Quadruple split

Chapter 995 Academy City (III)

Mo Tan did not obey the girl's tempting suggestion. On the one hand, at this moment, he did not want to create the slightest misunderstanding or induce the slightest bud. Moreover, when he was a 'Black Brahma', it was already out of control. With the lessons from the past that are almost hopeless, 'Mo' will naturally try his best to 'avoid suspicion' in any sensitive or suspected sensitive situation, especially when the other party is Ji Xiaoge, after all, his lethality is there.

As for another reason, it was the girl in front of her who had an elegant and completely devoid of shyness that could have turned the suggestion into a joke.

Having known each other for such a long time, Mo Tan would not mistakenly think that the beautiful girl in front of him was the kind of weird, silly and sweet girl with a shockingly low awareness of self-protection. In fact, no matter from the few gatherings in reality, , or based on the analysis of their interactions in the game for the past six months, Mo Tan has always believed that Ji Xiaoge is the one who has the best control over the concepts of 'distance' and 'property' among his acquaintances.

Of course, the premise is to exclude himself. After all, as a senior mentally ill, Mo Tan has long been a master in terms of social standards. Even with the least determined 'absolutely neutral' personality, in most cases He is also quite an expert.

All in all, in Mo Tan's eyes, Ji Xiaoge's attitude towards everyone around him is just right, no matter how intimate he can be with whom, what kind of jokes he can make with whom, or who he needs to keep a little distance with. This girl almost achieved the ultimate in keeping a distance that would not cause misunderstanding.

Therefore, if he guessed correctly, the core reason why Ji Xiaoge initiated a 'hand-holding invitation' to herself was that the girl knew very well that the person in front of her would probably not cooperate with her mischief, and even if this person really dared to hold hands, given that He is a good person and nothing will happen to him...

[Huh, although it’s generally correct, I still feel a little bit uncomfortable. Moreover, I’m stuck with the suspected correct answer I made up in my head. This feels really bad. 】

Mo Tan sighed silently, then walked slowly to Ji Xiaoge's side, ignoring the latter's slender white hand, shrugged and said: "Stop making trouble, hurry up if you want to go out, you will be here in a few days It’ll probably be very busy.”


Ji Xiaoge smiled, then raised his little hand in front of him and patted Mo Tan's shoulder hard, winking and saying, "If you don't want to hold hands, follow me closely."

Mo Tan touched the tip of his nose coquettishly: "I know, I will try my best to avoid losing myself."

"That's good."

The girl stuck out her tongue, then fluttered her wings slightly and wanted to take off, but she hesitated the moment she took off, fell back to the ground, and walked forward at a speed that Mo Tan could easily keep up with. Without looking back he smiled and said: "Let's go."

In this way, the two left the Linyin Inn where they were staying. Relying on Ji Xiaoge's superb sense of direction, which was almost the same as that of a real pigeon, they soon arrived at the bustling area of ​​the outer ring area, which is far south of where they were before. The gate is some distance away, so the crowds are not very crowded, but the various stores around it are even better. Whether it is a water bar with an elegant environment suitable for dating, or a shop selling a variety of products, Motan is almost the best. It took a lot of efforts to drag Ji Xiaoge away from a beauty shop called 'Angel Feather', which specializes in hair brushing, maintenance and dyeing for winged races.

"I just want to take a look! I don't really want to dye my wings into the style of the fallen angel in the night on the poster!"

Ji Xiaoge grumbled and complained, and COS bared his teeth at Mo Tan: "Why do you want to drag her away!"

"Because you don't really want to dye your wings black."

Mo Tan helplessly covered his forehead and said with a dry laugh: "Let me tell you, this kind of shop is very similar to those beauty shops outside the game. As long as you dare to walk in, those enthusiastic teachers Tony will start to give you crazy Amway Depending on your personality, you will probably stand your ground and decline these suggestions for about five minutes. Then you will be confused and ask someone to polish, wax and dye you. Finally, you will apply for a half-year card for several thousand dollars. The gold coins were spent like this.”

Ji Xiaoge's eyes immediately widened: "Thousands of gold coins!?"

"Thousands of gold coins as a base..."

