Quadruple split

Chapter 688 Behind the accident

Game time AM08:11

City of Light, outside Zhongcheng District, in front of [Mother Earth] tea shop

"We're here, sister Wangyu."

Day Black smiled at Yuchen. Just a few minutes ago, he readily agreed to the latter's request of 'Don't call me honorifics anymore', and then very naturally changed the suffix of 'Your Highness' to ' Sister, this kind of thing has absolutely no psychological burden on this thirteen-year-old Holy Son. After all, his age is here. In the past few years, whether he is preaching or preaching, as long as the other party does not know his identity , Blake basically calls others "brother, sister, uncle, aunt, grandpa, grandma" without any airs.

"I've been in the City of Light for so long, and this is the first time I've seen this store."

Yuchen glanced at the signboard decorated with simple flowers and vines, turned to the boy next to him and smiled: "It feels like the atmosphere is very good."

Blake nodded slightly and introduced rather proudly: "This place is opened by relatives of a certain bishop of the Plenty Sect, but the owner and his wife are not believers in gods. It can be seen from the name of this store that they respect shamanism. , so there are not many regular customers in the City of Light where believers gather. After all, everyone prefers store names such as [Light’s Grace] and [A Taste of Hymns].”

"So, Blake, you are one of the regulars here?"

Yuchen looked at the young Shengzi who looked a little proud, blinked and said, "Is it because others won't recognize you here?"

The child actor who was well-known throughout the entire sanctuary scratched his head and shrugged: "I don't deny that there is one thing. Well, actually there is a large proportion of this factor in it, but the juice here is really delicious. Desserts are also very exciting.”

"I'm already looking forward to it."

Yuchen pursed his lips and smiled implicitly and politely. Although he was not timid and speechless like he usually did when meeting adult strangers, he did not get too close to this young man who made people feel like bathing in spring breeze.

"Ladies and children first, let's go in together."

Blake, who was coming into contact with the new Dawn Saint for the first time, didn't seem to notice anything. He just nodded slightly and walked into the store. Then he waved to the orc uncle behind the counter familiarly: "Ka Uncle Maier, I brought friends here today."

"Hello boss, sorry to bother you."

Yuchen also said hello obediently.

The orc man who looked very intellectual wearing a pair of glasses smiled and quickly activated a magic crystal that contained soothing music. Then he glanced at Yu Chen and raised his eyebrows at the young man cheerfully: "This is my first time seeing you with a girl, little Blake."

"Uncle Kamel, don't make such a joke."

Blake shook his head helplessly and said with a mixture of laughter and tears: "I have just turned thirteen this year, and my sister has a boyfriend. Be careful, they will come back and beat you up!"

As a result, Yu Chen actually smiled and shook his head and said: "He doesn't know how to fight. If he does, he is more likely to get beaten."

"Tsk, tsk, you are a brat, uncle, I obviously didn't say anything."

The boss named Kamel behind the counter spread his hands innocently, and then pointed to the wooden spiral staircase diagonally opposite Blake and Yuchen: "Go, I've reserved a good seat for you up there."

Blake covered his mouth and smiled narrowly: "Isn't it because there are no guests at all?"

"Go, go, you brat is talking nonsense."

The orc uncle glared at Black with feigned anger, then grabbed a thin sheet and shook it: "Should you follow the old rules?"

"My word is old school."

Blake said without hesitation, then turned to look at Yu Chen and said hesitantly: "Sister Wangyu's words."

The latter smiled quietly: "I'm just like you."

"Okay, that's the same."

Blake seemed quite confident in his old rules, so he didn't insist on letting Yuchen order it himself.

So, a moment later, the two of them sat by the window on the second floor of the [Mother Earth] tea shop.

"I think, Sister Wangyu, you must be very curious as to why I, a half-year-old child who has never met you, wants to apologize to you."

After chatting about a few innocuous topics while bathing in the warm morning light, Blake got straight to the point and brought up the business. He looked directly at Yuchen, who was slightly confused in his eyes, and a wry smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "As far as I know, Pastor Heifan, who played a decisive role in the disaster in Misha County at that time, was your boyfriend, Sister Wangyu."

