"They are members of the Church of Time."

"People from the church?"

When Kotori heard that, she looked at the five humans in surprise.

Time Church, this term is very familiar.Because when she first entered this copy, the church where the girl met Apel was the Church of Time.

At the same time... this church also believes in the Goddess of Time.

In other words, the following people are a group of followers of Apel.

"Calm down first." Kotori waved her hand, signaling the surrounding elves to temporarily put down their weapons and hostility.

At the same time, the girl tapped the branch with her toes, jumped down from the big tree, and landed in front of the unknown human like a feather.


The five humans immediately took a step back and put on a defensive posture.The originally relaxed expression suddenly became extremely dignified, and his face was also full of vigilance.

Compared with elves who can see through their strength at a glance, Qin Li who suddenly appeared in front of their eyes is like a bottomless abyss. No matter how they use their perception to detect each other's strength, they can't see even a tiny bit of it. !

It must be an extremely powerful existence, and it is completely different from these elves!

Most importantly, they didn't even notice the slightest movement of Kotori's arrival, which made their foreheads sweat faintly.

An idea popped up in my mind:

If the red-haired girl didn't appear in front of me just now, but appeared behind me and the others to launch a sneak attack... there must be no one on my side who can reflect it!

"What are you doing here?"

Looking at the tense appearance of these people, Kotori was not interested in chatting with them, so she simply said straight to the point:

"This is the secret realm of the elves, not a place you can break into casually."

It's fine if they are strangers, but these are still Apel's followers.And since they are believers of Aipel, it is the correct way to let them stay away from this disputed land earlier, and it can be regarded as a good relationship.

Probably because of Kotori's non-hostile words, they relaxed their vigilance a little.After a moment of silence, one of the men in armor whispered:

"We are not coveting the elves, we just want to find someone."

"Looking for someone?" Kotori blinked suspiciously.

Immediately, a trance suddenly appeared in my heart.

"Are you looking for Epel?"


To Kotori's surprise, these five people didn't seem to know the meaning of the name.They just looked at each other, speechless.

"Epel... who is it?"

Kotori couldn't help twitching the corners of her mouth when she saw their dumbfounded looks.

Could it be that I was thinking wrong, these people didn't come to look for Aipel?

And when the atmosphere was at a stalemate, Aipel lightly landed beside Kotori, stroked the hem of her skirt with her hand, and looked at the five humans calmly.


To Kotori's surprise, the moment they saw Aipel, the five people's eyes widened instantly, as if they had seen some shocking truth, they opened their mouths wide and did not close them for a long time.

"That's rude." Epper whispered in a calm tone.

As soon as the words fell, the five people suddenly threw away their respective weapons as if struck by lightning, knelt down on one knee with a plop, buried their heads firmly, and said in a very solemn voice:

"Your Majesty the Goddess!"

Such a scene made the elves who were always on guard all the time dumbfounded, and then they gradually put down their weapons and retreated slowly.

They also know that these human beings just want to find Aipel, the goddess of time.

Friend rather than foe.

On the contrary, Kotori was quite surprised by this sudden change in the situation.

You must know that Aipel should not have disclosed his information and identity to other people in the past, and these five powerful people should not exist in Astair City.

Could it be an old friend that Epel knew before?

While Kotori was thinking, Aipel slightly raised his hand to signal the people in front of him to stand up.


Then, under their eyes mixed with excitement, complexity, and joy, he slowly opened his mouth and said:

"Who is it? I don't seem to know you."


The faces of the five people who were still smiling suddenly froze, and they looked at the calm Epel speechlessly.

And Aipel, who said hurtful words unconsciously, didn't seem to have the slightest bit of guilt, but tilted his head in doubt.

"Bad guy?"


The expressions of the five people changed several times.

In the end, it turned into a long sigh, and hung his head in disappointment.

"Sure enough, it has become like this now..."




Chapter 787 Mission and Future

The originally tense atmosphere suddenly became subtle.

The elf guards have returned to their respective posts to patrol, and only Kotori, Aipel, and the five humans who seem to be members of the Church of Time are left at the entrance and exit.

It's just that compared to those fanatics who wept with joy after seeing the gods they believed in, the expressions of these five people in front of them now seem quite helpless and disappointed.

In fact, you can understand it if you think about it in another way.

Although I don't know why these five people can be sure that Apel is the goddess of time, but there is no doubt... what is shown in front of them now is just a very young and immature little girl.

Although the clergy short robe on her tender body is a little dignified and beautiful, which can hardly conceal her immature temperament, but it is simply not comparable to those mighty gods.It doesn't matter if Epel is just a nun in the church, or even a saint.

