Quadruple split

Chapter 739 ‘Date’

[This is perhaps the biggest regret in my life, at least in my current mental state. 】

She was holding a large bucket of cake in front of her. She was excited because she found a strawberry that looked like an Easter egg in the deep area, and she smiled proudly to herself.

[It wasn’t until I squeezed out those words from between my teeth that my heart felt like it was being clenched by something, that I realized that all my worries, all my worries, all my expectations, and all my contradictions were actually just jokes. 】

The girl named Yuchen manipulated the claw machine with a tight face, staring at the frog doll in the cupboard without blinking. There was even a layer of fine beads of sweat on her forehead, but in the end she was still on the abominable claw machine. He lowered his shoulders in front of the machine, turned around and curled his lips regretfully to himself.

[Because I am not qualified to worry, let alone expect anything. At least for me, there is always only one answer to that question. The funny thing is that I have always been thinking about another option that is so illusory that it is almost absurd. Go for it. 】

She lowered her head and sniffed the popcorn in her arms, trotted over to meet her, held the bucket of puffed food in front of her nose like a treasure, and looked at herself with a smile, her clear eyes that she couldn't take away. And calm, as if to say

[I know very well what I missed, and I know even more clearly that the 'cause' that created all of this is not others, but the undisputed 'myself', that is, the existence itself named 'Motan' standing here at this moment. , a man with a slightly complicated composition. 】

With a huge semi-holographic screen, perfect 360-degree sound effects, and just the right amount of air-conditioning, the movie is more terrifying than imagined, at least in theory. But thankfully, even though I have it all 'Mo Tan' had more than 70% of his cowardice factor, but it still wasn't affected in the slightest by the crude and crude supernatural events in front of him.

[I took it upon myself to be attracted, to admire on my own initiative, to approach myself on my own initiative, to be jealous on my own initiative, to be stupid on my own initiative, to make a choice that she would understand no matter what. Thinking about it carefully, I really An extremely rotten person. 】

The calm self, and the girl in the seat next to her who only dared to look at the screen through her fingers. This picture that she wanted to see no matter what before, has been labeled with irony.

[Thinking about it carefully, I am really hopelessly selfish now. Really, I should have understood it a long time ago. In fact, I have understood it a long time ago. 'I' can obviously do very good things, but I do it anyway. No, I just muddle along and enjoy the laziness, never willing to face reality.】

Pretending to move his eyes inadvertently, he wanted to 'accidentally' touch the slightly trembling little hand, but he was restrained by the shackles he had set and could not move.

[Ah, I know, of course I know. After all, I never intended to deceive anyone about this kind of thing from the beginning. It’s not because my so-called acting skills are not up to par. I just selfishly want you to want others to do so. I want to make myself.]

She let out a short exclamation, covered her mouth tightly with her left hand, raised and lowered her right hand subconsciously, her fingertips touched her wrist, and left after a pause of one point and seven seconds.

[Yes, 'I' like her, it's that simple. If the feeling of 'like' is not a nonsense, then 'I' naturally like her without a doubt. 】

The residual warmth on the wrist is just an illusion, a poor disguise simulated by the brain. I am very knowledgeable about this, but even if it is just an illusion, deep in my consciousness I hope that this illusion can exist for as long as possible. Oh, the highest level of self-deception is probably no higher than this.

[I deeply regret this, and I am also deeply grateful for this. 】

I couldn't stop myself from looking at you, so I covered up my emotions with a sarcastic chuckle, because I didn't want you to discover this worthless side, even though it was just self-deception.

[I am sorry because that person is you; I am very happy because that person is you. 】

You are deeply dissatisfied that there is no post-credits Easter egg after the subtitles, and I am subconsciously dissatisfied with your dissatisfaction.

[However, because I am an extremely selfish bad person, I can only regret, but not regret. Whether it is my liking for you in the past, my liking for you now, or my liking for you in the future. I won’t regret it, because the relationship itself is not a mistake. 】

You drank all the milk tea and left half of the popcorn.

