Quadruple split

Chapter 910 A sudden turn of events

Are there a hundred good players?

No pension at all?

Arrive before noon tomorrow?

One-fifth of the market price?

Who is this person?

For a moment, Zordon Nightcrawler had a lot of questions in his mind. He stared at the little spiny wolf slowly walking into the tent for a long time before he recalled this young man from his memory. And fish out relevant information about his team.

The captain of the eighth team of the Viridian Brigade, Little Thorn Wolf, is a summoner. Like his four teammates, he is a high-level professional. His strength cannot be said to be strong, but he is definitely not weak.

The above is what Zordon sorted out in these few seconds, and there is no other information other than that.

So he decided to ask if he didn’t understand...

"Yes, Mr. Little Thorn Wolf."

Zordon coughed lightly, smiled gently at the handsome and handsome human boy in front of him, and asked, "What do you mean by what you just said?"

"Literally, respected President Zordon."

Little Thorny Wolf also laughed, and calmly shook his finger under the gaze of Zordon Nightcrawler, the Paw Team, and the Beautiful Girl Mercenary Group: "Given that the budget of the Archaeologists Association may be tight, I can pass Through some special channels, we have found about a hundred 'bodyguards' who are capable of taking on important responsibilities, and the price is only 20% of the market price."

It can be said that Zordon completely understood this time. Instead of beaming with joy, there was even a hint of unnoticeable wariness and suspicion in his eyes. He paused for a few seconds before asking, "Is this a deal?"

Little Thorny Wolf nodded slightly and said with a smile: "There is no doubt that this is not a gift. After all, the Archaeologists Association never likes to owe favors."

"So what do you want, Captain Little Thorn Wolf?"

Zordon frowned, looking a little confused about the situation. Although he felt that he had heard the other party's offer before, if it was true, this matter would be too ridiculous.

"Didn't I just say it~"

Little Thorny Wolf blinked and took out a shining hexagonal crystal from his pocket, which was the 'key' given to him by the caveman clan leader. He spread his hands helplessly and said, "I want to get it with you." I had the opportunity to explore the ruins, and even tried my best to get the 'key' in what I thought was a relatively short three days, but..."

He sighed, and his gentle and gentle eyes swept over Mo Tan and Kasena, with complicated expressions.

Mo Tan gave the little Thorn Wolf a friendly smile, while Kasena nodded perfunctorily.

Although he did not say the content after "but", the implication of Little Thorny Wolf's words was already obvious, that is, although he tried his best to get the opportunity to explore the ruins, he was still overwhelmed by the person in front of him. One of the two didn't know which one would win first, so he reluctantly proposed a new round of deals.

From a player's perspective, since I can't get this reward by completing the task, I will just spend money to buy it.

From the NPC's point of view, it's...well, it's a very rip-off behavior.

To be honest, if it weren't for the serious expression on the little Thorny Wolf's face, the feeling that he was in a good mood, and his polite manner of speaking, Zordon would have almost felt that this kid was just trying to make fun of himself.

"young people……"

After a while, Zordon coughed lightly, narrowed his eyes and stared into the calm and soft eyes of the little thorny wolf: "Are you sure you know what you are talking about?"

"Of course I'm sure."

Little Thorny Wolf nodded without thinking, walked to Zordon and gently placed the key in his hand on the table: "Under normal circumstances, the Archaeologists Association needs a large team of about fifty to eighty people to explore ruins of similar scale. Theoretically, the team must have at least three epic-level people in charge, or they must all be high-level peak-level people who work very well together. If we want to protect us, who are burdensome, we will need more manpower, right?"

Zordon nodded slightly, not surprised by what Little Thorny Wolf said, because it was not a secret in the first place.

"In the previous competition, even though my friends and I got the key, we were still one step behind. This is an undisputed fact."

Little Thorny Wolf showed a wry smile, and then naturally and casually sat on the chair next to Mo Tan, folding his long legs: "So I can only change my strategy, and I want you to use us through trading. Join the exploration team, and the guaranteed number is one hundred because I heard something when I walked into the tent just now... well, what the beautiful captain said, and I understand that you seem to want to do some extra things during the exploration process. Action, in this case, if there are a hundred people, it should be enough to protect everyone, right?"

