Quadruple split

Chapter 620 Camping

Game time PM22:45

Fairyland, Parcel Avenue

"This is it, we can't go any further."

Henry Tuttle, the steward of the Anka Merchant Alliance, jumped out of the carriage, took out a handkerchief and wiped the sweat from his forehead, and nervously asked a middle-aged dwarf holding a short staff next to him: "What do you think? Pars?"

The captain of the Black Goat Adventurer Team, Pars Blast Furnace, spread his hands indifferently, saying that he had no objection. Then he turned to look at the half-dragon knight standing next to him, and asked with a smile: "Then what are we going to do today? Just camp here?”

"I don't care where I camp."

In fact, before he could speak, the horse lying behind him spoke up, muttering angrily: "I just want to know when dinner will be served."

The half-dragon knight with a calm temperament and handsome appearance...that is, Mo Tan glared at the tortoise behind him that had grown to just over two meters tall, lightly kicked it without leaving any trace, and then nodded awkwardly. : "Everything depends on the arrangements of Senior Pars and Mr. Henry."

"Seniors are not seniors, it's just that they have been around for a few more years. We are both in the C-level team, and you guys are much more famous than us Black Goats."

Pars Blast laughed and patted Mo Tan on the shoulder, then turned back and smiled at Henry, the temporary person in charge who could be said to be the official salesperson of Anka Market: "Then let's do it. The people drove the beasts of burden together, and then those of us who were the guards camped directly around. If we squeezed in a little bit, it would not be a big problem to form a circular defensive formation. The Wangwang team rested close to the inside of the avenue, and we The Black Goat is on the outside. As for the Tyrannosaurus Team and the Fun-loving Group, let’s station them on the east and west sides respectively, okay?”

The last sentence was asked to Mo Tan, but it was obviously just a symbolic request for advice. This was not because this person was arbitrary, but because everyone had already agreed before setting off that the person with the most seniority would be the main person in charge of the security. The Black Goat Adventure Team is in charge, and as the captain of the Black Goat, this is Pars's responsibility. It would be unprofessional to bring everyone together to brainstorm.

Naturally, Mo Tan didn't have any objections, so he readily agreed.

"Leon, go and inform everyone."

Pars greeted his fellow assassins not far away, then turned to Wang Badan and winked: "We'll start the cooking after we finish setting up camp."

The bastard nodded slowly, gave the former a look that said, "You know what you're doing," and then shrank his head away, making Mo Tan smile awkwardly again.

twenty minutes later

Game time PM23:09

Beside Parcel Avenue, a dozen beasts of burden pulling a large amount of cargo have gathered together. At the suggestion of Pars Blast Furnace, Henry did not let them separate from the cargo, but simply tied them together. , in order to maintain a high degree of mobility at all times and avoid delays due to panic when encountering foreseeable crises.

Centered on the cargo in the center, the C-level adventurer team [Black Goat] led by Pars is stationed in the south, with a total of eight people, with an average strength of mid-level peak; to the west is the [Tyrannosaurus Rex] of the same size. 】C-level adventurer team, the average strength is also at the peak of the mid-level; to the east is the D+-level adventurer team [Love to join in the fun group], there are only five people, the strength seems to be that all members have just entered the mid-level; while to the north are the Thirteen civil servants led by Henry Tartt, the steward of the Anka Merchant Alliance, and the C-level adventurers [Wang Wang Team] led by Mo Tan, whose members are naturally Yaya, Jadeka, Anthony Dabbs and Wang Ba Strictly speaking, there are only four people, but if you separate Anthony and Dabus, and then pick out Wang Badan alone, there is nothing wrong with six people. Theoretically, the average strength is the middle-level peak.

Because the place Pars chose to camp is less than 100 meters south of the avenue, from an objective point of view, the Black Goat, Tyrannosaurus and the fun-loving groups are relatively more dangerous. The members of the Business Alliance who live north of the center They are the safest, and although the Wangwang team closer to the main road is relatively relaxed, their main task is to protect the safety of the 'employer team' when encountering emergencies, so the burden on their shoulders is not very light.

