Quadruple split

Chapter 719 Bloody resentment fills the window (VIII)

Time flies, time flies

It has been 15 minutes since the game time PM 17:54, when Mo Tan and Yu Ying set foot on the second floor of Jingyu Manor.

However, the straight corridor in front of the two people seemed to have no end in sight, and correspondingly, there were those monsters that also seemed to never decrease.

If I want to briefly summarize it, it would be ‘not scientific, more magical, and very supernatural’.

This is not difficult to guess. After all, no matter how spacious the building is, it is really strange to walk for nearly a kilometer without seeing the end of the corridor. What's more, this is a kilometer without any turns in the middle, so .

"To be honest, I'm curious why you didn't notice anything unusual until now."

Holding a short-handled warhammer in each hand, Mo Tan, who was standing back-to-back with Yu Ying, blew the bangs on his forehead, and smashed the skeleton assassin in front of him into powdery fractures with unusual boldness. Said: "Even with your level of intelligence, it seems too slow."

Yu Ying pressed Mo Tan's shoulders, and her slender figure turned a full 180 degrees around the latter like the wind. In the process, she erased the necks of five or six zombies one after another, and said displeasedly: "What does 'my level of intelligence' mean?"

"Are you sure you want to listen?"

Mo Tan was a little surprised, as if he had never seen such a shameless person.

"never mind."

Yu Ying curled her lips, and then jumped up lightly again, tapping her toes on Mo Tan's bent back just in time, using the strength to jump up, and harassed him in mid-air with two golden hooks hanging upside down. The gargoyle that had been standing for a long time was stepped on.

Boom! !

The right hammer smashed the two gargoyles together, crushing their heads at the same time.

"You are welcome."

Mo Tanchong gave Yu Ying a wink after being robbed of a double kill, and then he let go of one of his war hammers, and bent down and extended his hand to Yu Ying like a gentleman.

"have a finger in the pie."

The girl glared at Mo Tan fiercely, but still stretched out her free left hand and put it into the latter's palm.

"You say you are nosy, but your body is honest~"

Mo Tan smiled and asked happily: "Left? Right?"


Yu Ying said coldly, and with Mo Tan's strong pull, she instantly changed places with the latter. In an instant, she knocked over a skull shield from the side that was originally located directly in front of Mo Tan, and she had no time to adjust her position. Wei, while the latter leaned over to let go of the girl's little hand while passing by Yu Ying, picked up the left-handed hammer that was originally on the ground, and gave it to a lich who was trying to distance herself.

Obviously, what the two of them just said was enough to make Lesa kick Mo Tan three times, Diana was in tears for two years, Betty thought about it all night, Mrs. Amora couldn't think of committing suicide, and Ms. Margaret slashed with a knife. , Miss Linda fainted on the spot, and the child Nidiya's "holding hands" behavior that doubted life was not because of any impure relationship established between the two in just fifteen minutes, but just an extremely efficient way of fighting. That’s all.

The fundamental reason is one of Yuying's skills——

[Shadow in pairs]

Active skills

Mastery requirements: Possess the profession [Shadow Dancer]

Consumption/Limitations: None

Effect: Designate a friendly unit as your dance partner. It will become invalid when the skill is actively terminated or the distance between the unit and the user is \u003e300 meters. During the duration of the skill, all skills launched with the power of the dance partner will receive a 5% effect bonus. , which will increase your movement speed by 10%, reduce your critical hit rate by 80%, and increase your health recovery speed by 45% in the next five seconds. If you use the power of your dance partner to activate the professional skill of [Shadow Dancer], you will be additionally Restore 5% of physical energy within five seconds. Cooling time: None

[Note: This skill may be a legitimate reason for you to be single, or it may be a good excuse to trick singles into killing them~]

This skill is the only skill that Yuying has never used since she obtained the [Shadow Dancer] profession. For no other reason than this girl really can't find a partner.

However, even though I have never used it, I can tell just by looking at the effect that [Shadow Dual] is definitely a magical skill that can be called heaven-defying. Although the description of 'using the power of a dance partner' is a bit ambiguous, its effect is sufficient. Let anyone try and explore a lot at all costs. Not to mention anything else, the function of "recovering an additional 5% of physical energy in the next five seconds" is enough for this skill to be listed. It’s a magical skill!

