Quadruple split

Chapter 892 Death as a Feather

Thus died Kreb Keyworth.

It was extremely frustrating to die so unclearly.

But there was no way. From the moment Mo Tan successfully exposed the 'mechanism' he was triggering under the table, Creber's end was already doomed.

Hidden in the table is an elemental spell called the Blood Refining Formation. Although the cost is very high and the activation time is appallingly slow, as long as it takes effect successfully, all magic spells within a radius of ten meters will be created using the core spell as the origin. Living creatures below the level of legend will have their energy and blood surging, ranging from vomiting three liters of blood, and their strength is greatly reduced; to severe cases, the blood will flow backwards, and they will explode to death. For blood seekers, it will get twice the result with half the effort. It is conservatively estimated that the blood wing can be The two epic-level bosses of the family were cut off by 50% of their strength.

Of course, this kind of indiscriminate attack was destined to affect Kleiber himself. In addition, because the activation time was too long and the characteristics were very obvious when it was about to be activated, he did not activate it as soon as he noticed that things had changed. It wasn't until Mo Tan said, 'These are all just [surface]' that he secretly put his right hand under the table and began to activate the 'Blood Refining Array' nervously and covertly.

In the end, Mo Tan just said a few words and killed Crebo...

At the reminder of the former, Lionel Bloodwing immediately discovered that Creb was doing something under the table. Then he left his seat as quickly as possible without thinking, and rushed behind the latter with a black tiger strike. He took out his heart, interrupted Kreber's activation formation, and at the same time held his heart, and then squeezed it gently!


Kleiber, who had a big hole in his chest, fell to his knees directly. After hitting the edge of the table with inertia, his body tilted and he fell sideways to the ground. The look in his eyes began to disappear quickly, and his field of vision became more and more blurred. The hair became blurry.

"Then you can say it now."

It wasn't until he heard Lionel Bloodwing's voice that Crabber reacted belatedly, and was shocked to find that he didn't have long to live.

As a blood seeker, since he has lost his most core organ besides the brain, the heart, even if he is not weak, he will never be able to reverse the fact that he is about to die.

The hollow coldness began to spread from his chest and gradually spread to Creb Kevos's whole body.

Everything happened so fast.

It can't end like this.

There are things that must be done.

The deceased has clearly not yet rested in peace.


why why why?

why why why why why? ? ?

Creb's gradually dimming blood-stained eyes were filled with resentment and hatred, staring at the young man who was slowly walking towards him, with a joking curve on his lips, who had ruined everything, that hateful, Damn it, despicable Cordoba, who didn’t deserve a good death. He opened his mouth for a long time but failed to send out a single byte.

"What an innocent man."

Mo Tan squatted in a pool of blood in front of Crebo and patted the latter's cheek affectionately: "It's just that the story didn't develop as I imagined. Is it necessary to be so sad?"

[It’s not that I can’t die, I don’t want to be forgiven, I just don’t want to be like this before everything ends...]

Crebo stared at Mo Tan, raised his right hand, and weakly and slowly grabbed the latter's neck.


"Are you thinking too much about many things?"

Casually swatting away Creb's trembling hand, Mo Tan stared at the latter with his eyes filled with qualityless chaos, grinning: "What do you believe in? Sacrifice will definitely be rewarded?" Will the bad guys be punished? Will dawn always come after the darkest darkness? Seriously, Mr. Crabber, people like you are only meant to live in stories."

[I don’t understand, I don’t understand at all. If this person hadn’t disrupted the situation, if he hadn’t told those two people that there was something wrong with the original blood crystal, everything would have gone on smoothly, and everything would have had a happy ending...]

"From the moment you killed the Fezeren couple, there has been no satisfactory solution. To be honest, uncle, what you want and what you are doing are so far apart that it makes people even reach out. I have no interest in pulling it off."

