Quadruple split

Chapter 655 The real black hand

five minutes later

The Queen, Mrs. Diggory, Mrs. Fossey, Mrs. Burke, Mrs. Clement, Ji Xiaodao, Cassana, and Cedric had already gone to the kitchen to think about surprises for the next dinner, while the others Then he and Emperor William came to a warm and luxurious side hall on the second floor of the palace, intending to use this leisure time to chat a little.

Of course, everyone knows that the so-called 'little chat' is the theme of today, and the dinner party after that is actually just incidental.

It was naturally for this reason that the Queen asked the ladies to leave with her just now. Miranda Fisher, who is also a lady, did not participate and it had nothing to do with her craftsmanship, but as a Marquis, she had to participate in the subsequent scene. It was just a discussion, and although Cedric, a man, would inherit the position of Marquis Diggory in a few years, he was not qualified now, so Marquis Miranda lent him a slope.

All in all, everyone knew it except Cassana Isabella, who kept her secrets.

However, this somewhat reckless little girl did not remain in the dark, because when everyone came to the kitchen, Ji Xiaodao, who was similar to her age, had already told her the 'inside story' immediately.

“So that’s how it is”

Kasana, who was clumsily cutting some vegetables, pursed her lips with some anxiety, and timidly asked Ji Xiaodao in a low voice: "Um, Sister Silent Prayer, shouldn't I be here today?"

The latter shook his head slightly and chuckled while peeling the fruit skillfully: "It's okay. You should also be able to see that this is not a very serious meeting. Although they may indeed talk about some serious topics, as long as As long as we don’t cause trouble.”

Kasana nodded weakly and said with a slightly red face: "Thank you, Sister Silent Prayer, if it weren't for you"

"No need to use honorifics with me."

Ji Xiaodao quickly held down Kasana's little hand that was moving under the blade, and said with a smile: "One more thing, you have to concentrate when cutting vegetables."

The little girl let out a soft cry, and then she saw Ji Xiaodao casually take the bright red umbelliferous vegetables in front of her and quickly cut them into a small pile of filaments. She couldn't help but exclaimed: "Sister Ji Prayer, good luck with that." Chopping vegetables, have you practiced deliberately?"

"Well, how should I put it? There are various reasons."

Ji Xiaodao smiled bitterly and shrugged. She couldn't say that it was because her sister was so good at cooking that she was forced to learn how to cook on her own in order to survive.

Kasanna nodded vigorously and looked at Ji Xiaodao's skillful knife skills with burning eyes, as if she could learn it after seeing it.

"Mrs. Burke is making snacks."

Ji Xiaodao raised his chin towards the other side of the kitchen and said with a smile: "If you go now, you should be able to eat the first portion of the latest one."

Kasana scratched her hair in embarrassment: "I don't really like sweets."

"Is it?"

Ji Xiaodao raised his eyebrows and said casually: "Me too, but Mo likes it very much."


Kasana was stunned for a moment, and then she clenched her fists with a struggling expression. She just stood there and didn't move a step. She just laughed slightly stiffly: "Hahaha, is that so?"

Ji Xiaodao laughed dumbly and glanced helplessly at the noble girl next to him who was trying to pretend that he didn't care: "Well, let me ask, you don't think I didn't notice it, do you?"

As a result, the latter really replied in confusion: "Huh?"

"I mean"

The dark elf girl smiled bitterly and rubbed a strand of silver hair on her forehead, then put two small piles of shredded vegetables in front of her on a small plate and said, "It's just because you have a good impression of Mo."

Cassana: Σ(っ°Д°;)っ

[So, is this girl a little too slow in some aspects? 】

Ji Xiaodao sighed, turned to Kasana, who was blushing so much that she could almost bleed, and said viciously: "Yes! I already knew you were going to steal a man from me!"

Kasana suddenly trembled, waved her hands and said, "No, I didn't think about that."

"You didn't think that much?"

Ji Xiaodao feigned anger.

The little girl nodded timidly.

"Well, I also know you haven't thought about it that much."

Ji Xiaodao rubbed Kasana's hair and said with a very serious expression: "So I was just teasing you."


Cassana was instantly petrified.

"You are free to like whoever you like."

