However, such a lineup is not common in Quanzhen Sect. In Su Chu's eyes, the Quanzhen Seven Sons are just seven wastes, and they are nothing. Wang Chongyang's cultivation level can be said to be the best in the world. What’s more, it wouldn’t be like this if I taught the seven disciples carefully, so the matter is very interesting. Is it because Wang Chongyang didn’t teach or I, Wang Chongyang, taught seven students and didn’t understand, or there are some other mishaps.

"Your Quanzhen sect is very interesting! ** Su Chu looked at Qiu Chuji approaching from the sky and smiled.

Quanzhen swordsmanship is very pure like the most fundamental Taoist swordsmanship, but there is a very strong aura contained in the pure martial arts. It is a kind of aura that is like a general charging forward, and no one can stop it .

"Things seem to be getting more and more interesting."


A crisp voice sounded, Qiu Chuji looked at Su Chu in horror and didn't even move, but no matter how he found it, no matter how much he had done, he couldn't make any progress when the BMW was three feet away from Su Chu. It seems that here and there are like the horizon.

"Is your attack over?" W Su Chu asked with a smile.

"Looking for death! Qiu Chuji's face flushed red, and he roared furiously. At this moment, Qiu Chuji looked like a Daoist real person, with three flowers blooming on his head. The five qi gathered together, and one palm fell. The palm created by Wang Chongyang imitated the state of three flowers gathered at the top of the Taoist legend, which is extremely powerful.

& boring! &

Slightly flicking his sleeves, the next moment Qiu Chuji felt an indescribable or even unspeakable terrifying power coming towards him, and he flew out of control uncontrollably.

touch, touch, touch,

The figure of Qiu Chuji who smashed three big trees in a row barely stopped, stepped on the void, and then landed firmly on the ground, looking like a f!The hair was not damaged, but a mouthful of blood spurted out the next moment, and the whole person knelt on the ground on one knee.

"Do you still think you are strong?" Su Chu shook her head disdainfully

Huang Rong even said mockingly: "So this is the apprentice taught by the so-called number one in the world, Wang Chongyang?"Just these two times, even my dad can completely defeat you with just a few simple instructions. It seems that my dad should be the first in the ranking of the five masters back then. &

"Dongxie back then was indeed not the opponent of Zhong Shentong, or the other four masters teamed up were not the opponent of Wang Chongyang, who had great innate skills back then. 930 & Su Chu interrupted Huang Rong's taunt, and explained the facts lightly.

Huang Rong's face was flushed red, and she roared like a cat whose tail had been trampled on, "Hey!Who the hell are you with?Why do you keep tearing down my desk? &

"No, I'm just explaining a fact." Su Chu smiled.

"So you are the daughter of Huang Yaoshi's evil generation, and the witch is indeed a witch. Hmph, the people who are with the witch are probably not good people." Qiu Chuji wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and stood up, sneering.

"Looking for death!" Although Huang Rong said so, she didn't intend to do anything at all, and looked at Su Chu as if you should do it quickly.

"You!" Su Chu smiled and shook her head.

The palm was raised slightly, and the emerald green light slowly emerged from Su Chu's palm, and that invisible force rose even more, and in the next moment, dozens of leaves turned into sickles for harvesting life Disappeared between heaven and earth.

"Eh! & Qiu Chuji only had time to react, and the next moment his arms were already away from him.

"Here comes another person! Today is really a lively day, robbers, Taoists, and now another beggar! &.

Chapter 34: Northern Beggar Hong Qigong

Chapter 34: Northern Beggar Hong Qigong

"Beggar? Could it be that Huang Rong's complexion suddenly became heavy. Although she doesn't like it and doesn't want to admit it, Huang Rong can't deny that Su Chu's strength is indeed at the level of Wujue, or even higher. But Su Chu became a little dignified.

That is to say, the person who came was definitely no less than Su Chu, and from Su Chu's tone, it could be heard that he was a beggar, and what kind of beggar could save someone from Su Chu's hands, Huang Rong didn't even think about it. As long as you are not an idiot, you can guess, isn't that the Northern Beggar Hong Qigong?

A beggar appeared not far away, holding Qiu Chuji who was seriously injured in his hand. His clothes were full of patches, but they were washed clean, and a long emerald green stick was pinned to his waist. Looking at the long stick, Su Chu's eyes revealed a look of reminiscence, what a dog-beating stick!

