Quadruple split

Chapter 990 After this separation, the world is far apart

Game time PM14:28

Academy City, Outer Ring District, Dongdaemun


Mo Tan in the carriage lazily stretched his body, opened the curtain with his right hand, stretched his left hand towards Liz's smooth and white thighs, and sighed: "Tsk, we're finally here. It's been such a hard journey."


With a face as expressionless as a porcelain doll, wearing a cute maid outfit produced by the Wanderer Hostel in the Free City's Night Zone, the blood seeker with fluffy silver hair, delicate and pretty appearance, forcefully pulled away Motan's claws, and Li Jette Bloodwing frowned, turned to look at her man who was staring out the window and whistling as if nothing had happened, and said lightly: "Please be decent, Master."

"Can't help it, my dear Liz."

Mo Tan shrugged and made a face at Liz: "You should be happy. After all, my behavior just now is an affirmation of your charm from any angle."

"In fact, no matter how you look at your behavior just now..."

Liz stared at the curve of the corner of Mo Tan's mouth with her emotionless blood eyes, and said in a calm tone: "This is harassment of a very bad nature."

Mo Tan smiled and raised his eyebrows and said: "There is no way, everything has two sides. If you insist on speculating from a malicious perspective, I can't do anything about it."

Realizing that the two sides were completely unable to establish a normal conversation, Liz turned her head and gently pulled back her unruly silver hair: "I am not Countess Lesa.

"Of course, I'm very aware of that."

Mo Tan gently held up a strand of hair hanging by Liz's ear and smiled: "Fortunately, I am no longer interested in her, so you don't need to be jealous at all."

Liz did not stop Mo Tan this time, but said calmly: "Since I don't have any good impression of you at all, I won't be jealous."

"Don't say that. As the saying goes, love grows with time. Maybe after a long time, you will slowly understand my true nature."

Mo Tan looked at Liz seriously.

"For your safety, please don't let me know too much about your true nature. Liz may not be able to control herself from beating you every time."

Liz looked seriously at the carriage partition.

"This is what makes you so endearing~"

Mo Tan chuckled lightly, then raised his hand to open the partition in front, and said to the driver in front, that is, the back of Cole's head: "Pull over to the side after entering the city."

The latter immediately replied without hesitation: "Yes, sir."

So, five minutes later, the carriage, which was rented at a very low price and was almost free due to Mo Tan's personal negotiation, stopped on the side of a certain avenue in the outer ring area of ​​Academy City.

"To be honest, the air here is much better than in the Free City~"

Mo Tan, who was the first to jump out of the carriage, sighed, then turned around in a gentlemanly manner, took Liz's little hand, took her out of the carriage, bowed politely and said, "Did you enjoy the journey? , Lady?”

Liz shook her head: "It's boring. The carriage is very crude. It hurts my butt. It's not pleasant at all."

"I can rub it for you."

Mo Tan made a casual comment that the system would not allow. He did not reach for Liz's butt, but took out a piece of paper from his bag and handed it to Cole: "You and Liz will go here for the time being." Settle down at the address and try to move around as little as possible until you hear from me.”

"Okay, sir."

Cole took the note from Mo Tan's hand, glanced at it, folded it and stuffed it into his pocket. This conscientious worker... the young man's memory is very good, although it is slightly inferior to that of Mo Tan. But if his strong sense of direction is taken into account, that glance just now was enough for him to find his destination in a short time.

"By the way, Mr. Cole, you don't have much time left to practice."

Mo Tan patted the young thief in front of him on the shoulder and grinned: "I sincerely hope you have mastered the essence of those two unlucky identities. After all, this is the most important job since you followed me, bar none."

Cole swallowed nervously, nodded vigorously and said, "I won't let you down."

He recalled the 'teachings' his husband had given him in the past few days that were so strict that they almost went against his style of painting. He knew how important the task he was about to shoulder was, and he was already ready to go all out.

"That would be perfect."

Mo Tan nodded, then raised his hand and lightly brushed his face. The face that originally belonged to 'Tan Mo' disappeared, but was replaced by a handsome-looking man, about twenty-five years old. The face is about 10 years old.

‘Frank Hughes’ officially arrived in Academy City.