Although this was not the first time she was misunderstood, a blush still appeared on the girl's cheeks, and then she nodded slightly and said, "Yes, Hei Fan is my boyfriend."

After Blake asked what he just said, the doubt in the girl's eyes disappeared at the same time. It was obvious that she had guessed the reason why the other party wanted to apologize.

Blake also guessed that Yuchen had guessed the reason why he wanted to apologize, so he skipped the preparation process and sighed softly: "It seems that Sister Wangyu must have also received news from the front line, I mean the Holy Mountain Sumir." side"

Yuchen nodded and didn't speak. He just looked calmly at Zhou Black, who looked a little ugly.

"The support team that Pastor Hei Fan belonged to happened to be ambushed by cultists when they were performing a mission. They disappeared in the chaos of war before the large forces engaged the enemy. I deeply regret it."

Blake recited the report from the front line almost verbatim, and smiled bitterly under Yu Chen's calm and clear eyes and shook his head: "Although I really want to say this, the fact is, at least according to my personal inference. Based on the one-sided facts, this matter is not that simple.”

Yuchen was a little surprised to find that the boy in front of him, who was a bit unpredictable, but still had a lot of childishness in his words and deeds, suddenly seemed to be a different person. His bright black eyes narrowed slightly, and his whole body The person unconsciously exudes an imperceptible but real power, which is in no way inconsistent with his peaceful and calm temperament, and even merges with it into a unique and inexplicable style.

Of course, this demeanor did not affect Yuchen, so she just shook her head in confusion at what Blake just said: "I don't understand."

"Sister Wangyu, you can actually trust me more."

Young Blake's smile was a little dry, and he said bluntly: "I know that the Dawn Sect has great reasons to believe that the accident was a conspiracy, and as the Holy Son of the Church of the Sun, I cannot express it in any public forum. Any remarks related to it, but at least at this moment, I can tell you clearly that this is a conspiracy, a conspiracy against Pastor Black Van."

After hearing these words, Rao Shiyuchen had already been mentally prepared when Blake invited him to have breakfast and said he wanted to apologize, but he still subconsciously widened his eyes. He did not expect that the Saint, the rising star of the Sun Sect, would Ziday Black would admit it so frankly.

Yes, although he carefully used the wording "one-sided facts that I personally inferred", even so, these remarks are already very weighty.

Just because the person who spoke was Day Black, the core of the core of the Sun Sect!


Yuchen opened his mouth, and for a moment he didn't know what to say. Blake did not continue to speak, but turned his attention to the stairs not far away.

Five seconds later, an orc woman carrying a large tray came up cheerfully and placed two plates of exquisite khaki cakes in front of Blake and Yuchen. The two cups were not watered down but the price was higher than in a certain hotel. Two-thirds the price of ice-cold lemon juice and a large plate of snacks that looked a lot like fried onion rings, he winked and said, "I decided to give this to you."

"You're going to make me fat, Aunt Linda."

Blake made a face, and then said with a smile: "But I'm not afraid, so please keep up the good work!"

"Little devil~"

The landlady giggled, reached out and poked Blake on the forehead, then nodded to Yu Chen with a smile, and went downstairs carrying the large tray in her arms.

"Coming to this store and sitting for a while every once in a while is a rare relaxing activity for me."

Blake elegantly cut himself a piece of cake and put it into his mouth, took another sip of cold sweet lemon juice, leaned back on the chair with a grimace like a teenager in adolescence, stayed in a daze for a while, then shook his head and said: "But these days, even if I can come here rarely to bask in the sun, I can't really relax."


Yuchen pursed his lips slightly and considered for a few seconds before speaking softly: "I'm not sure if I'm a good listener."


Blake was stunned for a moment, then laughed dumbly and said: "No, Sister Wangyu, I didn't call you here to talk to you. Although some things are indeed too heavy for a child who is only thirteen years old, but Like I said before, I just want to apologize to you for what happened to Pastor Hei Fan."

