Quadruple split

Chapter 770 Multiple Choice Question

two days later

Game time PM18:39

[You have been disconnected urgently, please choose whether to reconnect]

"Hey, System-chan, you are so awesome. We are all so familiar with each other. Isn't it a good idea to chat and brag about something~"

[You have been disconnected urgently, please choose whether to reconnect]

"This is your fault, System-chan. You were so sensible when our feelings were hurt last time. You just let me go offline without any nonsense."

[You have been disconnected urgently, please choose whether to reconnect]

"System-chan, you have changed! You are not like this before! I am an injured man now. Are you afraid of injured men? Are you not going to coax me?!"

[You have been disconnected urgently, please choose whether to reconnect]

"Oh, you're talking about me and Yuchen. Oh, by the way, you should know that her real name is Yuchen, right? What a hard-fought couple, how come..."

[You have been disconnected urgently, please choose whether to reconnect]

"Okay, okay, I'm not even good enough. You said you usually don't have anyone to talk to, so it's rare for me."

【Reconnection starts.】

[Connection completed, reading character information]

[Welcome back, chaotic neutral Tan Mo, will soon enter the realm of innocence, wish you good night]

The next second, the noisy voice disappeared instantly.

【Mom is sick.】

at the same time

City of Freedom, Liuli Pavilion, Dark Alley District, Standard Room No. 2075

"Hey, I thought I had found a breakthrough. System-chan is so incomprehensible."

Wearing only a pair of underpants (which are bound to the system and cannot be stripped off), Mo Tan lazily sat up from the bed, picked up the coffee he brewed yesterday from the bedside table and took a sip, shaking his head and sighing: "But having said that, it seems that I haven't lived in such a narrow and smelly standard room for a long, long time. Tsk tsk. As the saying goes, a penny beats a hero. It seems that it's time to put making money on the agenda. .”

To be fair here, although Mo Tan is indeed living in a standard room now, rather than the high-end suite where he used to live, the standard room in Liuli Pavilion can be said to be quite a bunker. It not only has a bedroom and a bathroom , living room and other configurations that are not used in ordinary accommodation, and even a study room of more than 20 square meters. The study room also has two gold coin chamber of commerce standard safes for storing important items. Each room is more independent The air circulation array and a total of fifteen fragrances are available for you to choose from. In any case, they have nothing to do with the words "narrow and smelly".

You must know that even Mo Tan's real apartment is only a little bigger than this one, and it has no fragrance.

So obviously, this guy was just looking for trouble to vent. To put it simply, he was very angry at the system's indifference just now, so he vented his anger on this room, which was very conscientious in everything except the room fee.

However, given Mo Tan's current mental state, his negative emotions came and went quickly, so five minutes later he was already dressed and leaning on the balcony with a cup of coffee (yes! Standard room in Liuli Pavilion) There was even a balcony (balcony) with the wind blowing happily on the railing.

"The people on Sumir's side are all ready, and the Golden Crystal Beast's area of ​​activity has been locked just now. Phew, it always feels like being run over by the wheels of fate until you can't even take a breath."

Mo Tan lazily held his chin, poured the remaining one-fifth cup of coffee onto the green plants on the balcony downstairs, and stretched out: "In that case, tonight's dinner Let’s just cancel the showdown plan. After all, without the ‘fragment’, even if I have passed the line in turns in the other two mental states, it’s not safe enough. Well, let’s just go have some fun.”

Then he wandered out to have some fun. To be more specific, he went to the casino where he turned left, crossed two streets, and then turned right for half an hour. After earning enough for tomorrow's accommodation, he went to I teased Xiao Liu for half an hour at the hotel in the Nightless Zone, and after being thrown out by Weiyang, Yu Ying, and Leisha, I wandered to the Church of the Sun to give Xiao Aike an overview of the current situation between the Holy Alliance and the Violet Empire. After two sets of big questions, I finally returned to the dark alley area after the sun completely set. After changing my clothes, I met Cole, who received the code, in a small alley that can be seen everywhere in the Free City.

