Quadruple split

Chapter 942 Take a step to speak

Game time AM10:17

City of Light, inner city, in front of the Dawn Chapel

"Welcome home, kid!"

Xia Lian rubbed Mo Tan's head vigorously, and said a line that was similar to what Yu Chen had said at the north gate of the inner city, but it was completely unable to make the welcomed person feel any emotion, and even made them want to laugh. She grinned and said: "It's a lot of emotion to come back here after a few months."

Mo Tan shook his head and said honestly: "Actually, no, I don't come here very often."


Xia Lian then remembered that before leaving the City of Light, Mo Tan had always lived in St. Wright's Dawn Chapel in the middle city. He was not at all in the Absolute Core of the Dawn Sect in front of him. She and Yu Chen seemed to have regarded her as I have stayed in my home place for a long time, so naturally I don’t have a strong sense of belonging.

On the contrary, Yi Zou looked up with nostalgia at the grand building complex in the eastern part of the inner city not far away, looking at the two dozens of meters high chapel spires that were very familiar to him, with the emblem of the Dawn Sect floating on them. He sighed softly: "I'm home."

Unlike Motan, the high-level paladin Yizuo Jileite has stayed in the City of Light for many years. Although she lives in the knight camp most of the time, she is far more pious than some people, but she has always kept the city of light. The chapel is regarded as a holy place, and he even took the initiative to apply to be on duty after his strength reached a high level. It can be said that he is quite sentimental towards this place.

"Oh, by the way, this is probably where Yi Zuo and I first met."

Mo Tan suddenly slapped his forehead and turned his attention to the cheap school girl who had been with him day and night for more than three months.

Because there were not too many things in his head, Yi Zou was quite impressed by the situation at that time. He immediately recalled the scene, then lowered his head with a somewhat embarrassed expression, and whispered: "Yes. ...Yes, senior!"

"I remember you seemed a little unhappy at the time..."

Perhaps because he didn't want to show those negative emotions that were ruining the scenery, Mo Tan was always more active in the second half of the show. Although the effect was pretty good, given that there was a certain deliberate element in it, he was saying this. I didn't think much about it at that time, but...

After I finished speaking, I subconsciously went through my mind.

Then he panicked, and immediately began to pray from the bottom of his heart that he, a cheap school girl who was often a bit stubborn, would ignore what he just said.

As a result, nature does not follow man's wishes.

"That...that's a misunderstanding!"

Yi Xuan, who had a vivid memory of that day, immediately exclaimed softly and waved her hands in a panic: "Because senior was staring at my breasts at that time...ah!!"

The girl let out a belated exclamation, but Xia Lian and Yu Chen, who had heard the words completely, turned their heads and stared at someone meaningfully, showing murderous and sweet smiles respectively.

"Heifan, you...are staring at Xiao Yizuo's breasts?"

"Oh my, this is really unexpected~"

Although both of their voices were very pleasant and could never tire of being heard, Mo Tan still subconsciously started to tremble, his whole body trembling like chaff.

"This is your fault, Hei Fan."

Next to him, Taylor, who was speaking righteously, and his Chinese-character face were even more serious, adding insult to injury.

As for the paladins who were traveling not far away, they couldn't hear clearly due to the distance, but they were still startled by the suddenly strange and chilling atmosphere, and they all shrank their necks.

"No! Wait, I can explain!"

Mo Tan, who was in a state of desperation, even started to go out of tune. He quickly waved his hands and said: "Misunderstandings are all misunderstandings! I was just in love with the scene..."


Yu Chen interrupted Mo Tan with her signature gentle smile. She narrowed her bright eyes into two crescent moons, raised the corners of her mouth slightly, and asked in a soft voice: "Do you get emotional when looking at other people's breasts?"

Although the girl in front of him always maintained the sweetness and cuteness that made his heart palpitate, at this moment, the meaning of the word 'heart palpitations' had completely changed for Hei Fan.

If the palpitations Yuchen brought to him on weekdays would make the man's heart beat faster and make him feel helpless, then the 'heart palpitations' at this moment made Mo Tan's limbs feel as cold as ice!

Not just him, in fact, among the people present, except for Xia Lian, who was close to the legendary peak strength, whether it was Taylor, Yi Zuo or the paladins not far away, they all felt a chill at this moment. Although it was not a very clear, physical discomfort, it still made them suffocate subconsciously.

"It's a mark!"