Of course, even though Yu Ying had thought about figuring out the details of this skill countless times, she still didn't put this idea into practice. The reason was that she still didn't have a partner.

Ever since, this magical skill has been moldy in her skill bar for three months, without being used even once.

until just now

In view of the fact that there seemed to be endless monsters in this corridor, Yuying's physical strength was already a little dangerous after fighting for less than ten minutes. It would be useless even if she adopted a circumnavigation strategy carefully from the beginning. After all, In addition to the fixed consumption when using skills, this game requires stamina to be consumed whether walking, slashing, jumping, or dodging, so even though she has worked very hard to save, her stamina is still increasing rapidly. It fell below 30%.

And when Yuying found that she was getting weaker and weaker, her first reaction was the long-dusted [Shadow Pairing] in the skill bar.

What a coincidence, there is actually a 'friendly unit' next to her.

Therefore, after struggling for about a tenth of a second, Yu Ying secretly used this skill on Mo Tan, giving the latter the status of 'dance partner'. After all, life was at stake, no matter how much she hated this bitch, Nor is he so stubborn as to put himself in danger over such a trivial matter.

That's right, it's just her. As for Mo Tan, who has been fighting side by side with Yu Ying and claims to have consumed a lot of physical energy, he is very active. Using skills is like drinking water, and there is no sense of saving energy at all. .

After that, a new door opened in front of Yuying.

Because of the phrase "with the help of the partner's power" in the skill description, Yu Ying frequently moved next to Mo Tan after he became her dance partner. She worked hard while enduring teasing and teasing, and finally gradually mastered this skill. the essence of.

To put it simply, it is necessary to create some situations where the dance partner's power must be borrowed, such as stepping on the partner's shoulders to chop enemies that are supposedly unstoppable, being covered by the dance partner to block some attacks that are theoretically unstoppable, and being attacked by the dance partner. You can kick your feet to avoid attacks that are theoretically impossible to dodge, etc. In this case, the effect of [Shadow Dual] will be properly triggered.

However, actions such as deliberately dragging his dance partner in front of him to block the knife will not activate any effect.

All in all, the clever student Yu Ying quickly mastered this technique, and found that his originally dangerous physical strength actually increased instead of falling after fighting for a few minutes. The efficiency of killing monsters was also getting higher and higher, and he was very excited. A batch.

It was precisely because of this that she did not realize immediately that this corridor was not very innocent, so she was ridiculed by Mo Tan.

By the way, even Yu Ying had to admit that although his first dance partner was a scumbag, his performance was beyond perfect. Although the two did not exchange even half a sentence about this skill, From the moment Yu Ying tried to put aside her personal feelings (extremely disgusted) and tried hard to explore this skill, Mo Tan's every attack and every move was cooperating with her intentionally or unintentionally, and she didn't even know when. In this kind of cooperation, a lot of 'guidance' and 'response' gradually appeared. In the end, Mo Tan had slowly begun to deliberately create situations where the skill of [Shadow Pairing] could perfectly exert its effect!

To use an inappropriate metaphor to describe it, it's like two people dancing on a pole together. Yu Ying is the dancer, and Mo Tan is the pole, a perfect and caring pole!

He easily turned himself into a foil, a foil that allowed Yu Ying to perform as he pleased and maximize the skill of [Shadow Dancer]. From that moment on, the words 'Shadow Dancer' were already used. Split in half, Yu Ying is the dancer who shines brilliantly under the spotlight, while Mo Tan is the invisible shadow.

This kind of indescribable, yet indescribably comfortable, and unrestricted feeling is addictive!

Referring to the core idea of ​​the theory of relativity, although a full fifteen minutes had passed, in the eyes of Yuying, who had never had such a happy fight, it was as if time had not passed at all.

After working together to complete a double kill, the two of them switched positions again, performing two movements: squatting in a military posture and doing an iron bridge respectively, perfectly avoiding the screams of a banshee that was so close at hand, and fighting with each other. At the same time, without looking back, Mo Tan threw out a crystal clear flask with his backhand, and its landing point was exactly three points and one line between the Banshee and Yu Ying.

puff! !

