Quadruple split

Chapter 78 Confusing

"Quiet, Alpha Dog."

Lu Wei waved his hand gently, and summoned a large number of silver gear-like runes out of thin air to flood Cordoba's previous body, and then the latter disappeared out of thin air in a wave of undetectable space fluctuations.

As for Cordoba's angry roar just now, he pretended not to have heard it.

"Uh..." Mo Tan tried to lighten the atmosphere, but found that his life experience so far was not enough to comfort a friend surnamed Cui who was exhausted both physically and mentally. The resentment that seemed to have substance around the latter at this moment was almost overwhelming. He choked.

After more than a dozen deep breaths, the candle above Cordoba finally stabilized. He looked at Mo Tan with his extremely desperate eyes, and blinked twice with trembling eyes that were really no bigger than a mung bean: "Mo Tan …”

Mo Tan: "?"

"If you change your name to Alpha Dog from now on..." Cordoba smiled nervously: "When I change my body back, I will beat you to death."

Mo Tanqian laughed and shook his head quickly: "No, no."

Then there was only a roar, and Fimiguel, who had just fallen off the platform because he was so angry, appeared again. The whole dragon trembled, chuffing and laughing in a low voice: "Haha, Kobold, ha...haha Ha ha!"

The air was very quiet for a time...

Bang! !

The candle on Cordoba's head suddenly increased twice in number. He pointed the miner's hoe in his hand at Fimiguer and shouted angrily: "If you keep emphasizing on the kobold thing! Wait until I finish charging." It’s death! Die outside! Jump from here! You have to get addicted to being a dragon-slaying warrior first!”

"Pfft... Calm down, calm down..." Fimiguel raised his paws and wiped his tears while turning around and continuing to tremble crazily. Visually, his wings were about to cramp if he continued to tremble like this, and then he let out a series of low and thick sounds. The dragon roars.

In the ears of Mo Tan, who is a half-dragon, the meaning of this long chant is clearly, 'The candle on the dog's head is simply a stroke of genius! Pfft hahahaha~’

He decided to pretend not to hear, and at the same time, he suddenly felt that it would be good to know less foreign languages...

"And Master Luwei!" Cordoba glared at him fiercely.

"What's wrong with me?" Lu Wei glanced at him coldly, the wrench spinning between his fingers flashed with a cold light, and he looked arrogant and domineering: "Sure enough, it's better to change your body? Alpha dog?"

Cordoba immediately bowed ninety degrees: "It's okay, please help me recharge as soon as possible, thank you!"

At the same time, Mo Tan also received a message from Cordoba’s friend...

‘A man is a true man, he can bend and stretch, he can stand and he can kneel! It would be # ¥% @if that old bastard really turned me into a female kobold. ’

Just as Mo Tan wanted to comfort him a few words, he suddenly found that there was an extra person in front of him, smiling peacefully at him.

This is an elf man wearing a white robe, with silver-white hair scattered randomly behind him, and a thin layer of linen wrapped in front of his eyes. He is clearly just standing there quietly without saying a word, but there is something difficult about it. The presence of metaphor…

[But when did he appear? Why can't I detect it at all? It's definitely not teleportation or something like that. Is it some kind of concealment skill...]

Mo Tan recalled it subconsciously, but had no impression at all. It was as if the whole person should have been standing here, so natural that...it was a little unnatural...

"Half, how long have you been running here?" Lu Wei glanced at the elf man who seemed to be unable to see properly, and complained angrily: "Can you not make it so scary every time?"

Fimiguel and Cordoba immediately leaned over to greet the visitor: "Master Hao."

"One second ago." The dark elf known as Long smiled slightly, and then nodded to Mo Tan: "Welcome to Tianzhu Mountain, I am the thirteenth high-level observer - Long."

Although Mo Tan didn't know what kind of official the high-level observer was, this elf whose age couldn't be discerned was definitely a big shot.

Because Cordoba sent a message telling him...

"Hello." Mo Tan smiled back at the other party: "My name is Mo."

"I know~" Haori smiled gently: "I heard everything you said before."

Lu Wei rolled his eyes: "You just said that a second ago!"

