Quadruple split

Chapter 781 Huge benefits

[Okay, okay, if that guy Wanyang was so considerate as to come over every once in a while to make me a cup of coffee and cover me with a blanket, that would be terrible. It would be terrible in every sense of the word.]

Mo Tan breathed a long sigh of relief and glanced at the door where Yi Zuo had just left with inexplicable gratitude. Then he moved his eyes back to the sand table in front of him. His fingertips gently picked up the box of apples that Luna had given to him as a return gift from Luna on the edge of the table. A set of alchemy chess pieces were brushed over, and using his magic control skills that were not yet familiar even though he had not practiced for a while, he lit up about one-third of the black chess pieces inside.

Just as Mo Tan said to Yi Zuo just now, he has not thought of a plan now. After all, judging from the situation a few minutes ago, with the enemy in the dark and the enemy in the dark, it is completely impossible to guess what the whispering cultists have to do. He was unable to formulate any targeted strategies or tactics at all. As for some seemingly forward-looking small measures, at best they were staying the same to cope with all changes, and at worst they were purely passive. In the case of unequal intelligence, , being passive and can only be led by the enemy.

But now, the passive time is over.

With Huo Yanyang's unremitting efforts, Mo Tan, who finally got the last piece of the puzzle, finally received "fair treatment" in terms of intelligence and was qualified to sit at the gambling table and play his first hand.

“It’s really too hard.”

He first took out a piece of Sumil's specialty sweet ice cream from his luggage and put it into his mouth, fulfilling his promise of 'eating a midnight snack'. Then he picked out a few black chess pieces with an unknown red light and placed them on the sand table. He muttered to himself: "Obviously he is just an ordinary person who has never been a team leader since he was born. He obviously just wants to be a leisurely player and enjoy this game from all aspects. It's a very well-finished game, but it's clear that it has no characteristics in terms of personality or way of thinking, and its psychological quality and ability to withstand stress are ridiculously poor. It's a "passer-by" setting, but it even says something like "don't worry". , It will be over soon' and 'When you come back with them, the plan will have been figured out', these words are really enough."

While Mo Tan was muttering, he took out a few more ivory-like golden chess pieces from the box and placed them a little further away from the chess pieces before. He narrowed his eyes and examined them for a moment. He picked up the quill again and drew a diagonal line in the center of the sand table.

"I always feel that I am not the protagonist's fate, but the protagonist's disease."

He smiled self-deprecatingly, his eyes gradually became clearer, and he began to arrange the white chess pieces that represented the camp of Sumir, the Holy Mountain. The quill between his fingers also began to make notes non-stop, and there were even some mixed words in them. There are several things that are obviously mathematical formulas, but I don't know what he is calculating.

Time didn't seem to pass very quickly, and Mo Tan, who had three chat windows open at the same time and was integrating information while arranging the sand table, gradually became more relaxed.

He has always been very self-aware, and he has always known that at least in his current personality, he is definitely not a big shot. Whether he is a great good man or a great hero, or a great evil man or a traitor, he is not the same as the 'Black Brahma' who is here at this moment. What fate.

But...that's all.

Mo Tan has never forgotten that for the first time in his current state, he no longer had to muddle along, but instead tried desperately to achieve something.

Did it myself.

This world is fair. Even though it is just a game, it is still so fair that there is little room for miracles to happen.

Under such circumstances, it is difficult for many issues that are ambiguous in various literary works to continue to be ambiguous.

Innocence is really realistic.

The so-called reality is that when facing Marshall's assassin squad, Fenrir's team, which lacked strength, was almost completely wiped out.

The so-called reality is that Mo Tan was still able to win the battle in Misha County with his own strength under extremely difficult circumstances.

The so-called reality is a community of cruelty and beauty, hope and despair.

In other words, even if Mo Tan has an absolutely neutral personality, his talent is still genuine, and even he himself cannot deny it.

【Indeed, there are many things I can do.】

Five minutes later, Mo Tan put down the last chess piece, leaned back in the chair and tapped his forehead lightly, showing a complicated smile, and murmured in an imperceptible voice: "I have known this truth for a long time. I already knew it half a year ago.”

