors have recorded that this is the Six Meridians Divine Sword of Dali Kingdom."

The entire arena is boiling, different from the faulted inheritance of the Yin Yang family, which is a unique skill that people have forgotten, but the Six Meridians Excalibur released a dazzling brilliance in the past, and the brilliance shown by the rivers and lakes today is naturally impressive. Crazy.

"You didn't expect that, did you?—The original sharp aura of Deng and others disappeared, and it seemed strangely strange as if it was a withered glory.

ヰ〃 I really didn't think of it. "Su Chu also took a deep breath-


Today, Su Chu was shocked again. At the same time, he felt ashamed of himself again. He felt proud of such a small achievement?Everything is not that simple.

Facts have proved that everything may be out of control. Su Chu has indeed practiced hundreds of martial arts, but learning does not mean he is proficient. Fortunately, Su Chu realized it early, otherwise he would be another Murong Fu!

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