Quadruple split

Chapter 825 Germination

"Good day, Ms. Gavin, nice to see you again."

After a brief moment of shock, Arthur saluted Gawen gracefully, then patted the [Lion King's Oath Sword] hanging on his waist, and said with a serious face: "Come here, let me chop the sword, let's Even if it’s even.”

Jiawen covered her mouth and smiled softly, and then gracefully returned the skirt-raising ceremony to Arthur: "You are joking, I am also responsible for it, and I only do it when I have to."

"It hurts."

Arthur looked at Gawen unfavorably for a while, then sighed deeply and repeated in an emphasis: "It hurts."

Gawen shrugged: "I think so, but that special ammunition was developed by Mr. Merlin, so I suggest you settle the score with him later."

"The pain is actually not the point."

Arthur patted his forehead hard, grinning and looking at Gawen's eyes that looked like a smile but not a smile: "The point is that I died so tragically that I even lost my teeth in the end. It was ugly, disgusting, and... It’s ugly!”

Jia Wen blinked and smiled: "I know what you want to ask me."


"Her Highness Gavel didn't dislike you at all. After knowing that you stopped breathing, she hugged your ugly, disgusting and ugly body tightly, and no one else could pull it away."

Gawen shrugged, with a playful curve at the corner of his mouth: "It's really enviable."

Although Arthur felt that the current scene of him chatting and laughing with the murderer who killed him because of work and later became a colleague was a bit weird, he still couldn't help but ask: "Then what?"


Gawen raised her eyebrows, spread her hands and said, "Then I was dragged away and thrown into Azgurban Prison within half an hour, so I don't know exactly what happened next."

Arthur sighed with regret: "That's it."

"Yes, it is like that."

Jia Wen smoothed a few strands of silver hair hanging by her ears and chuckled: "Would you like to read His Highness Gavel's letter first? I can wait for a few minutes."

Arthur also laughed, and took the pieces of parchment into his arms with great care, shaking his head and saying: "A few minutes may not be enough, so I'd better wait until I understand the situation and then take a good look at it alone. By the way, Mention, Ms. Jiawen, you look much more pleasing to the eye now than before."

"Thank you for the compliment, although I think my previous image in Broadread was pretty good."

Jiawen smiled shyly, or at least seemed a little shy, and poked her delicate white cheek: "This is my true face."

"Should I be honored by this?"

Arthur stretched, rubbed his left shoulder, which he could barely feel, and made a face.

Gawen lowered her eyes noncommittally and said in a casual tone: "Compared with these insignificant things, let's get to the point quickly. Unlike you who still have a lot of time to waste at this stage, I am very busy."

"Okay, let's just forget about the past."

Arthur nodded happily, his expression quickly changed from a playful smile to a serious one: "Are you considered Mo's adviser?"

Jia Wen nodded slightly and gave an affirmative answer: "For now, my job is not limited to the position of 'counselor', but you are generally right. Our boss is lazy and has limited energy, so even if he He can arrange most things in an orderly manner by himself, but he still enjoys squeezing his subordinates."

"How far has it gone now?"

"Oh? Aren't you going to ask what happened before?"

"Now that the biggest mystery has been solved, I can probably guess everything that happened before, so I won't waste time."

"Great, I like talking to smart people."

"Then let's get started."

"Okay, first we can talk about Mr. Li Fu Astor, the butler Dawn next to the boss, although His Majesty William thinks he is."

twenty minutes later

Game time AM06:23

"What, isn't everything already arranged?"

Arthur watched Gawen leave with a wry smile and shook his head. He already knew the general plan and felt that he would not be of much use in a short time. While he subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief, he also felt a little regretful.

Then, just when he was about to take a closer look at the letter written by Gavel to Mo claiming to be his lover, he found that the girl he had called "brother and sister" for a long time appeared quietly from the darkness. She didn't seem to have changed much about her body, but the temperament she exuded was completely different from the 'Silent Prayer' in her impression.

