Quadruple split

Chapter 822 Joy

"Guardian Knight?"

Mo Tan turned his head and glanced at Yi Zou, who had fallen into coma again, and murmured softly: "The last person to say such a thing was Dora Shika, and her end was not very good."

His emotionless eyes narrowed slightly, and he suddenly felt a strong sense of disobedience.

There is a sense of inconsistency about Dora Shika.

If he remembered correctly, the female knight who was born in the Sun Sect was seriously injured in the battle of Misha County. Although she was barely able to hang her life at that time, she was also judged to have lost the possibility of recovery. She will be injured throughout her life. I can no longer hold the sword.

Dora Shika's last wish at that time was to become the guardian knight of the 'Black Van Priest' after she recovered from her injury, and Mo Tan agreed.

The reason is very simple. First of all, Mo Tan didn't know much about it, and even if he did, he wouldn't particularly care about the concept of being a guardian knight. At that time, he simply wanted to give the other party hope of living; secondly, Mo Tan knew that as long as nothing unexpected happened, , there is no possibility of Dora Shika recovering in her lifetime, and the latter herself knows this, so in the end this promise is just a comfort, not to mention that there has never been a paladin of a certain sect in history to give it. It's like a priest from another sect becomes a guardian knight.

The concept of a guardian knight has been passed down from a long time ago, and it corresponds to a 'knight' rather than a 'paladin'. Although a paladin can also become a guardian knight, due to some reasons that everyone knows, for thousands of years There is really no example of a paladin from any sect serving as a guardian knight for someone from another sect. Even if we are all members of the Holy Religion Union, things between sects are still very complicated.

In short, it is unrealistic and impossible for Dora Shika to serve as a guardian knight for Black Van Priest.

On the one hand, she has no hope of recovery, and on the other hand, even if a miracle does happen, she will spontaneously forget about it because of the tacit barriers between sects.

So thinking about it is really just a thought in the literal sense, and there is no need for Mo Tan to take the previous promise seriously.

And even if he did take it seriously, he wouldn't mind braving the taboo of admitting Dora Shika as a guardian knight after she recovered. The current 'Black Van' doesn't take it seriously anymore.

Because he sees many things more clearly now

Because he knew that Dora Shika was dead long before he left the City of Light.

So since this cheap school girl of mine wants to be his knight, let her be her knight.

The logic is clear and clear, everything is reasonable, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it.

Mo Tan originally thought so, but...

There are two reasons why he, who has now become 'transparent', is in chaos to a certain extent.

First of all, he saw a figure in a trance that was not familiar, but could not be said to be unfamiliar.

It was a woman with smooth blond hair. She was wearing a set of pitch-black armor. She stood respectfully beside her under the dim night sky, holding a standard cross sword in her hand that was similar in color to the armor.

The woman's name is Dora Shika.

The armor is armor that has never been seen before.

The cross sword is the cross sword style of the Sun Sect.

Dora Shika, who was supposed to die of illness in the City of Light, stood quietly next to him in an unknown mansion, like a cold statue.

There were frightening power fluctuations in his body.

[Is she still alive? 】

This was the first question in Mo Tan's mind, who went to send flowers to the tombstone of the female knight of the Sun Sect before leaving.

Then there is

[Wait a minute, I remember that there are a lot of lace documents about guardian knights and guardians in the cathedral. Although many of them are fabricated or exaggerated, I just agreed to Yi Zhao, will Yu Chen do it? 】

Can Yuchen know it?

Will she


Mo Tan's whole body was shocked, and his eyes suddenly widened. Then his eyes that had regained their clarity turned from "glaring" to "turning", and he fainted with a loud sound.

Before his consciousness completely settled, he heard three voices.

The first sound is systematic -

[Original Sin Corrosion +12%]

The second voice is that of Elder Gale——

"Damn it, these two died in love!"

The third sound was the whizzing sound of Plana's punch cutting through the air.

Game time AM05:28

The Chauvin Empire, the royal capital of Trone, the study room of the Sinlord's residence

"How long have you been online?"

The silver-haired girl who appeared by the window at some unknown time frowned slightly and asked calmly in her clear and cold voice.

The sin lord at the table did not give the slightest reaction, but still leaned on the back of the chair as if he was asleep, just like when he was offline.

But Ji Xiaodao still knew that he was awake.

That’s right, it’s ‘awake’, not ‘online’.

I don't know since when, when facing this person, she always forgets that this is just a false world, forgetting that she is in a spiritual virtual game called "The Realm of Innocence".

He forgot that the person in front of him would not "wake up" in theory, he would just lie down in the game cabin and close his eyes to log in to the game like himself.

She seemed to understand him better and better, and she seemed to understand him less and less.

But at least, the girl at this moment knew very well that the man in front of her was already 'awakened'.

Because the sky above the Sin Lord's residence, which was already dim, returned to darkness again.

But he was awake, but it was as if he hadn't woken up, and he didn't react at all.

So Ji Xiaodao, who noticed this, stayed with him in the study room until dawn.

Finally, the girl who had lost 90% of her patience couldn't help but ask.

However, the other party still had no response

As a result, the last 10% of patience disappeared.

Ji Xiaodao raised her right hand and tapped her slender white index finger in mid-air.

The sword light suddenly appeared.

Then, a burst of blood suddenly burst out from the shoulder of the man whose back was facing him.


Although he expected countless possibilities, including the opponent casually killing him, the only thing Ji Xiaodao didn't expect was that the guy in front of him was actually injured by him. The move seemed quite sharp at first glance. In fact, the shadow of the sword, which is not fast, accurate, cruel and straightforward, is hurt!

If he hadn't woken up, it would have been impossible for him to injure him under the limitations of the system.