The cold dagger accurately penetrated the bottle of holy water, and stabbed into the chest of the banshee without any loss of momentum, instantly burning it into ashes.

Two seconds later, Yuying's blood volume, which had not lost much, increased by 1%, and the [Shadow Pairing] special effect was activated again!

The corners of the girl's mouth turned up involuntarily. This feeling of understanding was really very happy.

[It would be nice if it wasn’t this bitch]

After this thought flashed through her mind, the girl's smile suddenly disappeared, leaving only an expression of pain in her pretty face.

"So, Mr. Tan Mo, who is not slow, when did you realize there was a problem here?"

Yu Ying asked sarcastically while continuing to walk quickly with Mo Tan as the center.

The latter replied without thinking: "Well, about thirteen minutes ago."

"So, since Mr. Tan Mo, you discovered the problem so early."

Yu Ying rolled her eyes, tilted her head at Mo Tan with disdain, and sneered, "Then why haven't you thought of a solution to this situation until now?"

"I thought of it~"

Mo Tan, who was half-kneeling on the ground, held a two-handed heavy crossbow. He aimed at the Suture Monster more than ten meters away and pulled the trigger. He said absently: "To put it simply, this corridor is not actually the Jingyu Manor." The real second floor is a place that only exists in the current special environment. Therefore, whether it is simply killing monsters or rushing on the road, as long as a certain condition is not triggered, the road can be taken no matter how far it goes. No matter how many monsters we kill, we still can’t kill them all.”

Yu Ying stood beside Mo Tan to engage the enemy, and while creating a sniper environment for the latter, she said calmly: "I also know what conditions we must meet to open up the situation. The question is, what are the conditions?"

"I have carefully observed the corridor itself and came to the conclusion that it is monotonous and crude. In addition, there are no murals or sculptures in this corridor. There are no doors or windows. The candles providing lighting on both sides are even more continuous. More than two hundred rows are all the same, without any difference, so we have to exclude the use of environmental factors."

Mo Tan quickly loaded arrows into the heavy crossbow in his hand, and said in a calm tone: "Then only these will be replenished to a certain number of monsters every three minutes or so, for example"

Boom! !

A crossbow arrow nearly ninety centimeters in length roared out, piercing the skull of an ordinary skeleton swordsman extravagantly.

"Not only did the soul fire not escape after being killed, it would also be transferred to other undead creatures."

Mo Tan grinned, and slowly folded the heavy crossbow in his hand and put it back in his bag. Then he took out a pair of exquisite repeating short crossbows from under his windbreaker, and pointed them steadily at a shadow not far away. Lich of the ball.

Boom boom boom boom boom! ! !

In just one second, a total of twelve arrows from the two short crossbows shot out at the same time, shooting the human-like lich into a sieve.

At the same time, Yuying, who was chasing the series of crossbow arrows, suddenly widened her eyes and let out a soft cry uncontrollably.

A particularly inconspicuous looking soul fire with a faint blue color floated out silently from the back of the lich's head, and then quickly jumped into the body of a gargoyle.

"So I personally think that as long as we keep focusing on that different guy, the situation will probably change."

Mo Tan casually threw the short crossbow on the ground, straightened up, hugged Yu Ying's slender waist, and threw it into the air with force, aiming directly at the gargoyle that seemed to be retreating quietly.

The girl did not disappoint him. The moment she was thrown, Yuying quickly activated [Luoying], volleyed a big chop directly towards the gargoyle, and then swooped down, raising her hand. The knife falls!

The same soul fire floated up for the third time, and electricity shot into the belly of a stitch monster.

"How did you know?!"

Yuying asked in surprise.


"How long have you been observing?"

"Five minutes."


"Yes, I already knew about it about ten minutes ago, and I have been paying attention to that guy since then."

"Wait! You already knew this, why are you saying it now?!"

"I'm ashamed to say it."

"How the hell do you know the word "ashamed"? Stop talking nonsense, what is the reason?"

"Practice specialization."


"It's just about practicing specialization."

Chapter 712: End

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