Quadruple split

Chapter 724: Moderate gaming is good for the brain, but addiction to gaming is harmful to the body.

[Client: Now I just regret it, very regret it

——"My Years in the Wandering World: Secret Interviews with Heroes: Sakura-chan" Junwu]

Game time PM19:48

Jingyu Manor, 1.5 floors, Sleepless Man's Corridor

"Hey, hey, hey, hey!"

The second after someone disappeared in a white light, Yu Ying suddenly came back to her senses. She staggered back half a step with her eyes wide open, and said with a stiff face, "This, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, is not a joke at all." It’s fun! Hey, Tan Mo! Stop making trouble, stop making trouble! Come out quickly and take me to the second floor!”


At this moment, a ghoul that was leaning peacefully in the corner suddenly let out a low roar, and the face that made people feel uncomfortable slowly raised its face, and its empty eye sockets stared straight at him. With the feathered warbler, the disgusting mouth on its abdomen slowly opened, and its sharp yellow teeth were covered with mucus.

Yuying endured the severe pain in her stomach caused by excessive tension and raised the dagger. She carefully stepped back while turning her extremely dry neck to look around.

Sure enough, those undead creatures that had always remained quiet, calm, and safe under the influence of [Sybat's Final Oath] had begun to stir up a commotion, and invariably cast their ghastly and terrifying gazes on Yuying, that is, The only living thing in this corridor.

For these undead creatures who have long lost their consciousness and are left with only instinctive reactions, nothing is more attractive than the breath of the living.

At this moment, the two living people suddenly became one.

What's worse is that the person who suddenly disappeared a few seconds ago disappeared with the only item that could calm these monsters!

The scene was very embarrassing for a time.

Yu Ying swallowed hard, leaned against the spiral staircase that had been completely turned into a decoration, and called tremblingly: "Tan Mo! Tan Mo, why did you go, Tan Mo!"

What answered her was the grinding of the teeth of the ghoul, the grunting of the Stitch Monster, the breathing of the undead dog, the murmuring of the banshee, the whimpering of the zombies, and the miserable laughter of the lich, but there was no answer from someone.

"Hey! I didn't say that before! I was already so cooperative with you just now."

Yu Ying looked around with tears in her eyes and screamed hysterically: "You don't really want to leave me alone in this hellish place, do you! Tan Mo!"

As expected, there was no answer.

"No matter how scum you are! This kind of joke is too much! Come back here quickly, bastard!!"

"You have succeeded in scaring me, come out now! I promise to behave well before I leave this place!"

"If it doesn't work, after we return to the Free City, can I give you a free back-beating coupon?"

"Can I feed you a drink and make you some omelet rice?"

"Tan Mo!!!"

"Don't you want to date me?! I can't accept it for now! One month! I'll be your girlfriend for one month!!"

"Come out quickly! You murderer with a thousand swords!!"

The girl shed tears and in desperation followed Mo Tan's example a few seconds ago and chose to go offline.



A skeletal archer who looked a bit osteoporotic shot an arrow at Yu Ying tremblingly, but missed.

The next second——

[You have entered combat status and cannot perform offline operations. If you force quit, the character 'Yu Ying/Chaotic Neutral' will remain in the current combat environment and will not be protected by any protection except sexual harassment. Please confirm whether to force quit. 】

The system's cold and ruthless voice sounded in Yuying's ears, like thunder! This heaven-reaching cultivation level makes the sky collapse and the earth fall into purple gold. Sorry for the confusion.

"Hey, are you kidding me?"

The originally bright phoenix eyes of the girl began to turn in circles of despair, and after that, she called out in the softest, most pitiful and helpless voice in her life: "Save me, Dad Tanmo!"

The next second, a miracle - although it did not appear, two hideous-looking ghouls pounced on him!

"Tan Mo!!!"

Yu Ying wailed, with a sickly smile on her lips and rushed towards the skeleton shooter who forcibly dragged her into the battle, shouting: "Fuck me!!!"

at the same time

[You have been disconnected urgently, please choose whether to reconnect. 】

"I'll wipe this."

[You have been disconnected urgently, please choose whether to reconnect. 】

"Don't connect first, don't connect first."