Ji Xiaodao skillfully mixed the sauce, leaving Kasana with a calm face, without joy or sorrow, and said softly: "But in my personal opinion, you'd better stay away from that guy Stay away, um, let me explain in advance, this has nothing to do with my current position, it is just for your sake, please help me get the bottle of red seasoning."

This is something that no one else would believe. The innocent Kasana actually had no doubt at all. She just asked Ji Xiaodao in a soft voice: "Sister Silent Prayer, why are you doing this?" What do you say?"

"Because Mo is the most unsuitable person in the world to be the object of admiration."

Ji Xiaodao answered without thinking, and then added: "And he is very different from what he looks like to what he looks like. The him you see and the real him are completely different."

This sentence can be said to be very pertinent, and although there is a suspicion of leaking secrets, given that the two are the female companion and admirer of the sin lord respectively, it will not matter even if it is heard. At best, it will only feel that Ji Xiaodao is protecting It's just food. As for Cassana herself, although it can't be said that she doesn't have doubts in this regard, she can still feel the sincerity in the words of this 'Sister Silent Prayer'.

"Now, what does Lord Sin Lord look like in Sister Silent Prayer's eyes?"

Cassana didn't seem to have any awareness of being a love rival. Instead, she asked questions with bright eyes, obviously not wanting to miss any opportunity to get to know someone.

It's a pity that Ji Xiaodao didn't mean to say much. He just said lightly: "In short, falling in love with him is not a good thing. You just need to remember this."


Kasana finally misunderstood this time, and then suddenly lowered her head and muttered in a low voice: "Actually, I can be a little girl."

Ji Xiaodao looked at the young lady who made such bold words in surprise. He reacted for a while before he laughed and said, "Are you too generous to go out?"

Cassana, who knew she had made a mistake, blushed again and was speechless.

"Don't think too much, actually all I want to say is..."

Ji Xiaodao put down the sauce in his hand and said seriously: "Maybe you are willing to give your heart to him, but he cannot give his heart to you in the same way. In fact, I am not even sure whether he has a 'heart' ."

Kasana nodded in understanding, and then asked a little discouraged: "Is it because Lord Sin gave his heart to Sister Silent Prayer?"


Ji Xiaodao shrugged, spread his hands and said, "Didn't I say that I'm not even sure whether he has a 'heart'."

Kasana stared at her with burning eyes: "But even so, Sister Silent Prayer also gave her 'heart' to Lord Sin, didn't she?"


The latter sighed and smiled self-deprecatingly: "Actually, I'm not sure whether I have a 'heart'."

"How could it be possible that my sister has no heart?"

"I don't think so"

"Eh? Why do you think so?"

"Because if I had, I either wouldn't have been here in the first place, or"

"Sister Silent Prayer?"

"Nothing, the side dishes are ready, let's go over there and help~"

the other side

"I want to congratulate you again, Mo."

William Bohe raised his glass and smiled: "I pay tribute to Lord Sui, he is the hero of the Chauvinian Empire."

"Honor the Lord of Sin."

The others drank the wine in their glasses at the same time.

Mo drank all the red wine in his glass like the others, smiled awkwardly at William and said, "Thank you for your kindness, Your Majesty. Mo deserves it."

"No, you deserve it."

Next to him, Marquis Miranda chuckled, refilled the wine for Mo and himself, raised his glass and said: "Everyone here knows what you have done, and they also know what kind of catastrophe you have avoided for this country. If this If we all deserve it, we might as well go to the kitchen and help."

Mo shook his head: "But."

"You just made the right choice at the right time."

Imperial Marshal Galahad interrupted Mo's hesitation and said in a deep voice: "In the case of the possible intervention of the Griffin Dynasty, even I would make the same decision. You should feel proud of your decisiveness. pride."

Others also nodded, and Archduke Garros and Prince Arthur, who had always been optimistic about the Lord of Sin, raised their glasses to Mo again with joy.

"Okay, that's the end of the discussion on this matter."

William decisively revealed the matter of promotion before Mo opened his mouth, and said in a deep voice: "I called everyone here today mainly because I have a few things to say."

Everyone immediately stopped talking and turned their attention to His Majesty the Emperor sitting by the fireplace.

"But before that, I want to introduce a friend to you."

