Quadruple split

Chapter 711 Hiking

Before I met you, I never felt how pale my world was. Although my friends did make me realize the importance of finding a partner, when I was alone, I always forgot those things that made people confused. I understand private words, and feel that I am lucky enough to live under this starry sky, and being able to study the stars in the sky is enough for me.

Before I met you, I loved interpreting the countless secrets in the sky

Why does the xylophone stand look particularly dim on the third day of the Frost Moon every year? Why does Atal's Pentagram deflect exactly two degrees every five hundred and seventeen minutes? Why is the Illiana Triangle always in positive aspect to the Ethrun Void? Why is the Wheel of Eros, which represents love, always in reverse aspect to my guardian planet, Lulidais?

I was once intoxicated under this starry sky and couldn't forget to leave. It had nothing to do with my identity as the heir of the "Xianyue" line of the Aqizolti family. I felt from the bottom of my heart that I was born to interpret those stars.

But miraculous you, my dear Frank, in just a few days, you completely shattered all my deep-rooted ideas over the years.

Rather than sitting at the table and mapping the stars, I want to lie on your shoulder, stop all thinking, and fall asleep listening to your heartbeat.

Rather than catching the thread of fate, I want to be held by your hand, abandon all distracting thoughts, and sleep lightly under your gaze.

Haha, deep sleep, light sleep, these words are like I am very sleepy.

Well, although I don't deny that I do sleep more peacefully next to you, the reason why I subconsciously wrote this is probably because I feel that all this is like a dream.

After all, how could a clumsy woman like me have such a perfect lover like you if I hadn’t dreamed?

I just don’t know whether all this is my dream or your dream.

If it were mine, I hope I never wake up.

If it is yours, I hope that on a bright noon (or maybe in the afternoon, because you always sleep for a long time), when you first wake up, you will not forget too quickly the woman in your dream, the one who lit up the whole world with you. , a clumsy and ordinary woman.

Sorry, I seemed to have said a lot of nonsense.

I know you don't like hearing this, you always want me to be more confident.

So, please imagine me, imagine me announcing loudly and in a vicious tone: "Frank is my man!"

I really did it, a man shouted stupidly at the door of the laboratory.

Doesn't this make you very confident? I hope you praise me.

Me (large ink stains)

No, if I keep writing, I will definitely be so shy that I burn the letter!

Well, hope you are well, my (blacked out 'dear') Frank.

——Love you forever: Diana A. Azizolti

P.S. I don’t think I have the courage to re-read this letter, so please forgive me if you see a typo, or some incoherent sentences.

Attachment 2: When my friend’s apprentice wanted to peek at this letter for the eighth time, I was temporarily trapped in the star sea barrier. I will buy her snacks on the way back from sending the letter. Will she forgive me?

Appendix 3: I still couldn’t help but read it again, and I regretted it.

I want to say it again.

This is Diana A. Azizolti who loves you forever]


Mo Tan blew a sharp whistle frivolously, with a warm arc at the corner of his mouth, and lovingly kissed Diana's name at the signature, and said softly: "I will always love you too, my dear Diana. .”

Yu Ying, who accidentally glanced at the letter while helping to get it, and then squatted at the door of the Mages Guild to read the entire letter, frowned slightly, walked to Mo Tan with a complex expression and whispered: "Well, if you If you don’t mind, could you tell me who this Diana is?”

"Of course I don't mind."

Mo Tan smiled, then clasped his right hand that was holding the letter tightly to his chest, and said seriously: "She is my beloved woman."

Yu Ying shook her head and hesitated for a while before muttering: "That's not what I meant, I meant... uh... her tone of voice seems to be very similar to..."

Mo Tan put the letter in his pocket and looked at Yu Ying with his head tilted: "It looks like an NPC?"

The latter said 'hmm' and nodded slightly.

"Aren't you talking nonsense?"

Mo Tan rolled his eyes, spread his hands and said, "Which player would be so stupid that he could send a message to a friend, but would choose to spend thousands of gold coins to send a magic letter that is not very important?"

