Quadruple split

Chapter 757 Top of the list

Mo Tan looked at Cordoba with a look of triumph on his face in surprise, his thoughts started running quickly, and he completed his preliminary speculation after 0.5 seconds, because the hints in the latter's words were obvious enough, so this It's not a very difficult thing.

And the facts proved that there was indeed nothing wrong with his speculation.

"Yes, it's a gloomy masked man."

Cordoba sighed, his dog face with low eyebrows and drooping eyes embodying the word 'depressed' vividly: "That bastard should be a human, with a mask on the upper half of his face, and he is dressed very coquettishly. He is particularly owed hammer."

Dabus, who was not slow to react, cheered up and said tentatively: "In other words, that guy."

"It should be the question mark on the rankings."

Cordoba curled his lips, clenched his fists and said angrily: "Although there was no such thing as a [ranking list] at that time, I was already very good at that time. Even without subsequent upgrades, I could advance on the list. There is absolutely no problem with being in the top five or ten, but "

"Were you defeated by that 'gloomy masked man'?"

Mo Tan unconsciously stroked his chin, his face uncertain.

Because (Cordoba thought to himself) there were no real acquaintances around him, so the big boss who had been ranked second in the personal strength rankings of the Innocence for half a year did not hide it like he did during the Chinese New Year. Instead, he nodded with difficulty and lowered his voice: "You can say that, but the word 'defeated' is actually not very appropriate."

"Then a narrow defeat?"

Mo Tan quickly followed. After all, referring to Cordoba's description during the New Year, the battle that led to his first death after possessing the rune body was very fierce. Although he lost to the opponent in the end, it was just a chess game. It's just one move away. If we fight again, the result may be different.

"Huh, narrow defeat?"

Cordoba laughed twice, made a funny expression, spread his hands and said: "I almost lost the ball. I was instantly killed by that animal. Can you believe it?"


Dabs, who knew exactly who Cordoba was, suddenly took a breath.

Mo Tan was also shocked when he heard the real version for the first time. He looked at Cordoba in extreme surprise: "Instant kill? You mean, he gave it to you easily."

"Yes, that's what it is."

Cordoba sighed heavily and lamented: "I made a total of two moves at that time. The first move was to hit a certain woman with all my strength, but the gloomy masked man blocked it with one hand. The second move was blocked by the gloomy masked man with one hand. The second move was overloaded with two kinds of runes, and was struck with the double blessing of 'acceleration' and 'giant power' effects. With that move, even you who are now in a high-level profession are not inferior to you."

He glanced at Mo Tan, who had successfully entered the top 100 on the list, and said seriously: "If you eat it from the front, you will have to walk around without it, and you will have to peel off the skin if you can't die."

Mo Tan, who was well aware of Cordoba's strength back then and even more aware of his current level, was stunned for a second, and then asked dryly: "What's the result?"

"Still one hand."

The corners of Cordoba's mouth twitched and he said dryly: "That bastard easily blocked my attack without even moving a single step. He even raised the Punisher's Staff with me. Then"

Mo Tan, Dabus and Jadeka, who was not sure but felt strong, swallowed at the same time.

"I put a skill that I don't know what it is."

Cordoba covered his forehead in pain and gritted his teeth: "It was like a laser cannon. It opened a hole with a diameter of 20 centimeters in my body. A hole of 20 centimeters! The talisman on my body Wen was completely destroyed on the spot, and his health dropped directly to 1%. Then, before he could even say a harsh word, his head was trampled to death, and his soul returned to Tianzhu Mountain and was reborn."


No matter Mo Tan, Dabus and Jadeka, they all lost their ability to think at almost the same time, and only the word shock was left in their minds!

This is easy to understand. After all, whether it is Mo Tan, who knows Cordoba thoroughly, or Dabus, who has heard many stories about Cordoba's oxen, or already knows the concept of players and has a deep understanding of Tianzhu Mountain. Jadeka, who has a certain knowledge, knows how difficult it is for a player to instantly kill an 'otherworlder' who has only played for less than half a year, and who is like a cheater in his gaming career. .

