Quadruple split

Chapter 89 Monster

In the dense forest on the border of the Fire Claw Territory, Mo Tan, whose hands and feet were tied to wooden sticks, had a sluggish expression and his mouth was wide open. He was obviously shocked. This made the two orcs who were carrying him (no mistake) The soldier almost thought there was something wrong with this kid.

The number of people in this group was about thirty. It was undoubtedly an accident that the orc warriors who were rushing to the largest nearby station caught Mo Tan, an extremely unpleasant accident.

The brother who sneaked out to use the bathroom during the break was in a very depressed mood. He felt that his moral integrity was shattered. At the same time, he also expressed that he was worried that this human priest who was like a bean sprout would fall in love with him.

And Mo Tan was also in a very low mood, because this group of people were all elite soldiers under the former orc warlord Karon, and they had witnessed the whole process of helping Fenrir's team escape. That person was a bit psychopathic. The assassin not only killed Caron's adjutant, but also massacred many ordinary soldiers, and even seriously injured the warlord. Although he still saved his life in the end, these previous reasons were enough to make him look down upon. Mo Tan died for his "companion" seventy or eighty times.

Part of it was because he was hurt by the bunch of mosaics created by the system. Even though he didn't see anything (fortunately), the scene of the guy holding up his pants and punching himself was still extremely bad. , Mo Tan didn't even bother to put a shield on himself at that time, and thought it would be good if he was knocked unconscious with just one punch.

Unfortunately he didn't faint...

Fortunately, the old man still pulled up his pants after knocking out 30% of Mo Tan's health with one punch.

Then dozens of big men suddenly appeared from not far away and swarmed up, Mo Tan was tied up. Just when they were about to cut the girl in front of them a few times and then interrogate them, Mo Tan struck first and used I speak as fast as I can!

One of the squad leaders thought about it for a long time and decided to ask him to speak slower and repeat it again.

So Mo Tan spoke again, this time he spoke in more detail, briefly telling the other party what happened to Fenrir's team and Ned's true identity, and said that he and another companion came to give fire to the enemy. The important information that Ned obtained from the claw leader should be in Futaba's hands, and it is likely to contain detailed information about the Marshall family's slave trade.

Although the folk customs of the orcs are generally rough, and in most cases they prefer to use force to solve problems, they are not idiots. Although they all feel that the suspicious guy in front of them is not very trustworthy, but after Mo Tan's remarks After saying that, these soldiers still decided to take him back to the station. Not only was there the warlord Caron who was seriously injured but had not recovered, there were even several respected adults who came over two days ago...

It's better to let them decide how to deal with this kid.

So Mo Tan was tied up by this group of soldiers who decided to return early, and was picked up on a wooden stick in a relaxed and quite shameful state to go to the location of the big shots. Thinking on the bright side, At least he doesn't have to worry about getting lost for the time being...

As a result, just over half an hour after being carried away, Yuchen’s friend information came over...

Great amount of information!

He forced himself to calm down, and then quickly asked Yuchen: 'Can you elaborate a little bit? I'm a little interested. ’

Then the girl told him the whole story...

The thing is like this, from the launch of the game until two days ago, Yuchen has been staying in the City of Light in the center of the Holy Land. Every day, she plays soy sauce in the Dawn Cathedral, following people who are more than twenty years older than her. Sister Saint prays, learns to sing hymns and hymns, and spends the rest of her time doing side tasks such as [cleaning the second floor of the church] or [blessing devout believers], which is very relaxing and comfortable.

However, just two days ago, news of a monster appearing somewhere in the southwest of the sanctuary suddenly came. Then Yuchen and a small team of elite paladins were sent south to investigate the situation...

Of course, the seriousness of the matter is not great. You must know that the damage caused by the 'monster' in the intelligence only seriously injured a dozen civilians and destroyed many houses and other things, not to mention a team of Paladins. , even if only two or three are sent to deal with it, it is more than enough.

The main purpose of this operation is actually only one, and that is to gild a certain little girl favored by God.

That's right, it's gold plating. This kind of thing has existed in any era.