Mo Tan twitched the corner of his mouth, spread his hands and said: "So, although I think you will be very beautiful even if you dye your wings into the [Dark Fallen Angel] style, but if you plan to enjoy shopping next , it’s best not to enter that store yet.”

Ji Xiaoge first subconsciously opened his bag and checked his gold coin balance, then raised his hands and patted his cheek with a 'snap' sound, and said firmly: "Well! I'd better not go yet!"

Mo Tan let out a long sigh of relief. It's not that he has any prejudice against this kind of high-end beauty shop. After all, it is understood that this shop is quite good in terms of service, technology and materials (?), but for today's For Ji Xiaoge, the financial burden of coming here to bake hair once is still too great. Although he doesn't mind helping his friends pay the bill, firstly, the character's financial strength is not very good, and secondly, Ji Xiao Pigeon's character will not allow him to waste his friends' money, so pulling him away is the wisest choice.

"But, having said that..."

Ji Xiaoge suddenly turned to look at his thoughtful partner next to him, and asked curiously: "Mo, isn't this your first time in Academy City? How do you know so clearly?"

Look, the proposition appeared so unexpectedly~

It's obviously just a common question, but for Mo Tan, who has [Chivalry - Honesty] at this moment and must be a good boy who doesn't lie, it is nothing more than a targeted blow that will be irreversible if he is not careful.

Fortunately, Mo Tan had already prepared the draft when he dragged Ji Xiaoge away, so he just smiled and said calmly: "I don't just know you and Cordo when I play this game. Wa, I still have some acquaintances, so I have been told the charging standards of Angel series beauty shops and other information before."

"Well, that's it."

Ji Xiaoge did not doubt that it existed and did not continue to ask further.

Obviously, she had understood the 'acquaintance' in Mo Tan's words to mean someone who was a player like herself and had been cheated a lot in Academy City.

But in fact, although there was no lie in Mo Tan's sentence just now, it fundamentally led the girl's thinking astray from the beginning.

'It's not like I only know you and Cordoba when I play this game. I have some acquaintances.' This sentence sounds like it refers to the 'player' specifically, but in fact it covers the whole situation of 'Mo Tan'. The connections in the entire Innocence are common to both players and NPCs because there are no additional restrictions.

And 'I have been informed of the charging standards of Angel series beauty shops and other information', combined with the previous sentence, it sounds like someone who has been cheated out of a large sum of money is complaining about Mo Tan. In fact, that person is. Diana spent 5,700 gold coins to get a haircut at Angel's Tip. Although she briefly mentioned the amount of money she spent when speaking to Frank Hughes afterwards, 99% of it was full of emotion. When I shyly asked my boyfriend how he felt after changing his look for the first time in his life, the point was not about money at all.

However, Mo Tan used the very misleading rhetoric just now and successfully made Ji Xiaoge come up with another story, successfully avoiding the punishment of [Chivalry-Honesty].

To be honest, this passive skill is really a waste for people like Mo Tan. After all, it is one thing to be unwilling to lie too much when you are a 'mo', but Mo Tan is good at 'talking skills'. But it is also an indisputable fact, so although [honesty] will cause him inconvenience in all aspects, it is difficult to have a positive effect.

If it were anyone else, anyone who could carry this skill for half a year without dying would probably be able to fully improve in the art of language and benefit a lot.

All in all, the two of them left the [Angel] series of beauty and hair salons, which are very famous in several first-tier cities in Guilty Continent, and continued to wander around without any purpose.

In fact, Mo Tan has been to many of these relatively large and prosperous population gatherings, such as Anka Market not far from here, Salamoun, the royal capital of the Violet Empire, and the famous Sangui Zone, where thieves are located The Free City of the Guild Headquarters and the Wanderer Hostel Headquarters, such as the City of Light, the absolute core of the Holy Union, except Anka Market, which is slightly smaller in size, the other several places are not inferior to the school in terms of area and population. Garden City, but the feeling of this place is completely different from other cities.

If you want to put a label on this place, then Academy City is a city full of 'vibrant' and 'tolerant'. It does not have a clear characteristic, but it contains all kinds of people who can only live in specific places most of the time. The things and atmosphere we saw are actually difficult to express in words... If we had to give a summary, then we might say that this is a 'place full of possibilities'.

