Quadruple split

Chapter 627 Level Crush

Accompanied by a deafening explosion, a huge mushroom cloud filled with dark red fire exploded among the leading troops of the bandit group, directly creating a huge gap. A dozen bandits who were lucky enough not to be affected just now were killed. It was thrown high into the air, and then hit the ground with its whole body scorched black. Although those who dared to rush to the front were not killed directly, and the number of seriously injured people was very limited, but the two-headed ogre just now The crazy offensive still made them feel scared. Even Ximen Spitfire, who rushed to the point where the powerful and high-inflammation fireball landed and rescued a few Ma Chai, was a little frightened.

Although the seemingly powerful fireball just now did not destroy much of his life, and its burning effect was not a threat due to its relatively balanced resistance to various attributes, the two-headed cannibal who could casually blast out this powerful blow The demon was still enough to make him wary.

[Judging from the power alone, the skill just now should not be considered a high-level magic, but the key problem is that the fireball was just thrown out by him casually, and there was no chanting process. If that guy was serious about casting the spell... Well , no matter what, you must not relax your vigilance. 】

Ximen Xiu Huo tightened the [Fortress Guards Giant Sword] in his hand, looked around at the group of dark men around him, and said in a deep voice: "I will deal with that ogre, you hurry up and tear them apart. The defensive circle will support Feifan and we will win the battle quickly!"


The bandits who had been dispersed simply did not regroup. After shouting in response, they formed a large number of small groups of two to five people on the spot. They continued to organize and approach while chaotically attacking the same group. Anthony Dabbs' stunned adventurers launched an attack, but after fighting on their own, the unorganized and undisciplined attacks of these bandits did not pose much of a threat for the time being, at least until these people closed the distance to a certain extent. Before reaching this level, it was difficult for them to fully utilize their numerical advantage and find it difficult to penetrate the defensive circle in a short period of time.

But it's just 'not possible for now' or 'not possible in a short period of time'. If we just leave it alone, sooner or later the adventurers and civil servants who are at a disadvantage no matter how many numbers they have will be unable to hold on.

[At least cover them and retreat to the central area, and gather more people to compress the defense surface to the minimum! 】

Dabbs thought so and rushed forward without hesitation. Considering that Anthony hadn't started to starve yet, the former's body control at this moment was as high as 65%, so his reaction was extremely fast, and he was currently calmly controlling Anthony, who was holding his left hand, didn't want to cause trouble to Dabbs. Instead, he obediently waited for the other party's instructions.

Although his alignment is chaotic evil, under normal circumstances, Anthony is a good boy when he's full, and even Tooth can do whatever he wants.

When fighting with Dabus, Anthony in a full stomach can easily trigger the [High Energy] effect in his talent, which can give good benefits to Dabus' skills, such as the one just now [Big Fire Ball Ball·Change] 】, without Anthony's [High Energy] amplification, he can only release three high-inflammation fireballs, and it may not be able to trigger the secondary flame storm and gushing explosion that are enough to disrupt the enemy's pace in one breath, even if it is technically possible. It has reached the level of the mid-level peak, but as a range magic, the damage caused by this skill is actually not very high. However, under the influence of the [High Energy] talent, three high-burning fireballs suddenly turned into more than ten. , and was very lucky to trigger a powerful and high-inflammation fireball with a very low probability, and other additional effects were almost fully triggered, which directly blew up the bandits.

This was something Dabus had not expected, but he was highly focused and did not let go at the critical moment, so when the last powerful and high-inflammation fireball floated out, he had already considered the next steps, and the explosion After opening it, he almost stuck the Ximen Breathing Fire and let the younger brothers push forward. At the same time, he rushed forward. The [Blacksmith's Hammer] in his hand, which was extremely small compared to its own size, swung it down and whizzed at the warrior robber at the front. shoulders!

"How sad your mother would be if she knew you had turned into a bandit!"

Dabbs roared.

"Don't block the road!"

Anthony roared too.



After a loud noise, the tall ogre fell directly to the ground, and with a bang, the robber who thought he would be knocked away was crushed under him. The latter only felt that the world was spinning for a while, but when he reacted, he was He found that his face was pressed against a dark creaking hole, and then he subconsciously took in a breath of cold air.

And then……

He fainted.

