Quadruple split

Chapter 684 Cole’s Confession

Although he had sentenced himself to death in his heart, Cole did not die on the spot because the lady leaning on the fence next to him did not walk away after being surprised, nor did she put up her beautiful face like usual. He just raised his eyebrows with interest and said nothing.

"I mean I never thought I'd be as bold as I am today."

Realizing that he might still be saved, Cole immediately took the time to make amends. He tried to imagine the housekeeper as Lorna, and defended himself with a blushing face: "Before today, I only dared to pay attention to you secretly from a distance. I'm very scared, always worried that I won't be able to control myself and ruin our friendship."

It has to be said that Cole's idea of ​​seeing Eva as Lorna was very effective. Although this operation still could not suppress the throbbing pain in his stomach, at least it was adequate in terms of emotional expression. Perhaps this expression could not be deceived. Those women whose IQs are as high as Shuangye and as experienced as Gawen are enough, at least for Eva Hei Zhi, who has only been in love twice in her life, and two failed relationships.

Of course, enough is enough, but it is not without flaws.

"Our friendship?"

Eva was slightly stunned and blinked in confusion: "It seems we haven't been friends yet, right?"

【Oops! I accidentally got too into the fun! 】

Cole's face froze, and he realized his gaffe belatedly, but given that he had now passed the initial confusion stage, and he had been following someone for such a long time, he had seen and heard (da) Pig (hu) run (you) experience', so when it was his turn, he actually ate the pork in a decent way. He immediately turned away and whispered: "Because from the day I came to work here until now, You smiled at me a total of twelve times, so... Well, I'm really sorry, I'm a little too self-aware!"

"Pfft, you are really a person."

Facing the frightened Cole, the housekeeper couldn't help but laugh. For some reason, she found that she couldn't dislike this fool at all who could mistake a business-like fake smile for a friendly smile.

It has to be said that although the reasons for being nervous were completely different, Cole's sharply rising body temperature, trembling hands, disordered breathing that seemed like a lack of oxygen, and heartbeat as fast as a pile driver after seeing Eva all made the latter nervous. There is an illusion that 'he already likes me so much that he will die suddenly just by being alone'. Later, Cole's severely dysfunctional language function due to excessive stress made Eva completely confirm this illusion. In addition, The effect of the bottle of 'bewitching perfume' resulted in a situation that not only did not collapse, but also gradually developed on the right track.

‘. Under this premise, it is not difficult to imagine the interaction between the two of you, so don’t make a fuss and look at me like a fool. ’

For some reason, the words someone said to Cole a few hours ago suddenly flashed through his mind.

[Is this what you expected, sir? 】

Cole remained calm and his heart was beating wildly. His admiration for Mo Tan rose to another level, and he had a feeling of "Since sir has expected this situation and asked me to delay Ms. Eva for two hours, then it proves that I With the thought that it can be done, his whole person became unprecedentedly swollen, his brain, which had been a mess, gradually returned to clarity, and his heart rate and breathing gradually returned to normal.

"I'm sorry, I lost my temper."

Cole bowed slightly to Eva, then took two deep breaths on the spot, regaining his usual composure when working in the manor, and said with a wry smile: "I thought I was ready."

Eva, who had expected the other party to be messy from beginning to end, was a little surprised, but she didn't show too much shock. She just asked seemingly casually: "So, what is the reason why you plan to leave here?"

"You also saw the gaffe I made just now."

Cole did not answer Eva's question directly, but looked up at the moon surrounded by stars with a slightly melancholy look: "Since not long ago, I have been there every time you appear in the same place. I tried my best to control my emotions, although it was okay at first, but "

He knew very well that no matter how sober he was, he would never be able to compare with his husband in the current field, so although he had expanded a lot, he still followed the principle that if you talk too much, you will lose something. All the words turned into a long sigh, dragging the time in seconds.

"I'm really curious."

Eva raised her hand to smooth her long silver hair, which she rarely did not pull up, and said lightly: "Depending on your conditions, it is not difficult to find an excellent partner, but I'm sorry, if I didn't misunderstand, why are you Will you fall in love with me?"

Cole deliberately paused for two seconds, then shook his head slightly and said, "I don't know."

"you do not know?"

Eva raised her eyebrows, seemingly dissatisfied with the answer.

"Yeah, I don't know"

Cole nodded sincerely and said with a serious face: "I can list countless things that attract me to you, but the only thing about why I fall in love with you is that I can't give any tenable explanation. .”

Eva blinked, and she couldn't help but feel a palpitation in her heart. It was obvious that she, who didn't have much experience in love, had been led out of rhythm by Cole.

[Never ask me to really give you an example, never ask me to really give you an example]

Cole, who looked as stable as an old dog, kept praying in his heart while trying to imagine the beautiful dark elf in front of him as Lorna, and then showed a complicated smile: "I don't want to embarrass you, dear lady, the truth is "Shang, the reason why I asked you here on impulse today is because I have made up my mind to leave here, but"

"but what?"

Eva, who had been completely taken away from her rhythm, looked at Cole without blinking. Maybe she didn't have that kind of affection for the young man in front of her who made her feel very 'real', but this had nothing to do with her wanting to know what was unreasonable. The answers are not conflicting.

"I don't want to make myself regret it. Even if I am destined to be an insignificant passer-by in your life, I still hope you know that I like you."

Cole said his most sincere words that night, even though his true words seemed very pale in the eyes of many people, even though the hasty confession was a bit childish, even though the person in his eyes was not Eva Black Garden. , but the already killed Lorna Huiyue, but at this moment, the impact of his words is still unparalleled.

