Quadruple split

Chapter 840 Issues with Painting Style

game time:

Frost Moon Prayer 8th AM 11:55

The Northwest Continent of Innocence, the Golden Capital, No. 12 Rongguang Avenue [Greedy] Tavern

At this time, pubs, which have both entertainment and dining functions, are often very lively, and [Tanbei], which is relatively famous on this street, is no exception, and because the owner here is good at brewing wine Liquor, the business is even much higher than that of other counterparts. It is bustling with people almost half of the time every day, and it is even more difficult to find one after nightfall. Even if the boss bought a shop next to it earlier this year and expanded the pub, it will still be very popular. It is difficult to meet the needs of guests.

But it is not night after all, and most of the main customer groups such as adventurers and mercenaries have not yet filled up, so although the hall is already full, even the partitions on both sides are used a lot. , but not to the point where you can't even squeeze through the door.

Loud guests, waiters whose feet never touch the floor, noisy kitchens, and an orc boss leaning behind the counter to read his books, [Greedy Cup] is still continuing its routine year after year. At first glance, it seems No different than any other day.


That's just at first glance. If any regular customers look carefully, they will find that a table of customers in the corner is very incompatible with this daily life.

In fact, there are indeed not a few people who are aware of this matter. However, in line with the principle of doing more things than doing less, and because few people make themselves stupid at noon, naturally there will be no such thing. Frequent fights usually only occur after the sun goes down.

To put it simply, no one is minding their own business.

On the table, there were two plates of meat, three bowls of cold dishes, a stack of fragrant pancakes, and two bottles of high-quality distilled liquor with the same name as the tavern, a gift from the boss, whose cost price would never be less than 5 silver coins.

Sitting next to the table were five people who looked a little dazed and looked like adventurers.

Outside the door, there was a huge turtle-shaped monster lying lazily basking in the sun.

Needless to say, they were naturally the Wangwang team who had accepted the commission from the Miners Association of Craftsman Town Kagg two days ago and went to the Golden City for an escort mission. They were Mo Tan, Ji Xiaoge, Yaya, and Jadeka. , Anthony Dabbs and Wang Badan, a total of five people, six heads and one turtle.

As for why they were sitting in a trance in a tavern instead of handing over the goods somewhere, the reason was so simple that it was almost boring. That is, they had completed the task two hours ago, and not only successfully handed over the ore to their employer In his hand, he even dropped by the Adventurer's Guild to collect the reward paid in advance by Father Kag.

Then, because Yaya started complaining that he was hungry, the group of people found a nearby pub, this one called Greedy Cup, and ordered some food and drinks.

The whole process was smooth sailing and uneventful. If there was an episode, the only one was that the boss gave Ji Xiaoge two bottles of wine because he was so pleasant to the eyes.

It stands to reason that this kind of bland plot, which is as simple as boiled water, is purely "accept the mission - hit the road - arrive at the destination - complete the mission - receive the reward - rest and eat". There is nothing to say at all. Even if there is something to say, it will never be enough to pass the entire thousand. To explain in one word.

So why did I say it anyway?

The answer is of course not because I am cheap.


"I always feel that something is wrong."

Jadeka made an ice pack on his staff with some melancholy. Although his stomach was empty, he did not touch the good wine and food in front of him, but frowned and murmured in a low voice.

"The bark is so barky"

Ya Ya unskillfully poked a piece of meat with a fork and stuffed it into his mouth. He swallowed it very quickly while nodding his head and vaguely agreeing.

"I'm feeling it too."

Ji Xiaoge, who was holding his chin and leaning next to Yaya, nodded slightly, then picked up a piece of handkerchief and wiped the oil stains at the corners of the former's mouth, frowning and said: "But no matter how much I think about it, I feel that there is nothing wrong. It can't be just thinking. Home, that doesn't make sense, Jadeka, you have been away from the grassland for so many years, and you have never seen anything like this before."

The old mage shrugged, took a sip of the [Greedy Cup] in his hand that exuded a strong aroma of wine, took a long breath and said with a smile: "So it must not be because of homesickness."

Anthony on the side continued to snore. Because he had been fed by Ji Xiaoge before, he was now in a state of food sleepiness. In addition, Dabus next to him was not online yet, so this usually the most noisy guy became... He became the most well-behaved person on the table.