It was hollow and cold, but it had a warmth that Mo and Jiawen didn't have.

It was a temperature that I had once had but had now lost. It was the temperature before being infected by that indescribable power.

"Hey, long time no see, brother and sister."

Arthur sighed in his heart, then took the letter back into his arms, and showed a bright and refreshing smile to Ji Xiaodao: "How have you been lately?"

Ji Xiaodao's cold dark red pupils stared at Arthur unblinkingly. After a while, he said lightly: "I thought Mo had already explained that the relationship between the two of us is not what you once thought." That kind of relationship.”

"Once you're used to it, it's hard to change."

Arthur whistled, and then looked at the girl with twinkling eyes in front of him curiously: "So, what are you here for?"


The girl's expression was still cold, and she apologized to Arthur in a tone that seemed to say, "Go to hell."

The latter was immediately stunned: "Huh?"

"I said."

Ji Xiaodao frowned and said again reluctantly: "I'm sorry."

Arthur's expression suddenly became complicated. After a long silence, his handsome face settled on the expression of 'can't laugh or cry', and asked softly: "Why do you need to apologize?"


Ji Xiaodao looked at Arthur with some confusion, and after organizing his words for a while, he said calmly: "I just feel it is necessary to say this to you."

Arthur did not show the slightest expression of relief. Instead, he let out a long sigh: "Let's go."


Ji Xiaodao, who originally just wanted to apologize, nodded immediately, turned around and left.

"No, that's not what I meant."

Arthur immediately raised his hand to stop her, and at the third second when the girl stopped and looked back at him, he said in a deep voice: "Leave this place, leave Gawen, leave Merlin, leave Garros, leave Osiris, leave Chauvinist empire, leave Mo.”

Ji Xiaodao frowned: "What do you mean?"

"Purely literal."

Arthur's eyes narrowed, staring at Ji Xiaodao's clear and indifferent eyes, and said word by word: "You, Silent Prayer, do not belong in this place, you and His Majesty the Sin King, you are still with us These people who stand under his banner are not from the same group."

The girl raised her lips slightly: "Many people have said the same thing to me."

"Then you are so lucky to have met so many good people."

Arthur rolled his eyes, he had heard the insistence in the other party's words.

"I don't agree with this."

Ji Xiaodao's figure gradually merged into the darkness, and his voice became ethereal: "Including you now, I feel that it is difficult for me to meet guys who are less like good people than you."

After saying these words, she completely disappeared into the air.

"Well, it seems that the one who should accept your apology is not the current 'White King Arthur'."

The young prince who was resurrected from the dead laughed sarcastically, and took out Gavel's letter again, his hands trembling slightly: "It's the Arthur Bohe who has died in the Griffin Capital long ago."

Game time AM06:45

Mo, who had just returned to the Sin Lord's residence not long ago, did not return to the study. Instead, he waited for Ji Xiaodao to simply change his clothes and then boarded the carriage driven by Li Fu Astor with him, and set off to Tren. He went to the palace in the center of En Center to attend a core meeting summoned by William Bohe. He was already many days late for a core meeting.

The configuration of the participants was similar to the private gathering before Arthur left, but Cedric and the lady from the Cassana family were not invited.

"After all, this occasion is more serious."

Ji Xiaodao leaned against the window, looking out at the street that had begun to become increasingly lively, and said lightly: "Actually, I quite like that little girl, although she has always been obsessed with you, my nominal partner. I have unreasonable thoughts."

Mo, who was asleep, gave a noncommittal 'hmm'.


Ji Xiaodao sighed, closed the curtain and turned to look at the masked man next to him who seemed to blend in with the darkness around him: "There is something I think you should know."


Sin Lord's answer was concise and to the point.

"There's something wrong with you."

The girl's answer was equally concise and concise.

"There's something wrong with me?"

"Something's wrong."


Mo nodded noncommittally and closed his eyes again.

Ji Xiaodao didn't speak anymore, but opened the curtain and looked at the scenery on the road nonchalantly again.

