Quadruple split

Chapter 818 Run

Eden tried his best, he really tried his best.

As the leader of the Northeastern Diocese of the Whispering Sect, he had a respected position and did not stay in the city. Instead, after the great magic circle was shattered by the old orc's totem, he personally led the Guardian Knights to the ground and led the Whispering City. All the troops launched a charge against the enemy in front of them who was only as numerous as our own!

He had to do this, because at the same time that the great magic circle collapsed, the old orc from Sumir side who was very good at fighting spoke -

"The first to fourth battle sequences are on, cover the caster at all costs, and activate the third set of preparation plans."

Because the other party was not kind enough to explain, Eden didn't know what the third set of preparations was, but a few minutes later, as the underground palace located in the heart of the mountain began to groan, the entire mountain began to groan under the influence of the shamans. It became shaky under the combined spell, and he understood it all at once.

The completely depleted earth veins were used as detonators to continuously emit explosions, and the constantly shaking earth violently stirred up at a frightening frequency, shaking the foundation of the Whispering City.

When guiding the construction of this city, Eden was very attentive. Even with the blessing of the earth's veins, he still used cruel methods to prevent everyone involved in the construction from slacking off, so that this underground palace was built in the heart of the mountain. Even more stable than the mountain itself, even if the mountain collapses, nothing will happen to the city.

However, the profession of shaman is very unreasonable in some aspects. Perhaps their control over the elements is not as strong as that of mages, but they are good at communicating with the spirits of elements and can always follow the trend. Get a lot of results at a little cost.

The vast majority of spellcasters use their own magic to forcefully control the elements, but shamans who are also proficient in the elements are catering to the elements, using a more humble and gentle method to cater to those who do not have the ability. particles of thought.

When summoning a meteorite, the destructive power of the meteorite summoned by the mage will definitely be stronger than that of a shaman of the same level.

But if it is to promote a tsunami, an earthquake, or a thunderstorm, any shaman is enough to crush most mages of the same level.

The shamans of the holy mountain Sumir are the shamans who are closest to the spirit of the earth, so although the difficulty is by no means low, they are still fully confident that they can bury this blasphemous city.

Because the earth line imbued with the power of the evil god is no longer there, and that city is just a simple city.

As a result, Mo Tan added an extra set of records when preparing for the war, that is, let all the shamans in the team join hands to guide a highly targeted earthquake strong enough to bury the entire Yaoyu City!

Of course, his purpose was not to bury all the cultists alive once and for all. After all, the enemy was not a fool. Mo Tan just wanted to force those hiding in the underground palace to come out.

He very tolerantly gave the people in Bale City two choices. The first was to be buried alive inside and be martyred neatly; the second was to leave their familiar underground palace and live in the small plain outside the mountain. The decisive battle begins.

And Eden's choice did not surprise Mo Tan. Just eight minutes after the first wave of strong earthquakes, all the Whispering Cultists in the city withdrew from the underground palace and started a battle with the Holy Mountain warriors who were already prepared. Confrontation.

So, Mo Tan issued a second order, asking the shamans to interrupt the second round of strong earthquakes, and instead caused a small landslide, completely blocking the entrance to the Whispering City.

This is not difficult. After all, as shamans whose hard power is inferior to that of spellcasters of the same level, they will hardly suffer any backlash from interrupting spellcasting, and it is easier to organize joint spellcasting.

After all, most spellcasters treat elements as slaves, while shamans treat elements as big brothers, with a big leather whip to whip and someone who is easy to talk and discuss.

Well, of course there are exceptions here, such as a talented beautiful girl mage who is less than 1.6 meters tall with stupid hair. She just uses elements as codes.

Once you’ve written it, use it.

If the writing is not good, delete the library.

Elemental backlash?

Pooh! Can you still bite me?

Just so domineering.

But Mo Tan is not so domineering, and neither are his shamans.

Therefore, the super double version of this wave of combined spells [The Earth Shakes and the Mountains Shake] could not be stopped immediately. The second wave, which was not fully used, still left some tail, caused a landslide, and cut off Eden's back. road.

Then, the Whispering Sect broke out of the cauldron and came out in full force. Archbishop Eden took the lead, marching in and out of the chaos!