【Do you want to execute the wake-up procedure? 】


[Received, it is July 7, 2049, AM 01:26, you will wake up in two minutes]

two minutes later

City B, Mo Tan's apartment, inside the game cabin

After experiencing a brief trance, Mo Tan, who slowly opened his eyes, immediately covered his face and wailed: "What the hell is this?!"

He straightened his back and tried to support his body, but he hit the hatch cover with a thud and let out a scream.

Half a minute later, Mo Tan, who finally struggled to climb out of the game cabin, covered his head and put on his slippers, walked to the kitchen and made himself a cup of instant drink with ease. While adding sugar to it, he whispered with a pale face: "Suddenly dropped. Line or something, Yu Ying must be eager to hack me to death now. The ratio of real time and game time is 1:2. Now, at least it has been nearly ten minutes. In other words, when I took [Seba] When Tower's Ending Oath was offline, Yuying had been fighting monsters that would soon get out of control for almost ten minutes. This..."

He took a sip of coffee with a frown on his face, returned to the computer desk in the living room and sat down, shuddering with lingering fear.

"Isn't she already dead?"

Mo Tan muttered very pessimistically, then shook his head slightly, denying his previous guess: "No, no, as long as he can calm down, Yu Ying's strength is definitely not weak, even in that endless corridor There are so many monsters that she can still hold on for only ten minutes. Well, if she doesn’t perform abnormally, it’s very possible to hold on for half an hour.”

He rubbed his forehead and tried to calm down as much as possible, and achieved initial success.

After all, Yuying is Yuying, not Yuchen. Even if there is a word in the name that sounds the same, they are still two independent individuals after all. Mo Tan, who is currently in an absolutely neutral personality, has average psychological quality, but he will not panic about it. It was a huge mess. After all, it was not like he had never seen a bigger scene before.

Of course, calming down does not mean that he intends to face death without saving his life.

"If nothing else happens, with her strength, she can last for thirty minutes to an hour without being hung up. And I only need to go online again during this time to solve the problem."

After drinking most of the remaining cup of coffee in one breath, Mo Tan clenched his fists hard and gritted his teeth: "Although that haunted house is really a bit scary, it's only for me now, as long as I change my personality. Huh. .So be it!"

He gently placed the empty cup on the table and walked to the sofa while turning on his phone to check if there was any message from someone on social software or text messages.

"Well, sure enough, she should still be in the game right now."

Mo Tan, who was lying on the sofa, put his cell phone into his pocket and murmured in a low voice: "But I have to take a long-distance bus tomorrow. Although the Innocence Realm can indeed ensure that the player's mental state is the same as that of normal sleep, but I always feel that I should let her have a good sleep. Yes, I will be like her when I go online soon. Uh, no, the person I will be online soon is not Hei Fan. By the way, how come Tan Mo doesn’t even have Yu Chen’s friends? No, if there is, it will be a big trouble. Okay, now you have to hurry up, stop thinking, stop thinking first."

Trying to put the question of "Is sleeping in bed more comfortable than sleeping in a game cabin" out of his mind, Mo Tan slowly closed his eyes and began to actively transform his personality through self-hypnosis.

Although his current mental state is not calm, Mo Tan is an old psychopath after all, and he is still very familiar with changing personalities, so ever

Real time AM01:38

When he opened his eyes again, those eyes that were mixed with confusion and uneasiness had become extremely happy. Not only that, Mo Tan's expression was also beaming with joy, almost loud.


Well, he did laugh.


"Ha, hahahahaha~~~"


I just laughed like that for two whole minutes!

"Well, happy!"

Mo Tan snapped his fingers, lazily stood up and walked to the computer table next to the game cabin, picked up the coffee cup on it and walked into the kitchen, sighing leisurely: "Let's stick to the game time for one hour. .In other words, from when I separated the line at 1:26 until almost 2 o'clock, the guy will have no problem."

While he was brewing his second cup of coffee tonight as if he was recreating it not long ago, he was humming a messy yet addictive tune, enjoying himself.

"The time now is one-forty sharp."

Mo Tan returned to the living room and sat on the hatch of the game cabin with his legs crossed, holding his chin and smiling: "So as long as I can go online within ten minutes, I can save that guy who is probably infinitely close to collapse. , let her experience the pleasure of going from hell to heaven, and even take advantage of it and let her call me daddy twice, tsk tsk, it’s really good.”

