Quadruple split

Chapter 659 Arthur’s Choice

William Bohe smiled broadly, his expression was very pleased, and he kept saying: "Okay, okay, as long as it's not a sin."


Lord Sin touched the tip of his nose awkwardly, moved two steps covertly, away from Arthur who was still in chaos, and stood next to Marquis Diggory and others.

"Ahem, I'm really sorry, Mo, it's just my concern as a father."

"I understand very much, please rest assured, Your Majesty."

"So. It turns out to be His Highness Gavel Logan."

"Father, what's going on with that relieved expression on your face!!"

"Well, it feels good to be a father."

"I don't care! It's useless what you say! Anyway, I just like Gavel! What!"

"No, I mean, I'm not unsupportive."

"Even if you don't support me, you won't give up. Govil is not like Eliza who eats people without spitting out their bones."

"Arthur, listen carefully to me, what it means to be a father is actually"

"I really love her!"

"Okay, okay, then you can go instead of Fossey."

"No! I can't do it anyway?!"


William Boho smiled bitterly and shook his head, looking kindly at his red-faced son who could no longer listen to human words.

"It seems that I have to add more content to the letter to the Blood Lion Emperor."

"Father Emperor?"

"After all, marriage is also a means of seeking benefits and avoiding disasters."


five minutes later

"Um, where is this?"

Arthur, who had fallen into a coma just now because of his emotional ups and downs, woke up leisurely and asked subconsciously.

Mo, who was sitting a few meters away, glanced at him, shrugged and said, "It's the same side hall as before. Don't worry, Your Highness, you were only unconscious for about five minutes."

"If we go out now, we should still be able to catch the dessert before dinner."

Ji Xiaodao, who was leaning next to Mo, added lightly, with a more casual attitude.

Arthur was shocked: "Brother and sister, you are here too!"

The girl smiled and said: "Yes, and I just heard Marquis Miranda say that His Majesty seems to be interested in the relationship between you and our family Mo."

"Misunderstanding! It's all a misunderstanding!"

Arthur interrupted her angrily.

"That's right, there was just a misunderstanding~"

Unexpectedly, Ji Xiaodao smiled brightly and finally finished his sentence.

Arthur wanted to say something more, but suddenly he discovered that Cedric and Cassana were also in the room. His face suddenly froze, and he looked at Cedric with twitching eyes: "Sed, Miss Cassana can't connect You too"

"I'm so sorry, Your Highness!"

Cedric sighed, shook his head sadly and said, "I didn't know about your secret crush on His Highness Gavel Logan on purpose!"

Arthur: "."

Next to her, Cassana, who had been in contact with Arthur for the first time in private, was even more helpless and saluted the former, stuttering and said: "I am also extremely, extremely sorry, Your Highness!"

Arthur waved his hands with a look of despair on his face: "Stop talking about it. I knew there would be such a day, but I didn't expect that it would happen in this situation. Ugh."

He did not continue speaking, because it was not convenient for Cedric and Cassana to know about the topic discussed before, so he turned his next words into a long sigh.

"Then, since His Royal Highness is fine, let's go back first."

Ji Xiaodao smiled at Cedric and Cassana, then turned to look at Mo and patted his shoulder gently: "As for you, just stay here for a while, after all, Your Highness You just woke up, you’re not very hungry now.”

The latter shrugged: "Actually, I'm a little hungry."

"No, you're not hungry."

The girl's smile is as bright as a flower.

"Okay, then I'm not hungry."

Mo Sansan touched the tip of his nose, and spread his hands towards Cedric and Cassana in confusion: "Then you and Silent Prayer go to the banquet hall first. Your Highness and I will be there in a moment."

Cedric and Cassana nodded immediately, and then left with Ji Xiaodao.


Arthur stared blankly at the backs of the three people leaving, and murmured: "What on earth did they do here?!"

Mo pretended to think for a moment, and then said very uncertainly: "It should be because he suddenly learned that His Highness the Prince had a sweetheart, and had a dispute with His Majesty the Emperor over this, so he came here with the mood of a pilgrimage. Let me pay my respects to you. Probably."

