Quadruple split

Chapter 889 His name is...

As Creb climbed the stairs, figures appeared quietly behind him, following closely behind him.




These people include men and women, old and young, and they all dress differently, but they all have pale skin and blood-red eyes, and the crest of the Kaivos family is printed on their sleeves.

If Lesa were present, she would definitely find that everyone here knew each other, because these people are the core strength of the Kevos family, although most of them have different surnames and different positions in the manor. , but they are all truly trustworthy people.

In other words, he was someone she once thought she could trust.

Lesa once told Mo Tan that on the day Kreb killed her parents, 60% of the people in this mansion were on her uncle's side, and apart from those who helped him and the perpetrators, the real Not even 30% of the people who tried their best to help Lessa escape.

However, the person who appears behind Creber Kevos at this moment has 80% of the power of this family's direct line.

This number is not scientific...

The reason was mentioned just now. In Lesa's impression, nearly 30% of the people were still 'fighting to the death' to protect themselves and leave, so from a mathematical point of view, the number of people following Creb was somewhat illogical.

And in most cases, 'illogical' means something is wrong.

I just don’t know whether the problem is something, a person, or something else.

After pushing open the last heavy wooden door and returning to the ground, Kreb walked into the hall of the main building of the manor, stopped on the scarlet carpet under his feet, and asked softly.

"Yes, sir."

Iva Black Garden, the housekeeper standing behind Crebo, nodded slightly and looked at the not-so-tall figure in front of her with a complex expression: "They are waiting for you on the top floor of the tower."

"Punctuality is a valuable quality... If that guy Fezeren was still alive, he would probably say this."

Kleiber smiled and turned to look at the wall on the right side of the main hall. On it were portraits of the ancestors of the Kevos family and individual people who had made outstanding contributions to the family. The last one was an empty one. picture frame with nothing inside.

If nothing else, that should be the position of Feizelen Keyworth.

The reason why that person was not hung there after his death was because of an 'accident' caused by Creber himself.

"I am not a qualified head of the family..."

Whispering Fezeren's last words before his death, Kleiber smiled to himself, moved his eyes away from the frame, turned to look at the steadfast followers behind him, and took a deep breath. He said loudly in his signature, not so decent, loud voice: "My compatriots, brothers, and friends, we all know that today is a big day."

No one spoke, these blood seekers just raised their heads in unison, staring at Creber's angular face, waiting for the next step.

What follows is surprisingly brief.

"Just do whatever you have to do."

The current head of the family rubbed his nose and raised his chin towards the wall covered with portraits: "If it were them, they might speak impassionedly for a few minutes because of this historic moment, but it's a pity that I don't have that. Talent, so let’s do it.”

"Yes, sir."

Led by Ivar Black Garden and three other high-status male butlers, the people standing in front of Crebo responded in unison, and then left the main hall in an orderly manner, including those who usually stay here. Several servants and maids are no exception.

After a few minutes, the main hall became empty again.

"Punctuality is a valuable quality..."

Creb smacked his lips and stood there in silence for a long time before stepping on the spotless carpet under his feet and leaving the main hall, walking towards the building not far away that shimmered with red light under the night. In addition to the cool light effects, It is useless outside and has been used as a storage warehouse by the Kevos family all year round.

He tightened the cloak that made him feel a little awkward, and tried his best to make his steps appear more solemn, but in the end, it ended up feeling like a "lazy gardener".

But even so, Krab Kevos still tried hard to act like a noble and maintain his dignity.

Although he usually doesn't care about this kind of decency and even sneers at it, today is a big day, and this level of superficiality still needs to be done, and it is still worth doing.

fifteen minutes later

Game time PM19:43

Free City, Night Zone, Keyworth Manor, Top Tower

"Welcome everyone~"

Entering the special living room that had been renovated a few months ago, Kleiber showed a warm smile to the people in front of him. While wiping the fine beads of sweat on his forehead with the back of his hand, he stood next to the main seat and bowed slightly. She said: "Mr. Lionel, your presence has made the Kevos family shine."

After saluting, Creber carefully sat on the main seat next to him and looked at the gray-haired middle-aged man sitting opposite him in awe, with a somewhat flattering expression.

"It's an honor, Chief Kraibo."

The patriarch of the Bloodwing family, wearing a simple black dress, Lionel Bloodwing, who was sitting opposite Creb, nodded meticulously, narrowed his slightly cloudy dark red eyes, and spoke in an almost He said without hesitation: "So, can you explain why you are nearly a quarter of an hour late? You must know that punctuality is a precious character, especially for born nobles like us."

Creb was slightly startled and subconsciously said 'uh'.

"Please don't prevaricate us, Mr. Crabber, this is about you...and the status of your followers in the Bloodwing family."

The blond young man sitting next to Lionel had cold and deep eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Your stupidity has caused a lot of damage to our cooperation, so be sure not to challenge our patience at this time."

Crabber, who was sweating all over his face, suddenly became panic-stricken, and then he turned to Lionel for help, only to find that the latter had closed his eyes in disbelief, obviously not interested in the aggressiveness of the blond young man next to him. No comments.

Obviously, as the second-in-command of the Bloodwing family, Michael Bloodwing is not in a good mood for some reason, and as the elder brother, Lionel does not mind that his younger brother vents his anger in front of Kreb's 'partner' Although this aggressive attitude is not decent enough.

"All right……"

After being silent for a long time, Creber reluctantly took out the prismatic crystal in his pocket, shook the thing that looked like a high-quality ruby, and said with a wry smile: "In fact, until just now, I have been The ceremonial hall in the main house adjusted this thing until it was barely fully cured just a few minutes ago.”