However, Aibel is the real and true goddess herself.

This makes people who are believers see it, and they will naturally feel the delicate mood.

The noble goddess I believe in is actually a little girl with no hair. Such a contrast is really unacceptable.What's more, Epel's sentence just now, 'Who are you? ', the unintentional destructive power is even more full, and the fanatical faith in these people's hearts was extinguished at once.

"What an idiot..." Kotori couldn't help but sigh softly.

"Cough cough..."

But for these five people, Epel is still the noble goddess they love and love, even if the appearance is completely different from what they imagined in the past, even the difference is too huge.It is due respect that still needs to be maintained.

So after coughing twice, the leading middle-aged man tightened his resolute face and said in a heavy tone:

"Since we have found the traces of Her Majesty the Goddess, can I invite Her Majesty to go to the headquarters of the church to accept the worship and worship of the people?"

"Yes, Your Majesty the Goddess." Another mature woman wearing a mage's robe knelt down on the ground and said devoutly: "We have already noticed the fall of Her Majesty the Goddess decades ago. We were in a state of panic, but we soon discovered... Her Majesty seemed to have anticipated this a long time ago and was prepared to deal with it. Our Church of Time is able to survive to this day, and even the news of Her Majesty's fall It didn't spread."

It was so...

Kotori looked at the profile of Aipel Furui Mubo with a little surprise, but she didn't expect that when she was a goddess, she had already anticipated the future of her impending fall, and had already made proper arrangements for everything afterwards.

It stands to reason that the fall of a god will not only lead to chaos in the world's rules, but also cause the church that believes in her to fall apart, and the believers' faith will be shattered, and they will turn to seek other gods' beliefs.

But Epel used some unknown means to avoid that tragic end.Even if she falls, the authority and clergy she holds still remain in the Kingdom of God, and Aipel herself, who dutifully replaces her, is running.

Even if the goddess who symbolizes time disappears, all time counters in the world still exist.

This is why the Goddess of Time is dead, but the Church of Time still exists in the world, and even today it still maintains a certain scale.

Because there are not many people who know that the Church of Time has existed in name only, and it is just a large organization spread all over the continent.And the only thing left of them...maybe that they have accumulated thousands of years of heritage and talents, and they are still alive.

"As long as Her Majesty returns to the headquarters of the church, the declining church will regain its brilliance! As a goddess in the past, even if you were a supreme saint and queen in the world, it would be enough to shock all the bishops and bring the church back to life." All the strength and hearts of the people are all twisted into one, and we will work together to achieve great things in the future!"

What they said was very solemn and heroic, and the expressions on their faces were not fake.

Assuming that they have quite a few guts, they don't dare to use their brains against Aipel, who has lost his divine power now.Even if the gods lost their divine power, they still had means unimaginable to mortals like them. If they acted rashly, they would only end up in the end. The people of these churches should not be so stupid.

They should really want to implore Epel to return to the church headquarters as soon as possible, and take over the supreme authority of the church, so as to make the church flourish and become the most powerful church organization in the material world.

But after a short pause, there was a trace of uneasiness on the faces of these people.

Because Epel just watched them, and didn't say a single word during the period.The originally slightly relaxed atmosphere suddenly froze again, making them even more entangled in their hearts.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, please rest assured that even if you are in charge of the entire church, we will not shirk the heavy work to you. You can even enjoy your life in the world as before, without worrying about small things."

"You will become the pillar and spokesperson of our church, but you will not become a prop in our hands. Our pious heart...even if time passes by, it has not been stained in the slightest!"

After speaking, they bowed their heads deeply.

Seeing this, Kotori nodded slightly, as if she had realized the sincerity and belief in their hearts.

The young girl's vision of seeing people is still very accurate, at least these five people came here sincerely and did not have any crooked thoughts.Even if Aipel followed them to the Church of Time and something happened, these five people would become Aipel's loyal guards to ensure her safety.

If Epel leaves just now, Kotori will not say anything.After all, it is still unknown whether there will be sudden changes in the face of strange enemies like the Lord of Time, and it is a wise choice to leave this dangerous place with these people.

After all, Aipel and himself have only known each other for a few days, and they are not considered life-and-death friends who can be entrusted with their lives.Her path is ultimately her choice.

So Kotori just stood aside quietly as a bystander, without opening her mouth to interfere with Apel's thinking.

But soon, after a long silence, Apel finally opened his mouth.

"You guys, please go back."

"..." The faces of the five people who had just smiled suddenly changed.

"Why, why!? Your Majesty, our church..."

"After all, the Church of Time was established by you alone, and I will not intervene between you. And I also have my own mission that needs to be resolved."

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