Thinking that the other party is obviously a goddess, but she looks like an ordinary girl.Kotori couldn't help but have a certain guess in his mind.

Maybe...the other party has some kind of huge defect or hidden injury in her body, which made her into the current posture of being powerless.

In return... Kotori decided to help her.

But the result of the help in the end was... like a never-ending black hole, continuously devouring the healing flames, showing no sign of stagnation.Just looking at Epel's increasingly weird expression, Kotori also felt faint sweat on his forehead.

God knows that the Healing Flame will have such a strange expression on her body!

People who don't know think they have done something obscene to her!

But now that the arrow is on the string and has to be fired, the girl can only pretend to be calm and maintain a poker face, pretending to be a saint who stays out of the matter and has no desires and desires, and puts all her heart on treatment.


Kuangsan, who was still in a daze, was suddenly awakened by a coquettish groan. She looked down, only to find that Aipel had rolled her eyes faintly at this moment, and the intense stimulation had already made her lose her mind. , glistening saliva dripped down.The originally pale face was completely covered with blush, and the robe was soaked with sweat, outlining the unique delicate curves of the girl's body.

"Five, Miss Wuhe...this little goddess girl seems to be about unable to hold on."

Kurumi reminded with a little embarrassment.

"I...I know..." Kotori's tone was extremely heavy.

"Soon...I'm almost filling her up...!"

Of the two intertwined, one was talking nonsense in a serious manner, and the other had a blissful expression as if he had ascended to heaven. This extreme contrast really made Kuang San almost lose his composure and make complaints.

This... Could it be that my thoughts are too filthy?

Kuang San couldn't help but hold his forehead, the expression on his face was rather helpless.Suddenly, he felt respect for Nero who had been following Kotori.

And after a while, Aipel seemed to have reached some kind of beautiful and supreme blissful state, his back was arched high, and his slender neck like a swan was raised.Ten fingers clenched tightly, his whole body trembled like a convulsion, and his mouth opened, as if his soul trembled in unison:



Silver-gray light suddenly shot out from her body!

Qinli's expression changed suddenly, before she could take back her right hand that was attached to her back, she was thrown into the air, and she staggered and stopped after flying upside down for nearly a hundred meters.


Looking at the strange energy entangled in his hand like a rotten tarsus, Kotori looked at Epel not far away with a slightly dignified expression.

However, the scene that the girl was vigilant against did not appear. The goddess who suddenly burst out with terrifying energy seemed to have lost consciousness, and she fell limply on the ground.

Not far away, Kuang San, who was also on guard, even lightly touched Aipel's body with a weapon, but was dumbfounded to find that... Although Her Majesty the goddess is still awake, her whole body is so soft that she can even move a finger It's over, I can only stare at Kuang San with watery eyes as a weak resistance.

"So what's the situation now?"

Kuang San's shoulders collapsed and he let out a long sigh.

For the first time, she discovered that... sometimes she couldn't keep up with other people's pace.



Blade change (256/263)

Thanks for the support of 100 blades who are not interested in fighting~~

Thanks for the support of 100 blades in Lianzhangyingluo の Kotori~~


Chapter 751 The reason

Some time has passed since the previous quarrel.

During this period, as if some kind of confinement had been released, the different space constructed by Apel began to gradually fill with bright light, dispelling the heavy darkness, and at first glance it looked like the pure white space of the main god's space Like the scenery, it becomes extremely transparent and bright.

The two sides who were still fighting against each other sat down calmly for the time being, staring at each other in this different space, and the atmosphere seemed a bit dull.

Kotori and Kuangsan were easy to talk about, and they didn't suffer any injuries.For Kotori, the mysterious power that erupted suddenly from the goddess back then can be dispelled directly by drawing out a trace of sublimated spiritual power.

As for the goddess herself... she managed to recover from the embarrassing and weird state before, and her face returned to the cold and calm before.

It's just that she, who is sitting in the chair now, is a little restless secretly.The legs hidden under the robe were tightly clamped, and it seemed that there was still some aftertaste, which made it difficult for her heart full of ripples to calm down.

"Cough cough..."

So in the end, Kotori cleared her throat and took the lead in breaking the awkward atmosphere.

"I'm sorry, Goddess Epel, what we did before was too reckless and disrespectful."

"But please also Goddess can believe... we didn't come here with evil intentions."

Kuangsan also saw the right moment, and explained his intentions.

Of course, it didn't directly bring out the things related to the main god's space, but explained it in terms of the identity of the brave.For the people in this dungeon... the people from another world are not so far away.As a goddess, Epel must be more clear.

Some of these are talented people with extraordinary talents. It is not so uncommon to be able to see through her inner essence directly through the naked eye or perception... right?

