Quadruple split

Chapter 650 Northern Blood Barbarians

After that, the three of them chatted for another half an hour, but there was no real progress. After all, the information they knew at the moment was too little. It was unrealistic to analyze the strategic policies of the cultists in just a few words, so let's talk. There is no more reliable conclusion than 'stay vigilant'.

"Ah, it's so annoying!"

Huo Yanyang scratched his hair hard and yelled: "We juniors shouldn't worry about this matter. I'll go find the instructor later and let them worry about it."

Mo Tan nodded slightly: "That's all we can do now."

Yi Zou clenched his fists angrily and whispered: "If the United Alliance is willing to cooperate with Sumir sincerely, no matter how cunning the heretics are, the situation will not develop to this level. I really don't know what they are thinking. What."

What she said was not wrong. Although the number of Whispering Cults was extremely large, their individual strength was not weak due to the increase of 'Whispering'. There was also the 'Whispering City' built in Sumir at an unknown time as a stronghold. But even so, its strength is only able to barely suppress the Holy Mountain side, and it is definitely not strong enough to easily defeat the latter. Otherwise, this battle would not have lasted for only half a year.

It is true that Sumir is the holy land in the minds of most orcs in the Innocence Continent. However, this place is not the same as other holy places. Take the Miracle City that the mages long for as an example. It can also be seen in a certain sense. The latter, known as the 'Holy Land' in the world, is the only floating city in the entire continent and is also the headquarters of the Mage Guild. Among them, there are no less than fifty legendary-level sages who are resident in the City of Miracles. As for the epic-level sages, Let's put it this way, if there are no special circumstances, the minimum requirement to enter there is the epic level. It is simply a fantasy for ordinary mid-to-high-level mages to enter the City of Miracles.

It is said that there are thousands of mage towers in the floating city alone, and there are countless large-scale barriers that are updated every year. If cultists of the same size as the holy mountain Sumir are allowed to attack there, even if it is If the Dafa practitioners in the city do not take action, it is conservatively estimated that they will all die within three days.

And he was killed while still alive on the barrier outside the City of Miracles.

But the holy mountain Sumir located in the far north is another situation. Although it is also a holy place, this holy place is a pilgrimage. Simply put, Sumir has a high status, but does not have enough power. Even if it is The orcs who pass by here will basically come to pay their respects to the Holy Mountain. Every year, a large number of shamans of different races come to worship. Their own combat effectiveness is still maintained at a level that is neither high nor low, not weak, but by no means considered. powerful.

There is nothing that can be done about this. After all, before the Whispering Sect launched a large-scale attack on Sumir, this historic holy mountain had almost never encountered any attacks. Its nature is similar to those religious organizations in the City of Light, but the difference between the two The difference is that Sumir, which has been isolated from the world for many years, does not have any "hostile units" on the mainland, while the Holy Religion United has many threats. To give the simplest example, every believer of the Dawn Sect is walking outside. At any time, there is a possibility that any believer of the Dark Night Sect will take advantage of them. As long as the two sides meet, regardless of whether they have met each other, there is a high probability that the other party will be beaten out of their wits. However, those followers of the shamanic teachings have not. Such natural enemies may be beaten for reasons such as offending someone, having a grudge against someone, being ugly, etc., but they will never be hostile because they believe in shamanism.

To sum up, we can draw a conclusion, that is, compared with Sumir, which is both a 'religious holy land', and the City of Light, the former's continental status is basically equivalent to that of the entire Holy Religion Union, but only in terms of strength or combat power. In other words, Sumir is slightly inferior to any large sect in the City of Light, and even worse than the entire City of Light.

Therefore, those Whispering Cultists who had absolutely no chance of scheming against the Capital of Light dared to fight Sumir, and even had a slight advantage when the fight actually started.

"I have to say, this is a sad thing."

Mo Tan sighed, turned to Yi Zuo and smiled helplessly, and said to her like a serious senior: "But there is one thing to say, although the commander-in-chief of the Crusade Army is not very authentic in terms of attitude, but from the perspective of the United The interests here are considered to be tenable. After all, judging from the current situation, if the crusade army goes out with all its strength to attack the 'Babble City', although it is very likely that with the cooperation of Sumir side, the situation will be reversed or even directly Defeat the enemy, but your vitality will definitely be greatly weakened after a battle, so it will be difficult to defend the Gray Plains and Blood Feather Terrace."