Arthur rolled his eyes at him angrily and snorted: "What do you think my sister-in-law said? Don't tell me that you didn't tell her."

"Well, Ji Prayer knows."

Mo nodded and poured himself half a glass of red wine: "So she didn't come to pay homage to you, but to see me."

Arthur swore something that would definitely get scolded if William heard it, and then shook his head with some regret: "Oh, I really envy you guys who have their lovers by your side."

Mo Wenyan just smiled and did not respond to Arthur's words. He just said casually: "You made an unwise decision today."

"Why is it unwise?"

Arthur curled his lips, stood up, walked to the side of the side hall, opened the window, pressed the window edge and hummed softly in the cool evening breeze: "You have heard the reasons I said before, if you let me replace Uncle Fossey, Going to Griffin would probably change the situation in our favor.”

Mo nodded slightly: "That's what I say, but you should also know that Duke Fossey is still the best person to go to Griffin to negotiate."

Arthur didn't answer, just nodded silently.

"The empire can lose Grand Duke Fossey, Grand Duke Garros, Marquis Diggory, Earl Moody and even Marshal Galahad, not to mention little people like me."

Mo sighed first, and then said in a deep voice: "But the empire cannot lose you, Your Highness, especially after the deaths of Prince Kunda and Duke Witham, who are also of royal blood."

"I understand what you mean."

Arthur turned to Mo and smiled, shrugged and said: "Father is not young anymore. If I really have some shortcomings, it will definitely be a huge blow to the empire."

Mo frowned: "Then why do you still want to..."

"Don't underestimate me, man, Arthur Bohol is not a man who will be carried away by love."

The prince, who had just woken up from a coma, smiled calmly, and there was no confusion in his firm and clear eyes: "Let's put it this way, if the mastermind behind the murder of Master Ossis, Uncle Kunda and Withem If we are indeed cooperating with the Griffin Dynasty, then my mission this time will be about 20% in danger, I mean my life will be in danger, and as the heir to Chauvin, I cannot afford to bet on this probability."

Mo narrowed his eyes slightly and gently placed the wine glass on the low table at hand: "If that's the case, why are you doing this?"


Arthur suppressed his smile and said with stern eyes: "My intuition tells me that the man behind the scenes mentioned by Mr. Liver is not cooperating with the Griffin Dynasty, although there is no evidence."

Mo tapped the outer edge of his mask in confusion: "But when His Majesty asked, you personally stated that your thoughts are the same as mine. The Griffin Dynasty is a huge suspect."

"Yes, I did say that, but there is no conflict between the huge suspicion of the Griffin Dynasty and my feeling that the two are not on the same side."

Arthur nodded, spread his hands and talked: "I think Griffin should play a role in this matter, but in addition to the identity of the perpetrator, it does not rule out that they were used as gunmen. It might exist, and with the character of the Blood Lion Emperor, if such a thing really happened, he would definitely prefer to tear that thing to pieces rather than the random move of sending the Seventh Mixed Legion over to see if there is any advantage. Trying to capitalize on your existence.”

Mo looked at the other party in surprise: "You want to talk to him honestly?"

"If I can gain enough there, I will naturally consider the option of going straight to the topic."

Arthur smiled, then shook his index finger: "But this possibility is not high. A more realistic situation is to increase the number of exchanges when it is possible to establish a stronger relationship with the other party. This process may Not too fast, but safe enough.”

Mo Ye also laughed: "Like a marriage plan?"


Arthur turned around and looked out the window with some embarrassment, pretending to be relaxed and said: "What do you know? I call it putting the overall situation first."

As a 'experienced person', the Sin Lord shrugged and said teasingly: "In short, after all, you are not here for that Highness Gavel."

"Yeah, at least half of it is because of her."

Facing this friend who already knew his secret, Arthur did not hide it. He just smiled heartily and said: "But whether he is a man or the future emperor of the empire, if he is even If your sweetheart can't do such a small thing even if you try hard, you'd be too cowardly, right?"

