Quadruple split

Chapter 875 Interlude

Let's go back in time a little, to the moment when Hog ​​Blackpipe woke up.

Well, you ask, since we have to go back now, why didn't we just follow along and insert a short paragraph that happened twenty minutes later and contained a lot of information but was not really necessary?

It's so naive. That's naturally because the paragraph just now is very suitable as the end of a chapter~

Okay, everyone, please be patient and let me get back to the topic.

Twenty minutes ago.

"eat first."

After hearing these words, Hogg, who had been so hungry that he lost consciousness, immediately covered his stomach. His dog face, which was still energetic, suddenly shrank visibly, and his stomach, which could no longer make any beeps, became silent. The ground roared, urging Hogg's brain with waves of hunger so clear that it made his scalp numb, telling him to hurry up and do something.

After smelling the smell of the piece of bread in his hand, this feeling immediately went to Hogg's mind. After realizing that it was indeed food, Hogg almost swallowed the piece of bread into his stomach. inside, and then he couldn't wait to take the second piece of bread from Mo Tan's hand, which was also deliberately broken into small pieces by the latter, put it into his mouth and started chewing it.

Mo Tan, who was squatting in front of the kobold, smiled and handed him a small bottle of clean drinking water. Because there was only a large kettle in the bag, this bottle was the one he poured into the potion bottle just now, and it was only half of the bottle. The amount contained about 20% of the potion ingredients, which would not allow Hogg to water himself to fullness, and it would be better than nothing to restore some physical strength.

As a result, under Mo Tan's careful care, Hogg, who had been so hungry that he fainted once, did not choke or stretch himself to death. Instead, he gradually recovered after swallowing small pieces of bread and water mixed with healing potions. In terms of physical strength, he did not gorge himself to death after getting food like many hungry people do.

a moment later

"Eat these first."

After observing that Hogg's eating speed dropped significantly, but he still reached out to himself immediately after swallowing the dried meat, Mo Tan shook his head slightly, and did not continue to take out the food, but took out a whole bottle of healing potion. He handed it to the kobold boy in front of him and said warmly: "Drink this. If you still feel hungry after a while, I will give it to you."

Hogg bared his teeth subconsciously, but still obediently took the potion in Mo Tan's hand and drank it all. Then he stared at the latter with burning eyes. The meaning in his eyes was obvious, that is - still hungry, Still want to eat.

Mo Tan didn't say anything, just looked at Hogg with a smile.

one minute later

Hogg, who finally got rid of the illusion that he was still hungry, shook his head vigorously, and his eyesight returned to clarity. He first touched his bulging belly somewhat sluggishly, and after reacting for a long time, he suddenly He trembled and said loudly to Mo Tan in a hoarse voice: "Thank you, Mr. Half-Dragon."

"You're welcome, kid."

Mo Tan raised his hand and rubbed Hogg's head. He didn't mind the large amount of blood on the latter's body and blinked: "Are you still hungry?"

It is necessary to mention here that in fact, Mo Tan, who is not very old, did not want to call Hogg 'kid', but in order to make himself appear more reliable and help Hogg quickly regain his composure, he finally chose to do so. A name.

"Not hungry anymore, sir."

Hogg shook his head politely and answered Mo Tan's question honestly. Unlike his three playmates who were rescued by the same 'outsiders', he did not reveal his feelings to Mo Tan, who was a half-dragon. Any hostility does not rule out the fact that it is a special situation + dangerous environment, but at least from the perspective of self-cultivation, this young man who is very likely to become the next leader of the clan is indeed outstanding.

He was scared, but he was still able to force himself to calm down, and he even had the intention to secretly observe the seemingly harmless stranger in front of him.

[It should be very promising in the future. 】

Perhaps he found a few traces of himself in the young man in front of him, Mo Tan suddenly thought with some narcissism, then he breathed a sigh of relief, sat down on the ground and ate something, the content of which was the same as what he just said. The same as Hogg's, it was a simple meal consisting of bread, dried meat and healing potion. It tasted ordinary, but it could increase the speed of his physical recovery.