This is a very appropriate arrangement. It is reassuring to have the most senior Black Goat Team sit on the outermost edge. The west side, which is also likely to be a breakthrough, is guarded by the Tyrannosaurus Adventurer Team. The relatively smaller but more flexible Wangwang Team The employer was 'personally' protected throughout the whole process, and the fun-loving group, which was also small and not very powerful, was arranged to the east side close to the way they came. This arrangement not only reduced their pressure well, but also took care of several Young people's self-esteem.

This is the so-called senior adventurer. Although his strength is not very strong, the arrangements made by Pars can be said to be perfect and could not be more appropriate.

"At least that's how it looks on the surface..."

Mo Tan sat on half a wooden stake and stirred the bonfire in front of him, frowning slightly and murmuring in a low voice.

To his left, there lay a large tortoise over two meters long, grunting and stretching its stubby limbs. It looked like it was lazy.

To his right, squatting, was an orc girl wagging her tail wildly while looking at the smoke in the distance.

The shiny silver-gray hair hangs casually on her shoulders. If you ignore the silly and happy smile on her face, her delicate and pretty face with a hint of coldness is even more attractive. The two slightly pointed little tiger teeth are even more attractive. It gave the girl a bit of wild charm out of thin air. The well-made bright silver half-armor perfectly accentuated her body that was far wilder than two little tiger teeth. The knee-length hunting boots perfectly fit the curves of the legs, with exposed upper parts. There is a section of smooth and fair skin, and above it is a waist that is so slender that it is no bigger than a full hand, a towering front armor, a snow-white neck, and a small cherry mouth with saliva...

"Ahem, Yaya, dinner will be served soon, please bear with me a little longer."

Mo Tan sighed and took out a clean linen handkerchief from his bag. Under the envious gazes of several civil servants in the distance, he grabbed Ya Ya's head and wiped her mouth.

The latter responded with a silly smile that contained more than 20 plus sugar levels, and nodded vigorously: "Wow~"

"Okay, good boy."

Mo Tan rubbed Yaya's head helplessly, put the handkerchief back into his pocket, and then took out a bottle of [Dwarf Hot Wine] that could slightly speed up the recovery of physical energy within two hours, and took a small sip. He took a sip and prepared for a short vigil.

"Drinking the strongest wine and playing with the wildest dogs, he is worthy of being the eldest brother."

Wang Badan squinted at the small interaction between Mo Tan and Ya Ya, smacked his lips and sighed.

Mo Tan was tempted to draw the sword at that time, but in the end he gritted his teeth and endured it. It was not that he was reluctant to beat his dragon-born companion who had spent so much effort to pick him up. In fact, this bastard was too cold to be soft and hard at all. Eat, he pretends to be a grandson quicker than anyone in front of Jadka, Darien, and he is so vindictive, so narrow-minded, and so vengeful. His shameless energy can bring down anyone. A person with a good outlook on life was so angry that he vomited blood, so Mo Tan, who knew this guy's temperament well, did not educate Ya right away, but gave him a look that said, "I'll deal with you later" and let him panic for a while, and prepare to wait until he comes back. Find another opportunity to teach it alone.

After all, it's very likely that tonight won't be too peaceful. If you have the energy to beat him, it's better to save it first.

And Wang Ba was brave enough to be wise. After finishing his insulting sentence, he quickly retracted his neck into his shell and stopped talking.

"I am sorry for your loss……"

While wiping the mouth of Anthony, who was also drooling, Dabus smiled twice at Mo Tanqian. As a people's teacher, it was not that he had never tried to educate Wang Bing like Anthony, but he The results are minimal, because the latter two are completely antonyms to a certain extent. Anthony has no common sense and extremely poor understanding, but as long as he is not hungry enough to go berserk, he is actually quite obedient. His slow learning is mainly due to his talent. , and Wang Badan is the other extreme. This guy has a very strong ability to understand. There are very few things that he can't understand despite his inheritance from the Dragon Clan. He is also smart, quick-thinking, able to draw inferences from one instance, has corrupt conduct, and has amazing views. Even Teacher Jia (Dabbs is called Jarvis in real life), who is loved by many students, cannot educate. Just like you can never wake up a person who is pretending to sleep, you can't influence a complete bastard.