"I'm not lying~" Hao stretched out an index finger and chuckled: "In these ten minutes, I was looking at you 'one second ago'."

Lu Wei put away his wrench, shook his head and said: "It doesn't matter, you are here to take away the kid, get out of here, I'm done with my work here, oh, by the way..."

The old goblin pointed at Cordoba: "Alpha Dog, come with me. I have to ask for your opinion on some parameters."

"Ha..." A certain kobold shook his arms listlessly and muttered in a low voice: "So you old man still knows how to ask for my opinion?"


"Nothing, Dad!!"

Hazy turned to Cordoba and smiled: "It's quite cute."

The kobold's back, which was already a little rickety, suddenly became a lot more weathered...

Seeing Lu Wei leaving with Cordoba, Fimiguel also leaned slightly towards Hao: "Then I will go back to the sixth pillar first, Master Hao."

After saying that, he jumped down from the platform and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

[Mission: ‘Activate Alpha Dog No. 014’ completed, gain 100 optional experience points, Luvi Fitzirban’s favorability +1%]

Mo Tan also received a system prompt that the mission was completed at the same time.

"We have a lot of doubts~" Hao whispered to Mo Tan: "You should be the same, then, please come with me..."

He did not go towards the fog that Lu Wei and Cordoba entered when they left, but slowly walked towards the edge of the platform, which is where Fimiguel accidentally fell...

Mo Tan followed Long. Although he knew that the other party should be able to see even if he was blindfolded, and he estimated that he would not lead him to jump off the cliff, he still subconsciously speeded up a few steps to get closer to Long.

"Thank you, but don't worry~" The other party turned around and smiled: "There are few people who are more familiar with Tianzhu Mountain than me..."

Mo Tan nodded: "Sorry~"

Although it was a very abrupt apology, Hao immediately understood the meaning of Mo Tan's words, and just shook his head and said: "It doesn't matter, I do not have the ability to see things like ordinary people, but the things I can see are not as good as yours." Something is missing, wait a moment..."

He stopped at the edge of the platform, then lightly snapped his fingers, and Tianzhu Mountain immediately collapsed in half... It was impossible. After a moment, a dense path that seemed to be non-existent appeared in front of the two of them.

"This is my concept trail, be careful not to miss it~" Hao turned around and whispered to Mo, and then took the lead to step on it.

Mo Tan followed him, and the two of them walked about twenty steps away, and then...

He appeared inexplicably in the center of a hall!

In front of him is a huge crystal pillar. The texture is quite similar to the eternal crystal that Mo Tan gave to Cordoba before. The surrounding area is empty, and the 'ground' under his feet is clearly distinct. The crystal pillar in front of him is the symbol. In the center, the left and right colors are black and white respectively, while in the four corners a little further away, there is a statue placed in each...

"The concept trail can make the boring process of 'rushing' very short." Hao turned to Mo Tan and smiled: "Welcome to the Revelation Room. This place has not been visited by people other than us high-level observers for a long time. Passed, do you know what this is?”

He knocked on the crystal pillar beside him and asked Mo Tan.

The latter naturally shook his head...

"The Ancient Heavenly Pillar, which can also be called the Pillar of Revelation, is also the core secret of Tianzhu Mountain." He explained in a low voice, and then pointed to the statues located in the four corners of the hall: " And countless years ago, it brought us these...apocalypses of light and shadow."

[Eternal Heavenly Pillar...Light and Shadow Apocalypse...Does this have anything to do with me? 】

Mo Tan couldn't help but wonder, he was extremely curious after being brought here inexplicably.

"We gave Cordoba an almost impossible task, but we didn't expect that he would find you so quickly." There seemed to be a trace of emotion in Hao's elegant and gentle voice: "In the light and shadow apocalypse... among them One light."

Mo Tan shook his head: "I don't quite understand."

"I don't quite understand either." He said with a smile: "Why the door between revelations will open again, why the light and shadow apocalypse will materialize in just a few days, and why the rune puppet plan that has been failing will suddenly appear. The breakthrough, why the artificial soul that can never be activated wakes up, and why the revelator who has not been found for tens of thousands of years suddenly appears..."

