Quadruple split

Chapter 814 Reasons

Eric's head didn't even turn around until he got back on his horse and subconsciously continued to lead the troops towards the Whispering City located to the northwest of here.

It's not that he is stupid. As one of Lucius's few cronies in the Northeast Diocese, Eric is not only not stupid, but he is also not low in military literacy. Although he is still far behind his boss, he is definitely worthy. He is a general.

Because of this, he couldn't understand what the other party had just done, not at all!

I have already got the news that the Rumbling City is currently fighting with a large force on the Sumir side. The red-haired orc, who is said to be very good at fighting, naturally cannot not know it, so even if the latter thinks with his butt, he can definitely guess it. What are these more than 1,200 riders here for?

Rush to the aid of the Whispering City, and after stabilizing the situation, serve as the vanguard to pierce Sumir's last force, and then drive straight in, pointing directly at the top of the Holy Mountain!

Under this situation, even if the people of the Holy Religion Union continue to be cowardly and do nothing, the red-haired orc commander who fought for Sumir a few days ago will definitely try his best to stop his vanguard and rely on his With more than double the superior strength, they can use up their own strength as much as possible. Even if they are still penetrated through the defense line even though their arms are at a disadvantage in the end, they can at least cause casualties or attrition on their side.

If he takes one less person with him, one of the Sumir warriors in the Whispering City may die.

Logically speaking, this should be the case.

According to previous investigations, when Lucius informed him that the red-haired orc was stationed here with thousands of troops, Eric was mentally prepared to forcefully charge into the battle.

As a result, those enemies who had been arrogant and gearing up a few minutes ago actually ran away as soon as we approached, giving up a passage without hesitation, especially the red one who was regarded as a thorn in Lord Lucius's side. The orc even jumped on his feet to say goodbye to him.

Is it ridiculous to say goodbye? !

For a moment, or maybe two moments, Eric really felt that he might have been tricked, but he couldn't find even a few reasons to prove that he had been tricked. In the end, after eliminating all possibilities, he came up with the idea 'Could their plan be to make me mistakenly believe that I have been tricked?' This is a rather absurd conclusion.

However, no matter how absurd it was, Eric did not relax. Although he did not order everyone to slow down, he still concentrated his attention highly and used the power of whispers to temporarily gain the ability to see all directions and hear all directions. , beware of ambushes or sneak attacks that are impossible in theory or reality.

On the other side, a group of protective knights with only a dozen people had separated from the large army. Under Eric's forward-looking order, they turned around and turned back to the way they came. The purpose was naturally to deliver a message to Lucius behind them.

However, the content of the message was slightly different from what they originally expected. This group of messengers had already prepared a plan when they separated from the large army that was about to charge into the battle. They turned around and told Lord Lucius, "The Holy Union has not moved, although the red-haired soldier has not moved." The orcs have set up a line of defense, but Sir Eric has already begun to lead everyone to charge desperately. Even if the opponent can save some robes by virtue of their numerical advantage, it is absolutely impossible to stop Sir Eric's charge.

Unexpectedly, the brothers had just slowed down and were about to turn their horses to retreat, when they saw a scene that almost shocked them.

Those enemies actually let Master Eric go!

Is it okay to let it go? !

However, they were surprised. After all, they were the elites who were classified as the core combat sequence. These more than ten people did not stay in a daze for too long. After briefly sorting out their thoughts, they continued to return quickly along the original route. They were as fast as dogs chasing ducks. of.

There are two reasons.

First, you still have to report the news. Anyway, you have to go back to the main unit to explain the situation. Just go back and report the truth truthfully. Even if something unexpected happens, your work will not be delayed.

Secondly, since the group of people not far away did not fight with the vanguard, the current situation of the dozen or so of them was extremely embarrassing. They had let go of the more than a thousand people in front of them, and the ten of them had been let go. If a few of them dare to follow, they will probably die miserably. Even if they don't follow, they will easily die miserably if they stay here!

So they ran back as planned, even faster than when they came!

As a result, a few minutes later, Huo Yanyang and his group were the only ones left in this area that had been quite lively just now. They were exactly the same as ten minutes ago, as if nothing had happened.

Of course, it just seems like nothing happened, not really nothing happened, it's just that you can't tell it at first glance.