"Actually, this face is somewhat similar to mine~"

While Mo Tan took out a pair of glasses from his bag and put them on, he chuckled at the two people in front of him and said, "Let me tell you a little trick. As long as glasses are used properly, they can make a dramatic change in a person's temperament. .”

The next moment, Mo Tan, whose eyes were always full of chaos and jest, exuding a weird and evil temperament, disappeared, replaced by a young poet who looked a little dull at first glance, but whose careful words were full of knowledge. Overflowing with enthusiasm and vitality, his soft-lined face is friendly and gentle, and the curve of his mouth is modest and shy. Although he is not the type that can be picked out from the crowd at a glance, he will make people feel like him when he comes into close contact. Like bathing in the spring breeze.

Not to mention Liz, who saw Mo Tan completely wearing Frank's vest for the first time. Even Cole, who had supported Mo Tan in Academy City before and had seen this style of painting more than once, was not only impressed by the huge appearance of her husband before and after. I was shocked by the contrast.

"Go and do your work."

Mo Tan scratched his cheek and whispered instructions as if he was a little uncomfortable with the current atmosphere. Then he smiled shyly at Liz: "If you feel too bored, it's okay to go out for a while to get some fresh air. I'll stay. Some money is there, buy it for yourself if you like it, ah, Cole too."

The maid and attendant nodded blankly.

"Remember to take care of yourself."

Mo Tan smiled with satisfaction, patted Cole on the shoulder, walked up to Liz and stretched out his hand, and in the next second he lowered his arm in embarrassment, touched the tip of his nose and nodded to the latter, and then seemed to run away. He left quickly.

a moment later

It wasn't until Mo Tan's back completely disappeared into the bustling crowd that Liz turned back to look at Cole and said lightly: "I think your master's mental state is very worrying."

"Uh, don't say unnecessary words..."

Cole shook his head with a wry smile and shrugged: "Sir, you must have your own considerations. We just need to do our own thing."

Liz nodded slightly, then frowned and said, "Master, you won't be in danger, right?"

"I don't think anything can trouble sir."

Cole shook his head honestly, and then asked with some surprise: "Wait a minute, Ms. Lidette, have you ever called Mr. 'Master' before? It always sounds a bit awkward."

Liz blinked: "No, because I didn't think the master was as lovable as before."


After a brief silence, Cole rubbed his forehead feebly and murmured in a low voice: "You... better not take it too seriously... Ms. Lidette..."

Liz yawned: "I know Master is just pretending."


"But if he can keep pretending like this in front of Liz and is only good to Liz, maybe Liz won't mind sleeping with him."


"What the hell? You know that's impossible, right? Liz is questioning your intelligence, Mr. Cole."

"Uh...that's right..."

"So to sum up, the master is still a scumbag that no one likes, because the master will not change because of anything. Even if Liz doesn't hate the feeling just now and even thinks it's a little cute, it's useless."

"Ahem, this, maybe, maybe."

"Let's go, Liz is tired and wants to find a place to sleep."

"Well, you can get in the car. The address Mr. gave you is not very far. We'll set off right now."

"Even if you get there, Liz won't sleep with you."

"Stop making trouble..."

"I'm serious, you're not Liz's type."

"Yes, yes, I know, I know, and Ms. Lidette, you are not my type either."

"But maybe Fanye will be willing to sleep with you."

"Stop talking nonsense!"

half an hour later

Game time PM15:18

Academy City Outer Ring, South Gate

Mo Tan, wearing a Frank Hughes vest, stood on the street with his hands behind his hands, staring at the rather large tortoise in the distance with a large amount of luggage on its shell and a person lying on its side with a half-smile, and murmured in a low voice. He said: "What a coincidence. We all arrived at this place on the same day despite not deliberately controlling the schedule. I can't help but praise the fate of that son of a bitch."

Yes, just a few minutes ago, the Wang Wang team, which represented Craftsman Town for this exchange meeting, finally arrived in Academy City. Its specific members are the two great craftsmen of Craftsman Town, Ji Xiaoge, Yaya, and Judd. Ka, Cordoba, Wang Badan and Mo were sleeping on the turtle shell because they were not online.