The part that is not easy to understand is naturally how powerful the guy called the 'gloomy masked man' is!

"Is there any mistake? Are you sure that person is not cheating?"

When Dabus came back to his senses, his expression was as dull as Anthony's, looking at Cordoba stupidly.

"Emotionally speaking, I think that guy must have cheated."

Cordoba rolled his eyes, then shrugged: "But from a rational perspective, after all, there are players like me who became rune creations not long after entering the game, so naturally there may be players who are luckier than me. What I mean is that there are people with richer stories than mine.”

Mo Tan also nodded in agreement. After all, excluding the situation where game insiders open GM accounts to entertain themselves, it is difficult for there to be such things as cheats in the world of innocence, which even Black Sun cannot handle, let alone at this moment. He has deep doubts about whether insiders can get too involved in the game.

"There is one more detail I have to tell you."

Cordoba coughed lightly and said with a very ugly face: "If I remember correctly, that day was the 4th day of the Arashi Moon Prayer. If converted into real time, that is..."

"January 14th."

Mo Tan, who was already familiar with the calendar of the Innocence Realm, tapped his knees and said solemnly: "In other words, when he defeated you, the Innocence Realm had only been in service for 15 days."

Dabbs opened his mouth, but not a single word came out, as if he had lost the ability to speak.

During this period, Jadeka, who along with Yaya has popularized a lot of player knowledge, is also a little confused.

"Don't tell Ye Ge about this."

Cordoba glanced at Ji Xiaoge, who was happily frying fish with Ya Ya, and whispered: "You also know that we know each other in real life. If she knows about this, tell my friends later, Our image is completely ruined."

[No, in fact, your image was ruined as early as when you handed me your will. 】

This thought flashed through Mo Tan's mind, and then was thrown aside, because he thought of something through Cordoba's words just now, something worth thinking about.

First of all, Mo Tan, who has listened to the real-life and game versions of "Cordoba is Remembered", knows very well that the location of Cordoba when that incident happened should be a place in the Southwest Continent called the Chauvin Empire. , whose purpose was to save a representative of Tianzhu Mountain named 'Farah', and in the process, he discovered a shadow of the Apocalypse.

Existing in the battlefield where Cordoba once was, the 'Third Shadow of the Apocalypse' detonated an Apocalypse Crystal from afar!

The other two real-life 'shadows' are Mo Tan's character 'Tan Mo', and the 'monster' imprisoned in the Small Inquisition of the City of Light. The two corresponding Lights of Apocalypse are now 'Mo' itself, as well as one of 'Yu Chen' and 'Hei Fan', of which 'Hei Fan' is more likely.

Including the Shadow of the Apocalypse of the Chauvin Empire, there is no possibility of the five ‘Apocalypses’ appearing in the same place repeatedly.

The above is information that Mo Tan has already mastered before.

And the new information he obtained was that the player who appeared in the Chauvin Empire on the 4th of the Misty Moon Prayer was most likely the player at the top of the personal combat power rankings? ? ? ’

Through nearly half a year of observation, Mo Tan can now roughly deduce that all the ‘? ? ? ’ They should all be players from the [Chaotic Evil] camp.

This is not difficult to guess. In fact, except for Mo Tan, many players or groups who care about the rankings have almost reached the same conclusion.

There is no other reason. Except for a few scattered names, almost all of the top 100 players on the two lists are from the other eight camps other than the 'Chaotic Evil' camp. But if those question marks are pretended to be 'Chaotic Evil' 'In this case, the total of 200 people from the nine camps ranking in the top 100 of the double list can be considered a balance. Of course, it is only a relative balance. After all, according to incomplete statistics, the player base of some camps is already small, especially' There are two camps: "lawful good" and "chaotic evil". The former is really rare, and the latter is almost non-existent in the forums.

Of course, [Lancelot-Chaotic Evil], who suddenly appeared on the personal list page some time ago, is quite high-profile, but in Mo Tan's view, it is just that few of the powerful people from the chaotic evil camp choose not to hide their identities. 'It's just a special case.