[‘I’ is the ‘mistake’. 】

I drank all my Coke and left half of my popcorn.

[Perhaps the 'mistake' can never be corrected, but the 'regret' should not continue, at least not in the form of two people. 】

The face reflected in your eyes still failed to conceal the loneliness.

[It doesn’t matter, after all, ‘I’ am selfish, so no matter what, whether it is a ‘mistake’ or a ‘regret’, I will never let myself ‘regret’ it. 】

"Thank you, Mo Tan~"

She said to me with a smile.

[Haha, although Mo Tan didn't become weird just now, there is still something wrong. 】

Suddenly much quieter, he stood not far away with a smile and waved to me. Although he seemed to be looking at the strawberries on the plastic fork, even I, who was often criticized for being slow, could see that he was restless. Hmm, that guy is the type who can't hide his thoughts.

[I wanted to apologize to him, I wanted to say, 'I'm sorry, I didn't take your feelings into consideration', but I always felt that if I said that, I might not even be able to see his forced smile, so I couldn't say it in the end. Okay. Well, maybe there are some other reasons, but that’s actually not important at all~]

I tried to imagine that the stick figure behind the glass was him. This process was super easy, because I always felt that there was an inexplicable resemblance between the two. Although I couldn’t tell where exactly, I just wanted to grab it and give it a try today. Woo, finally It failed in the end, and there was no doubt that it was Mo Tan’s fault!

[What is he thinking about? Although I am very curious, I have been curious since a long time ago, but good girls in animation will pretend to be stupid at critical moments, so I hehe, naturally I will not pretend not to know because of such a secondary reason. The real reason should be I don’t want to embarrass him who seems to be working very hard. 】

The popcorn tastes so good! Although the actual taste will always be worse than what it smells like, such fragrant popcorn will definitely not taste bad. Mimi said that delicious snacks can make people feel happy, although she doesn’t know whether popcorn is considered a snack. But I want to make him feel better and tell him, 'It's okay~'

[I don’t know what I’m thinking. The questions that came up unexpectedly before were probably just because everyone seemed to think there was something between Mo Tan and me, right? However, you will indeed be very happy when you get along with him. Even if he is misunderstood as CP by so many people in the game, he will not object. This kind of thing would have been unimaginable half a year ago. 】

Watching a horror movie together feels really like going on a date. Both the male protagonist in the movie and the person next to him are always uneasy. But I started covering my ears in the fifth minute of the opening, so I couldn't do anything better. I took a sneak peek at Mo Tan and found that he was much bolder than I thought. Although his expression was a bit gloomy, he didn't seem to be completely scared. Wow! What kind of trouble is that face making? The evil spirits are gone! The evil spirits are gone!

【So scary, so scary, so scary! Close your eyes, close your eyes, close your eyes! Ah, is that girl okay? That door doesn't feel safe at all. Don't go there! ah! Ahhhh! ! Help! Mother! I'm so scared but I really want to know how it will develop in the future! 】

I was so frightened that I didn't dare to put down my hands covering my face for a second, but I would always subconsciously look at the screen for dead. Mo Tan was so calm! Emmm, is he the type who seems to be timid but can actually read ghost movies as bedtime stories? Please protect me! !

[No more, no more, no more! Me me me]

Mo Tan saw how frightened I was. Really, it was a bit of a comfort. I am not the saint who can defeat undead creatures with healing skills.

[No way, the performance has obviously reached such a wonderful place, don’t get distracted! Let me know you are scared with me! This shouldn't be difficult, right? After all, I actually have a vague feeling all the time]

A scary face flashed across the screen, and I subconsciously screamed and wanted to catch him.

[You, should, maybe, probably, seem to like me a little bit? 】

His wrists were cold, but they were not shaking like him, and his attention never seemed to be completely focused on the content of the movie. His hands were clenched tightly, but it was not that he was scared, but more like he was... Self-blame or introspection?