At this moment, two big craftsmen were signing a safety commitment at a temporary checkpoint not far away. This is a process that groups like Craftsman Town must go through in previous exchange meetings. As for the reason, it can only be said to be in the past. There have been too many sad stories that have harmed others and ourselves, so I won’t go into details here, so you can feel free to think about them.

All in all, because they had to waste time signing a commitment letter and allow Academy City personnel to inspect the flammable, explosive and fire-prone luggage, the group had a moment of free time as soon as they entered the city, although in theory they should not run too far. It is far away, but in a very prosperous area like Academy City, even the streets at the gate of the outer ring district have many places worth visiting, so the two girls Ji Xiaoge and Yaya are happily walking Enjoying the fun of shopping, Jadeka and Cordoba were responsible for carrying things, with large and small bags hanging all over them.

In view of the fact that the Archaeologists Association has given too much, the per capita economic level of the Wangwang team can be said to be unprecedentedly high at the moment, and the purchasing power is still very strong.

As a result, the only ones who stayed in place were Wang Badan, who was hopelessly lazy, and Mo, who couldn't participate in the shopping because he was dozing off.

"Tsk tsk, what a historic meeting."

Mo Tan on the other side of the street raised the corner of his mouth, staring at 'himself' on Wang Ba Dan's back, smiling happily: "Although I had expected it, I really didn't expect to bump into 'myself' so soon. It’s really dramatic!”

After saying that, Mo Tan suddenly took off the [Hundred States] on his face, smiled evilly and took out an oil-based pen from his pocket that he had brought from the front desk of the Adventurers Association of the Free City a long time ago, and took three shaky steps. Crossing the street, he walked straight to Wang Ba Dan and stared at the sleepy latter.

Ten seconds later...

"Are you sick?"

Wang Ba boldly cursed angrily.

"Do you have medicine?"

Mo Tan replied with a smile.

"Hey, you've never seen such a handsome turtle that can talk, have you? Go somewhere cool and stay calm."

Wang Badan did not enter into a cycle of "I'll eat as much as you have" with the annoying-looking guy in front of him. Instead, he started to insult him in a very rude manner.

Mo Tanchund pretended not to hear, but pointed at the half-dragon knight lying on Wang Badan's back, and said with a smile: "I am his relative."

"Coincidentally, I am also his half-brother from a different father."

Wang Ba laughed bravely and snorted: "Come on, call me grandpa."

Obviously, Wang Badan, who was quite aware of Mo Tan's background, didn't believe a word of what the guy in front of him just said.

"I know your father is a scumbag, I know your nickname is Bastard, I know that when that bitch goes crazy, anyone dares to hit her, and I know your eldest sister's whole family explodes after one meal."

Mo Tan leaned forward and rapped in the other person's ear, which immediately confused the bastard in front of him.


Just when Wang Badan came back to his senses and was about to scream, Mo Tan kicked him in the mouth and laughed softly: "I also know that you have a small goal, which is to get that soft and cute baby." The golden crystal beast was ruined."


Wang Badan's eyes widened and he looked at Mo Tan with horror on his face: "Who the hell are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, you can ask your elder brother later."

Mo Tan smiled, then looked back at Ji Xiaoge and others who were still making purchases in the distance. He lowered his voice and said to Wang Badan: "In addition to saying hello to you, little bastard, I am here just to say hello." one thing……"

Wang Ba looked at him suspiciously: "What's the matter?"

"Hey, have you seen this?"

Mo Tan smiled proudly and shook the oil-based pen in his hand.

Wang Ba raised his eyes timidly: "Bi, what's wrong?"

"You know, this stuff is super hard to wash off."

Mo Tan licked the corner of his mouth, cast his malicious eyes on 'himself' on Wang Ba Dan's back, grinned and said: "To be honest, I actually just want to draw a bastard on your eldest brother's face, and then leave after painting. "

"What! You want to draw a bastard on my eldest brother's face?!"

King Tyrannosaurus was shocked.

"Well, can't you?"

"What the hell are you talking about? Hurry up and I'll cover you. After the painting is done, we'll be separated from each other. No one knows anyone else!"


"Hey Hey."

"Hey hey hey~"

Chapter 983: End

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