In this way, it is easy to draw a conclusion——

The player from the Chauvin Empire is the question mark at the top of the list, so his alignment is Chaotic Evil.

Assuming that the total four Apocalypse Lights and Shadows are all Mo Tan himself, in terms of personality, the three different personalities in reality correspond to the three personalities of 'Lawful Good', 'Absolute Neutral' and 'Chaotic Neutral' in the game. This corresponds to two Lights of Apocalypse and one Shadow of Apocalypse.

As for the 'that side' that Mo Tan keeps secret in any state, if it exists in the 'realm of innocence', there is absolutely no doubt about his alignment - chaotic evil!

Where Cordoba discovered the Shadow of the Apocalypse, the top player who killed him instantly was present!

Considering that there are "player talents" in the game, in Mo Tan's view, if "that side" of himself does exist, then it would not be surprising even if there are any crazy talents, such as

Powerful enough to instantly kill Cordoba with a snap of a finger.

This conclusion made his hair stand on end, but fortunately, this speculation had a fatal flaw, that is, the shadow of Apocalypse under the City of Light, whose appearance time perfectly matched Mo Tan's "fragment of time", that existence like an unconscious monster.

Listening to Cordoba and Yuchen's descriptions, that being who was either violent or violent could be classified into the category of 'chaotic evil' strictly speaking.

Thinking on the bright side, the possibility that the monster in the City of Light is his 'other side' still occupies an overwhelming proportion.


[You can’t only think about the good side of everything. Even if there is only a 1% possibility, you must find an opportunity to investigate the Shadow of Apocalypse in the Chauvin Empire or the person who killed Cordoba instantly. 】

Mo Tan, who took less than ten seconds to straighten out his thoughts, let out a long breath and clenched his fists slightly.

And Cordoba also broke away from the state of "sadness" recalling the turbulent years in the past, and smiled: "Haha, but that is just the past tense. As long as you accompany me to Beimang Mountain to get the 'Golden Crystal', I really don’t believe that bastard can still control me.”

Perhaps because of consolidating his memory, Cordoba subconsciously changed the previous question "How else can he beat me?" ’ was changed to ‘I don’t believe he can stabilize me’.

"So, how is that 'Golden Crystal' used?"

Jadeka looked at Cordoba curiously, seeming to be thinking about where it would be better to put a stone in.

"Tsk, I should have told you before how I dealt with Liangzi and the others, right?"

Cordoba smiled proudly, patted his withered chest and said proudly: "Do you know about transformation? You can directly transform from the current second level of virtue into the complete form. You can overturn Mo's complete form with one hand!"

Mo Tan blinked, spread his hands innocently and said, "Why do you always use me as an example?"

"Didn't you make it to the list? It's only fitting to say so."

Cordoba chuckled, clapped his hands and said: "In short, in the words of Lu Wei, my complete form has almost no flaws, and my speed, strength, resistance, and endurance are several times stronger than before, so in this regard It is impossible to make any major improvements in a short period of time, but... alas. Although the eternal crystal used as an energy source has been debugged to zero loss, the energy supply is still terrible."

Mo Tan, who had roughly guessed what was going on, suddenly understood, nodded and said: "Is that why we need the 'gold crystal' that can absorb various energies as a [converter]?"


Cordoba gave him a thumbs up and said with joy: "Although I need to maintain a huge amount of energy just to maintain the complete form now, if Old Immortal Lu Wei uses the 'Golden Crystal' to get the converter link, combine it with The perfect fusion of the Eternal Crystal can produce an effect similar to that of a perpetual motion machine, and by then I will be able to stay in my full form!"


Dabbs complimented appropriately, although he didn't really understand it.

"Not only that~"

Cordoba chuckled twice and turned to look at Ji Xiaoge by the lake: "After adding that thing, I will no longer be afraid of running out of power. At best, I will temporarily transform into a kobold form. Accumulate energy”


A mushroom-shaped splash rising into the sky interrupted Cordoba's last word "measure". Along with the exclamations of two girls not far away, countless slender figures slowly emerged from the lake!

With uncontrollable anger!


Chapter 750: End

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