He took a sip of coffee, looked down at the smooth game hatch cover under him, raised his eyebrows at his reflection on it, and his whole face became visibly lazy.

"But. Having said that"

He stretched his body lazily, and the face reflected on the game hatch made a funny expression. He raised his eyebrows and said, "If you think about it carefully, I probably haven't slept in my room for a long time." , ah, I really miss it!”

As he spoke, Mo Tan stood up and glanced at the switch of the game cabin one last time. Then he walked to the wall and turned off the light in the living room. He yawned and looked at the sky and the earth. Although it was cleaned regularly, he had not been in it for several months. Go to the bedroom where you slept

"Just have a good sleep today. As the saying goes, moderate gaming is good for the brain, but being addicted to gaming is harmful to the body. Little Yu Ying should also understand me~"

six hours later

Real time AM07:45

A hysterical roar broke out in the bedroom of an apartment in City B——

"Fuck! Mao! Ahhhhh!!!"

at the same time

City S, a high-end apartment opposite the municipal hospital


Wearing furry Nikachu pajamas (a peripheral product launched by Innocence Company last month), Yuchen yawned and walked out of the room. He rubbed his slightly messy hair and gave a silly smile to his mother who was reading a tablet at the dining table: " Good morning, mom, didn’t you run to work early today?”

Bai Zhen, who was rarely wearing casual clothes, turned to Yu Chen and smiled: "Mom, accompany you to the station."

"Wow, that's great! Is it okay at the hospital? Today is a working day."

Yuchen ran up behind Bai Zhen wearing fluffy little yellow rabbit slippers, hugged his mother's shoulders and said with a smile, "Xiao Na will be here soon."

Bai Zhen blinked, then nodded and said, "Well, classmate Nangong, right? You told me that she will also go to City B to study next September."

"Yeah, we are in the same school!"

Yuchen nodded happily and said with a smile: "She went there because of her parents' work problems. She had already decided to transfer to the Normal University, but she changed her mind after she heard that I was going to Tanhua to study. !”

Bai Zhen smiled: "Although Nangong has a more introverted personality, she is still much better than you. Mom will be more relieved if she can be with you."

"What does it mean to be much better than me? Your daughter has become a lot more lively and cheerful recently, okay~"

Yuchen wrinkled his nose, sat next to Bai Zhen, picked up the polenta in front of him and took a sip, his face full of happiness: "Good time!"

"It's just a ready-made material package to heat water."

Bai Zhen rubbed Yuchen's hair, shrugged and said, "You know mom is not very good at cooking."

"But your knife skills are the best I've ever seen!"

Yuchen stuck out his tongue and said something comforting, then tilted his head and glanced at the tablet in front of Bai Zhen, and in the picture, the ferocious-looking aunt used a spiral moon-faced waterfall to knock down a handsome guy with sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes. Then she exclaimed: "Mom, what are you watching! A fight show?!"

Bai Zhen shook his head and explained seriously: "It's not a fighting show, it's a TV series from more than 20 years ago called "The Bloody Stepmother Fights the Domineering Son-in-Law", which was recommended by my mother's friend."


"What's so great about it?"

"I don't know, I just think it's awesome."


"Mom, hurry up and have breakfast!"

"Well, this guillotine throw is really professional."

"Mom! If you don't eat, I will feed you!"


"Stop being cute!"

fifteen minutes later

Accompanied by a pleasant ringing of the doorbell, Yuchen, who had just finished washing the dishes, immediately ran to the front hall, stood on tiptoes and looked out through the peephole, then quickly opened the door and said with a smile: "Xiao Na, you're here. Have you got a meal yet?"

"I've eaten early, ah, hello aunt~"

The girl standing at the door first smiled at Yu Chen, then said hello to Bai Zhen, who was holding a tablet and nodding to her, and shyly walked in the door.

This girl named Nangong Na is one of Yuchen's best friends, and she was also the first victim who was dragged along with the latter by several other girls to play in the realm of innocence.

Her in-game name is Christina Uecker.

As of 07:00 AM this morning, the person currently ranked tenth on the Innocence Realm's personal strength rankings is Christina Uecker.

Chapter 717: End

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