William took out a goose egg-sized purple spar with complex runes engraved on it from his pocket, placed it on the low table at hand, and said with a smile: "Li Fo A, the agent from Tianzhu Mountain, Mr. Stoll."

Tianzhu Mountain? !

Agent? !

The people present are all well-informed people. Naturally, they know about Tianzhu Mountain, which is located in the northwest of the mainland, has a long history and is unfathomable. However, most of the people present have heard of Tianzhu Mountain for the first time. , all showed curious expressions.

The next second, accompanied by a subtle buzzing sound, a phantom wearing a white robe and a hood appeared in the sky above the crystal, and after giving a slight salute to everyone, he made a seriously distorted voice: "I'm sorry. I can only meet you in this form, my name is Li Fu Astor, as your Majesty said, I am the representative of Tianzhu Mountain, and I have been active in your country during this time."


Galahad frowned and asked politely but forcefully: "What activity?"

“Chasing a phenomenon.”

Li Foyan gave a concise answer and said calmly: "Maybe it's some kind of power. Or it's a certain person. In short, it's a dangerous and evil existence."

William nodded before Galahad continued to question, and said solemnly: "As Mr. Li Fo's first collaborator after arriving in the empire, I can guarantee that he is telling the truth, because our Chauvin is exactly that force. of victims.”

"His Majesty."

The elderly justice, Marquis Nafario Clemente, looked at William in surprise.

The latter sighed softly and smiled bitterly: "I know what you want to say. Don't worry, Mr. Li Fu will explain to everyone why we are 'victims'."

The justice was stunned for a moment, then nodded to Li Fu's shadow: "I'll trouble you, Mr. Actor."

"You're welcome, Marquis Clement. In fact, I have wanted to have a frank talk with you for a long time. Unfortunately, it was not until recently that Your Majesty and I completed the final observation and made sure that everyone here is OK."

Li Fu's voice was calm and showed no emotion at all.

And the reaction from the crowd was wonderful.

"Observe what?"

Earl Moody Burke rubbed his hands uneasily.

"Are you here talking about us? What problems will we have?"

The tone of the fiery-tempered Marquis Will McBride was full of gunpowder.

"Please get to the topic as soon as possible, Mr. Li Fo."

Marquis Miranda Fisher narrowed her eyes slightly and said softly: "Everyone is very curious."

"Okay, let's get straight to the point."

Li Fu nodded and asked calmly: "First of all, everyone should still remember the murder case in Banse City half a year ago, right?"

Everyone's expressions darkened, obviously no one's memory would be so bad.

"As far as I know, although the subsequent investigation results have not been made public, according to the testimony of His Excellency the Marshal, Grand Duke Garros, members of the Knights of the Tsar's Sword, and members of the Hurricane Mage Group, the matter was ultimately attributed to the former Imperial Law God. That is, Master Farah Ossis.”

Li Fu paused for a moment when he said this, and then continued: "So, based on your understanding of Master Ossis, does he seem like someone who would do such a thing?"

"Of course not. There is no way that Farah will betray the empire."

Someone immediately answered categorically, but when everyone took a closer look, the speaker turned out to be the old marshal Galahad, who together with Garros confirmed the treason of the Dharma God!

"What are you looking at me doing?"

Galahat snorted and said in a deep voice: "I did say that Farah took action against us at that time, and even planned to use some kind of large-scale spell to annihilate us all in Banser City, but I also don't think it was me. Knowing Farah Ossis, it was obvious that something was wrong with him at the time.”

Grand Duke Garros, who was also involved in the incident, also nodded and agreed: "The Marshal is right. Teacher Farah was in a very strange state at that time. We had already made this clear when we first returned to the Royal Capital. Your Majesty."

"Could it be that"

Arthur suddenly turned his head to look at Li Fo's shadow above the spar, and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Li Fo, do you know the reason why the Dharma God behaved differently at that time?!"

"Although I dare not make any inferences without firm certainty."

Li Fu took a deep breath and exchanged a look with Emperor William next to him.

"But I can guarantee that Master Ossis, who is also the representative of Tianzhu Mountain with me, will never do that kind of thing, so he was probably controlled by someone at that time or even earlier, and that person is The real mastermind!”

Chapter 648: End

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