Quadruple split

Chapter 634 The last-ditch cappuccino

Cappuccino leaned over and pulled out the dagger from the neck of the dead middle-aged ranger. He silently saluted the young man in front of him who was too frightened to speak, and then retreated into the thick air behind him. In the darkness of the night, he disappeared without a trace in an instant. .

After a while, two nearby civil servants who both belonged to the Grand Market Chamber of Commerce ran over quickly, followed by the deputy captain of the Tyrannosaurus Adventurer Team. The first two people were already in a state of confusion the moment they saw the two corpses on the ground. In a state of panic, the half-dragon deputy captain who was staring at the mage's body from behind, with his fists already holding a trace of blood, shouted loudly at the first moment: "Don't be confused, drag the body back into the circle. , Who is that, go ahead and ask the thieves and knights of our Tyrannosaurus team to retreat to cover the long-range professions, and tell everyone that a thief has sneaked in, and his strength is at least the peak of the mid-level, and most likely high-level!"

After saying that, without waiting for the other three to react, they immediately walked quickly from behind to the other side of the defense line, which was also the right wing of the defense line with a large number of long-range professionals.

The opponent was a professional assassin who could kill two mid-level assassins in an instant and was not greedy for victory. Otherwise, the weaker young ranger would never have survived!

Don't be greedy, don't gamble, be precise, cold, and difficult!

That is a guy who not only has powerful insight, but is also very good at protecting himself.

Although the vice-captain of the Tyrannosaurus Adventurer Team who made the above judgment still arranged for manpower to support the left wing, he did not think that the assassin would continue to linger nearby.

If the opponent is really professional enough, then the most important thing to do now is to make a time difference, use the speed advantage to rush to the right wing as soon as possible before the news spreads throughout the entire defense line, and take the opportunity to kill a few more people, or...

Boom! !

A twisted magic circle suddenly appeared behind the vice-captain. The aberrant beast that had just leaned half of its body out of it had no time to see how wonderful the outside world was when two daggers with cold light were inserted into its head. The explosion exploded into a purple-red blood mist, which became cold without saying a word.

"Or choose to lurk halfway, kill one or two people who are delivering the message, and then rush to the corresponding direction to carry out a more leisurely assassination."

The vice-captain of the Tyrannosaurus team suddenly turned around, staring coldly at the short figure behind him holding two daggers with a pair of vertical pupils, and said solemnly: "For example, a summoner with almost zero melee ability, right? ?”

Two wolf-shaped elemental beasts with blue flames burning all over their bodies quietly appeared behind Cappuccino, letting out bursts of ethereal and distant roars, paying full attention to whether the target in front of them made the slightest move.

"A couple of times."

Cappuccino lowered his body, his voice was soothing and calm, and there was no hint of nervousness at all. The two daggers, which were almost the same length as his arms, flew up and down between his fingers, silently provoking the opponent.

"Tyrannosaurus adventurer team, Lucius Wildfire."

The half-dragon summoner stared at Cappuccino with splitting eyes. His body was trembling, but the staff pointed at the opponent in his hand was extremely stable: "I will make you pay the price."

"An unknown robber, cappuccino."

The dwarf assassin smiled sinisterly, raised his eyebrows and said, "You want me to pay the price. Instead of making me pay the price? Ha, it seems that Mr. Lucius, you are not very confident in your own strength."

The latter was not provoked by him, but quickly threw out two rays of rainbow light and poured them into the two summoned beasts behind Cappuccino, causing the flames on their bodies to surge by a large amount, and then said coldly: " I don’t think I’m better than you, but I think I can still do this.”

"Oh, so hard?"

Cappuccino was stunned for a moment, then suddenly grinned maliciously: "Wait a minute. The woman whose neck I cut off half of. The badge she wears seems to be very similar to the one on your chest. She is in the same team. Are you your friend? Haha, don’t tell me that the elf girl is your lover, otherwise I will be punished by God?”


Lucius, who had almost broken his teeth, waved his hand, and two summoned creatures immediately roared and flew out. The blue flames on their bodies rose in the wind, and they rushed towards the cappuccino like two tornadoes of flames!


"I'm sorry, although you are determined to defeat me to the death."

