Quadruple split

Chapter 844 Tokiwa Studio

[Large-scale regional mission: Exploring the ancient ruins of the Sun Dynasty]

Mission Level: Epic

Mission Difficulty: Normal

Current stage: Stage 1

Current progress: 0%

Personal contribution: 0

Team contribution: 0%

Requirements for receiving: Be selected and invited by members of the Golden City Archaeologists Association

Receive reward: Archaeologists Association reputation +100

Stage content: Gain the trust of the kobold/caveman community in the outer suburbs of the Golden City through peaceful means, and obtain the key to the ruins.

※If the team contribution at this stage is \u003c5% or the individual contribution is \u003c-500, the mission will be deemed a failure※

The guaranteed reward for success in the current stage is: +100 reputation of the Archaeologists Association, 500 gold coins, 1 random excellent quality equipment, 90,000 optional experience, and permission to participate in the second stage mission.

Failure penalty: Reputation of the Archaeologists Association -20

[Note 1: Recently, the Archaeologists Association discovered a large-scale Sun Dynasty ruins. However, due to various reasons, they were unable to obtain the corresponding 'portkey' without smashing the sign. In desperation, they had no choice but to find a way. Wrap up some cunning, greedy adventurers of varying quality, questionable character, and greedy adventurers around to make preliminary preparations. 】

[Note 2: Can you guarantee that your network status will always be smooth? Can you guarantee that you will not be called to eat by your mother when you are fighting in another dimension? Can you guarantee that you will give up any equipment or props that you don’t need? Can you guarantee that you have never read the guide or cheats? Can you guarantee that you won’t be greedy for monster drops and mission rewards? 】

[Note 3: If you can’t, then you are a qualified adventurer! 】

Mo Tan, who silently opened the task panel, quickly finished reading the series of instructions, and then immediately exchanged a look with Ji Xiaoge and Dabus who had done the same thing as him, and then immediately gave up his previous attitude. The lingering and specific content is probably the doubt of "someone is setting us up".

He knew that the system would not lie, so when he received this [large-scale regional mission], all the conspiracy theories he had considered before were self-defeating. In addition, the young man in front of him did not look like a human being. He is an actor, so the possibility of him collaborating with the previous gang to deceive him for some purpose has been reduced to zero.

It may be related to past experiences. No matter what personality state he is in, Mo Tan is always defensive, especially in the 'Lawful Good' state where he often does good things and does good things, so although he feels that the young man in front of him He didn't seem to be the kind of person with bad intentions, but he still didn't completely trust him. After all, those previous provocateurs really made him feel a little unnatural. Although he gave seemingly defensible reasons afterwards, that was not the case. It's just barely make sense.

However, now that he has received the regional mission, Mo Tan naturally will not continue to waste his energy on guarding. Instead, he smiles and extends his right hand to the flattered client: "I hope we can have a happy cooperation. I am the captain of the Wang Wang adventurer team. silent."

"oh oh!"

The other party immediately shook Mo Tan's arm excitedly and said to everyone with excitement: "Hello Brother Mo, Hello Brother Ogre, Hello Master Mage, Hello two beauties, my name is Colonel Mojin, please invite more later. Please give me some advice!"

next moment

Unexpectedly, but also within reason, the three players who had just received the mission widened their eyes at the same time.

A name like Colonel Mojin always feels incompatible with the painting style of this world.

With such doubts, Mo Tan moved his gaze to Jadeka, the only reliable one among the three NPCs, and asked: "Old Jia, do you know what 'colonel' means?"

Jadeka shook his head blankly. Obviously, although the aristocratic system in the Innocence Realm is similar to the real world, and there are titles such as generals, there are no such things as sergeants, lieutenants, and colonels. Military rank.

"Where's the gold?"

Ji Xiaoge also asked immediately.

"'Mojin', I've never heard of it, and it probably isn't a local dialect."

Jadeka awkwardly said something that was difficult for him to say, and hinted that this was not due to his ignorance.

Dabbs smacked his lips, said a long "oh", and turned his eyes to Captain Mojin with interest.

The latter was stunned for a moment, then waved his hands with a dry smile and said: "Ah, sorry, sorry, my English is not very standard. Well, let me introduce myself again. My name is 'Mojin Shangxiao', and I am. "

"Is he an 'outlander' with upright roots?"

Ji Xiaoge interrupted Colonel Mojin's poor cover-up with a smile and winked slyly.

Then Colonel Mojin was dumbfounded, for no other reason. Although the talent of "Left from the world and independent" can indeed suppress Ji Xiaoge's stunning and indescribable beauty into the normal range, but for Absolutely For most people, the difference between billions of volts and one million volts is not that big. After all, they are both electricity and death.