【Brute force punch】

Active skills

Mastery requirements: Strength 35, brute strength, and ability to hit hard

Consumption/limit: 150 stamina

Effect: Slams a unit within melee range, knocking back the target and causing a small amount of physical damage to it. It will also cause an additional crushing effect equal to 300% of the basic damage to targets less than 50% of its height. The cooling time is 2 minutes.

High energy: Anthony's arm strength is amazing. After the smash, he will add a punch, which will knock away targets weighing less than 300KG, causing moderate physical damage. The distance of the knockback will be attenuated depending on the weight of the target; targets weighing \u003e300KG cannot be knocked away, but the damage will be extra. Improved by 50%.

Impotence: Anthony tried to step on the target when you were wielding the weapon, causing a heavy blow to hit his knees, causing low physical damage, causing him to fall down, and reducing his movement speed by 0 for 10 seconds.

[Note 1: Get out of the way, little thing! 】

[Note 2: Ouch, my legs! 】

Obviously, this time, Anthony, who was also helping Dabus attack the enemy, was doing bad things with good intentions. The leg, which could be said to be very long regardless of proportion, was swollen by Anthony with a bang, and he stumbled and fell to the ground.

As for the soldier who was not hit but was stunned by his left armpit, if he was given another chance to choose, he would definitely pounce on him first and send his face to the Dabus hammer before Anthony made a mistake. Come on, I don’t want anything, but I want a happy life.

It's a pity that he didn't have a choice.

So he was instantly killed by an unofficial passive skill called [Axillary Incense].

Fortunately, although this unlucky warrior fell, the negative effect caused by Anthony's low energy (literally) in Dabbs' [brute force punch] just now gave other enemies a chance. So just as the two men fell down, the other bandits nearby immediately launched an attack on Anthony Dabbs, and the soldier who was pressed to the ground and had already fainted had a two-headed ogre as a cover. , so he was unscathed.

But Anthony Dabbs, who has a dual profession of level 33 and a physical constitution of over 80 points, only lost about 15% of his health in this round of attacks, despite being stabbed with several daggers and hit with several hammers within a few seconds. , received several spells, and still had two arrows stuck in their butts, but they still jumped up fiercely and let out an extremely fierce roar.

"A gentleman talks but never moves his hands!!"

"Bed... before the bed, take off all your clothes!!"

In an instant, the surrounding bandits who were happily finishing their attacks trembled, and their attacks slowed down at the same time.

This is of course not because these people are gentlemen, but because Dabus' voice actually has skills!

【Roar of Fury】

Active skills

Mastery requirements: Vital capacity>6000ml

Consumption/limit: 200 stamina

Effect: Let out a roar, causing a shocking effect to all units within a radius of 5 meters, causing all affected units to be stunned for 0.3 seconds and reducing the attack speed by 25% for 10 seconds.

High Energy: Anthony roars at the same time, exerting a fear effect on targets that are less than 50% of his own weight, reducing all attributes by 10% for 10 seconds.

Imbecile: Anthony is frightened by your roar and falls into a state of fear.

[Note 1: Me! want! Tender! die! you! 】

[Note 2: So... scary... Anthony... scared...]

The skill was successfully activated and did not trigger [Low Energy]. Unfortunately, Anthony was a little weak because he did not memorize the poem clearly. Although he tried his best to cooperate with Dabus' roar, the [High Energy] effect was not triggered, so although the surrounding robbers were The shock caused the attack to slow down, but it failed to inflict fear on the enemy.

"Keep going in their direction, don't stop anyone!"

Seeing that his men might be entangled again, Ximen Spitfire immediately loudly ordered them to ignore the slightly powerful two-headed ogre, followed by an extremely cool jump chop, with the handle in his hand The high-quality level 40 two-handed sword whizzed down, aiming directly at Dabus' big head wearing a steel helmet: "Let me deal with this freak!"

Although he is a player, Ximen Spitfire has no high-level strength at all. Although he is just entering the high-level level, he is already at level 40 as a basic professional warrior and level 1 as an advanced professional swordsman, both of which are 33. The super-level Anthony Dabbs was crushed by strength, but he saw that the two-handed sword was as light as catkins flying in the wind, bypassing the two-headed ogre's two punches and hammers, and the fighting spirit of the sword was spitting fire at the west gate. He drew an 'S'-shaped arc with his hand as if nothing existed, leaving a winding bloodstain on Anthony Dabbs' body in an instant. The set of level 30 excellent quality mail armor did not have the slightest effect. , the lightning-fast sword was torn apart like a piece of tofu, and its durability was completely reset.

