Quadruple split

Chapter 762 Princess and Prince

The Griffin Dynasty is one of the countries with the oldest history, the most powerful strength, the largest area, and the most decadent interior in the Southwest Continent. Compared with it, an emerging empire like the Chauvin Empire, which has a history of less than a thousand years, is like a hairless one. Qi is as fragile as a little kid. Although this little kid begins to show his extraordinary abilities and even initially possesses many elements to become a great man, there is still a decisive gap between the two, which is enough to make The latter felt the disparity of despair.

In terms of the army, as long as the Griffin Dynasty sends two standing legions, it can wipe out the entire Chavin Empire within a month.

In terms of territory, the land area of ​​the Griffin Dynasty is seventeen times that of the Chauvin Empire. If the latter is annexed by it, it will only become a county at best, or a small county.

In terms of talent, there are countless strong people in the Griffin Dynasty. There are dozens of legendary level professionals alone. Among them, there are at least five people who can compete with Farah Ossis. They can definitely defeat Marshal Galahad. You can’t count them on two hands, and there are countless times more artists, architects, philosophers, and wealthy businessmen than the Chauvinist Empire.

Even the economic strength that the Chauvinist Empire is most proud of, after Emperor William Boho, known as the 'Merchant King', carried out drastic economic reforms and amassed wealth with a higher efficiency than the Ming Dynasty for decades, the Chauvinist Empire is now The empire's total revenue in a year can only be equal to one-third of the Griffin Dynasty's taxes.

Standing on the Orchid Tower in the center of the noble district, Arthur looked down at Broread, the royal capital that could not be seen beyond his feet, with an excited smile on his face.

He trembled for the country he was in now, and was excited that he could have such a powerful opponent. Of course, the so-called opponent was just wishful thinking. After all, in the eyes of the Blood Lion Emperor, he had not yet inherited The chauvinistic prince on the throne has never been a threat, not even his own father.

But even so, the fact that his father was able to develop the chauvinist empire on the side of this behemoth is a great achievement that can be called a good talk.

And his mission is to protect this foundation while making Chauvin stronger and richer in the next few decades.

This is not an easy task, but the Griffin Dynasty is simultaneously being checked and balanced by the Dreamland Theocracy, the Silver Alliance, the Free Territory of Adolf and even the Forest of Elves in the middle of the continent. He is also assisted by Mo, Cedric and others. In this case, the difficulty level is not too high.

What's more, the biggest problem of the Griffin Dynasty is not the 'checks and balances', but a kind of 'trouble' that is even more difficult to eradicate, and just containing it is enough to make all the emperors of the past generations worry about it.

[So Arthur Boho’s future is still very promising~]

Prince Chauvin, who was leaning on the railing, smiled, then carefully turned his head to look at Princess Griffin, who was sitting not far behind her with her back to him, her ears turning red, and took a deep breath. , clenched his fists

I really hope that the matter of ‘marrying Princess Gavel’ can become the opening chapter in the future events of King Arthur!

He was thinking half ambitiously and half selfishly, walked slowly behind Gavel Logan, and pretended to cough lightly: "Ahem!"

The eldest princess's delicate body trembled slightly, and after a few seconds, she turned around with a blushing face and rolled her eyes at Arthur. She pursed her lips and snorted, full of embarrassment, but not the slightest hint of anger. meaning.

"That. Gavel."

Arthur scratched the stubble that had been trimmed half a day ago as if it didn't exist, and said in a concise and flattering manner: "I admit that I was a little impulsive just now, but this is the situation. That's the thing, I really want to marry you back."

"I don't want to go with you!"

The beautiful princess resisted the urge to put her little hands on the face of the guy in front of her, bit her lips lightly and turned away, leaving Arthur with a beautiful back of his head.

Arthur immediately walked around in front of Gavel, put his hands behind his back like a middle school student who was caught exploding a toilet seat, lowered his head and rubbed the ground with his toes, and said calmly: "Then what? Why don’t I marry you Griffin?”