Mo raised his eyebrows: "Is this your royal way?"

Arthur smiled: "This is part of my royal way."

"You will be a great king."

Mo suppressed a smile and said softly: "But please let me remind you as a friend, even if this visit to Griffin is a gamble with a high probability of winning, you are still very likely to encounter all kinds of things. It is dangerous, whether it is the corrupt nobles with unfathomable backgrounds, the masterminds hiding in the dark, or the unpredictable people who want to create conflicts between the two countries, there will definitely be countless people who want your life."

"Then let them do it."

Arthur grinned, winked at Mo and said: "Not afraid of any planned challenges, this is also part of my kingly way."

"One day, your name will be spread throughout the continent."

"What is this? The blessing of a close friend?"

"No, I'm just stating the facts."

Mo looked at Arthur calmly and raised the corner of his mouth slightly: "I guarantee with my title that in the name of [sin], the name Arthur Bohe will be famous in the world."

"I'll lend you a good word, man."

"You're welcome, Your Highness."

Game time PM20:13

"Has Arthur really decided to go to Griffin himself?"

Ji Xiaodao looked at the brightly lit Champagne Avenue outside the carriage and murmured with a slightly complicated expression.

"With his keenness, it is not difficult to guess that the Griffin Dynasty has no direct relationship with me."

Mo, who seemed to be dozing, opened his eyes slightly and said softly: "Coupled with his admiration for Gavel Logan, it is completely natural to go on the mission in place of Fossey."

The girl sighed: "And even if William insists on disagreeing, Fossey will persuade him from the side according to the instructions you gave before, right?"

"That's right."

Mo took off his snow-white gloves, and his eyes behind the mask showed no emotion at all: "Arthur Bohe had no other choice from the beginning."

"I thought you considered him a friend. After all, you really get along well."

Ji Xiaodao pursed his lips and spoke in a low, cool and pleasant voice.

“I can ‘hit it off’ with anyone.”

Mo closed his eyes again and said in a soft voice without any warmth: "But it doesn't mean anything."

"He will die."

"Of course he will die."

"Are you serious?"

"If you just want to talk boring nonsense, I suggest you find someone more boring than yourself to talk to."

Mo interrupted her coldly.

Ji Xiaodao turned his head to look at him and said with a smile: "I am doing this. My dear Lord of Sin, no one will be more boring than you."

A sound like a broken mirror rang in the girl's ears, and in the blink of an eye, she was the only one left in the carriage.

"Is this [Borderline Fantasy] again?"

Ji Xiaodao shrugged nonchalantly, looked out the window again, and said to himself: "So what? Illusions are still illusions. Even if you disappear from my sight, you can still see me." me."

fifteen minutes later

Residence of Duke Bart Garros, underground workshop

Mo slowly stepped into this place that functioned as both a workshop and a laboratory, with Ji Xiaodao and Grand Duke Garros following behind him.

"Haha, long time no see, Mr. Mo."

An old dwarf man wearing a moonlight-colored robe like a white coat and goggles turned his head and glanced at the entrance. He immediately laughed loudly and ran over quickly on his short legs: "Here you go. The timing was right, and while I don’t really like being interrupted when I’m working, having investors come and inspect it in person is another matter.”

Mo smiled, bent down and shook Merlin's skinny right hand: "It's been a while, academician Mu."

"Boy Mo, you don't have to call me that like that girl little Jiawen."

The dwarf old man known as Academician Mu shook his head and said with a smile: "Just do as the Romans do and call me Merlin. Mu Changchun is the name outside this game. Uh, no, it should be said to be the name of our world. Use 'game' It's a bit disrespectful to call this magical place, haha, those little guys are so stupid to talk about data and so on. This 'innocent realm' is at least 10 billion more rigorous than their heads full of trivial matters. Times, come on, let’s talk as we walk.”

Mo nodded, and then walked towards the corner with Merlin while looking around the 'workshop' with interest.

There's a huge metal stand there

Hanging above it was a mithril puppet that looked extremely poorly made.

Chapter 652: End

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