Quadruple split

Chapter 81 Before the Banquet

three hours later

Chavin Empire, capital Troon

Champagne Avenue, located in the aristocratic district of Nancheng District, is always bustling with people. It is home to the most noble group of people in the country. They have high positions, noble births, elegant manners, and well-off families. Even not long ago, they were not far away. The tragedy did not make these people lose their composure, at least on the surface.

The graceful dark elf walked lightly among the crowd. Her clothes were not noble, but her waist-length silver hair and delicate face always made the gentlemen stop and look back, and the indifference in her eyes that did not allow strangers to approach was even more... It adds a bit of glamor to her...

But no gentleman would want to take advantage of her. This is not a matter of status or cultivation, but because there is a coat of arms printed on the black one-shoulder cloak behind the girl's back, the family coat of arms of the Grand Duke of Garros. chapter.

In this strict hierarchical country, no matter how ridiculous the noble is, he will not offend a grand duke because of the surprise in his heart.

The kind of plot where you bump into two brainless second-generation ancestors wherever you go is no longer popular...

Soon, the girl arrived at the Grand Duke's Palace of Garros at the end of the road. The two guards stationed in front of the mansion naturally knew her. They immediately turned to the side and leaned down to salute: "Ms. Silent Prayer..."

"Yes." Ji Xiaodao, who rushed back from the other side of the city, nodded casually and asked casually: "Where is the Grand Duke?"

One of the guards immediately replied: "His Majesty is still there and has not come back, but if you calculate the time, it should be soon. After all, you still have to prepare for the evening banquet."

"I know." Ji Xiaodao nodded: "Where is Mo?"

"Your Excellency Lord Sin was at the training ground before, but he told us not to disturb him if nothing happened..."

Ji Xiaodao gave an unequivocal 'hmm' and quickly walked into the Duke of Garros' Palace without saying a word.

"Tell me, what are the identities of Mr. Sin Lord and Ms. Silent Prayer?" One of the rather gossipy guards quietly asked his companions after seeing Ji Xiaodao go away: "Lord Garros has always been obsessed with magic, when did he treat a little Has the young baron ever thought so highly of you?"

The latter just rolled his eyes at him: "I don't know this, no wonder you can look at the door."

"Aren't you a janitor like me?"

"So there's no point in asking me about this kind of thing."

The large training ground is located underground in the Duke of Garros's palace. This is not a gloomy basement. As a place where the great magister usually practices and experiments with magic, the underground of the mansion has a very vast area. Every two months, The wind elemental array that will be charged once can keep the air fresh and dry at all times. The large number of lighting arrays filled with magic power are three times as many as the former, making it always seem like daylight.

But just last night, 90% of the lighting arrays that were originally evenly distributed in every corner were removed overnight, and this was just because someone said when he first came here: "It's too bright." Already..."

Ji Xiaodao arrived at the training ground with ease. The guy who seemed never willing to show his true colors was standing not far away, and the originally dim light around him seemed to be swaying away from him, always letting people know. The other party is in a shadow.

Avoid him...

I want to avoid him at all costs...

Everything is so incompatible with him...

Even the shadows that always surrounded him seemed reluctant...

Ji Xiaodao breathed a sigh of relief. She knew that all this was not a so-called illusion or wishful thinking, because even she couldn't help but want to escape from him many times. Even if it was just a moment of struggle, it was enough to make this girl Feeling uneasy.

But no matter what, I still want to get closer...

Perhaps Ji Xiaodao, who has been growing up with her parents and sister, does not lack warmth, but her extremely closed and weird personality has always made her incompatible with too many people. But compared to the person in front of her...

"Now is not a good time to be distracted." Mo, who turned to look over, whispered to the girl: "You seem to be trying hard to make yourself more vulnerable."

Ji Xiaodao lowered his eyes and shook his head, then slowly walked towards the other party, avoiding those eyes that were as hard to look into as the abyss: "Why are you up so early today?"

"The banquet won't start for a while." Mo didn't answer her, but just showed a smile of unknown meaning: "Would you like to accompany me to kill some time?"

Ji Xiaodao was stunned for a moment: "Huh?"

"You have completed a lot of tasks in the past few days, and Garros has also helped a lot with equipment and skills." Mo's eyes revealed a hint of amusement, and he casually took off the cloak on his shoulders: "You should be considered the best among players. Isn’t it very strong?”