Mo Tan let out a very, very, very ungraceful scream like a chicken whose neck was pinched. He pointed at Yi Zuo, who was wearing a high-level knight's armor, and said in a loud voice: "It's those lines on Yi Zuo's armor that represent With the magical scars of her status as a high-level paladin, I was just thinking that it would be great if we had a few more high-level paladins like her in Misha County at that time. Then we might have sacrificed a lot less people. It’s definitely not because of any other weird reasons. Please believe me!”

"Ah~ I know, I know~"

Xia Lian shrugged indifferently, spread her hands and said, "It's just a joke, why don't you take it seriously?"

"That's it."

Yu Chen also smiled (everyone felt a lightness in their bodies at the same time), reached out his small hand and patted Mo Tan's shoulder in a very grand manner: "Everyone knows that Hei Fan is not that kind of person!"

[Is that so... Could it be that the cold feeling just now and the weird DEBUFF in the status bar were just my illusions...]

Mo Tan swallowed hard and didn't know what to do other than smile in apology.

at this time……

"Gui'an, His Highness Xia Lian and His Highness Wangyu."

A gentle, melodious yet childish voice sounded next to him, and Mo Tan subconsciously looked back... and there was nothing.

He reacted for half a second, then lowered his head following the source of the sound, and then discovered a strange man who had appeared in front of him at some point.

Or rather, a strange boy.

[What a cute kid. He will be at least more handsome than Idong when he grows up. 】

This was Mo Tan's first reaction after seeing this boy.

"Nice to meet you too, Pastor Hei Fan, I have wanted to meet you for a long time."

With curly black hair, wearing a high-level priest's robe with a black background and gold patterns on the chest and back, the handsome boy with delicate and cute appearance made a holy union to Mo Tan. With a general courtesy, he smiled and said: "Let me introduce myself, I am Day Black from the Sun Sect."

Day Blake?

Why does this name sound familiar...

Wait! Is that the name of the Holy Son of the Sun who invited Yuchen to dinner before? ?

[What a disgusting naughty kid, you can tell by his face that he is not a good person! 】

This was Mo Tan's second reaction after seeing the boy.

"Hello, Your Highness Black."

In order to maintain his dignity and make himself look less petty, Mo Tan silently approached Yuchen while crazily repeating in his heart, 'He is only thirteen years old, he is just a kid, he is only thirteen years old, he is just a kid' , and then showed a very decent smile: "I've heard about this famous name for a long time, and I'm deeply honored."

Shota was stunned for a moment when he saw the smile of the young priest in front of him, who looked like his facial muscles were necrotic. Then he took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "Can you take a step to speak?"

【No borrowing! I won’t borrow it! Don’t borrow anything! 】

While Mo Tan was making unreasonable noises in his heart, he turned to look at Yuchen who had a confused face, deliberately lowering his posture and asked softly: "Are you willing to borrow it?"

"If only Blake wouldn't be so unfamiliar and call me Your Highness~"

Yuchen made a face with a smile, then turned around and winked at the shot, "I can consider lending this guy to you for a little while, just a little while."

At this moment, Mo Tan was in the best mood he had had in a while. Although he knew that the girl next to him who was gently squeezing his arm had a lot of acting elements in it, he, who was not determined at all, was still attracted by it. This unrealistic happiness that I knew I didn't deserve was swallowed up, and I felt like I was about to fly.

"Ahem, I was wrong, sister Wangyu."

Blake scratched his cheek, immediately changed his mind, and admitted his mistake obediently.

Then Mo Tan, who was still in a daze just now, immediately landed on the ground.

elder sister?

What sister?

Why do you call it so intimate?

What does "forgetting sister" mean?

Do you know that I forgot about sister Yu after calling her "Yuchen classmate" for a few months?

Mo Tan, who had a lot of distracting thoughts flashing through his mind, took a deep breath and stabilized his mind with his strong will. He felt that he was returning to the City of Light... To be precise, he seemed to have been in a state of insecurity after seeing Yu Chen. A certain state of excitement, this is not good...not good...

My sister is so meowing that you can call her! ?

Not good, not good……

"Child, why do you call Wangyu your sister?"

Xia Lian walked up to Blake with a look of displeasure and gave Blake a heads-up. She said nonchalantly: "How do I look like my sister? If you want to talk about my level of development, I haven't forgotten my words in some aspects... ugh... ugh... "

Hurt by her own words, the chief saint of Dawn Sect turned around sadly midway through her words and squatted on the steps in front of the chapel to draw circles.

