Quadruple split

Chapter 65 Sin Eater

【Black Fan】

life value:? /?

Physical fitness value:? /?

Faith value: 0/0

Occupation: Level 3 Priest

Belief: None

Faction: Sins of this World

Talents: Affinity (Seal), Piety (Seal), Reflection

Basic attributes: Strength 60, Dexterity 60, Wisdom 105, Constitution 60

Civilization attributes: none

Combat attributes: none

Skill: Sin Eater

"What's this..." Mo Tan just glanced at his character panel casually and didn't pay any further attention. He shifted his gaze to the face of Ban Nei who was almost speechless, feeling the unspeakable expression on his face. Expressing fear and trembling, he sighed with some disappointment: "Is the answer to silence?"

The assassin who had been fighting for his life just a few minutes ago was on the verge of collapse. His body was shaking under the black sky, and his soul was wailing in the backlash of his sins. The blood on his body that had not yet dried up seemed to be of great weight. They are trying to crush him all the time...

But Ban Nei couldn't even fall down. He could only be held in place by the hand without any force like a sculpture, carefully savoring the madness and despair he had never felt in his life. It was far better than Ban Nei himself in thousands of years. A hundred times more madness, and a despair that could not be matched by all the prey he had killed combined.

"It seems that this is your meaning." Mo Tan showed a very pure smile and calmly stared at the royal assassin of the Marshall family in front of him: "Unable to control his own sin, he was even swallowed up by it... …”

He retracted his hand, touched his forehead in a daze, and suddenly whispered to himself: "But why can I control it?"

At this moment, Ban Nei, who was suddenly able to regain control of his body, immediately disappeared in front of Mo Tan.

"It is reasonable for a weak person to want to escape..."

Mo Tan smiled and spread his hands, then activated the only skill he could use at this moment, and said softly: "But your ending will not change. Sin cannot be escaped."

【Sin Devour】

Active skills

Mastery requirements: Hei Fan,? ? ?

Consumption/Limitations: None

Effect:? ? ?

[Remarks: None]

The three question marks in the skill effect that seemed very cool but were actually useless made Mo Tan a little concerned. The strange mastering requirements and the suddenly serious remarks were also very inconsistent, but he didn't think too much about it. Know what you should do...

The fleeing figure in the class suddenly appeared more than ten meters away. The ability that had allowed him to remain forcibly hidden for at least half a minute was instantly broken, and then there seemed to be a sound in his ears...

It was the heartbeat. Benai, who fell to the ground, heard the heartbeat. The deafening heartbeat roared crazily in his own chest. At the same time, there was a heartbreaking wailing sound from somewhere in his body that did not exist. Echoing everywhere, it was his own voice.

"I'm very curious." Mo Tan looked at the class who suddenly started to hear wailing and roaring from the body, and slowly clenched his fists: "You are suffering from the double collapse of body and soul at the same time, what are you doing now? What does it feel like..."

Endless pain and suffering!

Every organ, every drop of blood, and every cell in the body has become cruel and crazy due to the class's own sins. They seem to be desperately trying to obliterate their masters, and they are constantly mutating and destroying themselves. He kept running rampant, as if trying to break through the confinement of this body was unreasonable. The survival instinct shared by all living things seemed to have become some kind of burden at this moment, making every structure that made up this body extremely angry!

The heart that had been shattered long ago continued to run rampant even though it was in pieces. The two hundred and six bones seemed to want to see the outside world, and they even wanted to get out and twist it into something weird and sharp like a twist. See the sun!

But at the soul level, it is much simpler. The wailing that keeps echoing seems to be brewing something in the torture...

The class looked at Mo Tan with pleading eyes. This man who had completely collapsed under his own sins only wanted to die at this moment, but it was a pity that he had not had time to convey the news with his eyes. The two doors in his heart were The windows were blown out, leaving only a pair of blood-stained holes.

The saddest thing is that he is still alive...