At this point, the fun as an appetizer is officially over.

“The exciting nightlife begins~”

Mo Tan, who was squatting in the corner, plucked the strings and composed a tune that was particularly reminiscent of Shanghai in the 1930s. Then he grinned at Cole: "Are you ready?"

The young man squatting opposite Mo Tan laughed twice and whispered: "What about that, I don't know why you suddenly called me out, so..."

"I'm asking if you're ready, Mr. Cole Schren!"

Mo Tan suddenly raised his voice.

"Ready, sir!"

Cole immediately replied with the same high decibel.

"Very good~"

Mo Tan snapped his fingers, stood up and looked up at the starry sky of the Free City. He chuckled without looking back and said, "After all, you and Xiao Ai have been following me for more than half a year."

Although he didn't know why his husband mentioned this, Cole, who stood up hurriedly, still nodded vigorously: "Yes."

"how do you feel?"

Mo Tan put his hands in his pockets, leaned against the wall, turned to look at Cole with a smile, his eyes were deep and focused as if he could see through everything.

Cole did not answer immediately this time, but after pondering for a moment, he lowered his head and said from the bottom of his heart: "I have benefited a lot. You have changed my life and allowed me to see a path that I could not even think of in the past. .”

Mo Tan raised his eyebrows: "A very pertinent summary."

"Just telling the truth."

Cole smiled slightly, bowed to Mo Tan with sincerity and a hint of piety, and said solemnly: "Both Cole Shuren and Ai Fanye will never forget everything you have done."

Mo Tan stretched out his little finger and plucked his ears, shrugged and said, "Don't just say 'never forgotten' for others. As a partner who has been with her for many years, you don't even know that girl as well as I do."


Cole coughed slightly in embarrassment, then quickly bowed his head and said, "That's what you said."

"You are grateful to me for saving your past lust, well, you can also say it was a dream, and Xiao Ai is grateful to me for giving her a new life now."

Mo Tan walked slowly to Cole, patted his shoulder and said leisurely: "But none of you have thought about your future. It's just that you are relatively stronger. After all, I will show my heart to Lorna Moonlight after I resurrect her. Digging out the lungs was a reasonable hope, but Xiao Ai gradually turned into a person who lived completely in the present, as if every day was stolen from her, living a humble, numb and self-righteous life."

At this point, he stopped abruptly, then took back his hand on Cole's shoulder and raised the corners of his mouth playfully.

Cole, who became increasingly confused, reacted for a while before coming back to his senses and said dryly: "I'm sorry, sir, I don't understand what you mean."

"Yes, of course you don't understand what I mean, and you are even worried about Miss Rona for no reason. This is really sad."

Mo Tan sneered, shook his head slightly and said: "Okay, let me make it a little clearer. To explain simply, in my personal opinion, if you and Xiao Ai continue to maintain the current state, then both of you will There will no longer be a 'future' in the strict sense. Of course, this is just an abstract and subjective interpretation. You can choose to believe it, or you can sneer at my words. Believe me, this will not affect Lorna Moonlight. The resurrection will have no impact."

"I believe you."

Cole answered almost without thinking. Although he felt that his understanding of the topic at hand was like a joke, he still chose to believe Mo Tan's words unconditionally.

It's not about trust or understanding, it's about bullshit intuition.

Very nonsense, but also very accurate intuition.

"Now, here comes the problem."

Mo Tan raised his head at a forty-five degree angle and smiled at Cole: "Do you want to have a real future? Do you want Ai Fanye to have a real future?"

"Mr. me first."

Cole swallowed secretly and became more and more at a loss.

"Don't be nervous. This is not a question worth taking seriously. After all, the weight of life is not very important, so you don't need to raise this topic to a level that would degenerate yourself into a single-celled organism."

Mo Tan, who appeared behind Cole like a ghost, smacked his lips, lazily retracted the dagger placed on the side of Cole's neck, turned his back to the sweaty young thief and chuckled: "I don't want to discuss philosophy with you. I just asked a question that suddenly came to my mind this afternoon. I mean, I was taking a shit in the afternoon of another world, so I hope you can answer it with the same mood as when you are solving personal hygiene problems. Hypothetically."