Yi Zou was stunned for a moment, and then murmured in a somewhat tangled voice: "Are you sure it's over to the Gray White Plains and the Blood Feather Terrace?"

"Really what?"

Huo Yanyang saw that Yi Zuo seemed to be somewhat understanding, and asked hurriedly: "What's going on with the Gray White Plains and the Blood Feather Terrace? Where are they?"

Mo Tan was shocked and looked at Huo Yanyang as if he had seen a ghost: "How have you been doing this for the past six months?"

The latter blinked and started to clinch his fingers: "Fight, study, task, fight, study, fight, fight, fight."

Obviously, this guy has basically never been busy with anything other than fighting since he arrived in Sumir, so he has no memory of the places that are not too far away from here.

"You don't pay attention to anything except your own one-third of an acre of land."

Mo Tan sighed, and then said earnestly to Huo Yanyang: "Listen carefully, the Gray White Plains and the Blood Feather Platform are located southwest of the holy mountain Sumir."


Yi Zhao coughed slightly in embarrassment and whispered into Mo Tan's ear: "Senior, it's Southeast, Southeast."

Mo Tan's face froze, he laughed awkwardly twice, and took half a step back: "I'm just going to liven up the atmosphere. Well, Yi Zhuang, you can tell him the details."

Huo Yanyang gave him a "shameless" look, obviously recalling the glorious deeds of Mo Tan who lost himself six or seven times in just a few hours when they helped Cui Xiaoyu configure the computer. I scoffed at the explanation 'enlivening the atmosphere'.

But Yi Zhuang is such an honest girl. When her senior asked her to explain it, she had no doubt about it and immediately started popular science for Huo Yanyang seriously.

The five places of Ash-White Plains, Blood Feather Mesa, Steel Teeth Tribal Nation, Bone Burial Ground and Brokenhead Cliff are located southeast of the holy mountain Sumir. They can be called the most barbaric places in the entire Northeast Continent. There are a large number of people who behave in a very crazy way. Although its people are no different from other tribes on the continent at the physiological level, they are notoriously barbaric and domineering in their style. They seem to have little interest in civilized society and have no intention of integrating themselves into it. , they fanatically support the jungle laws of the jungle, survival of the fittest, and survival of the fittest. They follow the wild nature that surges in their blood like an atavistic phenomenon, and are keen on plundering and killing.

Whether it is the harpies of the Bloodfeather Mesa, the wild boar people of the Steel Teeth Tribal Nation, the gray dwarves of the Ashen Plains or the lizard people of Guillotine Cliff, their folk customs are so fierce that it is difficult for ordinary people to understand.

These people, who are regarded as barbarians and thugs by the outside world, will break out into a war almost every few years. In addition to effectively reducing the population load, the war will also determine the status of each tribe in the next few years. Simply put, it is the crown of the strongest.

They are the strongest in the literal sense. In the hundreds of years of history of this barbaric land, the tribes that have won dominance have all stood out from the mountains of corpses and seas of blood, and those who have led their supporters one by one have obtained The leader who ultimately wins is the most cruel, cunning, and powerful among them. However, these heroes will also be kicked off the altar by other heroes in the next few years or more than ten years and become part of the pile of corpses. , over and over again.

So if anyone randomly grabs any bard and asks him where the most chaotic and united places are in the entire Northeast Continent, then they will get only one answer - the northern blood barbarians!

During the war, those guys could kill their neighbors with red eyes to the point of annihilation; but after each round of the 'king' is established, these madmen who were just killing people on sight will immediately become The Predators with the strongest execution ability turned their bloodthirsty blades elsewhere, and their lives were shattered under the orders of the ruler.

For example, burning, killing and looting in places outside the sphere of influence of the ‘blood barbarians’.

Food, gold coins, and even the population used to reproduce the next generation of thugs can all be obtained through plunder.

As neighbors, both the Skolko Hills to the west and the Dwarf Mountains to the east are naturally within its hunting range.

Among them, the Gray White Plains and the Blood Feather Platform, which are relatively south, are bordered by Doumbuya City and Gospel Mountain City on the northern border of the sanctuary. Therefore, the latter two are naturally targeted by the 'blood barbarians', and they have been targeted for many years. Under threat from those thugs.