If he wakes up, even if he does nothing, the ubiquitous black light shield will still protect him from harm, and will even 'refract' the move he just made intact towards him.


There were no restrictions, no black shield, and his ridiculous sword shadow actually hurt him!

The girl fell into a brief confusion.

It was really short-lived, because only less than two seconds had passed until the moment she rushed in front of the other party with a gust of fragrant wind and formed a thin piece of ice to cover the latter's wound.



Mo slowly opened his eyes, and a black mist that made the girl take half a step back subconsciously escaped from the wound. When it floated back, his shoulder had been completely healed.

The thin piece of ice in mid-air fell straight down as if it hit an invisible wall, and fell into the cup of coffee on the table that had been replaced by a third cup.

"I want to drink something cooler today."

Mo raised his head and glanced at Ji Xiaodao, picked up the coffee and took a sip, frowning slightly: "It's still warm."


After a brief pause, the girl did two things.

The first thing he did was to flick the rim of the cup of coffee in Mo's hand with his finger, and then the drink that was hot coffee five seconds ago and lukewarm coffee three seconds ago turned into ice-cold coffee. , there were even some ice floes inside.

The second thing was, after she finished flicking the rim of the cup, she suddenly raised her delicate hand and thrust it straight towards Mo's face.

Then as expected, he was slapped away.


Mo looked at the other party coldly, but the temperature in his eyes seemed not as low as usual.

At least that's what Ji Xiaodao thinks.

"Want to see if you have a fever?"

She said this in a question.


Mo shook his head and said calmly: "And I have a mask."

The implication is that whether you have a fever or not, you can't tell it through the mask.

"I know."

The girl nodded, her tone as cold as usual, but the temperature seemed to be a little higher: "That's why I aimed at the face first."

The implication is that I plan to take off your mask first and then see if you have a fever.

"It won't be time."

Mo rested his face on the armrest and closed his eyes again.

after a short silence

"you are happy?"

Ji Xiaodao couldn't help but asked aloud, his eyes that rarely showed expression were full of curiosity.


Unexpectedly, he answered, and even more unexpectedly, the content of the answer.

"Why are you"


He seemed to be his old self again and interrupted her coldly.

Then, in the suddenly quiet environment, he fell into deep thought again.

It is gratifying to see something happen that I had predicted before but was not sure would come true.

At least, it's worth looking forward to.

But I haven't figured out why I didn't directly master the so-called [Sin Law Order], so that I would be injured by Ji Xiaodao after turning off all passive skills.

Why, using the same method, ‘he’ can do it but I can’t, is a question worth thinking about.

Mo tapped the armrest lightly and took a breath.

Then it occurred to him.

The reason is actually not complicated at all, because not long ago, although 'he' briefly reflected himself, it was still 'him', not 'self'.

The so-called sin in this world is just a definition. After all, whether it is 100% or 1%, sin is there.

No, strictly speaking, sin is actually ‘here’, it is just briefly reflected ‘there’.

Just as four people cannot become one person, two people cannot become one person.

Just like the original and the fake, no matter how authentic the fake is, even if it replicates everything about the original, it cannot be the original.

Maybe fakes are more valuable and more ornamental, but fakes are just fakes after all.

He can sense sin, understand sin, and even drive sin, but after all, he is not himself, and he is not the sin of this world.

If sin is ink, then his [Sin Law] is a water spray gun that can be used to shoot ink, use ink, and turn ink into a weapon.

And oneself is the ink itself.

The difference between the two is decisive.

What's ridiculous is that I actually wanted to master the so-called [Sin Law Order] just now.

It's so ridiculous. If you think about it carefully, if you want to

"The endless wild night."

He muttered softly, and the next second, the study room where the two of them were in disappeared, and was replaced by a piece of land, an endless and barren black land, and in the sky, the black sky that flowed like a flame was burning.

Then, with one of his thoughts, the earth collapsed, the sky disappeared, and the two of them returned to the quiet study, as if everything just now was just an illusion.

In fact, it can indeed be understood as an illusion, but under certain circumstances, it may turn into reality, a reality that no one can stop.

[Sinful Law Order] still did not appear in Mo's skill bar.

It also does not need to appear in Mo's skill column, because in this person's hands, any complicated form is redundant.

after all

He is sin, the sin of this world.

[Is it fun to cover one’s ears and steal the bell? 】

He didn't speak, just whispered something in his heart.

The next moment, along with a clutter that only Mo could feel, the alignment in his character panel suddenly changed from [Chaotic Evil] to [Sin of this World], and then changed back again a few seconds later.

[It seems you do find this interesting. 】

Mo shook his head, then opened his eyes and looked at the girl leaning on the table: "Has William adjusted his condition?"

"Two and a half hours."

The girl answered with a precious word.


Mo nodded slightly, then stood up and transformed into the sin lord that the girl was familiar with again. As he walked out slowly, he asked without looking back, "Where's Arthur?"

"woke up."

Ji Xiaodao, who blew out the magic crystal lamp, followed him and walked out of the study.

"Now that he's awake, let's go see him."

Mo still maintained a pleasing pace, walked under the gloomy night sky, then turned his head and glanced at Dora Shika who was standing in the study: "You are still alive."


Dora smiled, nodded and said, "I'm still alive."

"White knight, do it or not."

"Don't do it."

"fear death?"

"No, my subordinate has already died once, so naturally he won't be afraid of the second time. It's just..."


"I want to be your guardian knight, not the white knight under His Royal Highness Arthur."

"Is it?"


"You're not qualified."

"You can make me worthy of this position."

"The price is heavy."



"Are you happy today?"


"Sorry, my subordinate was rude."

"It doesn't matter."

Mo shook his head, without looking at Dora again, and merged into the deep night with Ji Xiaodao who was following him.

Chapter 815: End

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