The difference from before was that the few rays of morning light that luckily shone into the carriage before were abruptly deflected in other directions.

The place where that person was was still in a daze.

The girl's eyes flickered and she sighed silently.

She knew she had missed something, but she had no way of verifying what it was, so strictly speaking it wasn't really a 'miss'.

But Ji Xiaodao still felt a little regretful.

She could have said nothing, but she ended up saying it anyway.

This is both ridiculous and preposterous.

Especially for Ji Xiaodao now.

But she felt that she had to do this, otherwise

[Just think that I’m overthinking it. 】

The girl did not continue to think about it, but followed the example of the person next to her and closed her eyes, leaning against the car window and falling into a light sleep that deceived herself.

【Are you deceiving yourself or others?】

Mo, who was searching himself with extremely high efficiency, smiled unconsciously, stopped the "self-destruction" at the soul level, and "gazed" at the mirror that appeared in his "perception" in a trance.

Inside was a young man who was smiling.

He looked harmless. Apart from his friendly smile, there was nothing special about him.

Mo stared at the person in the mirror indifferently, with no expression on his face.

Soon, the other party's friendly smile turned into a sneer, then he gritted his teeth, stamped his feet, and extended his right hand to Mo.

Mo Ye laughed, and the next second, the mirror surface in 'Perception' was quickly dyed black, swallowing up the astonished 'Mo Tan' in the mirror, who had not had time to react at all, or...' Black Van'?

[No, neither. 】

[It’s just an illusion, a phantom. 】

[In other words, it is a trap that is so simple that it is almost ridiculous. 】

[Use the flaws that you deliberately displayed to sneak in and quietly plant a seed, allowing it to take root and sprout without leaving a trace in your own spiritual world, coexisting with sin. 】

[Ridiculous enough, naive enough, but exciting enough. 】

[A deformed individual who does not have a "heart" wants to start from the field of "heart" to solve the problem. It is really ridiculous. 】

[You made the right bet, and I also know that you made the right bet. In other words, I had already guessed that you would not miss any fleeting opportunity. 】

[Yes, unlike you, who is a funny deformity, I do have a ‘heart’, and that seed was indeed planted by you seizing the opportunity created by that reflection not long ago. 】

[Unfortunately, you have forgotten the guy who was given the title of unintentional sin by you yourself. 】

[What a wonderful irony. 】

[Your self-righteous foreshadowing without hesitation ruined the opportunity you finally caught. 】

[Although I couldn't have been affected in the first place, the reason why I allowed that seed to grow unchecked was just to see you ruined by your own clever foreshadowing. 】

【There will be no next time】

[If you still want to continue this dangerous game, just obey the rules you set. 】

[You are different from me. You still have many things that you cannot give up, right? 】

[Do what you should do, if you don’t want to be ‘corrected’. 】

[I have already seen ‘her’, although not with the eyes I have now. 】

[That’s all. 】

[Now, pay the price, deformity. 】

After an unknown amount of time, an emotionless system prompt sounded in Mo's ears——

[World collapse rate +3%]

[The talent ‘Premonition’ has been upgraded to ‘The King’s Pride’]

[Get reward: Sinful Kingship]

【Crime of Sin】

Equipment type: special equipment

Quality: Only epic (can grow)

Attributes: Offset the side effects caused by the equipment [Guilty Inspiration], the highest professional level +5, the highest combat specialization +5, the highest basic attributes +5%

Traits: Promotion

Equipment requirements: Faction [Chaotic Evil], current world collapse degree is higher than 10%.

Set effect ①: Master the skills [Original Sin Construct] and [Sin Enlightenment] and upgrade them to the 'unique epic', all attributes base +5 (2/14)

Set effect ②:? ? ?

Set effect ③:? ? ?

Set effect ④:? ? ?

Set effect ⑤:? ? ?

[Note 1: Reward for world collapse degree higher than 10%. 】

[Note 2: I’m so stupid, really QAQ]

Chapter 818: End

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