He suddenly increased his volume.

Cole was shocked and subconsciously repeated: "Hypothesis."

"You're shitting now."

"I'm... right now?"

“And I don’t have any tools in my hands that can help me pass the time.”


"And when you were in a state of relaxation, you suddenly slapped your head and became a little curious about your life. Then you put your right hand on your chin and made a rather shameful POSS."


"Then depending on your mood at the time, do you want to choose to get up and leave quickly, or risk losing yourself and continue to maintain the status quo until your legs are numb, or hand the half piece of paper left in your hand to the person next door who has been Where is Xiao Ai who has been sleepy for most of the day?"

Mo Tan asked the question in a soft voice like a male midnight radio anchor.

"Why do I go to the toilet next door to Xiao Ai!?"

Cole was shocked.

"Do you usually go to the men's room?"

Mo Tan was also startled.


Cole almost cried.

"Well, so what would you choose?"

Mo Tan suddenly seemed to have lost his memory and skipped the two particularly weird lines of dialogue just now, and continued to emphasize his question.

ten seconds later

"I don't care what I do, but if I can give Xiao Ai a good future, I will help her."

Cole didn't answer confidently, because he failed to bring himself into the example Mo Tan just gave until the end.

Mo Tan, who had his back turned to him, nodded slightly, then asked with a smile: "Will you help her at all costs?"

Cole was silent.

"Of course, none of this will have any adverse impact on Lorna Moonlight's resurrection."

Mo Tan, who seemed to have suddenly gained the ability to read minds, added quietly.

"I do."

Cole immediately replied decisively: "I am willing to help her at all costs."

Mo Tan whistled and nodded: "What a touching friendship, but if I add one more thing, if this choice will bring you a lot of pain, it may even bring the same amount of pain to Xiao Ai." What? You must know that whether it is 'life' or 'future', these words that sound so awesome may not necessarily be equated with 'happiness' or 'fulfillment'."

Cole choked slightly, then lowered his head and said: "I am not qualified to make decisions for Xiao Ai."

Mo Tan raised his eyebrows: "Finish your words."

"But I will support whatever decision she makes."

Cole turned around and said seriously to Mo Tan, his tone very decisive.

"Even if, like I just said, this choice will bring you a lot of pain?"

The smile on Mo Tan's lips grew wider.

"Yes, sir."

Cole nodded without hesitation.

"So, I have a conjecture and a hypothesis that I want to talk to you about."

Mo Tan narrowed his eyes, and the dagger in his hand shuttled between his fingers like a butterfly piercing a flower: "First of all, I guess the core reason why you are willing to support Xiao Ai's decision at the cost of causing yourself pain is just because she is your good friend and best friend. Or whatever has the same concept, right?”

Cole hesitated for a moment and said stiffly, "Yeah."

"Then there's the hypothesis~"

Mo Tan grinned, and the elusive dagger between his fingers silently retracted into its sheath: "It's still the same question, if after you decide to unconditionally support Xiao Ai's choice, she in turn wants you to make a decision for her, will you? How to do it?"


Cole was stunned for a while, then shook his head and said, "I don't know."

"Well, it's normal that you don't know. After all, the amount of information in what I just said was pitiful. In addition, there are too many elements of stream of consciousness. But no normal person can do it under such conditions. Judge."

Mo Tan shrugged, then spread his hands and made a face at Cole: "But this is just a hypothesis, and it is not a serious occasion now, so if you want to give an answer casually based on your intuition, just treat it as a I'm relieved."

"Ah, in that case."

Cole blinked and said softly: "Then just insist on helping her. After all, the 'life' and 'future' you mentioned sound like they are very important."

"Even if you and Xiao Ai may suffer for it?"


"Wow! Are you serious?!"

"No, you just asked me to say whatever I wanted, so I just said it based on my intuition."

"How irresponsible!"

"Ah this."

"Haha, just kidding, forget it, get ready to work."

Chapter 763: End

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