Obedience (Good Nuo Zhao) orders. As soon as this remark came out, the face of the woman in yellow shirt changed, and seven jade female guards emerged, encircling Zhou Zhiruo in the middle of the seven-section array of real martial arts.

The woman in the yellow shirt glanced at the Seven Girls, and said with a little surprise: "I didn't expect that the Seven Houtian juniors could hide from me. This is Wudang's real martial arts seven-section array. It's interesting, interesting. It seems that Chief Su has many others." There are only two kinds of people who know my secret. "Su Chuxie laughed! The girl in yellow said softly: What two kinds of people?

Su Chu's figure seemed to disappear out of thin air. Before she reappeared, she was only one step away from the woman in yellow shirt. She smiled lightly and said, "One is a dead person, and the other is my woman. I don't know which one you will be?.

In response to Su Chu's lightly smiling smile, the yellow-shirted woman said softly: I will be the third type.

Chapter 55

Chapter 55: Yang Qian(


Hulong chant mixed with the gust of wind whizzed through the air, the golden long dragon exuded a terrifying aura, and the snarling claws and fangs seemed to be able to tear apart everything between heaven and earth, and when the wind blowing from the other side It is cold, bitingly cold, and one cannot help but be terrified, because it is full of desolation, and its name is sad!.

Drink. With a soft drink, the strength erupted by the seven jade female guards was not weaker than that of Xiantian at this moment. They tightly blocked the air wave that was only on the edge, and protected Zhou Zhiruo who was in the air wave.

Zhou Zhiruo said softly: All sisters, I'm sorry Zhiruo is too weak.

The leading lady guard said gently: "Miss, you don't need to apologize, our lives belong to the leader, and you are the only disciple of the leader, even if it is for you, it is justified to sacrifice your life."

The conversation between the two parties naturally fell into Su Chu's ears. The corner of Su Chu's mouth curled up, and the surge of true energy increased by three points. He easily broke the offensive of the yellow-shirted girl, and made the yellow-shirted girl instantly Dissipated in place like a shadow, and the tentative attack stopped.

Spiral Nine Shadows?' Su Chu looked at the shadows of the nine women in yellow shirts that appeared out of nowhere, and looked towards the pool.

The figure of the girl in the yellow shirt emerged from the water surface, obviously unable to focus on it, but the girl in the yellow shirt easily stood on the surface of the water, swept past Zhou Zhiruo and the jade girl guard and said softly: "Your apprentice seems to be a very heavy-hearted person. people.

Su Chu smiled and said, "Won't a woman who wants to be a fairy feel heavy?"

The woman in the yellow shirt asked, "Aren't you afraid that she will grow up to bite you back?" Shaking his head, Su Chu said silently: If the disciples I cultivated by Su Chu can defeat me, defeat me, or even kill me, I will Su Chu can only feel proud, because the way of the warrior proves that my choice is correct, my apprentice walks in front of me, not to mention that Zhiruo will never be such a person, it seems that you are very confident?. Huang Shirt Girl asked.

Nodding his head, Su Chu said: "Of course, my apprentice, I am the number one yin and yang disciple, of course I have enough self-confidence." With the power of yin and yang in your body, it seems that you want to show the glory of the yin and yang family. "The girl in yellow looked at Su Chu, but she was full of disdain.

Under the traces of history, except for Taoism and the Ru family, none of the schools of thought really survived. Even the farmers changed their names and changed their surnames to become the Beggars’ Gang?

Su Chu said indifferently: "Whether you are arrogant or not is not up to you, but up to me, but it seems that even if you are a descendant of the Yang family, you haven't practiced to the extreme with this set of sad ** palms.

The face of the woman in yellow shirt changed.

Su Chu continued to suffer:. This set of dejected palms must have experienced the pain of lovesickness, but how can you experience the pain of lovesickness if you don't even have feelings?.

The girl in yellow shirt was cold:. This is not a trouble to help you, is it? The descendant of Yang Guo and Xiaolongnv, Yang Qian!" Su Chu suddenly said this very plain name.

But the woman in the yellow shirt changed her complexion and said coldly, "Who the hell are you? How do you know my name?".

How do I know your name? Of course this jade pendant told me. "Su Chu raised his right hand as he spoke, and a delicately carved jade pendant appeared in Su Chu's hand, a dazzling brilliance appeared in it, and following the light, it was carved with the word Yang Qian.

How is it possible?. The yellow-shirted woman is wrong. Yang Qian naturally touched her Yuexiong mouth, and then she was horrified to find that the jade pendant that was always worn on her neck and treated as her life had disappeared.

Give me back!

With an angry shout, Yang Qian, except for the spiral nine shadows, her hands were clawed, tearing through the air like a pair of sharp claws, but there was no gloomy atmosphere at all, but it was full of the ethereal atmosphere of beings and immortals. An impermanent breath.