Michael's pupils suddenly contracted, then calmed down again in just a few seconds, and said coldly: "I thought you were ready."

"Not so, Honorable Lord Michael."

Creber sighed, put the crystal in his hand back into his pocket, shook his head and said: "My talent in bloodline abilities is far inferior to that of Fezeron. If it were the time we agreed on before, we would be able to follow it up a little more calmly, but After you suddenly proposed to advance the date to today, which is the 10th day after the Frost Moon Prayer, the debugging work became a bit tight, and I barely managed to catch up without sleeping for two whole days."

Michael Bloodwing, who had the peak of epic strength, stared at Creber: "What do you mean?"

Creb immediately lowered his head in fear, gritted his teeth and said, "Mr. Michael, please don't get me wrong. I just feel that the ceremony originally scheduled for the 1st of Scarlet Moon Melody has suddenly been advanced..."


Seemingly sensing that Michael's patience was gradually being pushed to the limit, Lionel, who was the talker of the Bloodwing family, slowly opened his eyes and interrupted: "Mr. Crabber, maybe you have noticed that as a The proposer and promoter of this merger, Michael’s son Raphael, our gifted family advisor, is not here today.”

Creb blinked, and after carefully looking at the people in front of him, he realized that Raphael Bloodwing was indeed not here, and that young man had never missed a 'meeting' of a similar nature before today.

"Mr. Raphael, he..."

"he died."

Michael interrupted Creber with a livid face and gritted his teeth: "Because he tried to dye..."

"Raphael died in a tragic accident."

Lionel raised his hand slightly and did not let Michael continue. He just said lightly: "Yes, it was an accident. I have enough reasons to believe that it was just a embarrassing accident, but no matter what, , this cooperation that has lost its core promoter has finally experienced changes, so in order to avoid long nights and dreams, I have advanced the time to today without permission, please forgive me."

Creber immediately waved his hand in flattery: "You are too polite. In the final analysis, it is my lack of ability, otherwise I wouldn't have been here until today..."

"Let's get right to the point, Mr. Crebber."

Lionel stood up, put his hands on the table and looked down at Kleiber, who was not very tall to begin with, and asked in a deep voice: "Are you sure the [Crystal] has been completely debugged?"

The latter nodded immediately and said: "Yes."

"Then, this is the promised reward."

Lionel Bloodwing took off his gloves, widened his turbid scarlet eyes, growled with a slightly ferocious expression, and forced out a drop of blood from the tip of the index finger of his right hand, a drop surrounded by dark red Dense, like crystal clear blood like gems.

Creb, Michael, and the other two people in the room, all covered in cloaks, froze, and instinctively licked their lips, which were not dry.

It's not because they all happen to have some kind of curious and perverted hobby, it's because the drop of blood that Lionel squeezed out with a constipated expression is extraordinary!

"A drop of rank is a half-step legend, and it also contains the blood of the Bloodwing family factors."

Lionel, whose face turned from pale to pale, held the drop of original blood floating in the air, which had great appeal to everyone present, and said lightly: "Donate the original blood crystal of the Kaivos family. It's yours."

Creb swallowed nervously, put his trembling hand into his pocket, took out the rhombus crystal he had just shown, and stared at the drop of source blood in Leonardo's hand: "I can I believe you, right?"

The latter smiled slightly: "Of course, after all, from today on, my personal strength is no longer important, and for me who has no hope of advancing to the legendary realm, losing a drop of source blood is not a big loss."

"Stop talking nonsense, Creb."

Michael snorted and sneered: "If you didn't believe me, you wouldn't have killed Fezeren Keyworth and her wife so simply, right?"

Creb's cheek twitched slightly, and he was silent for a while before he nodded slightly: "I understand, do you need to sign a contract?"

"That's not necessary."

Lionel, who had just lost his source blood but returned to normal in less than a minute, smiled slightly, took out a container the size of an eyedrop bottle from his pocket, and filled the drop of source blood. Inside: "Let's just exchange. We still have a lot to do tonight."

Creber also pressed the original blood crystal of the Kaivos family in his hand on the table.

The next second, the two of them used force at the same time to push the things in their hands toward each other.

This is an ancient, inefficient, redundant, cumbersome and troublesome way of exchange, but many nobles like to play this, and it is also very popular among blood seekers who claim to be high-nobles. This method has nothing but fashion. of tune.

to be honest……

Bang! Bang!

"It's so heartless."

Wearing a cloak with the Blood Wings crest, the 'outsider' appeared like a ghost in the center of the long table. He clapped his hands without hesitation, clasped the items exchanged by both parties in front of him, and shouted sharply before everyone could react. : "Don't fucking move! Otherwise there will be no origin blood or crystals or anything like that!"

This roar is quite necessary, otherwise, not to mention Krab, whose strength is not too high but can barely reach the epic threshold, the two Bloodwing family members may really reward him with two moves the moment they react!

As a player with only a third level of high-level profession, let alone two moves, even with only half a move or a simple exploratory move, this person would probably be beaten to death.

Yes, after seeing this, I think everyone already knows his true identity, which is...


Michael stood up suddenly and shouted angrily: "What are you going to do!?"

"Aha, so this dear friend is called Yagoda?"

The uninvited guest shrouded in the cloak smiled and shrugged: "It's really not creative at all, it's not as good as Gotha Duck or Gomamon."


Lionel, who had already noticed that this 'Yagoda' was not his true form, narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the silhouette under the other's hood with a gloomy expression that was the same as that of 'Yagoda', and shouted: "Who are you!"


Chapter 882: End

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