As the nominal captain, Mo Tan is the calmest among them. Although he also feels that something is wrong, he does not take it as seriously as Jadeka, Yaya and Ji Xiaoge. After all, I have seen many people who have experienced strong winds and waves, and they still have this kind of psychological quality.

In addition, Mo Tan, who has super intuition, can barely guess what everyone is struggling with, but because this kind of struggle is painful from any angle, he deliberately did not go there. Think deeply.

"Eat first."

Mo Tan smiled and gave two pancakes to Jadeka. He did not touch the bottle of [Greedy Cup] in front of him, but poured himself a glass of warm water: "Find a place to sum up after you are full."

He has been fond of drinking coffee since he was a child, but his compatibility with drinks such as wine and tea is not very good.

Although Hei Fan, the character with an "absolutely neutral" personality, has become more and more accustomed to black tea for some reasons, Mo Tan still prefers coffee and plain water now.

Everyone nodded, but except for Yaya who was immersed in eating and Anthony who was half asleep, Ji Xiaoge and Jadeka still looked a little absent-minded, obviously still struggling with the lingering sense of disobedience.

"Hey, you two."

Mo Tan knocked on the table in a funny way, and reminded the devilish old man who claimed to be a mage and the biological and chemical weapons expert who claimed to be a cook: "Return to the soul, it's time to eat."


Ji Xiaoge let out a long sigh, held his chin with some melancholy and muttered: "No, I still feel like something is wrong."

Jadeka cooperated and ate half of the cake, but his thoughts were obviously not on it.


Just when Mo Tan was hesitant to speak out his thoughts, Dabbs raised his head.

"Good evening everyone, where are we?"

Dabus, who has been concentrating on preparing the [Special Lesson Plan] for the past two days and has rarely played games, first greeted everyone, and then suddenly said: "I'm going, but don't tell me that we are already there."

Yaya, who had already solved the third big bone in five minutes, nodded vigorously, then licked the corners of his shiny mouth and replied: "You guessed it, the dogs are already barking."

"Yes, this is the Golden City, and we have arrived."

Jadeka casually translated the babbling lingo that Dabus could probably guess the meaning of, and then smiled: "And not only that, before you 'wake up', we had already found that Mr. Alden , handed the goods to him, and then went to the Adventurer’s Guild to receive the reward.”

Dabbs blinked twice and pondered for a while before asking seriously: "Well, what kind of person is Mr. Alden who is responsible for receiving the goods?"

"Mr. Alden?"

Ji Xiaoge was stunned for a moment, and after thinking carefully, he looked at Mo Tan and Jadeka as if asking for help: "I'm not very impressed, do you remember? "

Jadeka also said "uh", and then he held it in for a long time before he finally said: "Is he a gentleman?"

"A very gentleman, elegant and polite in conversation. He is about fifty years old. Although he doesn't talk much, he gives the impression that he is a decent person. His living environment should be relatively pampered, but you can see from many details that he is very self-disciplined. .”

Mo Tan, however, gave a very three-dimensional answer without any time to think.

Ji Xiaoge and Jadeka were shocked at the time, especially the former, who immediately asked: "Mo, you are not a famous detective in reality, are you?"

"Don't make trouble, the 'detectives' of this era have long since deteriorated."

Mo Tan smiled wryly and waved his hands to deny it. At least in his current personality, he was not very interested in the kind of job of secretly photographing people's cheating evidence all over the world.

"Then you made a special call to Mr. Alden? That's why you had such a deep impression? Are you an uncle?"

Ji Xiaoge slammed the table, shocking everyone.

Jadeka, who had just been shocked by Mo Tan's precise retelling, was shocked again. Together with Dabus, he looked at the beautiful girl with bright eyes with strange eyes. Although he would not doubt Mo's orientation, he was interested in Ji Xiaoge. Just now, Ma Xingkong guessed that the two of them were extremely convinced.

"Hey, hey, it's a joke."

Before Ji Xiaoge could even wait for Mo Tan, who was messy in the wind, to retort, he winked at the latter who was struck by lightning with a smile and looked cute. He lightly tapped his cherry lips and said with a smile: "Girls have to be a little bit rotten to be cute." Well."


Mo Tan coughed dryly first, then turned away stiffly, turned to Dabbs and brought the topic back: "Why do you ask that? Is there something wrong with Mr. Alden?"