"Thousands of gold coins?!"

Yu Ying was shocked at that time. She looked at Mo Tan dumbfounded, with disbelief on her face: "Just to send a letter?!"

The latter nodded slightly and explained happily: "To be precise, it should be an express registered letter. It is also two pieces of torn paper. If you go through the normal channels, it won't even cost 10 silver coins, but Diana is very good at many things. I don’t have the patience, so I’ll use special channels to send it.”

Yuying, who had forgotten about the politeness of peeking into other people's letters, jumped three feet high and exclaimed: "You sent her this kind of letter too?!"

"How could it be? I'm not sick."

But Mo Tan smiled and shook his head, turned around and walked deeper into the alley, and said without looking back: "Of course I sent 10 silver coins."

Yu Ying quickly followed him, and her speaking speed was not slow at all: "But she is not your beloved."

"Yes, of course she is my beloved woman, but that doesn't mean I'm willing to spend half a copper more to have that piece of parchment filled with nonsense arrive at its destination a few days earlier."

Mo Tan paused for a moment, then turned around suddenly, stretched out his right hand to give Yu Ying a slap in the face, who almost ran into his arms, and said briskly: "If you accepted my confession that night, you would also change." Becoming the woman I love, of course, does not conflict with me slapping your crappy colleague."

"You are such a scumbag."

Yu Ying slapped her face expressionlessly, but Mo Tan slapped her face hard to the side, causing pain in her palm.

"Your evaluation just now is very pertinent."

Mo Tan, who had a clear palm print on the left side of his face, turned sideways and made a 'please' gesture to the gloomy-looking girl: "But that is not what we need to discuss now, so please hurry up, cowardly lady. , I just looked at the stars and felt that I might not be able to accompany you until the end of the mission."

Yu Ying looked at him with gritted teeth and said angrily: "What do you mean?"

"It means that if I accidentally pee in fear, I will definitely choose to disconnect and clean the game cabin immediately."

Mo Tan walked briskly into a dark corner, and after Yu Ying followed quickly, he took out a silver-colored scroll from his bag, and then tore it up casually.

The realm of innocence, the northern border of the Principality of Lanka, the suburbs of Muir City

With a burst of distorted silver light, Mo Tan and Yu Ying appeared between two unremarkable rocks, with the distance between them less than two centimeters.

"Oh, this teleportation coordinate setting is really thoughtful."

Mo Tan casually blocked Yu Ying's slap towards him, then took a half-step back in a gentlemanly manner, and said with a smile: "It's a pity that I have no interest in taking advantage of you now."

The girl snorted softly, jumped up and left the gap that perfectly concealed the fluctuations in space. She landed lightly on the top of the rock opposite Mo Tan, and after looking around warily, she moved away and let only Mo Tan, who had changed all his equipment in two seconds, also jumped out, nodded slightly and said: "It's right here, but where did you get this kind of range-type directional teleportation scroll? And the coordinates are still like this A little place where birds don’t poop.”

"In view of your hatred of rich people, please allow me to remain silent on this issue."

Mo Tan thoughtfully ended this emotionally hurtful topic, turned to look at a dense forest not far away, and asked curiously: "Is that your mission location?"

"If you follow a certain process."

Yu Ying coolly pulled up her long red scarf to cover her mouth and nose, and then she shot out from the boulder like an arrow from a string. Her voice contained no trace of emotion: "Let's go."

"Don't you need to take out your [Requiem Lantern]?"

Different from the attire he wore when he crushed Yu Ying, Mo Tan was now wearing a black robe similar to a long windbreaker, with two black sheathless swords hanging on his waist, looking relaxed and comfortable. The ground followed Yuying, who was racing at full speed, without even making a sound of footsteps, like a ghost traveling rapidly. .

"Until you arrive at the mission site, there's nothing to be alarmed about."

Yu Ying shook her head, and led Mo Tan into the dense forest full of tiny sunlight. Then her speed suddenly dropped, and she concentrated on trotting according to a certain pattern. She reminded in a deep voice: "Follow closely, and try to only Walk where I have walked, and if you take one wrong step along the way, you will never reach your destination before you leave this forest and turn back!"