Although they had only met once before, but for some reason they couldn't get really angry with this guy, Gavel stamped her foot, hit Arthur's drooped head hard, and yelled: "What nonsense are you talking about?" ah!"

Arthur blinked and said uncertainly: "Imagine the future?"

"You are the prince of Chauvin!"

Gavel hit Arthur on the chest with her weak little fist, and inexplicably started to go off topic: "What will you do if you come to your country?"

Arthur smiled proudly, waved his hand and said: "Haha, it's okay. Although my father only sleeps four or five hours a day, his body is still strong. It won't be a problem to live for another thirty or forty years. The child will be older by then. , just go back and inherit the country, I also have a very reliable friend there, let him be the regent and supervise the country for the prince."

"Who has a child?"

Gavel looked at the guy with a playful smile in front of her with a sullen face, but she couldn't hold it any longer halfway through. Again, she just couldn't get angry with the guy in front of her for some reason.


Arthur cautiously probed: "From our family?"

"Who is our family with you?"

Gavel wrinkled her nose, not satisfied with the answer.

"What about your family?"

Arthur continued to test.

"Why does my child want to go to Chauvin to become a prince?"

She clearly knew that the other party was making fun of her, and that the conversation between the two was completely nonsense, but Gavel continued to talk to Arthur in a low voice.

"Probably because..."

Arthur shamelessly asked in a very sure tone, "Am I the child's father?"

"Who wants to have a baby with you?"

Gavel wanted to step on Arthur with her sharp heel, but after thinking about it, she decided not to step on him.

“The person who wants to have a baby with me is much older!”

Arthur patted his chest very proudly and said in a loud voice: "Let me tell you, every time I go to those dances and banquets, the little girls are always excited. I guess they are all quite excited." You want to have a baby with me~"



After being severely hit by Gavel on the instep, Arthur covered his boots with a painful expression and jumped up on the spot. He said aggrievedly: "If you don't want to live with me, don't let anyone want to follow you." I'm so mad! Why are you so domineering!"

"Am I overbearing?"

Princess Griffin, who is known for being docile, well-educated, polite, and virtuous, was instantly offended by the bastard in front of her. This was the first time in her more than 20 years of life that she had been called domineering, and it felt quite fresh.

"Yeah, think about that kick you just made!"

Arthur sat down next to Gavel and nodded seriously: "Do you think you are overbearing?"

"Well, let me think about it."

Gavel pretended to hold her chin and tilt her head, thinking for a long time, and then smiled at Arthur: "It seems to be quite domineering. What, do you have any objections?"

"Huh, opinion? Who do you think I am?"

Arthur snorted softly, and his whole body suddenly erupted with a certain aura that Gavir had only seen in his brother, who was called the Blood Lion Emperor. He said in a deep voice: "Do I dare?"


Gavel finally couldn't help but burst into laughter like a silver bell.


Arthur also burst into laughter like a barbell.

one minute later


Arthur put away the playful smile just now, looked at the dreaming person in front of him with burning eyes, and said softly: "I really like you."

Gavel's delicate hand that was about to reach for the tea cup trembled slightly, and she nodded imperceptibly: "Yes."

"Although we have only met once before, and we only chatted for less than ten minutes before being interrupted by your sister, it was enough for me to make up my mind to pursue you."

Arthur scratched his hair in confusion, stared at the edge of the table and whispered softly: "I always thought that love at first sight only existed in the stories of bards. I felt that this so-called liking and love would only happen between two people. It started slowly after we got to know each other well enough, but after meeting you, I realized that the stories I heard as jokes were actually not lies."


"So when I came to Griffin this time, apart from negotiating some messy and troublesome things, the main purpose was to see you and convey this feeling to you, so as not to cause trouble when we are actually quite possible. Let some bastard take advantage of this."


