Quadruple split

Chapter 722 Blood resentment fills the window (XI)

Multi-threading is not an uncommon word, but in most cases, this word is used to describe equipment such as computer hardware, and the 'thread' in multi-threading is mostly used to refer to a Group instruction sets, to put it simply, although everyone is familiar with this thing, it has no direct relationship with us humans. Of course, there are countless indirect relationships.

However, there are always exceptions to everything. Although many people think that all electronic devices are better than the human brain, the saying that the human brain is fundamentally superior to all computers, including intelligent AI, has always existed, and this statement It is very defensible whether it is scientific, medical or metaphysical.

The average development level of the human brain is only a few percent, and Einstein is a few percent more developed than the average person. This kind of statement that is not very true has always been popular, but realistically speaking, even if The human brain with nearly 100 billion neurons can indeed crush any supercomputer. We should not be able to make those things full power because the energy consumption is too great.

If the brain is compared to 'software', then other parts of the human body besides the brain are 'hardware'. In the same way, if a brain that can operate at full capacity is regarded as the game 'Innocence', then Our physical fitness is basically equivalent to a 386 host with 4MB of memory and 100MB of hard drive.

So the question is, when this computer starts running ‘Innocent Bound’, how large will its damage range be? What is the duration and waveform of the explosion wave? Can a naughty kid sitting in front of a screen get insurance compensation?

Okay, let's forget about that unfortunate computer for a while, return to the problem of the human brain, and explain Mo Tan's current operation from this perspective.

The skill he is currently using has been mentioned before, that is [Shadow Continuous Flash], which beat Yu Ying Fat last week. It is a skill with an extremely low lower limit and an extremely high upper limit.

The reason why this skill has a low limit is because when the user is controlling the Shadow, it will be particularly painful when the user is harmed. If the user does not play well, the originally 50-50 battle may be completely defeated because of this skill.

The reason why this skill has a high upper limit is that in theory it can allow people who use it properly to exert unlimited combat effectiveness. As long as they play it smoothly enough, they won't even be half-touched before the basic values ​​​​(life, stamina) are exhausted. Root hairs.

However, since it is said to be a theory, it naturally means that the so-called "no cap" is just a false assumption that cannot be false anymore. If you throw away the theory, it is actually no different from skills such as [Mirror Image Clone] and [Sword Shadow Step]. If you play well, the price-performance ratio is higher, and if you play poorly, the price-performance ratio is lower.

From the perspective of Yu Ying at this moment, Mo Tanxiu's skill [Shadow Continuous Flash] has a price-performance ratio that is beyond the sky. Every blow from the old housekeeper of Sabata can drop a 'Tan Mo' in seconds. Analysis of this phenomenon shows that the latter has not been touched by the main body at all except for the hard consumption of this skill!

The reason is precisely because Motan has now entered a state that is infinitely close to 'multi-threaded processing', and it is also the kind with zero delay and no lag!

It is true that the brain of the human being named 'Mo Tan' in reality, or the virtual character named 'Tan Mo' in the game, cannot withstand a high amount of calculations, but after long-term training, , Mo Tan had already mastered a skill called 'overloading' in the real world, which in layman's terms is - overdraft.

That is, by overdrafting one's body, the brain can perform beyond its normal level in a short period of time.

Although this method has limitations, for example, it cannot allow you to learn a set of big questions that take two minutes to understand in one minute, but it can allow Mo Tan to solve five, six, seventy-eight questions in one minute that would otherwise require A question that takes only one minute to complete is like a CPU performing multi-thread processing.

This is not something that a normal person can do, but Mo Tan is not the only one with this extreme case.

At least in his knowledge, there is someone who is better than him in this regard.

Yes, the answer is of course Futaba. In fact, the reason why Mo Tan was able to develop such a skill in reality was mainly because he and Futaba were suppressed too hard in the online battle in the early years. Frequent chastity crises (defeated by Futaba → reported by enthusiastic citizen Miss Tablet A → escorted to jail by the police who rushed into the house → sexually harassed by a man in jail).