It was okay in the past. Although those guys occasionally went south to fight in the autumn wind, the blood barbarians who knew that the two cities were under the joint protection of the Holy Church would not go too far. Although they still caused a lot of sacrifices every time they plundered, they always It's quite convergent.

It wasn't until thirty years ago that more than a dozen villages and two underground cities in the west of the Dwarf Mountains were moved to the hinterland of the mountains. The blood barbarian forces, whose harvests were deteriorating, changed their former slightly 'mild' style and began to carry out attacks on the northern territory of the sanctuary. Many brutal and inhuman raids were carried out!

If the major sects in the City of Light had not responded promptly and immediately organized a large number of combat forces and sent them to the northern part of the Holy Land to suppress them, perhaps Doumbuya City and Gospel Mountain City would have become history more than 20 years ago. .

It was also from then on that the Holy Alliance would dispatch a large number of combat forces to garrison the northern border every year. On the one hand, it was to allow the locals to have a good sleep, and on the other hand, it was looking for opportunities to eliminate those extremely vicious thugs. But after more than twenty years of stalemate, although the two border towns have always stood firm, the blood barbarians have never received a fatal blow.

"Isn't it? Sister, are you teasing me?"

When Huo Yanyang heard this, he finally couldn't hold it back anymore and exclaimed loudly: "How awesome is your Holy Religion Union! You can actually be in a stalemate with a bunch of bandits for more than 20 years?!"

Yi Zhao sighed, shook his head slightly and said, "Mr. Huo Yanyang, I actually wanted to say it a long time ago. You seem to have some misunderstanding about our Holy Religion Union."


Huo Yanyang raised his eyebrows with a gloomy expression: "I don't think so."

Yi Zhao exchanged a look with Mo Tan with a wry smile, and said helplessly: "I'm not referring to the dirty deeds done by some people. In this regard, I am as angry as you, and I wish I could personally send those despicable and shameless people to the Inquisition. .”

Huo Yanyang's expression immediately softened, and he smiled dryly and said, "I'm just saying that Miss Yi Zuo will definitely not speak for those who are trying to frame you and Hei Fan."

The female knight smiled faintly, and then said seriously: "What I call 'misunderstanding' is that you overestimate the strength of the Holy Religion Union."


Huo Yanyang seemed a little confused, gesturing with his hands and said: "Don't you have God's backing? Don't you have countless believers that you can't even count? Don't you have a lot of incredibly powerful knights and priests? An army like that? Aren’t there epic warriors with at least four figures? Are these all fake?"

"Hey, let me tell you."

Mo Tan, who had the same misunderstanding as Huo Yanyang when they were in Misha County, shrugged, wagging his fingers and explained: "Actually, what you just said is not wrong. There are so many believers, thousands of It’s all true that there are epic level strong men, but man, you ignored one thing.”

Huo Yanyang looked at Mo Tan in confusion: "What's the matter?"

"What you are talking about is the power of the Holy Religion union within the entire continent, not the power of the Holy Religion union within the Holy Domain or the City of Light."

Mo Tan spread his hands and said as concisely as possible: "To give the simplest example, many places with medium or large churches have many paladins, templars, priests, and priests stationed in them, and there will also be Strong men such as bishops, high priests, and patriarchs. Although these people belong to the Holy Religion Union, most of them cannot be regarded as the headquarters of the Holy Religion Union, which is the power of the City of Light. For example, the Justice Church in XX City is affiliated The Holy Religion is united, but it’s for XX City, not the City of Light, do you understand?”

Huo Yanyang pursed his lips and thought for a long time, then nodded hesitantly and said, "I understand."

"Forget it, let me give you another example."

Mo Tanqian laughed, shrugged and said: "Do you know the Tianx Sect? Its followers exceeded one billion a few decades ago. Do you think the combat effectiveness of the Tianx Sect's followers can be directly equated with the Vatican's? "

Huo Yanyang slapped his forehead and showed a look of surprise: "You said this earlier and I understood it. Damn it, so it's wrong to say that your holy religions are united. Your combat power in the City of Light is probably not as good as Where is our holy mountain?!”

"That's definitely not the case. After all, you have to consider the power system."

Mo Tan first smiled and shook his head, and then his face became condensed.

"But it's definitely not as powerful as you think. Because of this, some people's decision to cherish feathers is actually quite tenable!"

Chapter 643: End

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