Kasena raised her eyebrows and smiled at Little Thorn Wolf with no meaning: "Selling favors?"

"No, it's just compensation."

Little Thorny Wolf immediately waved his hand and said with a smile: "I don't want to just go in for sightseeing, so if there are more of us, it means that there are more people sharing the remuneration of the Archaeologists Association. This is not fair to you."

Kasena grinned and gave Little Thorny Wolf a shabby thumbs up gesture: "My little brother is quite particular!"

Mo Tan didn't think Little Thorn Wolf was really particular about it. After learning that this was a professional player who simply collected some information about Tokiwa Studio in his spare time, he probably guessed that most of the people who called Little Thorn Wolf should be They are members of their own studio. As for why they spent so much money, I am afraid they are doing it for the rewards given by the system. Their motives are not pure, but they cannot be said to be impure.

But to be fair, he still welcomes Little Thorny Wolf and his group and the hundred or so thugs he promised. There is no other reason. Just as Little Thornywolf said, if there are more people, the Wangwang Team and the Beautiful Girl Mercenary Group It can also be much easier when doing the task of lifting the curse of the black skin clan.

But the key to the matter is not what Mo Tan thinks, but what the person in charge of this exploration activity, that is, the head of the Golden City Archaeologists Association, Zordon Nightwalker, thinks.

So, what exactly was he thinking?

To put it bluntly, if it hadn't been for less than two thousand words from the beginning of the title to now, this chapter would probably have ended at the previous sentence.

What a pity~

Ahem, let’s get down to business.

As for Zordon Nightcrawler's thoughts at this moment, it is actually easy to guess. To put it simply, he is afraid that this matter is fraudulent.

After all, the pie given by Little Thorny Wolf was a bit too big, so big that even if there were hundreds of swordsmen hidden in it, it would be more than enough.

Zordon was worried that when he was in the middle of exploring the ruins or on the way back after everyone had finished their work, the kid in front of him would smash a cup, and the thugs would immediately rush up and cut him into pulp, killing people and stealing goods.

"Oh, let's put it this way."

Seemingly sensing Zordon's hesitation, Little Thorny Wolf rubbed the tip of his nose in embarrassment and said with a smile: "Actually, 'Little Thorny Wolf' is not my real name. You may have noticed this, right?"

Zordon nodded, which he had expected. After all, in the human race, no matter how weird the name is, there is almost no such strange combination as 'little thorny wolf'.

People who knew the truth, such as Mo Tan, Ji Xiaoge, Dabbs and Colonel Mojin, looked at Little Thorn Wolf with interest, wondering what this guy with that name in the game wanted to say. What.

By the way, Lucie Youke, whose knowledge is a mystery, also seems to know about the Little Thorn Wolf and Joban Studio, but she doesn't care about it and just keeps repeating "Take Mika and Christina" The nuts in front of me returned a handful of shells a few minutes later.

"Well, how should I put it..."

Little Thorny Wolf scratched his cheek, showed an unspeakable expression, and said carefully: "My background should be considered that... to a certain extent, many people think it is 'noble'. Ever since I was little, my every move has been watched by many people, so I often feel constrained, so every once in a while, I come out to relax my body and mind.”

Zordon Nightcrawler narrowed his eyes slightly: "What do you mean..."

"I mean, I don't have a lot of time to breathe freely, and in that precious time, I want to be able to please myself as much as possible without causing trouble for other people."

Little Spiny Wolf smiled shyly and said while rubbing the tip of his nose: "You can rest assured that the people I can find here are all officially registered mercenaries and adventurers, although their nature may be slightly different. It's the same, but it's still relatively safe and reliable. As for the hiring fee... let's put it this way, even if you don't give me a single gold coin, as long as you allow me to follow you on the adventure, those people will come to protect me, so you don't need to feel guilty about the association at all. You owe me a favor or something, after all, if you calculate it carefully, I still made money."

Obviously, Little Thorn Wolf told a huge lie. Those ambiguous financial backgrounds sounded bluffing, but Mo Tan, Ji Xiaoge and others knew very well that those things did not exist at all.