To be honest, in the field of multi-line operations, Mo Tan is currently only at the level that Futaba was when he was fifteen years old. Even if the gap between the two cannot be called a chasm, it is at least as wide as a quicksand river.

It's not that Mo Tan is not as smart as Futaba, but at least in computer-related fields, with only limited energy invested, it is impossible for him to surpass Futaba, a nerdy girl who specializes in one area.

But having said that, after using the ability cultivated by the reality of "overload" in the game, Mo Tan is still incredibly powerful!

If there is such a thing as God's perspective at this moment, we will find that just after quietly activating the skill [Shadow Continuous Flash], Mo Tan's average perspective conversion speed has reached a crazy seven times per second. That is, the average level of consciousness switching every 0.15 seconds. This kind of thing would have been impossible in the era of playing games with mouse and keyboard more than 20 years ago, but the popular spiritual virtual games have made this kind of thing become possible. feasible.

If there is anything in this world that is faster than the speed of light, the word 'thought' will definitely have a place in it. After all, the speed of light can only circle the earth seven and a half times per second, but thoughts can make oneself move in an instant. Shoot yourself to the moon.

However, the extremely fast perspective switching speed is just the tip of the iceberg. What is even more shocking is that Mo Tan can actually combine high-intensity and careful thinking in this situation. Not only can he perfectly combine the perspective of each shadow, The mind is restored to a 'true 360-degree' three-dimensional picture, and it can even think from other people's perspective without knowing much about Sabata, and keep making predictions at a frequency of every 1.5 seconds. And in the process, he changed the position of his body at high speed, minimizing the risk without revealing any flaws, so that until now, he has not been hit by the old man's fist shadow.

Not only that, because creating a shadow that lasts for two seconds only requires 3% of the current health, and every additional second this time is extended requires an additional 5% of the maximum physical energy. When the shadow is killed, it will be forcibly deducted. 5% of the maximum health, so while maintaining strong attack and suppression, Mo Tan also has to separately calculate how to make each shadow have the highest cost performance and put it into practice. This calculation amount is even more than that of 'cutting perspective' and 'anticipation' The behavior will be even bigger!

But Mo Tan actually maintained this offensive for a full ten seconds, and this record is still improving!

This extremely heart-rending behavior resulted in Sabata being suppressed from the moment the first shadow appeared, and his strength was undoubtedly at the epic level!

Frankly speaking, if the system does not count any non-game factors when calculating the player's strength, Mo Tan in his current state is definitely qualified to be in the top 100 of the personal combat power rankings, although he can only be regarded as a player at best. He is a low-level person, but there are very few people who can compare with him.


“It’s boring, boring, boring, boring, boring, boring!!!”

Even when his body and mind were squeezed to the limit, his mouth could still keep talking nonsense all the time, which can be said to be quite impressive.

Finally, Sabata, who was at the center of the 'storm', took the lead in changing his moves after being subjected to several layers of negative status. However, he suddenly blasted out a punch as powerful as a light cannon, forcing the two shadows to attack. He retreated, and exhaled a deep breath in the next second. Instead of the fierce and domineering response before, he kept moving in a small area at a speed that was difficult to detect with the naked eye, competing with Mo Tan to move!

Mo Tan couldn't stand it when he started fighting for position. After all, although the handsome old man Sabata didn't feel oppressed, the explosive speed of the epic level was definitely not something that a novice like Mo Tan could do. In comparison, when he no longer continued to confront the enemy head-on, but began to deliberately avoid it, although Mo Tan could still barely maintain the offensive like a bombardment, the amount of calculations more than doubled.

So he simply stopped playing.

After controlling the last shadow and barely scraping Sabata with a [Serial], Mo Tan decisively stopped the offensive, leaned on Yu Ying's shoulder and shook his middle finger at the old butler: "Boring."