If you look closely, you can see that, led by Huo Yanyang, all of the more than two thousand people are in disgrace. The newly built camp is also in a state of disarray. There are even two bathtubs, half a broken bed, and a lot of piles scattered on the ground. The remaining soldiers had short swords and two to three hundred human bodies covering all parts of their bodies and wailing uncontrollably.

Looking at it, it can be said to be quite miserable.

"It's a bit too miserable."

Huo Yanyang smacked his lips and frowned as he looked at the two young men in front of him who were rolling on the ground with their crotches covered. The corner of his mouth twitched and he said, "Can we stop being so exaggerated?"

The two looked at each other, nodded in unison, and then invariably put the hands that were tightly covering their crotches on their buttocks and continued to roll: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..."

Huo Yanyang: "."

After a while, two unattractive players, about thirty years old, came to Huo Yanyang to report.

"Well, I heard that you two are not afraid of pain?"

The latter smacked his lips and took out a gray war hammer from his bag with a serious look on his face.

The slightly bald orc man among them grinned, waved his hand and said, "Hey, this game weakens the sense of pain so much, how can it hurt anymore?"

The handsome-looking human man next to him also nodded and added: "And we both have sensory protection for minors."

Huo Yanyang: "."

After a while, he realized that he seemed to have found two good friends for Cui Xiaoyu, Huo Yanyang, and then he coughed dryly and asked, "What are you two called?"

"Boss, my name is Tietou Gong."

The bald orc player chuckled.

"Oh! I know."

Huo Yanyang's eyes lit up, he looked at the other person and clapped his hands vigorously and said, "Your name is King Kong Legs, right?"

"No, my name is Tou Tiegong."


Huo Yanyang was silent for several seconds, then sighed, then raised the one-handed hammer in his hand and slammed it on Tietou Gong's head: "Okay, Tietou Gong is good!"


The bald orc fell to the ground with a sound, and a trace of blood flowed from his head.

"Boss, Tietou said he fell into a coma, no problem."

Tou Tiegong said something first, and then put his head up: "It's my turn."

Huo Yanyang: "."

Boom! ! !

ten minutes later

The Holy Religion Union Northern Expedition Army garrison, located at the central axis of the outer defensive circle

"I know, you go and rest."

Green Tyree nodded slightly to the Templar in front of him. His thick-browed face with Chinese characters tightened after the latter left, looking a little serious.


Behind Green, a tall young knight with a resolute face, wearing a trainee knight's half-armor, a large sword hanging on his back, and also having a Chinese-character face coughed lightly and asked cautiously: "Let's just watch. With those heretics"

The young man did not continue speaking, because Green raised his right hand, indicating that he did not want to BB yet.

"The commander of the Northern Expeditionary Army is called Jeff Harrington, not Green Tiree."

After a while, the great knight commander from the Dawn Sect shook his head slightly, turned to his knight apprentice and whispered: "Your Excellency Harrington gave us the order to stay still and observe the situation, so I have no right to intercept it on my own. Those heretics don’t want to take it upon themselves to intercept those heretics, Kevin.”

Kevin, whose full name is the Great Bright Knight, twitched his lips and shook his head: "This is against the spirit of chivalry, teacher."

"You have to know that those friends from Sumir did not ask for help from us."

Green Tyree shook his head expressionlessly and said solemnly: "I respect their courage and will, so I have not violated the creed of 'mercy'."

Kevin shrugged: "But I don't mean 'pity'."


"The creed you violated is 'honesty'. My teacher, you actually want to take it upon yourself to intercept those heretics, don't you?"


Green was silent. He had to admit that although his apprentice was not very talented in combat, he was very good at observation.

Yes, Green, who has long been dissatisfied with the course of action of the Northern Expedition during this period, of course wants to take action. He wants to fight to the death with those abominable heretics, wants to punish those villains in the name of the goddess, and wants to help those respectable people in Sumir. warrior.

But he still couldn't make up his mind after all, because he was not the commander-in-chief of this war and he did not have the right to make his own decisions.

Kevin captured this keenly, but even if he opened the skylight and spoke frankly, what could he do?

Even if he took over the Second Legion of the Northern Expedition, he did have a lot of authority, but even so, this authority did not include openly disobeying the supreme commander's orders without the friendly forces asking for help.