After listening to the ins and outs of what Kotori and Kuangsan said, Aipel's originally calm face suddenly became a little subtle.

So... the previous conflict was actually because I was too sensitive on my side?

"But why... attack me."

Epel still seemed a little unhappy about this.

After all, it was Kuang San who made the first move, and she didn't even have time to react!

"In such a remote place, a god suddenly appeared in my line of sight, no matter how you think about it, it's a bit strange? I just couldn't bear curiosity and tried it out..."

When Kuang San said this, he couldn't help showing a very guilty look, lowered his eyebrows, and fully expressed the remorse and guilt in his heart in the next words.

This extremely pious gesture of apology finally made Aipel's complexion slightly better.Although it can't be said that they forgive the rude behavior of the two before, but they won't be entangled any more.

What's more... She didn't suffer any big losses, but she recovered a little bit of strength by accident.

Thinking of this, Aipel couldn't help but glanced at Kotori, but the moment the two eyes met, she felt as if she had been electrocuted, she trembled slightly, and quickly looked away.

Just a look... It made her involuntarily recall everything that happened just now. Her ugly appearance at that time really made Aipel ashamed to see others.If possible, she really wanted to drive these two girls away, never to see each other again, and bury everything that happened today in her heart, never to think about it again.

Seeing the shame and indignation flashing across the face of the goddess, Kotori scratched her face in embarrassment, and knew in her heart that she couldn't casually bring up the previous incident, so she simply changed the subject.


"Call me Ai Peer, I'm not a goddess now." She took a deep breath and quickly adjusted her mentality back.

But what Apel said made Kotori and Kurumi pay attention.

Not a goddess?

Indeed, she can hardly feel any tyrannical aura from her body, not to mention the divine domain of the sixth domain, and even the extraordinary domain of the fifth domain is far behind.At best, she is just a little girl who knows some strange spells.

If you tell other people that she is a high and mighty goddess, no one will believe it, right?

But... the reminder from the main god space should not be false.Her true identity is by no means the head of a church in a remote town, but the real goddess of time, Apel.

"Did something happen to lead to this state?" Kotori said suddenly.


Obviously, Kotori's words surprised Apel, but after a little thought, one can understand...

"Have you discovered what's happening to me?"

This thoughtless conversation made Kurumi on the side a little puzzled, frowned slightly, and looked at Kotori with a calm face.

"Well, the inside of your body has been observed by me just now."

Kotori didn't have the slightest intention to hide.

Since he wanted to use the Healing Flame to heal the wounds in the opponent's body, he needed to penetrate into her body with mental power to detect it, in order to get better healing effect.At that time, the pitch-black vortex was also crazily absorbing the healing flames, so Kotori was naturally more focused, and checked Apel's body inside and out, just in case.

Because of this, Kotori also got a general idea of ​​the situation in Aipel's body.

"Have you been forcibly sealed and stripped of your godhead in the past?"

As soon as these words came out, Kuang San was slightly startled, and looked at Aipel who was sitting opposite with a surprised expression.

The former goddess' face darkened, as if she had been hit by a pain point that Kotori had said.


"My divine power has already been completely sealed, and the godhead, which is the origin of the god, has also been stripped away. Even the god body has been obliterated and shattered. There is no one left. What remains in the world just an ordinary Just a little girl."

Epel looked down at his hands clenched into his robe, but his expression gradually calmed down.

"I don't know what purpose you two brave men have...but I'm still grateful for you for repairing part of my body."

There is nothing false about this statement.

Although Qinli's series of healing actions just now did not directly heal her completely, the god body that was almost completely shattered seems to have been repaired and infiltrated, and her strength has been restored.

That's why she was able to recover from the limp state just now so quickly.

If she was in an extremely weak state in the previous dungeon... at least she would need to lie in bed for a whole day to recover, right?

You have to know that even now... Aipel can even feel the faint wetness between her legs.

...Ahem, now is not the time to think about such things.Aipel quickly coughed twice, and looked aside with flickering eyes.

In fact, this different space is not a place constructed by some magic... It is an original kingdom of God as a god, blending and connecting with her soul.

Even Epel, who has almost lost everything now, can be forcibly summoned in a life-threatening situation, and the enemy will be besieged in it.

It's a pity that this temple is now tangible and intangible, and all the power in the Kingdom of God cannot be displayed.

Otherwise, she wouldn't be in such a mess when facing Kotori and Kurumi.

But now, she has been able to activate a trace of power in the temple to protect herself.

Epel hesitated in his heart, evaluating whether to wipe out the two people in front of him here.But until the end, she gave up on the idea.

Although there were some misunderstandings and conflicts...but the other party did me a big favor after all.



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