"Is it?"

The old man didn't get angry, he just smiled lightly with his hands behind his back: "I think it's quite interesting."

Mo Tanxu laughed dryly with his eyes, leaned against Yu Ying as if he had no bones, yawned lazily, and curled his lips and said: "Okay, just think of it as my kind condolences to the empty nester, now let's get down to business. Do you plan to continue to have fun with me, or do you want to stop hiding and hammer us to death, or do you want to finish your real purpose quickly and then let us go?"

Before he finished speaking, Yu Ying and the old man opened their eyes in surprise at the same time.

"You're staring your ass off!"

Mo Tan raised his arm and rubbed the girl's hair, looking unhappy: "Didn't I tell you in the friend message just now?"

Yu Ying slapped Mo Tan's claws away, and then smiled coquettishly: "Please cooperate."

“You two are really good”

Sabata frowned, and slowly took out the gloves from the pocket of his coat and put them on again, while looking at the two young people in front of him with a complex expression: "Not only did they not regard us and other undead as savage beasts, they even didn't even think about the 'real purpose' Being able to discover and mention this on purpose is really impressive.”

Mo Tan, whose physical strength had finally returned to over 10%, pushed Yu Ying away and shrugged, "If you have to be polite, just praise me. This woman is just a fool."

"Who are you calling a fool?"

Yuying was furious.


Mo Tan glanced at her and asked leisurely: "Then you didn't treat people like wild beasts before, or did you see that this housekeeper had other deep intentions?"

Then Yuying stopped talking.

"In short, you should know very well that the arrival of the two of us is an opportunity, Mr. Sabata, both for you and for the young lady you served during your lifetime."

Mo Tan ignored Yu Ying, but turned to the old man with a calm face and said: "That's why you were merciful in the 'battle' that wasn't even a show, instead of showing mercy right from the start. You want to blow the shit out of me and the bitch next to me, and this behavior, let me make a bold guess, is it just for your personal reasons, right?"

The old man narrowed his eyes slightly and asked noncommittally: "How can you see it?"

"They say it's just a guess."

Mo Tan crossed his arms and raised his eyebrows, grinning and said: "If I have to say the reason, it is probably because in my opinion, it can make someone like you look upright, serious, human-like, mature and stable. , the handsome old man would rather turn into an undead creature to serve the mistress, either a coquettish bitch who is good in bed, or a gentle, kind, simple and virtuous young lady. Combined with the fact that you have said before that a certain lady does not I don’t want my life and that of the fool next to me to disappear in this hellish place, so...you understand.”

He shrugged and grimaced.

Sabata took a deep breath, then clenched her fists as if she had made up her mind, and said with a bitter look on her face: "I haven't seen Miss for many years."


Yu Ying blinked in confusion, then hesitantly said to the handsome man in front of him who was not only not scary but also very manly, "But didn't you just say that..."

"My lady is not willing to let any innocent person die in this land full of resentment."

Sabata let out a long sigh, shook his head and said: "Encouraging anyone who strays into to leave here is the last advice given to me by the young lady. And I have always adhered to my responsibilities and never let anyone who can't defeat me embark on the real journey." 'Second level'."

"If you say so"

Mo Tan scratched his chin and asked with interest: "Is there really someone who successfully broke through here despite your obstruction?"

Sabata nodded slightly and replied calmly: "Even when I was alive, I was just a mediocre person who had stopped at the peak of the epic. Even if I had the home field advantage in the manor, I was not considered a strong person. Naturally There are times when I get defeated.”

"Tsk, tsk, you are not considered a strong person, so who are we?"

Mo Tan whistled and took out a bunch of unique brown candies from his pocket: "Do you have a bowel movement?"

Sabata smiled faintly at the novelty behavior of the young man in front of him, and then continued: "Three people. Over the years, there are three people who have successfully defeated me and broken into the second level."

"Then what?"

"Then they became part of the mansion and could never leave."

Chapter 715: End

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