[I find that I always seem to be able to read your mind, even if it's just a very superficial kind. 】

He looked over and met his eyes for the first time since the movie started. He laughed mockingly in the next second, but there was indescribable exhaustion in his eyes. From that moment on, the plot of the movie seemed not to be very exciting. People care.

[I suddenly thought, if I really can always understand you, then is it really true that I think you like me? Or do I feel too good about myself? 】

Ah, not happy! Because I paid too much attention to Mo Tan, I didn’t understand the most crucial ending plot! I have to watch it again when I go back, but it would be so scary if I watched it by myself! It would be even scarier if you watch it with Nana! Her screams are scarier than the faces inside!

[However, Mo Tan seems to have regained some of his energy, which is really good. 】

I drank all the milk tea and left half of the popcorn.

[I hope one day you can talk more about yourself. 】

You drank all your Coke and left half of your popcorn.

[Perhaps, I can't share too much for you, but if I can, I hope that one day in the future, you can abandon those scruples that I don't know what they are and go on another date with me, but only when I'm ready Under the circumstances! 】

For the first time, I feel dissatisfied with my poor words, because your expression is a bit lonely.

[I know that it is not good to be willful, but since we are already more than just friends who have dated, even if we are still a little far away from lovers, I would like to ask for your guidance in the future. 】

"Well, I'm sorry."

He looked away.

"Why do you need to apologize~"

Yu Chen took two quick steps, walked around to the front of Mo Tan, put his hands behind his back and looked at him with a smile: "It's as if you rejected my confession."

Mo Tan waved his hands in panic, shook his head vigorously and said, "I didn't mean that!"

"I actually don't know what liking is."

Yu Chen turned around and slowly retreated to Mo Tan. He tilted his head and stuck out his tongue at him: "I don't know if I like you."

Even though Mo Tan had completely adjusted his mentality, he was shocked by Yu Chen's words and his eyes were frightened.

"That's weird~"

Yuchen, who was walking next to him, wrinkled his nose and said, "Sometimes, I even treat you as a completely different person. Ha, it may be an exaggeration to say this, but it is true that I will always feel this way. Well, it’s limited to outside the game. For example, when Nana and I first got off the bus, we suddenly felt that you had become so strange, although we couldn’t tell how strange you were.”

Mo Tan scratched his hair with an expression of 'I have no idea what you are talking about'.

This was the only thing he didn't want Yu Chen to know.

It has nothing to do with safety hazards. It's just that I don't want Yu Chen to know about it. There is no reason.

"Well, it's a little embarrassing, but..."

Yu Chen lightly bumped Mo Tan's shoulder and said to the latter half-jokingly: "Don't alienate me. I just helped you complete such a powerful task, so you can't offend me!"

Mo Tan laughed dumbly: "If we compare the 'powerful task' to grinding, then"

"Star Explosion Abandoned Healing Slash!!"

"Well, this is obviously a headbutt."

"Starburst Abandoned Healing Head Hammer!!"

"Well, I lost."

Mo Tan raised his hands in surrender, and then walked out of the elevator with Yu Chen and came to the small open-air square in front of the mall.

Yu Chen ran up not far in front of Mo Tan, turned around and smiled sweetly at the latter: "Time flies so fast."

"In the name of Teacher Einstein, I'm flattered."

Mo Tan gave Yu Chen a priestly salute in an exaggerated manner, then took two quick steps to walk side by side with the girl: "I'll take you back to school."

"Okay, okay, tell me the details of your stay in Sumir on the way!"

"Uh, this is it"

"In exchange, I can share a sad story with you!"

"I would like to thank Bumin for the ghost story."

"It's not a ghost story, right? Has Yuying contacted you recently?"

"I remember the last time was last week. What happened to her?"

"She's in trouble!"


"Not yet."

"But it's okay!"

Chapter 732: End

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