It is young and mature, worldly and transcendent, and has been nurturing countless possibilities for hundreds of years. Shops that flock here for business opportunities, with a little copper smell but down-to-earth; nobles with high status and scholars full of economics; tourists; Thieves and spies walking at the intersection of black and white; poets who sing about youth, epic poems, love, and everything young people like to hear; pious and humble priests and hurried travelers; these various existences, groups, People are all over the streets and alleys, moving in sync with the city around a single theme.

And the so-called subjects are those young people who account for 60% of the total population of Academy City. No matter who they were in the past or who they will become in the future, they now only have the identity of 'students'... and Individuals who are not considered young.

Before leaving here and leaving Academy City to write their own stories, at this moment they are a piece of music full of vigor and vitality, praising youth.

It is precisely because of this atmosphere that almost no one will be unable to integrate into this city.

"Let's take a look. The freshman exchange meeting between Fairblade Mage Academy and Azure Knight Academy will be held tomorrow evening. Friends who are interested can come to me to get a coupon. After the end, you can also Use coupons and questionnaires to receive a beautiful gift!”

"Everyone, look here, look here. The famous assassin, Mr. Downes Eamon, will come to our Silent Walker Rogue Academy to give a public class at midnight today. In addition to the students of this academy, there are also forty-five places to attend, and each seat only costs 300 Gold coins, only 300 gold coins! We will donate one-third of this fee to the Nightingale Golden Cross Foundation, and please show your love!"

"Schindler General Store has a great opening offer! Please look here, Schindler General Store has a great opening offer! 10% off the entire store, 10% off the entire store!"

"You can't buy one copper coin and you'll suffer! You can't buy one copper coin and you'll be cheated! You can't buy anything for one copper coin! You poor! Poor!"

"Nanyuan Culinary Institute is holding a special chef competition! Nanyuan Culinary Institute, where the legendary chef Harper Ramsay once served as a consultant, is holding a special chef competition! The participation prizes include a set of exquisite kitchen utensils, and registration only costs 5 silver coins , bring your own ingredients, please look here!”

"Buy a book as a gift to my senior! Buy a book as a gift to my senior! The 80% new version of "Revised Edition of the Detailed Explanation of the Third Category of Elements", the 90% new version of "Records of Ecological Research on Yadragon Species", and the 60% new version of "Ellis will help you make up for your lessons" "Nine volumes in total, 70% new "Use Arcane Magic to Make Your Dormitory Neater", 10% new "Using Curses on Boyfriends", buy them all with a 20% discount and give them to graduates!"

"Um, I'm sorry, do you really want to give the book to your senior sister if you buy it?"

"Send it as a gift."

"Uh, may I ask which senior is this?"

"It's me, can you look at me?"

"Ah! How much is the total?"

"Do you want them all? If you want them all, it's 920 gold coins at a 20% discount. I think you look cute, so I'll give you 900 gold coins."

"Okay, okay..."

"Okay, the money is just right, I'll give you the stuff. Let's meet in the empty street the day after tomorrow."

"Empty, empty alley?"

"Well, I just graduated this year, and I'm going back to my hometown to get married the day after tomorrow. Are you a freshman? Remember to see your senior sister off then. We agreed."

"Does it mean sending...sending to senior sister?"

"Yeah, that's it, 'send me off to senior sister', bye!"


A certain unlucky young half-elf stared dumbfoundedly at the retreating figure of the young, beautiful, and well-figured female cat tribe half-orc mage. He stood there blankly holding a large pile of old books, and his whole body turned pale.

"Tsk, tsk, the word "sex" has a knife on its head~"

Ji Xiaoge, who was watching the excitement with his arms folded, smacked his lips, shook his head and said: "Today's young people are really..."

Mo Tan interrupted with some humor: "You are also a young man, don't be so old-fashioned, although this guy is indeed a bit stupid."

"No, by the way, Mo, can you go somewhere with me?"

"Huh? Where do you want to go?"

"That one...the one who yelled very loudly, the chef competition or something...seemed like a lot of fun!"


Chapter 988: End

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