Mo Tan shook his head, and his tone sounded like he hated iron, but it was still brisk and clear, without any haze: "You don't even know what you want. Are you the continuation of the Kaivos family? She is your niece. Is Salia's safety in danger? Are you willing to die in order to defend your dignity to the end? Or is there any other valid reason? Tell me, uncle, if you say it well, I won't consider saving your life. ah."

Of course, Creb couldn't do it, not to mention that he was indeed stopped by Mo Tan. Even if he could really answer the question, his physical condition would not be enough to support him to speak, and -

【Reason or something...】

"The reasons are very important."

As if he had seen through Kraibo's thoughts, Mo Tan interrupted the former's thoughts with a chuckle, and said lightly: "At least for you, if there was a clear enough reason, you wouldn't have reached this point. After all, you are indeed better than the two brothers next to you in terms of the most precious quality of intelligent creatures...that is, wisdom itself."

【What is he saying? What... reason? What...wisdom? 】

Crebo's consciousness was gradually blurring, with blood foaming in his mouth, and his thoughts quickly became turbid as if they were submerged in a quagmire.

"I have given you too many opportunities. From the seventh day of the Star Moon Prayer to yesterday, which is the ninth day of the Frost Moon Prayer, you have the opportunity to discover me, find me, and contact me every day. To be honest, Yes, the traces I have left are enough to keep me awake, but what about you?"

Mo Tan didn't care whether Creb could understand what he said, he just said to himself: "What have you done? You didn't do anything, you just immersed yourself in your seemingly seamless work day and night, I thought I was carrying out my original plan flawlessly, covering my eyes and ears and enjoying myself crazily. It’s obvious that Salia has returned to the Free City, and it’s obvious that I let you discover this on purpose, but what’s the result?”

【Salia? Ah... Salia, no matter what, at least protect Salia, she is a good girl, she is better than me and Feizelen, if it is hers, she can definitely...]

"You want her to revitalize...heh, or rebuild the Keyvos family?"

Mo Tan laughed foolishly, then grabbed Kraibo's hair and slammed his face in front of the latter, and said coldly: "The original intention is good, but you can't even understand why she returned to the Free City and why she did so. You don’t care if you live in the newly built Wanderer Hotel in the Nightless District for a long time. I clearly gave you a lot of hints, and in the end, there was even a mismatch in intelligence between you and the housekeeper named Iva Black Gardenia. You actually Even if you don’t notice it, who will die if you don’t die today?”


"There's a price to pay for self-pleasure, man."

Mo Tan let go of Crebo with a look of disgust, stood up and chuckled: "I know a narcissistic four-eyed woman with no breasts and no butt. She has also done some stupid things in this world that leave no room for escape. , but you are not her. She has the capital to make mistakes and the ability to recover the situation after making mistakes. She will not miss any factor that is beneficial to her. Even if she is a mortal enemy who wants to kill each other, she will think You can use the other party to achieve your own goals, and you..."

Creb's body twitched.

"Forget it, you'd better die in peace."

Mo Tan curled his lips without interest and said casually: "I hold the same view as you on one thing, that is, Shalia does have the potential to revitalize the Kevos family, so... you can die."

[I am not a qualified family head. 】

The words that Fezeren Keyvos said with a smile before he fell down rang in Creber's ears countless times.

At that moment, Fezeron Keyworth, who decided to sacrifice the family name of Keyworth and hundreds of years of inheritance, and surrendered to the Bloodwing family, had eyes full of exhaustion.

But Kreb, who had always had no desire for power and status, did not allow him to do this. He would rather kill him, his wife, and his sister than allow him to do this.

There are two reasons for this, namely, Kreb's sense of responsibility and belonging to this family, and his understanding of some of Salia's characteristics.

That was a secret that only he, the uncle, knew, and not even the Fezeren couple knew.

Combined with the investigation of Raphael and the secret experiment of the Bloodwing family some time ago, Kleiber at that time already knew far more about the ‘blood of Duchess Bathory’ than Fezeron did.