Yuchen herself didn't care and didn't think too much about it. The main reason why she readily accepted this arrangement was that she wanted to leave the City of Light for some fresh air, and she wanted to help the paladins as much as possible, even though she was just a trainee. Saint, but her healing ability is still stronger than that of the knights who are more focused on combat.

So the girl set off with a team of Paladins from the Dawn Sect, changing directions several times based on the intelligence that was constantly coming in. Finally, she encountered the 'monster' near the town of Saint Prey yesterday evening.

At that time, 'it' was attacking a group of believers who wanted to make a pilgrimage to the City of Light...

It was a humanoid creature, or basically a 'person', but it didn't seem to be a problem if it were called a monster.

Messy hair, dark eyes without pupils, a large amount of black mist surrounding the body, a destructive desire to attack, and chaotic thoughts that are completely unable to communicate...

Paladin Tyro swore that he had never seen such a crazy creature. The only purpose of his existence seemed to be to destroy everything in sight!

Fortunately, the monster was not very strong. Although it had tyrannical strength and agility, its unorganized attacks could not cause much damage to the Paladins. What's more, there was one who was upgraded quickly because he was favored by the goddess. The swift little saint is present.

In the end, after paying the price of minor injuries to two paladins, the group successfully controlled the monster and escorted it to the Cathedral of St. Prey, which was closest to them at the time.

Under Yu Chen's strong request, the paladins and the high-level clergy did not choose to 'purify' the monster immediately. Of course, this was reasonable. After all, although the latter caused considerable losses in this area, No one died as a result, and the most seriously injured among the pilgrims recovered to his best condition under the gentle comfort and dawn magic of a certain trainee saint.

After a little summarizing, Taylor and others found that there was indeed no reason to kill the monster. At the same time, they also admired this magnanimous and kind-hearted Holy Lady even more.

You must know that when the monster suddenly pushed away the two paladins and rushed towards Yuchen, the little girl was almost injured...

It was at that time that she saw the face of the 'monster' clearly.

‘Looks just like you! Although it feels very different, that guy does look a lot like you (⊙﹏⊙)! ’ The girl’s message was very serious. Although she still didn’t understand it, her tone didn’t sound like she was lying at all, and this kind of lie was really unnecessary.

After all, even if this girl fell in love with him, she would probably use the excuse 'I think you look familiar' to strike up a conversation, and she would never use the excuse 'I saw a monster who looks like you' Content to stir up conversation…

And Mo Tan didn't suspect that the other party was playing tricks on him. In fact, he was even more convinced than Yu Chen!

He still remembered a message he saw on the forum when he was chatting with Yidong...

[There is a humanoid creature suspected to be a rare elite monster appearing in the northwest continent! I see someone hitting someone, with high fighting ability and unconsciousness. Is there any expert who can help me pull it out and chop it up? It is best to be a young lady, who is single, has money and time and does not refuse online dating. It is best to be between 16 and 26 years old. She is strong family-oriented and clingy, cute and arrogant and can act cute. Please be sure to contact me as soon as possible. Contact number: 1373XXXXXX2! 】

This is not valuable information, but it is the only gain since Mo Tan started to sweep the forum. For some reasons, he attached great importance to this information and even asked Jun Wu to use the Wanderer Hostel. He used various channels to help collect information. Even though 99% of the chances were just a scam, he was definitely not willing to let go of the 1%...

At least on some things, whether he is now Hei Fan, or he is Tan Mo or Mo... his thoughts are the same!

Yu Chen brought an unexpected surprise, and what Mo Tan has to do now is to confirm a few crucial things...

‘I’m a little confused. Is that monster still imprisoned by you? ’ After thinking for a moment, he carefully replied. Of course, he is not confused at all now. It can even be said that he is sober and can no longer be sober.

Yuchen's news came quickly: 'Well... you can also say that he has been locked in the underground of the church since yesterday evening (..)~'

Mo Tan's heart sank immediately, but before he could speak, Yu Chen's second message popped up.

'But it's a little strange Σ(っ°Д°;)っ... When I went to see it just now, the guy who looked very similar to you turned into a small mist, and I couldn't see his appearance at all. , I don’t know why. ’

Just now? Turn into mist? Can't see clearly?