Mo Tan stood there and watched for a full minute. The purgatory-like scene in front of him gradually became silent, and the class began to swell...

Expansion in a literal sense...

His body was swelling like a bloody balloon, and his soul, which had been completely devoured by sin, had reached its limit...

"I thought I was a pretty gentle person~" Mo Tan laughed at himself: "But now it doesn't seem like it..."

The explosion spread without warning, destroying almost everything within tens of meters. Bannei was finally relieved. Although he had been kept absolutely awake and had lost the sense of time, this long ritual death finally It's over...

Mo Tan looked down at Ned's body at his feet, hesitated for a moment, and finally said nothing.

Except for them, everything around them was almost completely razed in the crime explosion just now. Not to mention the corpses in the class, not even a single plant or tree was left.

After being silent for a long time, Mo Tan suddenly stepped away. His movements were not fast, but his speed was not much slower than the previous class due to the 60 dexterity value and unfathomable physical bonus.

A moment later, he appeared near the border of the Marshall Territory, and gently raised his hand to hold down a frightened orc.

[You have been disconnected, please choose whether to reconnect. 】

At the same time, the pale Futaba staggered to the place where Mo Tan had just left, and slumped down beside Ned's body, sobbing.

She heard a violent roar in the distance before, and at the same time found that the fighting state that had taken a while to escape had disappeared, so she quietly turned back to find out what was going on.

So she soon saw the scene in front of her, a large amount of blood flying out, a small clearing that was forcibly flattened by the previous explosion, and Ned's body covered with wounds.

But Ban Nei and Hei Fan were nowhere to be seen...

The girl tried to send a message to the latter, but did not receive any reply. She looked around blankly, and her heart was gradually filled with an unprecedented loneliness, which she had never experienced in nearly twenty years.

Futaba, who had always thought that he could live well alone and had never thought about interacting with other people, felt some inexplicable panic at this time. It was obvious that he had just returned to the state he was most accustomed to, but it seemed that Something is different.

She steeled herself, wiped away her tears, struggled to move Ned's body to the center of the clearing, and then slowly walked back along the way she came.

Futaba's pace was not fast. Her physical strength and magic power had bottomed out as she had not had a good rest. Coupled with the fluctuations in her mood, this girl who had always been smart and calm was already in a daze, but she still did not stop. pace……

Even in the face of the worst outcome, she still wants to do more.

But when she actually saw Yinna's body, she still couldn't stop her tears from falling down her cheeks...

The beautiful elf ranger was leaning against a small tree, with her head hanging down as if she was just asleep. There seemed to be a few crystal tears hanging on her long eyelashes, and the long bow broken into two pieces lay quietly aside. , together with several small flowers dyed red by blood, intertwined into an oil painting in Yinna's hand.

It's just that no matter how warm the color is, it can't wake up this elf girl who seems to be just in a nap.

Her heart was pierced with several sharp blades from behind at the same time. Although she did not suffer much torture, it still exceeded the upper limit of all possibilities.

"Sister Yinna, wouldn't it be too late to call you that now?" Futaba gently hugged the girl in front of her. She still remembered that because she was relatively small, it was impossible to calculate this to human age. The happy elf who is not as old as herself always wants to trick her into calling her sister, but Futaba has never let her get her wish...

In addition to the game with that guy, there is now a new reason to become stronger.

Futaba struggled to pick up Yinna and slowly walked towards the open space carrying her broken long bow...

Then he turned back and found Salazar lying in a pool of blood.

It took nearly an hour to bring him to Ned and Yinna...

Back to the beginning, the orc who exposed the spy in Fenrir's team had disappeared. She only saw Crabbe who still had a silly smile on his face.

This big, heavy, petite girl almost brought him to us just as the sun was going down.

Using a few basic earth magics to dig four deep pits, Futaba silently buried his friends separately. Finally, he fell to the ground with a haggard heart and soul. In exhaustion and grief, he was forcibly disconnected by the system and huddled up. With her petite body, she fell into a deep sleep in the copycat version of the game cabin...