It is a magical skill, the Nine Yin God Claw, which is recorded in the Nine Yin Scriptures. This is not the Nine Yin White Bone Claw practiced by those two Taohua Island traitors.

Jiuyin White Bone Claw is an evil martial art practiced by Huang Chang's enemy, and Jiuyin God Claw is a real martial art created by Huang Chang who thinks that Jiuyin White Bone Claw is too sinister. One of the principles of this martial art, Huang Chang also created the Destroying God Claw to specifically restrain the Nine Yin God Claw and the Nine Yin White Bone Claw.

Second, ask for flowers...

Finally, it did it! Su Chu did not resist with a hook at the corner of his mouth, but stood motionless on the spot.

Yang Qian is not an idiot, although she doesn't know Su Chu's use, but this situation does not allow her to stop temporarily, Yang Qian's claw fell, Su Chu didn't hide, but the terrible claw force followed Su Chu's The body is guided into the ground, which is the power of the Great Teleportation of the Universe.

Su Chu smiled: "It seems that the Nine Yin God Claw is nothing more than that, or the user is too weak. I can't beat me even if I stand here. I am looking for death! . The face is cold, Yang Qian is different from a fairy at this moment but Like a cold witch, her hands exude different auras, the Nine Yin God Claw on the left, and the Destroying God Claw on the right.

Su Chu raised her hand and intertwined her hands. Immediately afterwards, Yang Qian found that her body danced with the palm like a painting, as if she was out of control, and Tai Chi emerged again. Su Chu said lightly:' The predecessors planted trees and the descendants took advantage of the shade. Zhiran palms, nine yin scriptures, left and right fighting skills plus the original martial arts of the ancient tomb school are really good, but it's a pity that they are not good but useless. It's not your turn Tube. "It's a pity that even if Yang Qian used all the zhenqi in her body, she couldn't get out of Su Chu's hand, instead she was getting tighter and tighter, and her whole body was already stuck in front of Su Chu's body.

Ding dong! The host of Jixi has deduced the Book of Yao Gong Nine Yin Scripture through the Nine Yin God Claw, please accept...

Su Chuhuihui was distracted by the sudden voice in his head and the influx of information.

Great opportunity! Yang Qian seized this momentary opportunity, turned her claws into palms, and landed two soft and white palms on Su Chu's Yuexiong mouth.

PS: Today's normal update is the last one, and the next step is to add updates!.

Chapter 56 Is All Mine!

Chapter 56: It's all mine!

Yang Qian knelt with a cruel and confident smile. The heart-destroying palm in the Nine Yin Manual is a martial art with extremely high damage. It is similar to the Qishang Quan, which specifically injures internal organs. No one has ever been able to hit her with these two blows. Xin Zhang can survive, even Zhang Sanfeng.

It's a pity that Yang Qian's self-confidence was broken at the next moment, and the ground under Su Chu's feet suddenly turned into powder, but Su Chu was unscathed and smiled with a trace of emblem: "Miss Yang can't help it." Throw yourself in your arms and give them a hug?

Looking at her hands, Yang Qian was instantly stunned. Immediately afterwards, Yang Qian's face froze, and the big acupoints all over her body were instantly sealed by Su Chu. After the initial surprise, Yang Qian had calmed down.

The Nine Yin Manual is worthy of the title of Tiangong Collection, it contains many martial arts to the core, no matter it is any martial arts, Erqi, any move seems to be able to find the corresponding in it, naturally it will not fall on this acupuncture point method.

In fact, the acupuncture method recorded in the Nine Yin Manual is very powerful, but it suddenly failed in front of Su Chu today.

Looking at Su Chu in disbelief, Yang Qian ran it again in disbelief, but the final result was still invalid, and the acupuncture point solution was invalid!

The corner of his mouth curled up, and Su Chu said: "You don't need to try Yang Qian. The acupoint solution method recorded in the Nine Yin Manual is indeed a good method, but I didn't simply seal your acupoints, but infused people with true energy." Your acupoints are completely blocked in your acupoints, by the way, don’t mess with your true energy! Otherwise, what will happen, but no one will know...

Yang Qian, who was going to think that her true energy would break through her acupoints, didn't dare to move for a moment. After this short fight, Yang Qian already understood that at the beginning, it was just Su Chu playing with her. Compared with her strength, she already He is an expert at the Dao Breaking Realm, and Su Chu gave way to Su Chu who was able to fight Su Chu for such a long time as a mere Void Breaker.

Yang Qian is not weak, she is even three points stronger than Dongfang Bai, but the real life-and-death battle between the two is definitely Dongfang Baigao, without him Yang Qian's combat experience is too weak.

The battle was over. Zhou Zhiruo had already come over under the protection of the Jade Maiden Guards. Zhou Zhiruo looked at Yang Qian curiously and said: "Master, can you get what you want if you catch this sister?"

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