Cappuccino raised his eyebrows and jumped out with just a slight difference between the two flames. The whole person turned into an afterimage and flew out in the opposite direction. He laughed and said: "It's a pity that I didn't meet you." What an interest that is as good as a stone!"

With the gulf-like speed gap between the two, Lucius Wildfire could only watch helplessly as the other party easily got rid of the follow-up pursuit of his two summoned beasts, laughing wildly and disappearing into the night.


Lucius clutched the staff in his hand tightly, and after standing still for a few seconds, he finally called back the two wolf-like elemental creatures to his side, and continued to circle to the right at the same pace as before.

half a minute later

"This guy is really calm."

Cappuccino, who was hiding in the shadows, spat and stared angrily at Lucius, who was not far away and never showed any flaws. After all, he decided to give up the assassination of the latter for the time being.

His previous provocation was not entirely due to his character. The more important purpose was to make Lucius relax his vigilance because of his anger. In this way, he could attack him more calmly after using his stealth skills to circle back immediately after leaving the battle. kill.

Cappuccino has received the opponent's information. The summoner named Lucius Wildfire is the deputy captain of the Tyrannosaurus Adventurer Team. His strength is definitely outstanding among these caravan guards, and because of his calm and fair character The reason is that he is very popular in the middle and low-end circles of the Anka Market Adventurer's Guild, so if there is a chance to kill this guy, it will definitely seriously demoralize the enemy. It is precisely because of this that he is not very popular in the first place. The shameless Cappuccino had only maliciously slandered Lucius before, in order to create opportunities for his subsequent assassination.

As a result, the other party was surprisingly calm. Although the suppressed anger could be clearly felt, there was still no flaw.

Therefore, although Cappuccino has no doubt that he can kill the opponent, he also has no doubt that Lucius will fight with him before dying as he said before, and after this fight, he can Cappuccino was not sure whether he was safe or not, whether he could successfully escape from the ensuing encirclement and suppression by the opponent.

So he chose to give up. Although this was the best way to break the situation, he didn't want to end up like Huang Feifan. He still chose to give up and look for other weak persimmons.

[Anyway, there are only about thirty people in the opponent's group in total. As long as they can kill a small part of them, they will collapse under the absolute numerical advantage of the bandits. 】

Cappuccino glanced at Lucius coldly for the last time, then turned around and melted into the growing darkness.

five minutes later

Under Cappuccino's exploits, four middle-level civil servants from the Grand Market and a member of the Black Goat adventurer team were killed one after another. It was thoroughly confirmed that a high-level thief was waiting for an opportunity nearby. The guards also re-adjusted their formations, placing mages, priests, rangers and other professions that were easily killed in one blow into a defensive circle composed of melee professions, and huddled more closely not far from the core of the camp. The original figure-eight direction has been completely shrunk into a circle, minimizing the threat posed by high-level assassins.

But in contrast, the bandit group was also able to take advantage of its numerical advantage after the guards changed formations. Under the command of a few young thieves, it quickly increased the effective attack area and methodically increased the pressure on the defense line.

Yaya, who had taken a break, had returned a few minutes ago and successfully joined with Jadeka and Anthony Dabbs (three heads), but it was still difficult to have a decisive impact on the battle situation.

Cappuccino was hard to get rid of, but the pressure on the caravan guards doubled, and the situation became deadlocked again.

On the surface it seems like this

But some smart people have already figured out that if the scene continues like this, within a quarter of an hour at most, the defense line composed of adventurers and civil servants of the Grand Market will be defeated by the bandits led by Cappuccino. Break!

As a result, the intentional bandits' faces were glowing with joy and they were excited, while the intentional guards' faces were as gray as death.

However, Cappuccino didn't think so. The reason was simple: Ximen Spitfire was about to lose its hold!

From the friend messages sent by the latter one after another, Cappuccino has learned that the half-dragon knight is incredibly powerful. Although it is difficult to kill Ximen Spitfire in a short time, he always firmly holds the initiative. Coupled with the negative effects brought about by [Daosluo's alchemical dregs], optimistic estimates suggest that he can last up to five more minutes.

Five minutes later, the half-dragon knight will kill Ximen Spitfire and then immediately come to support.

And if this side wants to completely stabilize the situation and turn the advantage into a victory, it will take at least fifteen minutes.

If the situation really develops to the point where the half-dragon knight succeeds in returning reinforcements, even if Plan D is activated, victory may not be possible.