There is a lot of information in this passage, but Mo Tan doesn't have enough clues to connect them now, and he doesn't know why Hao is telling him this.

"Where there is light, there are shadows, and one of the two 'shadows' will... huh?" Hao suddenly paused here, and then smiled apologetically at Mo Tan: "Several other observers It seems that you don’t want me to tell you too much. After all, bigger secrets often mean greater dangers, and now you..."

"too weak!"

A loud voice came from not far away. Mo Tan looked back and saw a tiger-backed orc striding towards this side from the entrance. He was wearing a simple purple robe and leaning on a bone crutch. , followed behind was a rock structure burning with dark red flames, and the billowing heat waves that continued to spread were distorting the air crazily...

"Lessard!" Long shouted, standing in front of Mo Tan, who was starting to lose blood gradually, and facing the orc who was striding in front of him, he said in a deep voice: "You will hurt him!"

"Yeah~ I will hurt him." The orc known as Lessard sneered, and then slammed the bone staff in his hand to the ground, vaporizing the Balrog behind him while getting angry shouted: "There are too many things that will hurt him! Including the things you are going to tell him!"

Hazy was silent...

"Hello, young man, I hope that guy didn't scare you." Lessard walked up to Mo Tan and patted his shoulder hard: "But you must understand that you are too weak now. Forget what I just told you. Those missions, and there are many things in the light and shadow apocalypse that we have not yet understood. After all, one of the two shadow apocalypses is still possible..."

"Wait a minute!" Hao suddenly interrupted loudly: "You didn't let me tell him, but you ended up talking about it yourself. What do you mean?"

Mo Tan feels that he is a little confused now...

"Ah?" Lessard blinked, opened his mouth and asked vaguely: "You didn't say any of this?"

"I didn't say it!" No matter how calm and indifferent Lun was, he now felt like hitting someone.

Lessard was dumbfounded at the time: "Milhouse told me that you almost told this little guy everything."

"Alas..." Long smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Forget it, since you are here, I will go back to the place between the traces first."

"Wait a minute!" Lessard shouted quickly, but the hazy figure disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The orcish man, who seemed to be a spell caster, rolled his eyes, and then nodded to Mo Tan, who didn't understand the situation at all: "Nice to meet you, I am Lessard Fireblade, the ninth pick of Tianzhu Mountain. Advanced Observer.”

"Hello." Mo Tan also nodded and said, "My name is Mo."

Lessard: "..."

Mo Tan: "..."

"Uh~ I have no words." Lessard, who had held nothing back for a long time, scratched his hair in embarrassment: "Then let's go."

"Where to go?" Mo was suddenly confused by his lack of words.

"Go to the outer mountains. There is a place over there that can help you improve your strength as soon as possible." Lessard pointed at Mo Tan: "It's too weak. As the Apocalypse of Light, you are too weak, so we have to find a way to improve this Let’s solve the problem.”

Mo Tan smiled bitterly and shook his head: "There are really too many things I can't figure out right now..."

"Don't do anything you don't understand~" Lessard smiled heartily, and then tore a dark red crack in the air with his bare hands: "We can tell you only when you become a little stronger. More, it’s for your own good.”

After saying that, he dragged Mo Tan directly into the crack...

In the next few seconds, Mo Tan felt as if he was in a hot and pungent sulfur pool, and his five senses were completely useless. Everything around him was distorted, and his body seemed to be crushed. Even if In the game, the player's negative senses will be greatly reduced, and this experience can be said to be really bad.

Fortunately, this period of time is not too long...

The fresh and slightly thin air rushed towards his face. At the same time that Mo Tan felt his body suddenly lightened, Lessard's voice also sounded in his ears: "We are here. I'm sorry, the stability of the warlock's teleportation magic is really not very good. ~”

As his hearing gradually recovered, a large amount of noise suddenly flooded into Mo Tan's ears. He rubbed his eyes and found that he and Lessard were standing in a turbulent crowd, and in front of them...

"Tianzhu Mountain Arena!" The orc warlock laughed and said, "My favorite place~~"

Chapter 75: End

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