The sound of footsteps sounded from the command room and became clearer after a few seconds.

Boom, boom, boom.

Accompanied by a soft knock on the door, Yi Xuan's crisp voice sounded outside the house: "Senior, Lord Mondo and the others are already here."

"Please come in."

Mo Tan, who had no joy or sorrow on his face, stood up, nodded to the old men who were filing in, and said softly: "I'm sorry to disturb the rest of the elders, but after all, it happened for a reason, so it's okay. I hope everyone won’t blame too much.”

"You are the one"

An old orc man with white hair and beard, a tall figure and an arm that could run a horse, frowned, then turned to look at the kind-faced old friend with a shriveled body and carrying a huge black totem pole, and asked in a low voice: "He Is this Mundo the one you were talking about before?"

Huo Yanyang's mentor, the high priest Mondo Pan, who was at the peak of his epic power, nodded slightly: "Well, little friend Hei Fan is the one I mentioned before."

"Tsk, tsk, I've told you before, how could a disciple trained by Mondo be so good at fighting?"

In the crowd, a stooped orc woman with short short hair grinned cheerfully. She walked forward with a cane and looked Mo Tan up and down: "Hello, child, I am the Earth Prophet Puranna. Thank you. Everything you have done for Sumir during this time.”

Mo Tan also smiled kindly, waved his hand and said, "You're welcome, I just did what I could."

"What a good kid."

Earth Prophet Pulanna looked at Mo Tan with admiration, then turned her head and pursed her lips at Yi Zou, who was standing at the door, and asked in a low voice: "Is that beautiful half-dragon girl your partner? "

Mo Tan shook his head awkwardly.

"Tsk, what a pity. I think that little girl is quite fertile."

The old woman smacked her lips, and then gently paused the cane in her hand. The next second, two rows of exquisitely shaped stone chairs suddenly appeared next to the empty long table, which was exactly equal to the number of people in the command room.

Then the old men all found a chair nearest to them and sat down, and unanimously turned their searching eyes to Mo Tan.

Obviously, the identity of the latter is no longer a secret to these people. Although most of the NPCs in Sumir feel that it is thanks to Huo Yanyang that everyone has been able to win many battles during this period, but these people sitting here' The big shot knew very well that the young man in front of him, who didn't look very special, was the one behind the scenes.

Of course, except for Mondo Pan, who realized from the beginning that his apprentice was a reckless man, the other ten elders present did not notice the clues at the first time and really thought that Huo Yanyang's tactics were He has so many achievements that he is almost praised to the heavens.

So after learning the truth, everyone was actually quite embarrassed.

So the question is, how did they learn the truth? In fact, the explanation of this matter is very simple. Now let the editor explain to you. To put it simply, Mondo Pan was informed by Huo Yanyang to Mo Tan. After thinking about it, he directly made a request to disclose the identity of the latter in a small area. The reason was very reasonable, that is, although he personally believed in the good brother of his apprentice, during this period, Sumir recovered in front of the cultists. There are many friends from Hei Fan in many places, but he does not have the final say on this matter alone. If he wants to convince other elders, open and honest communication is the basic prerequisite.

This was the small request that High Priest Mondo Pan made on behalf of Sumirfang as mentioned before. At that time, because of his hotheadedness, he impulsively said, "An elite group composed of the vast majority of NPCs." Under my command, a large force composed of all players who have received the mission of "Defend the Holy Mountain". Motan, commanded by you, can't even bargain. He can only make a promise to Mondo, "We will try our best." After this promise not to expose your identity, I reluctantly agreed.

Ever since, the current situation has emerged. After Huo Yanyang, who was originally a sounding board, led a large number of players to leave Sumir's main peak, Mo Tan finally stepped directly to the front desk. In the past two days, even food and accommodation were settled in the war hall. of.

Today was the first meeting between him and other elders except Mondo Pan in this period of time.