"I don't know if there is a problem."

Dabus shrugged and said helplessly: "You also know that I have been preparing lesson plans for the past two days, and the frequency of being online is extremely low. It's just that the old gentleman is the docking person for 'our' escort mission, right? It’s a bit too normal.”

Then Mo Tan realized it, but he realized it and didn't say much.

"So, when you went to the Adventurer's Guild to hand in the mission, did you encounter anything... uh?"

Dabbs did not continue talking, because by observing his mission log, he knew very well that his group had mostly completed the mission smoothly.

[Delivery] (100% completion)

Category: C-level adventurer mission

Task number: 0981

Posted by: President of the Miners Association of Craftsman Town - Kag Tiebeard

Recipient: [Woof woof] All members of the adventurer team

Content: Escort a batch of placer gold mines to the Golden City, hand them over to Mr. Essien Alden, get the token and report to the Golden City branch of the Adventurer's Guild.

Mission reward: 800 gold coins, the evaluation of the adventurer team increases the amount corresponding to the mission

Mission rewards (players only): 100,000 optional experience, random excellent quality equipment*1,

[Note: Good people are rewarded. 】

The above is the content in Dabus's mission log, and he also has an excellent quality cloak in his luggage. However, because the additional attribute is 'dexterity', for Anthony, whose core attributes are strength and intelligence, ·Dabbs is not that helpful.

At the same time, Mo Tan, who seemed to have guessed what he wanted to ask, immediately smiled and nodded, took out a large bag of gold coins from his bag and shook it: "Everything goes well, we will split the money soon."

"All the best. All the best."

As a result, Ji Xiaoge next to him suddenly slapped his head, widened his eyes and said suddenly: "I know!"

Jadeka looked at her confused: "What do you know?"

"Everything goes well!"

Ji Xiaoge, who finally discovered Hua Dian, clapped his hands suddenly and shouted softly: "I just said that I always felt that something was wrong! Don't you think our mission this time went too smoothly!?"

Jadeka, who was also troubled by the sense of violation, immediately took a breath and said in shock: "Yes! So it's because of this!!"

"Isn't that right? Think about it, from the time we received the mission from Father Kag until we got paid now, let alone accidents, we haven't even had an accident!"

"Ya Ya didn't go berserk! Anthony didn't go berserk! Mo didn't get pestered by anyone's eldest daughter or daughter-in-law! Ye Ge, you didn't get harassed by someone who didn't have eyesight either!"

"We haven't encountered any monsters or monsters, not a single bandit or bandit!"

"My staff has never exploded even once!"

"Even if Father Kag deliberately gave us an extremely simple task in order to thank us for our previous help, he took the special freight route that has been maintained for decades in Craftsman Town, but"

"But there were no accidents along the way, and I didn't encounter any problems when I arrived at the destination. I always felt a little bit."




The old man and the young child continued talking happily, sweeping away the depressing atmosphere before. Even Yaya happily followed the words twice after understanding.

It's like the feeling of relief we get when we suddenly forget something we planned a few minutes ago and then, after struggling with ourselves, finally remember it.

Dabbs, on the other hand, looked at Mo Tan with a complicated face and asked in a low voice: "How dare they realize that this is not normal?"


Mo Tanqian laughed twice and sighed: "I feel very sad about the fact that you equated the words 'everything went smoothly' with 'abnormal'."

Dabus laughed, shrugged and said, "That's what I say, but there is something really wrong with our painting style this time."

next second

Boom! ! !

Accompanied by a loud noise, a figure suddenly flew out from a nearby cubicle and hit the table surrounded by Mo Tan and others, knocking over three sets of bowls and chopsticks and ruining half of the food on the table. .

The bowls and chopsticks belong to the third set of Mo Tan, Jadeka and Ji Xiaoge.

The food was half of the table in front of Yaya and Anthony.

Looking at the eyes of the dog girl across from him that were instantly bloodshot, Mo Tan immediately said bad in his heart, and then immediately reached out to grab Yaya, but he got nothing.

Immediately afterwards, the young man who was smashed on the table had already been grabbed by the ankles by Yaya. He screamed and was thrown back along the way before he could even scream.

The kind that increases strength!

At the same time, feeling the overwhelming anger of the 'brother' next to him, Dabus's mouth twitched and he sighed.

"The style is right now."

Chapter 833: End

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