Players who do not feel hungry in the game seem to be able to increase the recovery rate of their physical energy if they eat normally, even just eating apples.

This sentence was something Mo Tan had seen on the forum before. After experimenting with multiple characters, various environments, and various foods, he not only confirmed the authenticity of the above point of view, he even concluded a text with a text volume of up to 20,000 words. Experiment report, which provides a detailed analysis of the relationship between eating and the recovery rate of various numerical values ​​​​of the character, ranging from the most common apple, to the [Ten Fragrance Wind Falcon] worth 80 gold coins a piece, to Ji Xiaoge [Honey Synthesis γ] was basically summarized by Mo Tan.

And this behavior also directly caused the apples in 'Hei Fan''s bag that Luna had forced on him to be emptied. 'Tan Mo' lost the last gold coins on his body, and 'Mo' gained a little favor from Ji Xiao Ge. A series of results.

Of course, this is a digression. All we need to know now is that Mo Tan is trying his best to restore his fighting ability.

"Well, I'm sorry, sir."

Seeing Mo Tan start to eat by himself, although he knew that it was somewhat inappropriate for him to ask questions now, the kobold boy who gradually started to panic after regaining his composure still couldn't hold back, and carefully thought about the only way he could rely on asking questions at the moment. Said: "Let's find out now."

"You can call me Mo. If you don't mind, you can call me Brother Mo."

Mo Tan first took a sip of the healing potion to restore his health to full, and then showed a reassuring smile: "I also know that your name is Hog Heipi. In fact, I just met you not long ago. My aunt, Lady Carion Blackskin, is concerned about your safety."

After hearing Carion's name, the young boy's eyes suddenly turned red, he lowered his head and choked, "I should have listened to my aunt. I..."

"I think so, little Hog."

Mo Tan nodded slightly, and did not let the young man continue to feel depressed. Instead, he cleverly changed the subject: "After we leave this place, you must apologize to Ms. Carion. I think she will forgive you." of."

"Get out of here get out of here"

Hogg repeated Mo Tan's words in a low voice, then took a deep breath and asked Mo Tan: "Are you sent by my aunt? I mean, was it my aunt who asked you to save me?"

Mo Tan shrugged, spread his hands and said: "To be precise, after learning about your disappearance, my companions and I asked Ms. Jialion to let us rescue you. By the way, your three little Your companions are also worried about you and even risked their lives to leave the village to look for you. Don’t forget to thank them when you return.”

Although he didn't know how to leave, Mo Tan had been consciously instilling the concept of 'we can leave successfully' into Hogg from the beginning. This behavior had an outstanding effect, and the latter has become much calmer now.

"Those three idiots."

Hogg smiled and cursed with some emotion, and then suddenly stood up and bowed to Mo Tan: "Thank you again. If you can take me away from here, I will definitely try to persuade my aunt to help you."

Mo Tan raised his eyebrows and glanced at Hogg in surprise. After a while, he nodded with a smile and said, "I have to say, you just gave me a very good 'motivation'."

Hogg smiled sheepishly. It was obvious that he guessed that Mo Tan had an impure motive for his previous words.

"Okay, now that you've calmed down, let's talk business."

Mo Tan changed to a more comfortable sitting position and asked with a slightly serious face: "First of all, I want to know how you appeared here and what happened after you came to this place. This information is very important."

"Yes sir, I."

"You don't have to use honorifics, Hogg."

"Yes, Brother Mo, actually I"

In the following period, Hoge told Mo Tan exactly what happened after he left the village.

To put it simply, Hogg originally just wanted to take advantage of the stall where his aunt was being harassed by outsiders to get some air and leave the village to enjoy the so-called 'free' air. However, he unfortunately got lost because he was not familiar with the environment outside the village. , coupled with the fact that the child's sense of direction may not be very good, he actually wandered further and further away from the village in the process of finding the way, and finally wandered near the nest of the unlucky group of night vipers.

What happened next was not too different from what Mo Tan had guessed. The young man who led the snake out of the hole started to flee in a hurry and finally ran to an open space. In the process, he fell down in a very classic way and fell. Bolengaka's skin was bald, and his hands were scratched with two blood marks on the ground. At this moment, those unlucky night vipers approached at high speed and prepared to hunt after they concluded that "the prey has no ability to fight back." kill.