Yuchen nodded silently and said softly: "If it won't put you under too much pressure, I hope to know the truth about that matter."

"To be honest, I'm under a lot of pressure, but there are some things a man...or boy has to do."

Blake stirred the ice cubes in his glass of juice and said in a calm tone, as if he was chatting about ordinary things: "We are the ones who can be said to be the favored ones of the gods who reached heaven in one step. Sister Wangyu, you should know that the Holy Religion Union is not monolithic. Such an exaggeration, but everyone still has their own calculations in their hearts. There is nothing we can do about it. After all, not everyone is like His Majesty Diplo (the first pope of the Sun Sect) and His Highness Angel (the first saint of the Dawn Sect). Realm, and under this premise, our Sun Sect is more special. To put it simply, unlike other sects, the Sun Sect itself is not monolithic."

Yuchen covered her mouth in surprise. She was not slow in the first place, so naturally she would not be unaware of the amount of information contained in the words of the Son of the Sun, whom she had just known for less than half a day.

"I like to call them moderates, led by His Majesty the Pope, including most of the higher-ups of the church, including my deceased parents. I am one of the moderates myself. Like every denomination, we follow the doctrine. , revere the god they believe in, and hope that his grace and gospel can be spread to more people.”

Blake paused slightly before adding in a low voice: "...in the normal, correct way."

Yuchen blinked, already having some kind of guess in his mind: "What do you mean?"

"Yes, just as Sister Wangyu thought, in addition to the moderates, there is another faction within the church. Their acting style, methods and ideas are completely different from ours. According to tradition, we call them a minority. group."

Blake stopped playing with the straw in the glass of juice in front of him, and his expression suddenly became serious: "Although we believe in the same god, the latter's ideas are much more radical than those of the moderates. If the moderates and the minorities are both They can sacrifice themselves for the great gods. In addition to this commonality, the latter will even sacrifice others for this. Their ideas are too extreme and too dangerous. Some people even suggested that as long as they are not believers of our Lord, they will sacrifice themselves. This is heresy."

"how so."

Because after entering the game, he joined the Shuguang Sect, which has the second best atmosphere in the entire Holy Religion Union (the first is the Justice Sect), so Yuchen did not expect that there would be a "minority" type of believers in the Sun Sect. Shi was so shocked that he waited for a while before asking: "Is this the conspiracy you just mentioned, Black?"

"Yes, I have insufficient but absolutely sufficient reasons to believe that what happened to Pastor Hei Fan was definitely planned by the 'minority' within the church."

Blake looked very ugly and clenched his fists, his handsome boyish face tightened extremely: "The person who executed it is none other than the Golden Crown Priest of our Sun Sect, and the current commander of the Second Battle Group of the United Northern Expedition, Wo. Lance Kalleni, I am 90% sure that he is one of the backbones of my minority group."

Yuchen nodded silently. She did not ask silly questions such as 'Why did he target Hei Fan?'. After all, the reason was obvious. Under the guidance of the Shuguang Sect during this period, Saint Chen Wangyu's old lover The fact that Priest Black Van showed great power and turned the tide in Misha County has been publicized for a long time. Although for many people, that natural disaster can only be regarded as a battle at the level of a small ravine, but if someone is interested and takes the initiative to inquire about it, for example, go find If you ask the survivors who have participated in the Requiem Project, they will definitely come to the conclusion that "it's not easy to be spicy."

And if the minority sect mentioned by Black really exists, then the Black Fan who has found out the details will definitely become a thorn in the opponent's side and a thorn in the flesh, because such a young man with extraordinary command ability and has been discovered by the Dawn Sect, As long as nothing unexpected happens, given time (and if I am willing), I will definitely become famous and become the mainstay of Dawn Sect.


"Accidents happen."

Blake shook his head at Yuchen, who had a pale face, and sighed deeply.

"I'm really sorry."

Chapter 681: End

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