The considerate artificial intelligence NAVI seemed to find that the owner was a little cold, and silently raised the air conditioner in the room a few degrees.

Next let's go back in time a few hours.

[Reconnection begins...]

[Connection completed, reading character information]

[Welcome back, chaotic and evil Mo, will soon enter the realm of innocence, wish you a good night]

Within the Chauvin Empire, on the edge of the ruins of Banser City

Mo stood quietly on a high slope, staring at the cursed land not far away that exuded silence and desolation, as well as the city that was now completely silent on that land.

This city of Banser, known as the Pearl of Chauvinism in the past, was brutally massacred one night not long ago, which aroused the royal family's high vigilance and attention. After testing with small-scale troops to no avail, the Chauvinist Emperor immediately successively A large number of search and rescue troops and a noble investigation team headed by Bart Garros were dispatched, and the Grand Duke, who also held the title of High-level Magister, was asked to bring several high-level clergy of the Kaguya Sect to make sure that the matter was brought to light.

Today, the integrated independent investigation force has been stationed next to Banser City, but its real leader is not the brave and capable Viscount of Tire or the Duke of Garros, let alone the clergy...

But a young man who seems to be wearing a mask all the time and whose name is unknown.

"Why are you up so early today?" Ji Xiaodao appeared silently behind Mo and said softly: "Those clergy have not finished purifying Banse City yet. According to the chief priest, he felt what he felt here The number of resentful spirits is simply astronomical. What have you done before..."

At this time, she was no longer dressed like a novice before. Her waist-length silver hair was neatly tied behind her back. Under her wide robe was a set of lightweight half-armor. There were several enchanting lines on it and a large number of them that would not The hollow carvings that weakened her defense were obviously made by elves. A pair of black short swords were hung crosswise in the back sheaths, and around her waist was the black cursed thin sword that Mo initially gave her.

There was always a hint of worry lingering on the girl's slightly indifferent face. She vaguely knew what Mo was planning to do, and she even knew that if she was not careful in the process, she might be doomed...

"Some accident happened." Mo waved his hand casually: "Go back first, and say hello to Garros for me and tell him to let those soldiers calm down."

Ji Xiaodao hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded, turned around and left quietly.

"Some interesting things seemed to have happened just now." Mo suddenly laughed in a low voice with great interest: "Not only can I use my power... but I can also change the camp. The skill called Sin Devour can even Not even me.”

He raised his hands, as if thinking about something, and after a while, he suddenly raised the corners of his mouth: "Is that how it is used?"

A roar seemed to erupt not far behind him, followed by a burst of noisy exclamations.

[You have obtained the skill: Sin Bite]

The system prompt sounded in his ears. Mo lowered his hands with satisfaction, looked up at the lingering dark clouds in the sky, and murmured: "It seems that this world can bring me a lot of surprises." ...Very good, that’s how it should be.”

After saying that, he turned around, intending to go back for a symbolic inspection and ask Garros for more information about the Imperial Capital. Unexpectedly, a distorted mana fluctuation suddenly came from mid-air. For a moment, Afterwards, an old man with white beard and hair suddenly appeared in mid-air.

At first glance, this person is not an idol like Jadeka, who has little to do with the word mage except for his appearance. Based on his attainments in space magic just now, this old man must be at least a sage-level existence. He is one level stronger than Duke Garros, the strongest person here.

"Salute to you, Master Farah." The old man in front of Mo Chong, who was slowly falling in front of him, leaned slightly and performed the court etiquette of the jingoistic empire: "Please forgive me and the Duke for not knowing the news in advance and not knowing Your visit.”

"Who are you?"

"You can call me Mo, or Lord Garros can give me the title... Lord of Sin."

Chapter 62: End

I guess there will be another chapter in the afternoon.

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