Quadruple split

Chapter 883 Bone Burial Ground

next day

Game time AM09:11

The southwest continent of the Innocence, the outer edge of Lake Nismont, the residence of the special mission of the Chauvin Empire

"I've always been curious"

The Sin Lord stood with his hands behind his hands in front of the luxurious dragon carriage branded with the Duke's coat of arms. His eyes, which seemed to be smiling but not smiling, were warm and peaceful under the mask. He stared unblinkingly at the tranquil and calm lake in the distance and whispered softly: "Why have the Griffin Dynasty, the Dreamland Theocracy, and the Silver Wings Alliance never had an idea of ​​​​this place?"

The most powerful nobleman in the Chauvinist Empire, the businessman William's childhood friend, and the most trusted member of the royal family, Archduke Jude Fossey, smiled: "Why do you ask?"

The Lord of Sin shrugged, leaned lazily on the dragon cart to stretch his body, and said casually: "Because this land without an owner happens to be sandwiched between those three large forces, and for hundreds of years, no matter whether None of the Griffin Emperors, Silver Wing Leaders, or Dream Popes in history have declared their sovereignty over this area. Isn't this strange enough?"

"As you said, this is just a deserted land."

Archduke Fosset narrowed his eyes slightly and said noncommittally: "Aside from the beautiful scenery, there is no land suitable for farming or mineral veins containing gold coins. As for this lake, it is no problem to support some fishermen, but if it is If it is managed as a territory, the potential is too limited, and you also said that this place is sandwiched between the Griffin Dynasty, the Silver Wing Alliance and the Dreamland Theocracy. In this case, the first party to take action can easily be defeated by the other two. Don’t you think the gains outweigh the losses when being targeted by a powerful force?”

The Lord of Sin did not speak, but looked steadily at Fossey with his eyes that were as calm as the lake not far away, and even more calm.

one minute later

Fossey, who finally couldn't stand such an atmosphere, let out a sigh of relief, looked away and said softly: "I was rude, please forgive me."

"It seems you are not too stupid."

The Sin Lord lazily adjusted his collar, and the corner of his mouth curled up with a playful arc: "I didn't carry out the bad test just now to the end."

Fosset lowered his head slightly and fell into silence.

"You do have a reason to be unconvinced. After all, you have paid much more than me, Your Excellency the Duke."

Lord Sin tilted his head and winked at Fossey, smiling kindly: "You can understand Grand Duke Garros, Marshal Galahad, Farah... Oh, now it's time to call him Mr. Osiris. In short, you can understand They, because from an objective point of view, you have experienced the same thing, and may have even suffered an equal amount of pain, and I, I can’t even figure out why you are like this, let alone feel the same way, you are right It’s normal for me to have prejudices.”

Grand Duke Fosai's expression suddenly became a little stiff. After a long while, he whispered: "I just want to make sure that you have the ability to drive us on behalf of the master. Your Excellency, Jiawen, please forgive me for any offense."

No, it should be said that Jia Wen, who was pretending to be a Sin Lord, waved his hand and said without interest: "Since you are talking to your own people, don't pretend to be pretentious. Prejudices are prejudices. Any unnecessary explanations will only reduce my respect for you." evaluation, and my evaluation is directly related to your value in the eyes of the boss, Mr. Duke."

"I just"

Fossey wanted to say something more, but was interrupted impatiently by Gawen.

"The order for me to act as a substitute was given by the boss himself, so your wanting to confirm my ability was a disobedience from the beginning. Of course, we all know that you don't distrust him, you just simply listen to everything." Gavin was just confused by the order."

Gawen touched the mask on his face, and while arbitrarily changing the details of his face hidden under the mask, he said casually: "This is human nature, after all, whether it is you, Garros, or Galahad, Well, you basically knew nothing about my existence before this, so it’s normal to have resistance, but..."

At this point, she suddenly paused, and her originally calm eyes gradually became sharper.

“Although this is indeed ‘human nature’ and there is nothing wrong with it, it’s not that I can’t understand it.”