If things continue to develop, it is only a matter of time before the keen Raphael notices Salia, and there is absolutely no way that the Bloodwing family can let the direct heir of the Kaivos family to carry out the 'soul melting', so Salia Most of them will just become disposable materials.

And when the time comes, the Kaivos family, which has lost its dignity, will also touch the "invisible bottom line" of the Free City and become a member of the bottom of the food chain. In the end, they can only defect to the instigator of everything, the Bloodwing family.

Kleiber guessed this series of developments, Raphael also wanted to get it, but Fezeron...

Creber can no longer remember what happened next.

In other words, although he remembered it, he had long since forced himself to forget it.

Only Feizelen's words, 'I am not a qualified head of the family,' always echoed in his mind, like a kind of morbid self-comfort.

But in fact, there is a second half to that sentence...

[I am not a qualified family head, and neither are you. 】

"My employer, Miss Remilia Thalia Keyworth, will undoubtedly be an excellent leader."

The words of Feizelen and Cordoba rang in his ears almost at the same time. Creber, who was lying face down in a pool of blood, raised the corners of his mouth, feeling half self-deprecating and half pleased.

It seems that the original decision was not too outrageous...

Although I don’t know what ‘Remilia’ means…

But this person should be talking about Salia...

In just half a year, little Salia is already so awesome...

Great, really great...

Creb wanted to raise his head and laugh, but found that he could no longer feel the existence of his body.

He discovered that the darkness called death was devouring him at an incredible speed, but he finally found a trace of balance and sustenance in the endless emptiness.

[Little Salia, you will definitely win. 】

Crabber believed so.

The reason is very simple, that is, if there is no Cordoba, the Miu who was brought by Lionel Bloodwing and Michael Bloodwing and has been implanted with some secret technique in advance to become a semi-puppet. The blood woman must have been led into a rage by that 'special original blood crystal'!

Several people here will be killed, and those Bloodwing tribesmen who were attracted by Eva and others and do not know the truth will also suffer heavy losses. As a result, those who have been living in the Wanderer Hostel during this period have never left. Salia will be safe, and after that, a few people who know a small amount of the truth will take her back to the mansion that may have been in ruins by then, and start from scratch before others can figure out the details of this incident.

As a result, his plan failed.

The culprit was little Salia's people.

That means that little Salia must have a better way to handle this matter than herself!

That being the case, there's nothing to worry about.

Even if the ending is far from what he imagined, it is only a difference in method after all. Whether he dies like a hero or falls down like a bear, in the end it is not always the same.

If it's empty, just be empty.

If you die, just die.

[Little Salia, don’t run away with a bad man. 】

As the last thought dissipated into the endless darkness, Krab Kevos stopped breathing and died as lightly as a feather.

"What a sad ending."

Mo Tan smacked his lips and sighed: "He did a lot of things, but he didn't get the ending that matches him. You are so cruel, Mr. Lionel."

Lionel Bloodwing, who watched the whole process coldly, lowered his head and said calmly: "Not to mention that I have tried my best to let him die as dignified as possible, but speaking only of Krab Kevos Mr. Cordoba should bear the main responsibility for the count’s death.”

"Sorry, I won't be responsible for any man."

Mo Tan answered the other party's question from another angle without thinking.

"By the way, if I heard correctly, you should have said that you were Miss Thalia Keyworth just now, right?"

Lionel brought the topic back indifferently, and his eyes towards Mo Tan gradually turned cold: "Then, can I understand that our stance towards each other should be 'hostile'?"

"Thalia Keyworth?"

"Yes, if I remember correctly, that person should be Kreb's niece, the only daughter of Fezeren Keyworth, and the direct heir of the entire family."

“And I’m also holding the genuine [Original Blood Crystal] that you want~”

"Well, what do you want to say..."

"What you don't know is that not only am I not responsible for any man, but I also have an attitude of never rejecting or being responsible for women, so..."


"Sorry, I was teasing you, dear, you can come in~"


Chapter 885: End

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