"Yang Kang met Mr. Su." Yang Kang cupped his fists and said respectfully. Yang Tiexin smiled very satisfied. Maybe Yang Tiexin didn't notice it, but with Su Chu's cultivation, he could clearly feel that Yang Tiexin was hiding in the shadows. The terrifying dark aura that descends, it is a terrifying aura, and it is also a terrifying murderous intent, that kind of terrifying aura almost makes one's hair stand on end.

Of course, maybe because of Yang Kang's childhood, this kind of aura is well hidden, if it weren't for Su Chu's advanced cultivation, he might not have discovered it.

"It's so interesting, Yang Tiexin! Yang Tiexin! You've found the buffalo you've been looking for all your life, but it looks like you've found a tiger. Just let me see you, a tiger hidden in the light. The poisonous snake, and such a fierce tiger, who will tame who, or who will kill? Su Chu thought to himself.

Yang Tiexin obviously didn't know what Su Chu was thinking, obviously very satisfied with Yang Kang's performance, Yang Tiexin stroked his beard and said with a smile: "Mr. Su, I don't know when you will make a move to find my wife and let my family reunite? -

Su Chu's mind was not on Yang Tiexin at all, but on Yang Kang. Su Chu clearly felt that the moment Yang Tiexin said this sentence, Yang Kang suddenly clenched his fist, but the next moment his fist It was released quietly, without the slightest trace, this change was only in an instant.

"Don't worry, I will enter the palace at night." Su Chu said lightly.

"Since this is the case, I will wait for the good news from Mr. Su!" Yang Tiexin clasped his fists and said, "Farewell!"

Watching the departure of Yang Tiexin and Yang Kang, and the cold eyes of the two just after they left the room, Su Chu couldn't help laughing, and drank the Yulu wine in his cup in one gulp, savoring the sweetness of the fine wine, through the white The jade wine glass looked at the night outside the window and said amusedly: "Wanyan Honglie, Yang Kang, Bao Xiruo, Yang Tiexin, the stories of the four of you are getting more and more interesting, and I really want to see how your stories will develop. what! &

In another room of the inn, Huang Rong and Li Qi were accompanying Mu Nianci, who obviously had a sad look in his eyes.

Mu Nianci had been completely sold to Su Chu by Yang Tiexin. Although she was still Yang Tiexin's daughter in name, Mu Nianci couldn't help being sad when she saw that Yang Tiexin didn't even think about seeing her. It turns out that no matter how she is, a righteous daughter like herself is still not as good as her own son!

Even though he already knew that things had developed into this way, Mu Nianci couldn't help but look at Yang Tiexin's ruthlessness and grief.

"Sister Mu, don't be sad, take a good rest, your body is already weak, don't catch the cold." Huang Rong said nervously, at the same time, she hated Yang Tiexin as much as Guo Jing.

In fact, Mu Nianci's physical problems were just discovered. Li Qi and Huang Rong accidentally discovered that Mu Nianci 183's body was weak to a special degree, and the weakness was extremely serious. He was obviously a martial arts practitioner but this The degree of physical fitness is absolutely rare, and in the end Su Chu also came to the conclusion that Mu Nianci was caused by the hard life in childhood, otherwise it would never be the case.

"Nianci, you don't have to be sad, he gave up on you, this is your home!" The door was never opened, but Su Chu's figure had already appeared in the room.

Looking at the man in front of him who was floating like a fairy, Mu Nianci was silent, showing a gentle smile for a long time, and slowly closed his eyes.

Mu Nianci rested, perhaps because he let go of the memories in his heart. Mu Nianci felt that he slept very soundly this time. It has been a long time, a long time, a long time since he has slept so peacefully. The peaceful sleep made Mu Nianci calm. Quietly leaning in the arms of the two women behind him.

"Take care of Nianci, there are two very interesting shows to watch tonight and tomorrow." Su Chu snapped his fingers, Mu Nianci fell into a deeper sleep, but Su Chu left. He is a martial arts practitioner, but such a physical level is absolutely rare. In the end, Su Chu also came to the conclusion that Mu Nianci was caused by the hard life in childhood, otherwise it would never be the case.

"Nianci, you don't have to be sad, he gave up on you, this is your home!" The door was never opened, but Su Chu's figure had already appeared in the room.

Looking at the man in front of him who was floating like a fairy, Mu Nianci was silent, showing a gentle smile for a long time, and slowly closed his eyes.

Mu Nianci rested, perhaps because he let go of the memories in his heart. Mu Nianci felt that he slept very soundly this time. It has been a long time, a long time, a long time since he has slept so peacefully. The peaceful sleep made Mu Nianci calm. Quietly leaning in the arms of the two women behind him.

"Take care of Nianci, there are two very interesting shows to watch tonight and tomorrow." Su Chu snapped his fingers, Mu Nianci fell into a deeper sleep, but Su Chu left.

Chapter 64: Interesting Developments

Chapter 64: Interesting Developments

Regarding Huang Rong's appearance, Li Qi shook his head helplessly. Huang Rong is a person who likes to join in the fun. Everyone knows this. Chu, as for Huang Rong, there is actually a chance to escape, but every time Huang Rong thinks it is more interesting to follow Su Chu, so now Huang Rong actually has not left.

"Are you here?" Wanyan Honglie suddenly raised his head, and the jet-black figures around him appeared one by one. Everyone was like a shadow in the darkness, but the difference was that everyone was not murderous, but like a shadow. Yixiang stood there quietly.