The theme is very clear

"Well, everyone, let me get straight to the point. About ten minutes ago, I received news from Huo Yanyang through some special channel. Our troops who are currently on standby at the foot of Chuixue Peak discovered a group of enemies."

Mo Tan didn't say too many polite words in front of these orcs who didn't care much about etiquette. He just bluntly stated the key information he had been waiting for. He raised his finger and gently poked a few stones on the lower left side of the sand table twice. The black chess piece said in a deep voice: "A group composed entirely of Whispering cultists and their allies. The size of the group is slightly smaller than that of the temporarily defunct mountain attacking force, but it is still very threatening. The number of people is roughly estimated to be about three to four thousand."

"What did you say!?"

The burly old orc with an arm that could run a horse was not calm at that time and asked loudly: "You said they number three to four thousand people?"

Mo Tan nodded slightly and said calmly: "It was Huo Yanyang who said that the number of enemies was about three to four thousand people. I just chose to believe his judgment."

The other party couldn't sit still at that time and hurriedly slapped the table and shouted: "No! We have to find a way out quickly. You must know that the total number of troops invested by those damn blasphemers is less than 6,000 people. We have to hurry up. Bring everyone back, otherwise if one of the red-haired boys is discovered accidentally, our young men will lose at least half of their lives! It would be great if one out of ten people can come back!"

"Calm down, Chrom."

A green-skinned old orc with a fresh hairstyle and a pair of long eyebrows that went down to his cheeks said something in a serious tone, and said in a deep voice: "The team led by Huo Yanyang is not actually at a disadvantage in terms of numbers, although I don't think they are at a disadvantage either. We can defeat those blasphemers head-on, but even if we fight, it won’t be as bad as you said.”

Mondo Pan also nodded in agreement, and then turned to Mo Tan with a solemn expression: "And since little friend Hei Fan specially summoned us here after learning the news, you must have some mature ideas, after all. As far as I know, the fundamental reason why you asked Yanyang to take people away from the main peak was to learn about this matter."

Knowing that his senior not only had no mature ideas, but also didn't even have a plan a few minutes ago, Yi Xuan lowered his head quietly, glanced at Mo Tan who was standing in front of the sand table with his hands behind his hands, and prayed silently in his heart.

As expected, the goddess of dawn did not answer her prayer.

But Mo Tan responded.

"Yes, as Lord Mondo Pan said, I do have some ideas."

He nodded without hesitation, but did not announce the answer directly. He just smiled and asked everyone: "However, before I put forward my own reference, I hope to hear your opinions first."

Mondo Pan spread his hands and said very bachelorly: "I'm not good at this."

"Well, we all know you're only good at smashing your enemy's heads in with a totem pole."

The Earth Prophet Pulanna cheerily flattered Mundo, and then winked at Mo Tan: "I know what you are worried about, child, but you can actually speak your mind directly without worrying about us. Bones.”

The burly old man with a horse-racing arm also spread his hands: "If I have to make a decision, I would quickly notify those good young men to come back, and then pass the news to the grandsons of the Holy Religion Union, but this should only Make the situation worse, after all those bastards!"

After successfully shutting up the former with a ground thorn at a tricky angle, Plana looked at Mo Tan apologetically: "Don't worry, Crom was hit in the head by a boulder when he was young, so..."

“But you threw that boulder!!”

The burly old man Crom was furious.

"Uh, what's that? Well, I'll just say it straight."

After making the judgment that 'if we don't get to the point, this pre-war meeting will turn into a tea party sooner or later', Mo Tan immediately gave up his original idea, skipped the discussion stage and went straight to the topic: "As for me personally It seems that Huo Yanyang’s discovery not long ago is an opportunity, an opportunity that as long as we can make good use of it, we can gain huge benefits, and even if it goes wrong, we will not suffer a loss."

"A huge benefit?"

Old man Crom, who was about to continue choking with Plana, became energetic when he heard this, and asked quickly: "How big is it?"

"To the extent of wiping out more than 90% of the effective forces of those cultists within three days, wiping out the Whispering City, and making those blasphemers disappear within the territory of Sumir."


Chapter 774: End

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