Ji Xiaodao shrugged: "Probably, after all, I rarely have any chance to fight."

"Come and try to attack me." Mo took two steps back and stood still with his back to Ji Xiaodao: "Try your best."

The silver-haired girl shook her head slightly: "I can't beat you."

Ji Xiaodao is a person who has rarely seen Mo take action, and more than once. Although she doesn't know how big the gap between the two is, at this moment, she is definitely considered a first-rate player among players. She understands that there is absolutely no way that she can be Mo's opponent.

"If you can make me move even one step, you win." Mo turned his head and glanced at her, and a black halo gradually began to light up between his fingers: "Just use it as a way to kill your free time."

Before he finished speaking, the girl's slender figure had appeared behind Mo. The two black daggers were covered with a layer of black flame marks, crossing and creating a cross scorch mark in the air. The blades were pointed directly at Mo's left shoulder.

There was a rare smile on the corner of his mouth. The reason of 'spending some free time with him' was enough for Ji Xiaodao, and if he just made the person in front of him take a step forward, it shouldn't be too difficult...


Accompanied by a heart-wrenching sound of fighting, the two swords in Ji Xiaodao's hands could no longer be suppressed. A black crystal appeared out of thin air ten centimeters behind Mo, and he himself even cut his head. Didn't even reply...

"You better be serious."

Mo casually snapped his fingers, and a ferocious-looking little lemure immediately appeared out of thin air under Ji Xiaodao, and then exploded with a high-pitched scream, sending the girl who was caught off guard into the air.

"Okay!" The next second, Ji Xiaodao's ethereal voice actually sounded beside Mo. Her hands, half-crouched in the latter's shadow, had been covered with a thin layer of ice at some point, and it was rapidly condensing into a layer of ice. The sharp spikes that were constantly exuding cold air shot towards the latter. At the same time, the girl's other hand had already grasped the thin sword at her waist, holding it close to her back at an extremely tricky angle. The barb came out.

Mo waved his hand...

The bloody light flashed away, swallowing up the dozens of ice spikes that were close at hand, knocking away the cold sword, and at the same time flying away their owners.

After Ji Xiaodao landed, he took several steps back before barely stabilizing his figure. His health dropped a lot due to Mo's casual blow just now, but the latter had never looked at him once until now. .

Even though I was prepared, this feeling of powerlessness is still uncomfortable...

Without waiting for Mo to say anything else, Ji Xiaodao had already swung three dark blue sword marks in the air, and then the whole person disappeared directly into the shadow under his feet.

The elusive black crystal appeared out of thin air again, easily blocking the three intertwined sword lights. At this moment, a vague figure suddenly appeared in front of Mo, and his hands intertwined to form a wave. A black line as thin as a hair was pushed towards him.

"It's pretty fast..." The eyes under the mask were still as calm as the abyss. Mo Jing did not dodge and allowed the threads to wrap around him: "But it's too weak."

The monstrous black flames instantly rose up from Mo's body, swallowing up countless shadow threads that had not yet had time to take effect...

Ji Xiaodao, who was lurking in the shadows, couldn't help but shudder. She couldn't imagine where Mo's unreasonable power came from. She obviously spent several times more time online than him, and under various convenient conditions. It can almost upgrade the level and equipment with the fastest efficiency, but it still cannot pose any threat to him!

Inexplicably a little happy~

But I don’t want him to look down on me!

still have a chance……

After the smoldering black flames that seemed to be able to swallow up the sky and the earth dissipated, a long black sword accompanied by countless thin lines instantly appeared less than half a meter above Mo, hanging upside down and thrust straight down!

Its power and intensity are far from comparable to Ji Xiaodao's previous series of attacks. There are no signs, no momentum, no fluctuations, no light and shadow...

But Mo nodded.

【Silent Prayer】

HP: 120/300

Physical fitness value: 90/240

Magic value: 60/260

Sensitivity: 420/900

Occupation: Rogue level 10, Shadow Swordsman level 5

Belief: None

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Talent: Loneliness, isolation

Basic attributes: Strength 9, Dexterity 40, Wisdom 16, Constitution 14

Civilization attributes: Eloquence 3, Charisma 15, Knowledge 10, Leadership 13

Combat attributes: One-handed weapon mastery level 5, Cunning school level 4, Shadow school level 3, Fire elemental school level 2, Wind elemental school level 2, Water elemental school level 2

Skills: Whirling Dance, Hunting Wind, Fusion Shadow, Flash Shadow, Shadow Weaving, Void Flame Sword, Dark Ice Rain, Wind Cross, Puppet Sword, Shadow Blessing, Shadow Affinity (Passive)


This kind of information that can scare everyone's eyes when put on the forum is Ji Xiaodao's character panel.