Mo Tan nodded obediently.

two minutes later


The girl screamed in surprise, because just a second ago, Mo Tan suddenly increased his speed. Not only did he pass by her at an extremely fast speed, he even turned his head and made a face leisurely.

"What on earth do you want to do!?"

Yuying shouted in a panic as she ran, but her movement trajectory still remained 'correct'.

What she found incredible was that Mo Tan, who had already run in front of her, didn't seem to make a wrong step!

"Stop making such a fuss."

Mo Tan, however, kept moving at high speed like he was strolling in the courtyard, while saying in an erratic voice: "I already know the rules."

【law? What rules? ! 】

Yu Ying was confused at the time. You must know that even she herself didn't know what the rules were in this awkward route. If it weren't for the fact that the world mission rewarded her with a specific clue to her current mission chain, she would have been able to vaguely Seeing the right road, I'm afraid this girl still can't find it until now.

"The approximate formula for calculating Mersenne prime numbers is just a change."

Mo Tan, who was already more than ten meters away from the girl, smiled and explained while running: "Starting from 5, the index, calculated value, actual value, and error value each represent a certain distance. Press left first and then right. The sequence changes direction after each movement, four times as a group. As for the distance of each segment, when the exponent and the actual number are greater than two digits, add them to the single digit. The calculated value and error value are rounded to an integer. Do you understand? ?”

Yu Ying blinked without any desire for knowledge, shook her head and said, "Gan."

"To explain it simply, on the basis of keeping turning left and then turning right, and then turning right and then turning left, we start moving from index 5. That is to say, the order of the first group is to turn left and walk 5 meters, then turn right and walk 3 meters. , turn left and walk 3 meters, because the error value of 5 is 0.053, and the ones digit after rounding is zero, so there is no need to turn right again, just continue to turn left according to the next group, which is index 7, haha."

Mo Tan yawned, turned back to Yu Ying, whose eyes had begun to turn around in mosquito coils, and continued to analyze: "The calculated value of 3.764 and the error value of 0.236 are rounded to 4 and 0 respectively, so the order this time is Turn left for 7 meters, turn right for 4 meters, turn left for 4 meters, no more right.”

The corner of Yuying's mouth twitched and she asked politely: "Gan?"

"After 7, there are 13, but in this group, you only took four steps after turning left, so obviously the two numbers add up to one. Applying the previous rule, it becomes 4 meters for a left turn, 5 meters for a right turn, and 5 meters for a left turn. 5 meters, continue not to turn right.”

Mo Tan, who gradually began to speed up, also speeded up his speech and said with a smile: "By analogy, the next steps are left 8, right 5, and left 5. However, because the error value of the index 17 is 0.661, after rounding, the single digit becomes 1, so this group has an extra right turn of 1 meter, well, I probably finalized it at this time."


"That's it, now that you know the trick, let's meet at the end of the hike."

Mo Tan grinned, speeding up again, and soon disappeared from Yu Ying's sight, leaving only one sentence echoing in the air: "If I can get in."

"So you told me the magic trick?!"

While Yu Ying widened her eyes and carefully observed the vague black traces in the field of vision, she screamed at the top of her lungs: "You just didn't say a human word from the beginning to the end!!"

five minutes later

Game time PM17:09

Accompanied by an indescribable feeling, as if someone had been thrown into a piece of water that was not biting but extremely cold, Yuying, who had already run to the edge of the dense forest, suddenly appeared in a piece of silence after a brief suffocation. In the night, although the surrounding environment does not look much different from before at first glance, anyone with normal senses can tell that this is definitely not the peaceful and peaceful forest before.

Not far away, the dilapidated manor covered with moss, which looked to be at least a thousand years old, exuded an extremely strange feeling.


A very dissonant voice sounded at the door of the manor. Yuying looked up and found someone holding a pale thigh bone and waving happily to her.

"Do you want to hear the drums?"

Chapter 704: End

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