Then, Hogg's blood triggered some kind of mechanism, and the night vipers he brought behind him were teleported to this place. Due to his poor physical fitness, Hogg fainted with a sudden sound during the teleportation process. , and when he woke up and saw the pair of snake corpses around him that had been chopped into pieces by two knight statues, he fainted for the second time with a crunch, and when he woke up again, he saw Mo Tan.

By the way, here is a digression, that is, not all the night vipers lured out by Hogg were passed away, and those survivors found a second wave of prey that seemed to be easier to deal with shortly after returning to their nests, and then they were The Wangwang team and the beautiful girl mercenary group were wiped out.

Okay, this is a pretty sad story.

All in all, after obtaining the information that was mostly deduced by himself, Mo Tan was able to determine the reasons for the disappearance of the 'black skins' in the past.

There is something wrong with their blood, which can trigger some mechanisms that are probably located in more than one place around the village, and those unknown mechanisms will teleport the surrounding living creatures into certain places after being triggered, which is absolutely inseparable from the Sun Dynasty. Where it matters, at this point, the person is gone.

And according to what Carion said, not only are those people gone, but most of them have already been in trouble.

This is something that Mo Tan doesn't understand. After all, the knight statues here will not attack people with the 'black skin' bloodline, and this building that is most likely an underground palace should not have no exit. In that case, those Why can’t any of the missing people come back?

He frowned, put the question aside for the time being, and patted Hogg gently on the shoulder: "So the main reason for your distress this time was that you got lost?"

"Yes, Brother Mo."

The kobold boy blushed and lowered his head, and whispered: "I just wanted to leave the village to get some fresh air while my aunt was busy. Because my friends often play near the village, so I thought I should be fine. I didn’t expect that my sense of direction would be so bad, I’m sorry, if I had shouted for help or stayed where I was, this wouldn’t have happened.”


Mo Tan shook his head firmly, looked at Hogg with stern eyes, and said decisively: "It was not you who was wrong!"

The young man was stunned: "Not me?"

"It's not you!"

"That is."

"It's the world without intelligent navigation, and the world with intelligent navigation but the road conditions are getting more and more complex."

Mo Tan said such nonsense in a deep voice, and then simply told Hogg the reason why he appeared in this place. Finally, he said with some hesitation: "That's what happened. If nothing else, we should be trapped here. I thought of a way, but "

He frowned and did not continue, obviously still struggling.


Hogg was stunned for a moment. Seeing that Mo Tan had nothing to say, he began to think about it by himself, and quickly guessed the 'method' that the latter had thought of temporarily: "Brother Mo, I seem to understand what you mean."

Mo Tan was also stunned for a moment, then waved his hands vigorously and said: "Don't worry, we will think of other ways."

"No, I think this is a good idea."

But the smart kobold boy stood up and grinned at Mo Tan: "If those stone statues really won't attack me, a person with 'black skin' blood, then it would be perfect for me to explore the way."

"Too dangerous."

Mo Tan still shook his head and said solemnly: "I don't think it's possible."

"I am very confident in my footwork, although I am definitely a little scared."

Hogg rubbed his nose and said with a sneer: "So I want to walk a short distance by myself first. Brother Mo, just wait for me here. I will call you over when I feel it is safe, and then continue to explore the road. If you encounter danger, I will run back as soon as possible to find Brother Mo for your protection."


"There is no better way. Do you still have torches?"

Mo Tan sighed, took out a second torch from his bag, and lit it with flint: "Yes."

"Then I'll walk a little bit first~"

Hogg took the torch, hammered his withered chest hard, and said with a trembling smile: "I'm very brave."

So, the 'courageous' young man took a torch, shivering, cautiously, and took him a full fifteen minutes to walk through the less than fifty-meter-long corridor in front of him, and then he was sweating profusely. He turned around and waved to Mo Tan, and mustered up the courage to turn a corner.

ten seconds later

"Brother Mo!!"


"Maybe he wants to kill me!!!"

Chapter 868: End

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