It is also a professional system that is known for its sharpness and dexterity. Among the other three personalities, Tan Mo, who is relatively the strongest, estimates that four or five people coming at the same time are not enough for her to fight alone.

The puppet sword, which was already ready to go, fell from the sky. Several shadow threads connected to the sword body on the ground around it instantly increased its speed to the limit, and also added extremely strong penetrating power to it.

Ji Xiaodao, who was hidden in the shadows, smiled slightly, and his hands connected with several shadow threads trembled slightly twice, and then suddenly waved down~

The puppet sword that was originally pointed at the back of Mo's neck changed directions twice in half a second, and finally stabbed his shoulder hard.

"It's unnecessary..."

Mo frowned slightly, then stamped his feet impatiently.


With a thunderous roar, a humanoid creature shrouded in dark red armor suddenly appeared behind Mo. It grabbed the puppet sword that bypassed two black crystal screens, and directly knocked it out. Crushed into a fragmented shadow!

Scarlet blood mist is rising from under the black grimace mask, and wisps of black smoke are flowing out from under the heavy armor that seems to have been fished out of a pool of blood. The rusty knife behind it is wrapped in a ball of chains. , there are three huge skulls connected to the end of the chain...

[Summoning: Ape Smoke]

Active skills

Requirements for mastering: The total basic attributes are more than 400, have a profession: Summoner, [Evil] camp, complete more than a thousand successful kills, kill more than 300 units of the [Good] camp, have no [Law], [Good] ], [Neutral] Faith.

Consumption/Limitations: None

Effect: Summons Ape Smoke to fight for you. Its combat effectiveness depends on the number of kills made by the summoner within 72 hours before using this skill. The duration is unlimited. The cooling time after active dissolution is 4 hours. If Ape Smoke is killed by a cold weapon, The cooldown time of this skill is reduced by 30%. If Xingyan is killed in other ways, the cooldown time of this skill is extended by 100%.

[Note: Tens of thousands of dead souls and blood poured into the sky, thousands of corpses lay everywhere and ghosts cried out for injustice. Hundreds of corpses are buried in mass graves, who are on their way? The red rusty broken sword casts ape smoke]

When Grand Duke Garros returned to the mansion, Mo and Ji Xiaodao had been waiting for him for a while...

The former was currently wearing an aristocratic dress with black background and silver pattern, with a golden family crest embroidered on the chest, which was exactly the same as the one he showed to Farah at that time. The pattern on the side of the collar was slightly more complicated, which showed that he The identity of the newly promoted baron, coupled with the half-mask that Mo Na never took off, added a sense of mystery to his already slightly otherworldly temperament.

Ji Xiaodao, on the other hand, put on a well-tailored black dress. Although it was a little plain because there were no ornaments symbolizing her aristocratic status, her delicate and cold appearance matched her long silver hair, which was very rare in the southwest of the mainland. Hair is enough to make countless noble ladies feel ashamed, not to mention how many young, middle-aged, old or half-dead gentlemen will be excited.

"Sorry, Sir, I wasted a little time." Duke Garros first raised his hand and waved away the surrounding attendants, and then respectfully whispered to Mo: "What is certain is that the Marshal will definitely come to attend this event today. There will be a banquet, and Master Farah will also be there. He seems to have something important to discuss with His Majesty."

Mo nodded slightly and put on a pair of snow-white gloves: "How about the matter I asked you to investigate before?"

"There is no movement from the Kaguya Sect yet, and the same goes from the Magician Guild." Garros shook his head and said, "But Master Farah is indeed different from usual. He has been staying alone since he returned to the capital yesterday. He has never come out of the mage tower, and even His Majesty’s invitation was answered with a magic letter..."

"I know, let's go." Mo adjusted his collar casually, then turned around and looked at Ji Xiaodao coldly: "Give me your hand."


Chapter 78: End

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