The reason is only two words - sincerity.

Although this 'sincerity' is fundamentally false, and the person Cole really confessed to was not the woman in front of him at all, the emotion and sincerity contained in these words cannot be deceived.

Cole really regretted that he did not tell Lorna his feelings in person until her death. If there was a chance again, and if Lorna could survive, he vowed that he would tell her his feelings as soon as possible.

As for the answer, it doesn't really matter.

Because the harm caused by regret is much lighter than regret in most cases.

At this moment, Cole is standing here just to make up for this regret, to complete the task assigned by his husband, to make his husband value himself more, and to make Aiwu and Udo value Lorna more.

He did a good job, at least the beautiful dark elf lady in front of him has been impressed

After all, Cole's emotional and unfalsified sincerity just now was all the truth, and the truth is what can really move people's hearts, at least under the same conditions, such as two aspects (such as appearance, eloquence) (, income, intelligence) all confess to a woman at the same time, one is sincere and the other is nonsense. In this case, no matter how true the nonsense is, the woman still has a higher probability of agreeing with it. The one who tells the truth.

Of course, the idealism factor in the above words may be heavier, but it is undeniable that in most cases, the truth is more weighty than lies after all.

That's right, it's in the vast majority of cases, not in all cases. After all, if someone like Mo Tan (limited to Chaotic Neutral), who can create a character of hundreds of thousands of words for himself at any time and enter the scene instantly, really lets go. Forget it, let’s not talk about it anymore. After all, there are three love debts in his character panel alone.

All in all, although the basic damage of Cole A's attack was limited, it was still very effective. At least he succeeded in making Eva face herself.

"You are an outstanding young man, no, I mean, you are an outstanding man, so Mr. Yu, I hope you can continue to work here. In two months, the old Harry and his wife will leave. This place will be here soon." We will face a shortage of manpower. Of course, what I mean by shortage of manpower is that there are not enough people who are actually doing things, so from a steward’s standpoint, I hope you will continue to work here.”

After saying these words to the moon with a serious face, Eva turned her head and looked at Cole's clear eyes, with an imperceptible smile at the corner of her mouth: "I can't accept what Yu Zi said. It's your wish, but we can start as friends first, hehe, provided that you can't look like that worthless every time you see me."

Cole's eyes widened in surprise, and he keenly captured the key points of the other party's words: "You mean to start with being friends first?!"

"Otherwise? What else do you want?"

Eva laughed dumbly and shrugged: "Don't forget, apart from being quick at work, conscientious, and polite, I don't know you at all."

Cole had stopped imagining Eva as Rona at this moment, and then started trying to imagine himself as 'Mr.', clenching his fists nervously: "What about after understanding it?"

"That's what happens in the future."

"So, if that's okay, can we talk a little longer? We can talk about my hometown first."

"If only for a moment."

Game time PM20:58

Nightless Zone, Keyworth House, Old Garden

'Eva Black Gardenia' quietly appeared in front of a dried up decorative water well, jumped in silently, and took out a hand-drawn map from her bag when she landed, and carefully followed the The route drawn above traveled quickly through this dizzyingly complicated underground waterway, and appeared in front of a row of fences with three large locks after ten minutes. Opposite was the Capital of Freedom. Public sewer.

The next second, the stern-faced 'Eva Black Gardenia' raised her hand and gently brushed it in front of her face. In the blink of an eye, she turned into his original appearance, and then quickly put on the OL suit that was customized through special channels. She changed into an inconspicuous black night suit, took out a mask and put it on her face, completing her transformation from a 'cold housekeeper' to a 'public thief'.

Yes, this person is naturally Mo Tan.

"Tsk tsk, as expected, there are only zero and countless times for women's clothing."

He shook his head and sighed, then put his right hand into his pocket. When he took it out, there were several exquisite mini tools made of unknown metal between his fingers. He said with a smile: "The ancients sincerely Don’t bully me.”

After just a few seconds, all three heavy old locks were opened. Apparently they had surrendered to someone's level 9 lockpicking skills that they had developed in reality, and they let him out easily.

"Haha, that kid can really delay it until now. It's really hard for him."

Mo Tan, who finished his 'work' in less than an hour and a half, grinned and walked leisurely around the sewer area with his hands behind his hands. He just went to the animal pen in the northwest corner before leaving Keyworth Manor. After taking a look, I found that Cole and the real Eva Black Garden were still chatting. I was immediately impressed by Ma Zai, who seemed to be quite innocent, and felt that a person cannot be judged by his appearance and cannot be judged by his words.

But of course, sigh, sigh, in fact, all of this is really within Mo Tan's control.

Whether it was Cole's panic at the beginning, or his subsequent confession of Eva as Lorna, or even his imitation of his usual glib tongue when having fun, Mo Tan had expected it, and even Eva's reaction was not even a little bit beyond his expectations. Forecasting can be said to be quite formidable.

The only thing that made him feel a little regretful was that Cole only used the 'Bewitching Perfume' after all, and did not try to get Eva to take a sip of the [Love Potion].

Otherwise, the fun would be great. After all, the love potion he bought from the [Weird and Weird] Liberty City branch could not be drank directly as he explained to Cole.

Just smell it!

In fact, the two bottles of things that Mo Tan gave Cole before were not strictly a 'love potion' and a 'bewitching perfume', but a 'love potion' and a 'diluted love potion'. The former was powerful and domineering, and the latter was He worked it out through his own alchemy attainments, and the effect

"not so good."

Mo Tan shook his head with regret and sighed.

"I thought that woman would just get angry right there and execute the boy on the spot."

Chapter 677: End

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