"Little brother has to be forgiving and forgiving. Even if there is something wrong with this little brat, there is no need to hurt people's lives, right?" Hong Qigong laughed.

"Senior Hong, this villain colluded with the Peach Blossom Island witch, but it was Qiu Chuji who pointed at Su Chu, but it was the villain who first sued.


With one palm, he slashed at the back of Qiu Chuji's neck with a hand knife, and placed the unconscious Qiu Chuji far away. Hong Qigong probed softly, and his right hand with only four fingers left gently scratched his head. , There was a look of helplessness and nostalgia on his face.

Hong Qigong of that era had seen Wang Chongyang's peerless demeanor, but he never thought that Wang Chongyang's descendants would become such a person. Hong Qigong naturally fell into his eyes for everything just now. Of course Hong Qigong knew what happened.

But Hong Qigong couldn't help it. Except for Huang Yaoshi who walked alone back then, Ouyang Feng didn't belong to the righteous way. Whether it was Hong Qigong or Master Yideng, they all received the favor of Wang Chongyang, and they all received Wang Chongyang's favor in martial arts. Chongyang's guidance.

This is a favor, and it is worthless to some people in Jianghu, but it is extremely important to some people, especially in martial arts, and Hong Qigong obviously It belongs to the latter.

So Hong Qigong had to take action, even if he knew that his action had violated his principles.

"The Quanzhen Sect is no longer the Quanzhen Sect when Wang Chongyang was alive. Even so, do you still want to protect Qiu Chuji?" Su Chu looked at Hong Qigong and said quietly.

In fact, Su Chu is also very curious about the world's cultivation level. Hong Qigong's cultivation level is clear to himself. In the early stage of the peerless world, that is to say, the five masters of the world of eagle shooting and the five masters of the world of divine sculpture should be in the realm of peerless, such His strength is higher than the legend of Chu Liuxiang.

However, Su Chu felt that Hong Qigong’s aptitude was clearly inferior to that of Emperor Ye Hou Ye and others. In the end, Su Chu could only find out helplessly that this might be caused by the gap in the world. This kind of world might be a pig made in a day. Five hundred push-ups can become a master!

Pulling out the big red gourd on his back, he took a sip of wine, Hong Qigong laughed and said: "Little girl, how is your father doing now?" &

Although Hong Qigong is a typical upright person, he can even boast that he has never killed a person who should not be killed in his life, but is there really a so-called change of killing or a person who should not be killed in the world?But no matter what it is, Hong Qigong is definitely a qualified hero, and both good and evil in the world respect him exceptionally.

Although they are enemies with Ouyang Feng, they are friends no matter whether they are Huang Yaoshi or Master Yideng. Although they are enemies with Ouyang Feng, they can be regarded as friendship.

"Trouble Qi Gong, Daddy is always good." Huang Rong clasped her fists very respectfully.

Huang Rong is a person who knows how to advance and retreat. Don't look at Su Chu who seems to be fighting, but in fact they are strictly abiding by the bottom line. People like Hong Qigong may not be able to raise any ideas except respect. Because Hong Qigong's actions can only be respected.

This is also why in the period of Shendiao, all the people above the martial arts conference elected the leader of the martial arts alliance and Hong Qigong was elected.

"That's good, I haven't seen these old friends for a long time." Hong Qigong laughed loudly: "Little brother, I don't know if I can give the old beggar a thin face and let this little Taoist priest go?"

Hong Qigong's attitude was very low. He understood that if he wanted to save Qiu Chuji this time, he had to sacrifice his face and show his own attitude. Hong Qigong knew about this from the beginning to the end. Yes, now that you know it, you know that Su Chu is on the rational side from the beginning to the end.

Hong Qigong is very clear about the bet between Qiu Chuji and the Jiangnan Seven Monsters. It is too easy for the disciples of the beggar gang to inquire about things all over the world, so he also knows the relationship between Qiu Chuji and the Jin Dynasty. The folk girl even said that Hong Qigong knew the secret back then. To put it bluntly, Yang Kang completely inherited Wanyan Honglie's situation, and the woman in the match was about to grab his hands.

?Do you feel that your woman is missed by others, and you may give up? & Su Chu's voice is very flat, or indifferent, without any emotion, like a lifeless ice cube.

"Hey" Hong Qigong sighed softly: "It seems that I still have to see the truth, old beggar, I owe a big favor to Wang Chongyang back then. I don't know if this thing can be done or not." must do

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