Gavin, who looked like a sinful Lord, licked the corners of his lips, walked slowly to the side of Grand Duke Fossey, and whispered: "But my dear Duke, if you continue to treat yourself as a 'human' like this, it will be difficult for everyone. do it."

Fosai's body trembled, beads of sweat appeared on his forehead, and he hung his head deeply.

"Of course, you don't have to be too nervous. After all, in the eyes of the boss, there is no principled difference in status between you and me."

Jia Wen smiled gently and said leisurely: "He is not a person like me who only has low-level ambitions, so he has no intention of sorting out those of us who work part-time. The boss likes to use our talents according to our abilities. People who are good at certain things do certain things. This is true for Garros and Galahad, and it is also true for you and me. Even Sister Silent Prayer, who seems to be just a decoration, does far more than being in charge. Dark Side of the Empire’s Lord Will McBride, Lord Diggory and Lord Moody are better together.”

Fossey nodded stiffly.

"So, I'm just giving you some advice that I think is pertinent from the perspective of a colleague. As for whether you should adopt it or not, it's up to you, Duke Fossey."

Jiawen patted Fossey on the shoulder, winked and said: "By the way, the idea to contact General Staff Lamorlock of the Dreamland Theocracy before going to Academy City this time was mine. I was the one who first contacted that staff officer. I am also a human being, and the 'best policy' that the boss mentioned in front of His Majesty was also proposed by me."

Fosset's pupils suddenly shrank, and he turned his head abruptly, looking at Jia Wen who was standing beside him with disbelief.

"It's not that I'm being modest. After all, if the boss is willing, he can probably do better than me."

Jia Wen smiled implicitly and shrugged: "But his time is precious, and I am a good tool who can temporarily serve as a staff officer, so I was entrusted with these trivial tasks."

Fosset took a deep breath, nodded vigorously and said, "I will cooperate with you, Miss Gawen. Please forgive me for the previous offense."

"This sentence sounds much more sincere now."

Gawen pushed her mask slightly and said casually: "Then let's go back to the topic just now, why those three seemingly ambitious forces have not had any plans to attack the Lake Nismont area in the past hundreds of years. Woolen cloth?"

Fosset took a deep breath and pondered for a while before speaking slowly: "Actually, it's not that they don't want to do business here. In fact, in some records of the royal family, those three countries have had several conflicts over the past hundreds of years. Abnormal military mobilizations are all directed at the lake area we are currently in. I just don’t know why. Every time, the thunder is not loud and the raindrops are light. As for the history further back, I don’t know. After all, Chauvin’s founding of the country It didn’t last long, and it’s far from comparable to those three behemoths, but His Majesty once told me about it during a casual chat.”

"What did you say?"

Jiawen looked at Fosai who was hesitant to speak with interest, and asked without any consideration.

"Your Majesty suspects that there may be another force dormant in this area that has been entrenched in the Southwest Continent for hundreds of years. It may also be some kind of individual that is so powerful that the three major powers feel that acting rashly will make them lose more than they gain."

Fossey finally told the truth the secrets that William had confided to him. Just as Gavin said, if he continued to treat himself as a 'human being', it would be difficult for everyone.

Now that I have glimpsed the 'truth' represented by 'that gentleman', it would be too stupid to have any reservations about Ms. Gavin who is in the same camp.

"Oh, that's how it is."

After getting the answer, Gawen didn't have any mood swings. He just nodded casually, turned around and boarded Fossey's dragon carriage, waved to the latter: "Let's rest for a while, since we have left Griffin territory. , then you can slow down, after all, it’s still early for the meeting.”

So Fosai followed him and boarded his dragon carriage. He sat opposite Jia Wen and closed his eyes for a long time before curiously asking: "Why don't you go to your dragon carriage to rest? After all, you are..."

"It doesn't matter. Based on the character of the Lord of Sin, it is completely reasonable to discuss future plans with Lord Fossai all day long."

Jiawen took a sip of the black tea that had been cooling on the low table for a long time, spread her hands and said, "As for the specific reason, it's actually that Traxiu doesn't like me very much, so we won't ask for trouble."