But they have no doubt that Little Thorn Wolf will definitely be able to gather more than a hundred people to act with him before noon tomorrow. The reason has been mentioned before. As the top online game studio in the country, the foundation of the Tokiwa Guild can be said to be It's quite, quite, quite deep. Although it's far from being able to call the shots in a place like the Innocence Realm, this level of manpower and resource deployment is more than enough.

There is another point, that is, based on the judgment of Mo Tan, a mature and experienced actor, although there is no truth in what Little Thorny Wolf just said, but in view of the latter's natural performance in this lie, Mo Tan feels that either This professional player has expert-level acting skills, or maybe Little Thorny Wolf is indeed lying, but he has had similar experiences elsewhere, which is why he is so deeply involved in the play.

Just like Cole who confessed his love to a certain housekeeper at Keyworth Manor not long ago, he was lying with very true words.

But these had little to do with Mo Tan, so he just thought about it for a while and stopped thinking about it.

However, Zordon, who did not have a player perspective and did not know the details of Little Spiny Wolf, nodded after a brief pause and said seriously: "Okay, if that's the case, I'll ask Mr. Little Thorny Wolf to bother, but if If something unexpected happens during the process, the Pension Archaeologists Association will not give you a penny less. As for the price that is one-fifth of the market price... thank you very much for your generosity."

That's right, Zordon was finally moved by Little Thorn Wolf's proposal that was both emotional and rational, and most importantly, could significantly reduce the budget. On the one hand, he didn't feel that the young man in front of him was cheating. On the other hand, Zordon is not afraid even if the little thorny wolf is trying to trick him.

Unless Little Thorny Wolf can find a legendary master to assassinate Zordon, even if he has other intentions, he can't do anything to the secretive president of the Golden City Branch of the Archaeologists Association.

To sum up, since there is no need for the Archaeologists Association to provide many people this time, it is better to sell Little Thorn Wolf as a favor. If there is any trouble in the process, the soldiers will come to cover it up. .

"I should be the one thanking you for your generosity."

The little Thorn Wolf let out a long sigh of relief, stood up and saluted Zordon.

He is very experienced in related fields and knows very well that his side should be stable for this follow-up task.

Then Zordon turned to the smiling Kasena, nodded under the latter's hopeful gaze, and said with a smile: "In this case, the beautiful girl mercenary group should also come together, although I still don't agree with exploring. During the process, some people were separated to find a way to remove the curse, but since Mr. Little Thorn Wolf has provided enough manpower, it is also a good thing to help the patriarch of the kobold community to remove the curse."

"Thanks, Uncle Zordon."

Kasena bowed her hands to Zordon, then turned to the little Thorn Wolf and winked: "And you, little brother."

Zordon and Little Thorny Wolf, who were called "Uncle" and "Little Brother" respectively, both showed a somewhat forced smile.


"Since there are so many people, do you want to consider letting me bring a few juniors in to see the world?"

The person in charge who left the Elf Forest to carry out the procurement mission this time, Hiran's immediate boss, a middle-aged elf with peak epic power, and Zordon Nightwalker's good friend Fluorite Dongxue opened the door and smiled. Yingying walked in, and a dazed Zilan followed behind him.

"You guy..."

Zordon was stunned for a moment, then glanced at his friend helplessly: "When did you come? How long have you been hearing about it?"

Yingshi grinned and joked: "It's been a while, how about it, President, do you want to think about it?"

"It's the branch president."

Zordon first corrected him seriously, and then crossed his arms and said to Fluorite: "Of course I welcome a strong player like you to join me, but... won't it be too troublesome for you?"

"It's okay. The main thing is that this kid wants to see the world."

Fluorite patted Hiran next to him, and at the same time gave Zordon a covert look.

The general meaning is: This thing is quite strange. I am alone with you, so if anything happens, I will be taken care of.

The latter understood immediately and immediately included Yingshi and Hiran in his decision.

The latter, who should have been ecstatic about this, floated to Ji Xiaoge's side as if sleepwalking, and asked in a low voice with a broken face: "So, you just used a little trick to get rid of the matriarch. ?”


“What’s this little plan that’s so awesome?”

"Little tricks, little tricks~"

"Tell me, I look retarded!"

"Okay, okay, stand still."

"It's stable, you say."


"Pretty boy trap!"

"Beautiful dog trick!"

Ji Xiaoge, Mika and Lucie said in unison.

Chapter 903: End

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