By the young man who stood on the stone platform with his hands behind his back; by the man who had suffered setbacks in reality and could only vent his depressed mental illness in the game; by the man who played with the alchemy chess pieces in his hands, playing them an average of twenty times per minute Commanders who made explicit orders and had the same number of secret plans; the commander who had just been tricked by his own Holy Religion Alliance and in turn became the commander-in-chief of the Sumir side, making several elders follow suit——

Crushed! ! !

"The war drums cease, and the bloodthirsty war songs begin."

"Hunter, start strangulation without restriction!"

"The sacrificial group, start strangulation without restriction!"

"The Destroyer Chapter, push over and start strangulating without restriction!"

"All freely organized wolf cavalry, begin to strangle without restriction!"

"The ancestors protect you!"

After Mo Tan said the last sentence in Mondo Pan's voice with a calm expression, he gently raised his right hand, signaling to Mondo Pan standing next to him that he could temporarily turn off the [Voice of Earth Veins].

The orc elder, who was trying his best to suppress himself from laughing out loud, nodded slightly, dissipated the power that he had always occupied on this high platform, took a breath, and met the young man in front of him who had just sentenced the blasphemers to death. The pastor's eyes met for a long time, and then...

He bent down deeply.

The female knight standing behind Mo Tan was startled. Although she didn't know much about the Holy Mountain Sumir before, how could she not understand it after spending several months with her senior Black Fan on the main peak? How respected is this elder's status in the eyes of the orcs in Sumir.

To put it bluntly, even if people like Mundo Pan, Plana, Gale, and Crom are very down-to-earth, even if they never put on any airs, and even often barbecue and bask in the sun with the tribesmen, But their status is no different from those of the pope in the Holy Union.

In this group, which is mostly composed of orcs, the elders are the gods.

However, now, the 'Heaven' in front of him actually salutes his senior.

At this moment, Miss Knight, who thought she had a strong psychological quality and could even accept the fact that her senior was from another world, her heart skipped a beat unsatisfactorily.

As for his senior, he had not rested for even a minute during this period. The senior who had become the master of this land in the previous few hours had always maintained a calm expression and was as mechanical as an engineering creation. He led everyone. The senior who had achieved a magnificent victory just watched helplessly as the elder in front of him bowed to him without even supporting him.


Mo Tan, who was shocked and short-circuited, finally reacted. He jumped up and hurriedly pressed Mondo Pan's shoulders up, sweating profusely and shouted: "You can't do it, you can't do it! Master, what are you doing?" , I am not even one-third of your age! You are not. Hey, you are so heavy!!"

Mo Tan, who had a relatively average physique, was stunned for a long time but could not help Mondo Pan, who was maintaining a ninety-degree bow, to stand up, and he almost lost his waist.

"Senior is right, you don't have to be like this, it should be done!"

Yi Zuo also hurriedly stepped forward to help the old orc, but as a result, the little girl blushed and failed to help the seemingly thin old orc in front of her.

You must know that she is a high-level paladin.

"This ceremony is performed by me on behalf of the Holy Mountain Sumir to the Black Van boy. It has nothing to do with whether I am an old man or not, and has nothing to do with the union of the Holy Religion."

The old orc smiled, slowly straightened up, and smiled at the two young people in front of him: "From today on, Hei Fan will be my forever friend, Sumir. We owe you a big favor."

[Your reputation in the holy mountain Sumir has reached MAX. 】

[Your ‘Holy Mountain Sumir Reputation Reward’ in [Regional World Mission: Holy Mountain Defense] will be automatically replaced with a random reward. 】

[Your contribution to [Regional World Mission: Defense of the Holy Mountain] is +15890, temporarily ranking first. 】

[Your contribution in [Regional World Mission: Holy Mountain Defense] has accumulated more than 20,000, and you will receive additional rewards after completing the mission. 】

[Announcement: Because the total progress of [Regional World Mission: The Battle to Defend the Holy Mountain] is \u003e95%, the [Regional World Mission: Sacrifice the Mountain to Lead the Gods] (Note: The original [Regional World Mission: The Battle to Clear the Holy Mountain?]) mission failed, Players who receive this mission will settle the reward when the progress of [Regional World Mission: Defense of the Holy Mountain] reaches 100%. 】

A total of five system messages rang in Mo Tan's ears. The first four messages were only heard by him, and the fifth message was heard by everyone who had received the regional world tasks on the side of the Holy Mountain and the Whispering Sect.