[Jinghong Flash] is the name of Ximen Spitfire's skill just now. Although the power is average and the consumption is not low, and the only advantage is that it is very fast to activate and withdraw, it is still one of his favorite skills for unknown reasons. It's just handsome!

The speed of the moves is as fast as the Iaijutsu. When encountering an enemy who is slightly weaker than oneself, one blow is often enough to subdue the opponent. The sword path trajectory that can be freely DIYed is even more cool. Analyzing from the grid aspect , can be ranked in the top three in Ximen Spitfire's skill column.

However, he didn't want to show off at the moment, just because he wanted to restrain the two-headed ogre immediately, and [Jinghong Flash] was the fastest and most frequently used among his many skills. The tallest one, so I used it directly.

Outstanding effect!

Dabbs felt a sharp pain in his chest, and his health dropped by 20%. He was sweating at that time. As an NPC native, Anthony, who had no pain or weakness, screamed in pain and stared at him. I'm about to cry.

【Can’t get around it! 】

Dabbs, who had planned to continue to contain the bandits, made a judgment the moment Ximen Spitfire made his move. He came to the conclusion that "if you don't defeat him, you won't go anywhere" with almost no thought process, so he was very upset. The bachelor raised the [Blacksmith's Hammer] in his hand, rounded his arms and hit the opponent hard!

And when he swung his arm, the originally dark iron hammer suddenly burst into flames, and the ominous dark flame seemed to grow in the wind. After half a circle of swung, it had completely engulfed the hammer head, carrying the order. The suffocating heat sprayed fire on the west door and smashed it down.

【Fire King Kong】

Active skills

Mastery requirements: Intelligence 40, possessing the talent [Fire Affinity]/[Son of the Elements]

Consumption/limitations: 200 magic points, 50 physical points, Dabus holds a melee weapon

Effect: Wrap your weapon in flames, causing your next 3-5 normal attacks to cause an additional 100% fire damage, and superimpose the [Metal Armor] effect on the target. Each time you successfully hit the target, its defense will be increased. Reduce by 5%, and refresh the [melting armor] time, with a cooling time of 5 minutes.

High energy: Anthony becomes manic, his left hand weapon is also affected by [Fire King Kong], and the attack speed is increased by 20%.

Imbecile: Anthony was so frightened that he dropped his weapon.

[Remark 1: Barbecue! good! 】

[Note 2: Fire! So much fire! 】


Fire was flying everywhere. Ximen Spitfire, who held up his sword to block the blow, felt a burst of high temperature quickly spread from the blade to his body. Although he did not suffer much damage, he still noticed the presence of [Metal Armor] in the status bar. , immediately no longer received Dabus's fierce blow, but moved around him lightly, and even dodged the three hammer blows that followed, without letting Dabus even touch him. .

Although Anthony, who had not triggered [High Energy], was still attacking hard, Ximen Spitfire, who could tell at a glance that the straight punches were no big deal, raised his sword to block without any scruples. Not only was he not knocked out much health, He even scratched Anthony's casserole-sized fist until it was dripping with blood, and he didn't suffer any loss at all.

"There are quite a few tricks."

A few seconds later, when Ximen Spitfire saw the fire on Dabus' hammer dissipated, he immediately stopped his tactical movement, then sneered and shook his head: "If we were both high-level, I might not be able to defeat a double-headed guy like you. It’s strange, it’s a pity. Who can be blamed for such a thing as level crushing?”

He stepped into a lunge, slightly bent his left knee, raised his right hand holding the [Fortress Guards Great Sword] above his head, pointed the tip of the sword straight at Anthony's head, and took a deep breath...


A ghost-like shadow holding a sword suddenly separated from Ximen Spitfire, dragging a long afterimage towards the two-headed ogre in front of him as if in slow motion, and then...

Before the latter could react, he had quietly passed by him.

A flash of cold light!

Blood splatters everywhere!

Chapter 620: End

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