Only people like Mo Tan, Dabus and Jadeka, who are familiar with Ji Xiaoge, can remain calm despite the regular electric shocks that the latter inadvertently sends out all year round. This does not even include Yi Dong and Kang Lan. , Wanyang and others, after all, Ji Xiaoge's real image is a tomboy-style short hair, which is quite different from her ankle-length hair at this moment.


Mo Tan used a slight cough to wake up Colonel Mojin, who was so surprised by his companions at close range that he felt like he was struck by lightning. He smiled and said, "Relax, Ye Ge, Dabus and I are all players too."

Colonel Mojin's eyes suddenly widened. He had always known who Yege and Dabus were. He immediately cautiously glanced at Jadeka and Yaya, and whispered to Mo Tan: "Wait a minute! You are like this It’s really okay to say it directly.”

"Cut the nonsense, bald man!"

Yaya slammed the table hard, and then continued to eliminate the meat in front of him at a speed that was beyond the reach of ordinary people. He said vaguely: "The relationship between us is different from that of Sister Mo and Ye Ge." It has nothing to do with the people in the world, so don’t worry about those who have it but don’t have it.”

Yaya, who has not yet ended his rampage, is not as cute as he is in his normal state. He is even better than most people in terms of reaction, so it is natural that he cannot fail to hear the implication of Colonel Mojin's words.

"Whether it's an alien or some other messy thing, haha."

Yaya took a big gulp of water, wiped his mouth and hugged his arms and hummed: "As long as it's Mo, as long as it's Yege, as long as it's Dabus, that's it."

Listening to the girl's reasonable speech, a smile appeared on the lips of the three parties at the same time, and Colonel Mojin also laughed out loud after a moment of silence, and inexplicably apologized to Yaya: "I was rude. Oh, actually I should have thought that this place is different from other games."

Ya Ya ignored him and just continued eating.

"So, now that we know there are players among us, is there anything that needs to be corrected or added to what happened just now?"

In order to avoid the embarrassment of touching Colonel Jin, Mo Tan thoughtfully changed the topic back to business.

"Ah, no more, no more."

However, Colonel Mojin waved his hand vigorously and said with a wry smile: "I was originally ill and went to the doctor indiscriminately. I just said everything that needs to be said. By the way, have you received any tasks?"

Then Mo Tan briefly told the other party about the [large-scale regional mission: exploring the ancient ruins of the Sun Dynasty] that he had just received.

"Well, it seems we are the same."

Colonel Mojin nodded and said with a smile: "But I also have an independent mission from the Archaeologists Association, which is to find mercenaries and adventurers like you who are willing to cooperate with those cavemen and kobolds and have decent strength. , mercenaries or free men, no problem. Alas, I originally thought this mission was for free, but it turned out that if I hadn’t met Brother Mo... Um, how old are you?"

"twenty two."

Mo Tan smiled.

"When is your birthday?"

"Late March."

"Ahem, if I hadn't met Brother Mo, I would have been doomed. Optimistically, I would have been demoted and had my salary cut, or even being kicked out directly."

Principal Mojinshang breathed a sigh of relief and said with a look of sorrow and indignation: "I haven't laid a single grave in the game until now. It would be such a shame to be kicked out of the association like this!"

Ji Xiaoge shrank his neck and asked timidly: "Well, what does going to the tomb mean? Isn't the mission talking about ruins?"

"Maybe there are dead people in the ruins!"

Colonel Mojin grinned and said brightly, "You have to have some dreams to be a human being."

Dabus raised his eyes and glanced at the other party, smiling dryly: "Young man, your dream is quite unique."

"Hey, a lot of people say that."

Colonel Mojin rubbed his nose in embarrassment, and then lowered his voice and said, "What about that? Since everyone has given me a hand, I will also contribute some information. Have you heard about the [Jiwan Brigade]?"

Jadeka shook his head seriously, while Yaya and Dabus also made eating and eating sounds respectively to express that they did not understand.

However, Colonel Mojin didn't expect these three to know anything, so he just continued to look at Mo Tan, Ji Xiaoge and Dabus expectantly.

“Not very impressed.”

"What is that?"


As a result, the reactions of the three players also disappointed him.

"Ah, okay."

Colonel Mojin scratched his hair helplessly and reminded: "You must have heard of Tokiwa Studio, right?"

"Never heard of it~"

Ji Xiaoge gave an answer that stunned Colonel Mojin.

"Studio? Does it refer to a group that provides convenient services to other players in various games in order to make a profit?"

Dabbs, who spent most of his time dealing with students, was not unfamiliar with the word 'studio' and quickly came to an unbiased conclusion, but this still did not change the fact that he had no idea. What are the facts about Joban Studio.