The status quo must be broken! We must fight to the death!

Even if Plan D is launched in advance, the enemy must collapse within a short period of time!

Cappuccino, who had always been hovering outside the defensive circle and constantly creating pressure on the opponent, gritted his teeth and suddenly changed from the standard thief-style harassment before, and rushed forward as if he transformed into a berserker, with the two daggers in his hands. Unknowingly, they were replaced by a pair of long swords, which knocked the two nervous warriors to the ground. Although it only made a bloody gash on each of their legs, it was enough for the two of them to get the result. It was difficult to move before treatment.

Although the knight not far away is trying hard to get here, it will take at least ten seconds to get here because his horse has difficulty moving in the crowd.

However, those long-range professions with a slightly faster reaction have already begun to attack!

After all, Cappuccino's aggressive move is not a stroke of genius. Although it is possible to directly create a gap, there is also the risk of being killed by a wave of concentrated fire. Therefore, now that the bandit group has a relative advantage, this is not It seemed like a wise choice, but it gave the guards a glimmer of hope!

If you can kill this high-level thief, even if you pay a little sacrifice, it will definitely be a good deal. If you don't have this oppressive and threatening enemy, and you only face those robbers who are just a mob, the average quality is far above Everyone above the latter is still very confident.

But the premise is that they can indeed kill the high-level thief who suddenly rushed into the right wing of the defensive circle!

Because the defense line has been compressed to a very small extent, at least 70% of the long-range professionals can attack Cappuccino immediately. In an instant, a large number of single-target spells and tracking arrows are thrown in chaos. After smashing it, two of the summoned creatures mixed in with the large attack were very imposing and conspicuous!

“An unexpected welcome~”

Cappuccino smiled coldly, and relied on the skill [Flash Stance] to easily avoid two extremely fast lightning spells. The long sword in his left hand danced into a ball of gray blade light, constantly blowing the Rangers' various swords. All kinds of arrows were crushed into pieces, but at some point, his right hand held a stack of short-handled daggers spread out in a fan shape. With a slight shake, more than ten piercing blades of light shot out like the hair of a tengu, and then all It stuck on the ground and missed half of the people.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

A rather nervous adventurer girl next to her. Well, in fact, Qiuyue, who just loves to join in the fun, laughed fearlessly: "I thought you were pretty powerful, but in the end you missed it completely! Really... eh? How could I move? No more?"

A tall and handsome guy next to him who was also frozen in place sighed, moved his eyes to his feet with difficulty, and said with a wry smile: "It's a shadow, Mr. Captain."

Qiuyue, who was often smarter than most people, did not look at her feet. Instead, she raised her eyebrows and looked at the handsome boy's shadow. At that time, she understood what was going on.

【Shadow pile】

Active skills

Mastery Requirements: Mission Rewards

Consumption/limitation: 300 stamina, able to hold

Effect: You can take out a short-bladed weapon of the same style with a total weight of no more than 2,500 grams from your bag, hold it in your hand, and throw it out as a [stake] after 0.5 seconds of visual locking, with a hit rate of 95%. The shadows of multiple units are hit at the same time. Each [pile] has a high probability of immobilizing the target for 0.5-1 second. The specific time depends on the strength, physique and other attributes of the immobilized unit. Each shadow can hit a maximum of three. [Stake], any unit will receive 30% damage reduction while being immobilized by the shadow stake, and the cooldown time is 30 minutes.

Trait: Shadows that are not visually targeted do not receive hit modifiers.

[Remarks: 1. Teacher: Please hide the shadows of you and the small animals, and think carefully about how and where to hide them. 2. After raising the question, let the children choose group members to think and try together, observe the children's methods of hiding their own shadows and those of small animals, provide encouragement, and guide the children to check whether they can't see their own shadows. 3. The funny guy who can even copy popular science into early childhood education knowledge has been expelled, but we decided to leave this note as a negative teaching material and allow players to get it through some more funny tasks. 】

As a result, the four or five people who were pinned to the spot by the shadow stakes could only watch helplessly as Cappuccino successfully broke through the strongest peripheral defense line and went straight to the remote profession behind the defense circle.

Then he was blown to the ground by a brown, oval-shaped object that fell from the sky and he didn't know what.

Chapter 627: End

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