"So, well, I hope you don't think that I want to marry you because of Chauvin's interests. Although it is indeed of great benefit to our country to turn His Majesty Chiwetel into me, the brother-in-law of the Chauvinist Crown Prince, I do not Not the kind of person who is willing to sell his feelings for the benefit of the country."


"Then, regardless of whether His Majesty Chiwetel agrees or not, or whether His Majesty Eliza will interfere with it, Gavel, are you willing to marry me?"


"You should say 'um'!!"

Arthur looked angrily at the girl who pretended not to hear him, with a very sad expression.

Gavel covered her mouth and chuckled, then poured Arthur a cup of her favorite scented tea: "I didn't say 'no'."


Arthur's eyes widened in surprise.

"You'd better behave a little better at the cocktail party tonight, at least not to leave a bad impression on my brother and Eliza."

Gavel turned her head away from Arthur's radiant face and whispered softly: "Don't tell them directly that you want to marry me or anything like that. I will ask them in private later what they think of you." impression."

Arthur's lips almost reached his ears: "What if the impression is good?"

"Just keep up your efforts, and then"

Gavel pursed her lips and whispered: "Try to get me to agree to accompany you to Chauvin. I...I have to investigate."

Arthur slapped his thigh hard and said happily: "Okay! Then you can find a man named Mo. He is my buddy. Not only is he so ugly that he has to cover his face with a mask, but he also has a girlfriend. Although we have not known each other for a long time, , but just like I fell in love with you at first sight as soon as I met him, he is also someone who I thought could become a good friend as soon as I met him. We are already familiar with each other. When the time comes, if you ask questions freely, he will definitely not say a word about me. Bad words!"

"You are the only one who gives advice to others like this!"

Gavel rolled her eyes a little, stretched out her index finger and waved it in front of Arthur: "I don't want to rely on my feelings for everything, so I have to get to know you well first."

Arthur chuckled: "In other words, at least in terms of 'feeling', you also fall in love with me at first sight?"

“Think beautifully”

Gavel pouted, then stood up and walked slowly to the fence, overlooking the royal capital where she had lived for more than twenty years, and said softly: "But you really made me feel the same when we first met. There are many different things that I have been living here. Although I like this country very much, I always feel a little depressed. Those things that only the emperor brother and Elisa can understand. Although I don’t understand them, I still feel very uncomfortable. , so I’ve been feeling bored since I don’t know when.”

Arthur, who walked quietly behind Gavel, nodded slightly and asked in a low voice: "What does that trouble have to do with me?"

"You are very dazzling, at least I think you are very dazzling."

The corners of Gavel's mouth subconsciously raised, and she said briskly: "Although you were telling a vulgar joke when we first met, I can still feel your dazzling energy that can dispel the gloom. Something I’ve never seen in this country.”

Arthur smiled subconsciously, then suddenly stiffened and said dryly: "Wait a minute!"


Gavel looked at him curiously.

"Can it be said?"

Arthur swallowed hard and said stutteringly: "When I was telling the joke about goblins, fishmen and ogres, you already..."


Gavel nodded under Arthur's desperate gaze and smiled: "I was not far behind you at the time. It was a very interesting joke."

"So my first impression on you"

"Yeah, a prince from a small country who has an infectious smile and likes to tell vulgar jokes."

"I'm not alive anymore."

"Don't die!"

at the same time

Griffin King's Capital, Brorid, Poisonous Dove Villa


Eliza Logan, who was sitting at the dressing table and carefully studying her stunning face, whispered without looking back.

"I'm here, Your Highness."

Wearing a simple black dress, the dark elf girl leaning in front of the door nodded slightly.

"There's a boring occasion tonight and I want you to go with me."

"Oh? What's the occasion?"

"To sum it up briefly, a very boring prince from a very boring country came here and wanted to talk about some very boring things and hook up with my very boring sister."

"Sounds like fun."

"Then will you go with me?"

"My pleasure, Your Highness."

Chapter 755: End

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