"Then I won't be pretentious."

Mo Tan grinned and was not polite to Mondo Pan. Maybe if he had a lawful good personality, he would feel that these things were what he should do, but at this moment, the 'Black Brahman' didn't mind accepting them at all. Sumir's favor, even if he wants to live a leisurely life and be a casual player, this favor only has benefits for him and has no disadvantages at all.


"Senior Mondo."

Mo Tan turned back and glanced at Archbishop Eden, who was standing in the center of the riddled enemy formation, constantly using whispering magic to enhance the combat effectiveness of the cultists, with a solemn look on his face: "How are the rest of the other three elders doing?"

The old orc smiled: "I locked them up according to your instructions, and they should be resting now. Plana said that the potion you gave is very useful, but the taste is a bit strong."

"Ahem, good medicine tastes bitter, good medicine tastes bitter."

"She also said she was going to beat you up after she said it."


"But if you release them now, this meal should be avoided."

"That's it."

Mo Tan also laughed and said softly: "Then please take the three elders with you and kill the leader of the cult as soon as possible."

ten minutes later

Four figures exuding extremely oppressive force descended from the sky, surrounding the old man who was constantly waving black ripples to harvest the lives of the Sumir warriors.

At the same time, a young man whose figure was hidden stretched in mid-air, lowered his head and looked at the stone platform not far below him, his eyes fixed on the young man standing with his hands behind his back, his face He licked the corners of his lips with a ferocious expression: "It's more than enough."

The unpredictable wand appeared silently in his palm.

"Senior, take a rest."

Yi Zhao looked worriedly at the senior in front of him who looked slightly tired but still had bright eyes, and whispered: "You haven't slept for too long."

"I am not tired."

Mo Tan smiled, then looked back at Yi Zuo: "Do you blame me?"

The female knight was immediately stunned and subconsciously said, ‘Huh? ’ made a sound.

"After holding it in for so long, you probably want to go out and join the war."

Mo Tan shrugged and joked: "Didn't you say before that your biggest wish now is to be able to fight a battle under my command?"

Yi Zhao lowered his head in embarrassment and smiled coquettishly.

It is true that she really wants to fight those heretics under the command of Senior Hei Fan, but things have to be prioritized, and for Yi Zuo now.

"I want to protect senior."

The honest female knight did not deny what Mo Tan just said, but said categorically: "So even if you let me go, I won't go."

"You can go now."

Mo Tan turned his head and looked at the seemingly raging battlefield under the command podium, and said softly: "Although it's not fun to go at this time, if you are willing"

"I want to protect senior."

Yi Zuo interrupted Mo Tan in a rare moment, and said with burning eyes: "This is not negotiable."

The latter shook his head and smiled bitterly: "There is no safer place than here. Even if I seek death again, I won't let an enemy come here to have fun for myself."

Yi Zhao didn't say anything, but the words 'no negotiation' were clearly reflected on her tight pretty face.

Mo Tan didn't insist anymore, but after being silent for a while, he said slowly: "It's almost over. After this battle is over, we will join the Northern Expeditionary Army and return to the Light together!"

Before he could finish his words, Yi Zuo slapped a palm on his chest and was knocked two meters away.

That is to say, the stone platform is spacious, otherwise he would have fallen.

[Hey, hey, hey, even if you don’t want me to set a flag, you won’t be so cruel, right? ! 】

The confused Mo Tan had just finished complaining in his heart when he saw a dazzling red light flashing not far in front of him.

boom! ! ! !

The female knight's slender body was thrown up high in a dull explosion, and then hit hard in front of Mo Tan. Under the torn knight's armor, dozens of shocking wounds oozed out large amounts of blood at the same time, staining the body. Her body was dyed red, and a small square stone platform was dyed red.

Mo Tan's eyes were dyed red.


The female knight moved her fingers, lighting up a faint golden halo.

Mo Tan only felt a warmth on his body, which was the [Sacred Seal of Dawn] that Yi Zhao had maintained when he was keeping himself warm before.

The effect is that the upper limit of physical fitness is increased by 15% and the recovery speed of physical fitness is increased by 20%.

【Why? 】


When Mo Tan was awakened from his daze by a soft yet strong command, a tall figure that was crumbling and covered in blood was already standing in front of him.

He repeated without looking back——

"Run quickly."

Chapter 811: End

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