Fosai was slightly startled: Traxiu?

"It's the sand golden dragon that originally belonged to His Royal Highness Arthur, but has now been assigned to the boss's name."

Gawen curled her lips, held up her chin against the face that looked like the Lord of Sin, and complained: "I don't know if it's some kind of telepathy or something, but it seems to hate me so much. Really, it just needs to kill Arthur." Even if it’s just once, you won’t bart your teeth at me right after the boss leaves.”

Fossey: "."

"But forget it, it's the same here anyway."

Gawen stretched out, leaned on the cushion to cover his mouth and yawned: "Anyway, Traxiu's owner is back. When we come back, the car behind can be returned to its original owner."

Fosset, who had not yet known that Arthur had been reborn as the 'White King', was stunned for a moment, and then repeated in confusion: "Return the property to its original owner?"

"I'll explain it to you when I'm in the mood."

Gawen smiled, picked up the teacup, turned to look at the sparkling lake in the distance, and said softly: "Rather than serving as a mount for the boss, Traxiu is more suitable for its original owner."

Since Gawen had no intention of continuing to explain, Fosset did not continue the topic. He just asked as if he had nothing to say: "Speaking of which, do you know where you are going when you leave this time?"

"That's not a good question."

Gawen narrowed her eyes slightly, drank the remaining half cup of black tea gracefully, and said with a smile: "If I hadn't known that Duke Fossey was just talking to avoid embarrassment, you might be a dead person now. ”

Fosse, who realized that he had made a mistake, was immediately choked up. Just as he was about to explain something, he was interrupted by Gawen's wave of his hand.

"I know you didn't mean it, so don't be nervous."

Like a real sinner, she closed her eyes and fell asleep, muttering: "Just remember not to say stupid things again in the future."


"Also, I actually don't know where the boss is. I just followed the arrangement and went on his behalf. Anyway, the specific things to be discussed are all predetermined contents."


"However, for some reason, the boss, whose time is precious, must have enough reasons, although he is not interested in telling me."

"That's what you said."

"Relax, Duke Fosset, we are colleagues. Would you like a cup of black tea?"

"Ah, thank you."

at the same time

Northwest of the Innocence Continent, the end of the Dragon Clan, [Time Tower]

The real Lord of Sin was standing in the center of the seven stone statues, looking around expressionlessly at the surrounding environment.

There is not much difference from the last time 'I' came here. There are no obvious changes except for the [Iron Mane Book] that Ji Xiaoge took away as a souvenir.

But the tower spirit named Dorami seems to be missing.

It's a pity, Merlin would be interested in it.

Soon, he canceled a certain skill that had both detection and analysis, and the dark eyes behind the mask narrowed slightly.

The next moment.

The statues of Doraemon and the Seven Boys will automatically start fine-tuning:

Doraemon's double angles rotated forty-five degrees.

Doraemon and Doraemon exchange hats.

The ears in Doraemon's space bag floated up and got stuck in the slot on the top of his head.

Doranikoff's scarf fell off and flames came out of his mouth.

Doraemon III's magic lamp began to spray water.


A dazzling light lit up under Mo's feet, and a huge composite array emerged from the air and began to slowly rotate.

"It's a trap, pathetic intruder, do you think my malicious detection barrier is just a decoration?"

Ah Sang's arrogant message suddenly sounded from all directions, and the teleportation circle under Mo's feet also entered the activation stage at the same time.

"It was intentional."

Although it was clear that no one was listening, Mo still replied calmly, and then disappeared in a wave of space fluctuations that he could have forcibly strangled without giving any reaction.

When he opened his eyes again, he had been sent to a dark space with the care of the tower owner, which was also the destination of his trip.

burial ground

A literal burial ground!

"Sorry for bothering you."

Mo said lightly and waved the black staff that appeared in his hand at an unknown time: "I have something to do with Bosh Galon."

The next moment, a pale white light suddenly exploded above his head, illuminating the endless space.

Nearly a hundred corpses burning with blue ghost flames, which must have been at least tens of meters tall, were reflected.

"Please make it easier."

Chapter 876: End

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