The corners of Su Chu’s mouth curled up slightly. Standing at the top of the watchtower and looking at the entire palace, feeling the huge and powerful aura in the hall, he smiled and said slowly: “So that’s how I became Wanyan Honglie. Where did he get the confidence that he could control the Jin Dynasty, even enter the Central Plains and swallow up Mongolia? It turned out that he was funded by Shaolin.

Su Chu was already confused when he saw the Western Region Guard. Others don’t know, but Su Chu is actually the clearest. Different from the split Taoism, Buddhism is true whether it is in the Central Plains or in the Western Regions. The oneness of Buddhism is in fact inherited from Bodhidharma in the records, and there is no distinction between East and West. The so-called things are just things that appear on the surface, just to make people understand that Buddhism is not that strong.

But now Shaolin is not born, but in fact it has never interrupted the information about the world, and the Wanyan Honglie in front of him is the person jointly supported by Shaolin and the Western Regions Esoteric Sect. If he can enter the Central Plains, it will naturally benefit a lot. If it fails, then it will be for both parties In terms of it, there is no failure, but it is just the loss of some secret books. Both Shaolin and Western Region Tantrism have enough background, so naturally they are not afraid of such a small loss.

u fun, fun!This world is so interesting, Wanyan Honglie let me see what you will do today.〃. & Su Chu's figure disappeared, and a shadow-like figure flew across the entire palace, and the target was the princess courtyard at the end of the palace

"Does the lord need to take action? **The generals under his command can clearly feel Wanyan Honglie's anger and the terrifying murderous intent. The general asked cautiously for fear that someone might accidentally touch Wanyan Honglie's brow and die in the end without knowing why. That would be so tragic.


The black light flashed, and all the secret guards pulled out their long sticks from nowhere. At this moment, the secret guards holding the blades were still like ice sculptures, without the slightest human breath, just like a weapon, like a killing weapon Yixiang is icy and ruthless, that pair of lacquers is hard to get rid of.

"No need to move! Wanyan Honglie stopped the movement of the secret guards, all the secret guards immediately withdrew their weapons, and all the figures disappeared. Wanyan Honglie looked straight ahead as if he could see Su Chu's figure, but in his heart It was a cold thought: "Su Chu, you can continue to live for a while, Yang Tiexin, this king wants to really defeat you, no matter in terms of strength or emotion, I want you to understand that the gap between you and me is heaven and earth." The difference, you will never be my opponent.&


Bao Xiruo, who was about to fall asleep, let go of her nervous mind. Although she was worried that her son would not pay her respects to her for a day, but thinking of her husband's love for her and the power in the capital of the Jin Dynasty, Bao Xiruo also relaxed. After it came down, maybe Yixiang just went out to do errands as said.

"Ma'am, are you going to rest now?" The sudden voice shocked Bao Xiruo, but she didn't yell immediately. After all, she was born in Jianghu and experienced so many things. Bao Xiruo calmly scanned around.

In the gentleness, there was a stern voice: "Who is Your Excellency? Don't you know that it is a capital punishment for you to break into this palace? If you retreat to this palace now, it will be treated as if you have never been here before." ?*

?Crack, crack, crack 1

With crisp applause, Bao Xiruo looked at this handsome man who seemed to appear out of nowhere, and couldn't help but blushed. Of course it didn't mean that Bao Xiruo fell in love with Su Chu. This is when a woman sees a man, just like a man sees a beautiful woman. Yixiang is a natural reaction.

It is very common and very common!

But Bao Xiruo immediately calmed down, and said solemnly: "Who are you, sir?" &

Of course, Bao Xiruo has understood some of the inside story of the palace over the years, and he understands that the entire palace is full of experts, especially around him is full of all kinds of guards, but these people are not even qualified to warn, and they have no There was a slight smell of blood, obviously they didn't know the whole extra person in their room.

"I'm Su Chu, compared to the princess, I don't feel confused about my name." Su Chu said softly.

Bao Xiruo narrowed his eyes, not only was he not puzzled, but he was very familiar with it, because Bao Xiruo found out that the person in front of him was the original man of those women that his husband had found for his son, Bao Xiruo was full of thoughts Immediately understood what happened, and said with a smile: "So this time, Mr. Su is here for revenge?" &

"No! Mu Su Chu shook his head, and before Bao (getting the money Zhao) could relax, he continued: "Your son has already fallen into my hands. It is undeniable that the entire palace is indeed heavily guarded, but if I want to go in and out, but no one can stop me.&

"Are you too arrogant, sir?" Bao Xiruo almost fell down when he heard Su Chu's words, but he still said firmly, but cold sweat had already formed between his brows.

Su Chu just shook her head, and was not in a hurry to refute, and continued: "The purpose of my coming this time is to take you away, Wangfei. As for the person who asked me to do this, Wangfei is probably familiar with you."

"Could it be that Bao Xiruo is so smart that he understood something instantly.

?? Yes, it is Yang Tiexin. Su Chu carefully observed Bao Xiruo's expression, and then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: Sure enough, things are developing in an interesting direction!

Bao Xiruo narrowed his eyes, not only was he not puzzled, but he was very familiar with it, because Bao Xiruo found out that the person in front of him was the original man of those women that his husband had found for his son, Bao Xiruo was full of thoughts Immediately understood what happened, and said with a smile: "So this time, Mr. Su is here for revenge?" &

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