"Go ahead."

Yu Chen gently pushed Mo Tan, who was fighting with his own human and heaven, and said with a smile: "I'll wait for you to come back here."


Mo Tan smiled, then turned to look at the Holy Son of the Sun, who was only thirteen years old and only 130 centimeters tall, and nodded slightly: "Let's go."

"Let's go over there and talk."

Blake showed a smile that would make most people feel like they were bathing in spring breeze, and pointed to a fountain dozens of meters away: "I will try not to delay the time for Brother Heifan and Sister Wangyu to reminisce."

【Don’t you know this very well? 】

Mo Tan suddenly felt that this child was not that annoying after all.

Then, the two of them walked side by side towards the fountain.

At the same time, Xia Lian, who seemed to be squatting in front of the steps and drawing circles, waved to Yu Chen and Yi Zuo secretly, and whispered: "Come here, come here~"

Both women were stunned, but they still walked to Xia Lian obediently, and then looked down...

Okay! I didn’t know it until I looked at it, but I realized that this sister was drawing a circle somewhere. She was clearly drawing a small magic circle on the floor tiles in front of her, and it was...

"Detection-type composite array!"

Yuchen covered her mouth and let out a soft sigh. Because she often went to the Battle Sisters School to attend classes recently, as a player, she had already learned a lot about the principles and specifications of some magical arts, so she could see it directly.

"Hey hehe~"

Xia Lian smiled slyly, raised her eyebrows and said, "Do you want to know what that child will talk to Hei Fan?"

"Is this...isn't this bad?"

Yuchen muttered something in a low voice, and then squatted down next to Xia Lian, staring intently at the magical formation that had started to take effect.

"This...is against the code of chivalry, Your Highness..."

Yi Zuo sighed and squatted on the other side of Xia Lian in the next second.

"I have always liked the square in front of the Dawn Cathedral. It is very beautiful and very relaxing."

Stretching out his little hand and gently brushing the water mist on the outer edge of the fountain, Mo Tan in front of Blake smiled and shrugged: "Although our Sun Sect's large chapel is quite impressive, it always feels too rigid. Every time I go in and out, I feel... It’s very stressful.”

Mo Tan, who suddenly felt that this kid was a bit lovable, blinked and joked casually: "Would you consider changing jobs?"

"What are you dancing for?"

Blake was stunned for a moment, and then laughed foolishly: "Haha, hahahaha, I think I understand the meaning of this sentence. It's such a pity. If I hadn't been the Holy Son of the Sun Sect, if I hadn't already sworn that I would be willing to serve the great If the Sun God gives his all, 'hopping jobs' might actually be a good suggestion."

Mo Tan spread his hands and said seriously: "Don't think about it seriously. I can't bear the responsibility of poaching the Holy Son."

"Of course, I can guarantee that."

Blake nodded equally seriously, and then suddenly bowed 90 degrees to Mo Tan, and said in a deep voice: "I have always wanted to... find a chance to apologize to you, Pastor Hei Fan."

Mo Tan was startled and quickly straightened Blake's body: "No, no, no, we're just having a meal together. I'm not very angry either."

Blake: "...?"

Mo Tan: "...Isn't that the case?"

"No, um, but I will pay attention to it in the future."

The young man shook his head dumbfounded, and after pondering for a moment, he sighed softly: "What I want to apologize for is about the 'minority' in our Sun Sect... To put it bluntly, it is for our Golden Crown officiant, the former I apologize for the despicable behavior of the commander of the Second Chapter of the Holy Union Crusade, Warrens Kalleni."

In fact, Mo Tan, who had already guessed what the Holy Son Zhengtai wanted to say, smiled slightly: "I remember that Mr. Warrens seemed to have been injured in an unfortunate accident on the day he returned to the City of Light. Now, Recuperating in the Battle Sisters of our Dawn Sect."

Blake nodded: "Yes."

"I accept your apology, and I can even accept your apology on behalf of the knight Yizon Jaret who was also involved~"

Mo Tan pursed his lips and smiled, then his eyes suddenly turned cold——

"However, the souls of two paladins from the Harvest Sect, two priests from the Justice Sect, three paladins from our Dawn Sect, and six...priests who are also affiliated with the Sun Sect like Priest Warrens, may not be able to accept this offer. apology."

The air solidified.

Chapter 935: End

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