"I don't have enough reasons."

Green sighed and clutched the hilt of the sword at his waist with his right hand: "I need a reason."

"The reason, tsk tsk."

Kevin suddenly laughed, then smacked his lips and smiled: "Counting the time, it's almost time to arrive."

Green was stunned for a moment: "It should be something like that."

He didn't finish his words, because a paladin suddenly strode into the tent, and said in a deep voice with a very ugly expression: "Master Knight, the war priest and attendant of the holy mountain Sumir want to see you."

"Sumir's war sacrifice?"

Green was stunned for a moment, then his pupils suddenly shrank, and he suddenly turned his head to look at Kevin, the bright knight with a smile on his face: "Kevin, what's going on? What do you know?"

Kevin shook his head cheerfully: "I will explain it to you later, teacher, but for now, you should first grasp the 'reason' for sending this master to your hands."


Green glared at Kevin with some confusion, and then nodded slightly to the paladin in front of him: "Hurry up and ask the war priest to come to me."

a moment later

Covered in blood and looking miserable, Huo Yanyang, Tou Tiegong, and Tietou Gong appeared in front of Green Tyree. All three of them looked seriously injured, and they looked very miserable at first glance.

But that's only at first glance

"You go down first."

The sharp-eyed Green waved his hand, and then after the paladin left, he took out the golden broken sword from his waist and stuck it on the ground, forming a barrier that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye outside the temporary command room.

The next second, a warm and silent soft light bloomed from Green's fingertips, gently blowing over the bodies of the three people in front of them like a wisp of breeze, but they felt

Nothing seems to have changed.

"You are not injured."

Green narrowed his eyes slightly, his gaze sharp.

"Yes, the honorable Lord Knight Grimm Tyree."

Huo Yanyang stopped pretending when he heard this, straightened his back and smiled: "But I hope you can start this conversation on the premise that we are indeed injured."

Green shook his head without thinking: "Deception is not a good conduct."

"It's even more so if you don't save yourself even if you die."

Huo Yanyang looked at the script in the dialog box in the center of his field of vision with a calm and indifferent expression. Not even Green noticed that this guy was actually panicking.

The knight commander's face was as dark as water: "Who are you referring to?"

Huo Yanyang Feng Danyun Qing said: "Everyone who stood on the same side as my Holy Mountain in this war, but always stood by and watched."


Green opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say anything. He just let out a long breath silently, with a bitter curve at the corner of his mouth.

"So, if you are going to say anything next, please assume that we are indeed injured."

Huo Yanyang reiterated his request.

This time Green did not reject him, and of course he did not agree. He just looked steadily into Huo Yanyang's simple (and full of panic) eyes and said, "Say."

"Since last night, the main peak of our holy mountain Sumir has entered an undefended state."

Huo Yanyang's first words silenced Green, but he did not give the latter time to digest. He just continued: "Now, Sumir has concentrated all the forces that can be mobilized, and the attack is located here. Northwest (Mo Tan wrote northeast in the message column, Huo Yanyang silently corrected it) Yayu City, which is the base camp of those blasphemers, has already occupied a certain advantage, forcing the other party to launch some kind of one-time use. The world is buying time now.”

"Wait a minute, why did you attack that city? What about your main peak? Where did you get your troops? How did you suppress those heretics!?"

Green, who finally couldn't sit still, interrupted Huo Yanyang roughly and asked repeatedly.

The latter didn't mind, but explained slowly: "We attacked the city according to the commander's plan. The commander said that our main peak would be fine even if it was undefended. He guessed it right. As for the strength of the troops, the city of Whispers Over there are all our effective forces in Sumir, and over here are those conscientious people who voluntarily went to the north to join hands with us to fight against the enemy. As for why the Whispering City was suppressed, of course it is because they can't defeat us."

"Who is your commander?"

"My mentor, High Priest Mundo Pan."

"No! I have met Senior Mundo. He is very energetic, but he doesn't know how to fight. Who is he?!"

"No comment."

Green's face was solemn, he stared into Huo Yanyang's eyes and said solemnly: "Tell me, I am willing to lead the second battle group to fully cooperate with your actions. I guarantee it with my personality!"

"Hei Fan."

Then Huo Yanyang sold his brother without hesitation.

Chapter 807: End

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