Mo Tan frowned slightly and replied: 'Then when was he in human form before? Any impression? ’

Yu Chen, who sent the message very quickly this time, did not reply immediately. Instead, he paused for several seconds before sending a very uncertain message: "It should be the period from evening to dark, those who encountered attacks." The pilgrims said that the monster suddenly appeared nearby and attacked them without any warning, but we left after locking him up. As for when he became like that just now, I don’t know (=ェ=)'

[It was humanoid from dusk to dark yesterday... The current Realm of Innocence should be winter, so the dusk to night in yesterday's game should be...]

Mo Tan opened his eyes in vain: "That's right!"

"What are you muttering about?" The orc warrior in front turned his head and glared at him with an unkind expression: "Be honest! We are almost there. If we know you are lying...hum!"

Mo Tan smiled bitterly and sighed, then opened the friend message again and said to Yuchen: 'It's quite interesting. I don't know how much he looks like me. You can take a closer look next time~'

'Okay\u0026amp;lt;(ˉ^ˉ)\u0026amp;gt;~' the girl replied quickly to him, and then sent another message: 'There seems to be something going on here! Contact Ang later (^^●)! ’

Mo Tan agreed happily, and then fell into deep contemplation, even though the posture was not very good-looking...

At the same time, the Cathedral of Saint-Pré

"Saint...saint sister!" Yu Chen, who hurriedly ran out of the room with a red face, asked the beautiful woman with short flaxen hair in front of him: "Why are you here?"

This elegant lady wearing a silver dress, with a pair of pointed ears, and carrying a star-gold cross is named Xia Lian Zhuye. She is the great priest and saint of the Shuguang Sect. She is also a favored person of God and has always been the speaker. Chen's mentor.

"I feel relieved when I see you, Wangyu." Saint Xia Lian chuckled and touched Yuchen's hair, then winked playfully at the latter: "Don't you want me to come in and sit for a while?"

This 320-year-old elf saint is obviously not a rigid person. She likes to tease her disciple who is shy if she speaks more than a few words.

"Yeah!" Yuchen quickly turned around and pushed open the door, stumbling and said, "Yes... I'm sorry! I forgot!"

Xia Lian stretched out her hand and pinched the former's soft cheeks, then waved to Taylor, who had come to deliver the message in person, indicating that he could go ahead and go about his business first. Then she walked into the room and casually took off the clothes on her back. He leaned over and gently placed the slender cross on the ground...

boom! !

Then the floor dented and a lot of cracks appeared around it.

"Uh!" Saint Xia Lian was stunned for a moment, then smiled awkwardly at the startled girl next to her: "I forgot that there was no blessing here."

After saying that, she quickly picked up her cross, then raised her little feet and whistled, stamping the dented ground into a solid state.

How powerful is this...

"Well, I heard that the 'monster' you caught is a bit special?" The saint walked around the room for a long time, evenly stepped down two centimeters on every floor tile here, and then said as if nothing was wrong. Chen asked: "Are you not injured?"

Yuchen glanced at the ground around him that had suddenly become a little shorter, and shook his head blankly: "No~"

"Wangyu is good, tell me you are injured when you get back." Xia Lian leaned over and whispered in her ear: "Then you want a vacation or something, and I will take you out to play!"

"Uh..." Yuchen was stunned for a moment: "Okay."

Xia Lian nodded with satisfaction, and then sighed softly: "But we have to go on a business trip first before we can go back..."

"Huh?" Yuchen tilted his head curiously: "On a business trip?"

"Yes, there's... a plague in the south, a great plague."

Fire Claw Collar, Outside Falling Ax City

Mo Tan, who was deep in thought, was suddenly thrown to the ground, and then he saw a pair of small boots appear in his field of vision, and a teasing voice came from diagonally above...

"Okay~ Why didn't I notice before that you are still a pussy? It's so exciting that I don't even want to reply to messages~ Is the bondage play fun? Do you want to be tied up for a while?"

Chapter 86: End

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