Finally, Colonel Mojin turned his gaze to Mo Tan, who seemed to be remembering something, as if he was looking at the last life-saving straw.

This time, Mo Tan did not disappoint him.

"I remembered it, Studio Tokiwa."

Mo Tan, who pondered for a moment, tapped his palm lightly and said while recalling: "I remember it must be a fairly large game studio in China. They seem to be active in the popular spiritual virtual games in the past ten years. Although it is not a club that mainly focuses on star players, there are also a large number of elite players in it. In addition to regular business such as gold farming and power leveling, they also seem to like to compete in major games under the name of 'Jiwa Guild'. It has also produced many powerful star players, and it seems to be a large studio that values ​​various honors and competition results rather than making profits."

Colonel Mojin immediately laughed triumphantly, as if he was as great as that Joban Studio, and then waved his finger in a very ostentatious manner: "Brother Mo, you know very well, then you know that you are now ranked in the combat power rankings Who is number 31 on the list?"

"Hmm, I don't know."

Mo Tan shook his head in a dignified manner and made a curious expression.

"It's the ace of Studio Joban, Boss Sakaki!"

Colonel Mojin grinned an eight-toothed smile and said excitedly: "The camp is lawful evil, and the occupation is the summoner's advanced earth monster user. He can control more than six monsters with high-level strength at the same time. It is extremely A handsome tough guy with a charming personality!”

Mo Tan smiled: "It sounds very powerful."

Colonel Touching Jin nodded like he was pounding garlic.

"But as for summoners, I remember that the number one question mark is also a summoner, right?"

Dabbs scratched his own chin and smacked his tongue, "How powerful is it to be ranked number one without a high-level profession?"


Colonel Mojin choked at that time.

However, Ji Xiaoge did not bother with the question of how strong Boss Sakaki was. He just curiously asked Colonel Mojin: "So you are not only a member of the Archaeologists Association, but also a member of the Tokiwa Studio?"

"Ahem, that's not the case."

Colonel Mojin coughed dryly and said nonchalantly: "But when I went to report to the association two days ago, I found that people from Joban Studio actually participated in this large-scale regional mission. Well, in the name of [Jiban Brigade], so If nothing else happens, you will be able to see their people soon."

Jadeka, who didn't understand most of the content, asked inexplicably: "For example, that boss Sakaki?"

"No, no. Although Boss Sakaki is the nominal leader of the Viridian Brigade, he will definitely not come personally for such a not-so-difficult task."

Colonel Mojin shook his head and whispered: "This time, the little thorny wolf from the Four Heavenly Kings of Viridian is here. Although he is not as good as Boss Sakaki, he is also a frequent visitor on the ranking list. There are nearly a hundred of them in total, and their target is the caveman. The key in your hand, so I suggest you also choose the caveman side. After all, they are a professional team. If you join them, you can probably get rewards just by paddling."

“Professional team?

“Absolutely a professional team!”

"How professional?"

"According to information posted on their official website by Joban Studio, the Little Thorn Wolf Group has completed more than thirty similar large-scale missions in the past six months since they settled in the World of Innocence, and"


"And there are zero failures, and the team contribution is above 70%!"

Chapter 837: End

Innocence Academy 8 (Part 2)

Looking at the photos on the phone that were obviously taken secretly from outside the door, the Chairman of the Committee for Discipline Inspection's originally indifferent expression suddenly turned as cold as ice, but he still returned the phone to the trembling Weiyang.

No confirmation is needed, just one glance is enough. Whether it is Mo or Ji Xiaoge, they are extremely familiar people to the girl, so...


Suffocating pressure spread, and the slightly narrowed eyes showed confusion, confusion and a little murderous intent.

As the murderous intent was directly aimed at the target, Jun Wu and Weiyang were almost too frightened to stand up.

Not long ago, when they were interviewing classmate Fu Sang in the hospital bed, the two of them could clearly see the latter's miserable state.

And now, if we are optimistic about it, if the two of them don't answer this question well, I'm afraid they won't be with Fu Sang very soon, and maybe even

It evolved into the situation of the small grave behind the old school building, with Jun Wu inside and Weiyang also inside!

"Just took this photo!"

"We were just passing through!"

"It's in classroom 213 of the laboratory building!"

"We don't know the specific situation!"

"We both took one look and ran away!"

"Do not kill me!"

The two of them were talking like a barrage of words.

"Classroom 213?"

Ji Xiaodao nodded expressionlessly, walked slowly past the two of them, and said without looking back, "You can go."


"real or fake?"

The girl's footsteps paused: "Disappear now."



Then the two of them disappeared on the ground.

Half a minute later, Ji Xiaodao continued to move forward.

The pace is very light.

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