[There is really nothing wrong with his name. 】

Dabus glanced helplessly at the bastard lying next to Mo Tan, and shook his head melancholy.

For this kind of weirdo, no education is absolutely impossible, but it also proves that education is not omnipotent.

I hate to admit it, but I have to admit it.

Then Teacher Jia sighed.

Mo Tan's mood swings are not that big. Although as Wang Ba Dan's de facto partner, nominal master and rider, he himself is the biggest victim, Mo Tan can still be more tolerant than others. Looking at the other party, this does not mean that he is a bad person or that he is unwilling to let go of this really weak mount, but because Mo Tan knows very well that no matter how corrupt Wang Badan is, there is still a bottom line.

Although the bottom line is very, very, very low, it actually exists, so Mo Tan can tolerate him and is willing to do his best to change it subtly.

If there is really no bottom line, even if Wang Ba Dan is not a bastard, but an epic or even legendary golden dragon, Mo Tan will definitely choose to part ways with him under his current personality.

But it does have a bottom line after all.

Under this premise, Mo Tan no longer expected how much Wang Ba Dan could change in just a few months. A lonely young dragon that had experienced thousands of years, a young cub that woke up early from the seal due to an accident, A baby who can only stay with himself for a long time and amuse himself with the knowledge in his mind that does not belong to him. It is already good that he can persist until Mo Tan and Ji Xiaoge take it out without going crazy. .

It would be nothing if it was a baby that was really like a blank sheet of paper. However, the bastard had learned a lot of knowledge through the dragon clan's unique inheritance. He also knew that the outside world was wonderful, that the girls outside were cute, and that he knew what it felt like to be lonely.

As for sleeping forever, maybe it has really slept for hundreds of years, but Mo Tanjue doesn't believe that Wang Badan has really been sleeping all this time. Although it is just an intuition, he still believes that the other party will only be lonely when he is about to die. Driven crazy, he forced himself to sleep for a while, and then continued to stay in that stone room with full expectation.

It should no longer be lonely, nor should it be frightened any longer.

As a guardian, I will take care of it as much as possible until the tortoise that uses disguise to protect itself comes out of the shadows.

"Damn, I suddenly felt sick. Brother, why do you look so obscene!?"

Wang Badan shivered in his shell.

[Okay, maybe it’s not all disguise...]

Mo Tan sighed, took out one of his treasured tea eggs and threw it into the turtle's shell. With a bang, the world became quiet.

"Hey, Ba Dan did something bad again. I thought I left the staff behind."

The old mage, holding a large pot of rice for twenty people in one hand, walked over with a smile, glanced at the smoking turtle shell at Mo Tan's feet, bent down and put the food on the ground: "Let's eat. .”

"Thank you for your hard work~"

Mo Tan smiled at Jadeka, who was becoming more and more celestial. He took out a huge portion of ham from his luggage and gave it to Yaya, and quickly took out a bunch of travel bowls, chopsticks, knives and forks to share with him. Everyone clapped their hands and said, "Everyone, eat quickly and rest early. We still have to travel for two days."

"It's so good! I'm starving to death!"

Yaya cheered, restraining himself from the urge to jump directly into the rice bowl, quickly filling up a large bowl of rice and munching on the ham.

Dabbs also used an uppercut to resist Anthony's urge to jump directly into the rice bowl. First, he quickly took out a large piece of roast meat from his bag and blocked the latter's mouth, and then quickly filled a bowl of rice. , took two quick bites and then brought it to Anthony's mouth, who had already finished the barbecue. The movements were beautifully connected.

As for the fact that a person like Dabbs who has never experienced a good life can have space to store props, Jadeka has long been used to it. The old man is not stupid at all, and he has been with him day and night for so long. , how could he not see that Mo Tan and Dabus were both people with secrets, but they just had no interest in getting to the bottom of it.

After a while, Mo Tan and Jadeka also picked up their rice bowls and started eating slowly.

But at this moment...


An energetic voice suddenly sounded behind a few people. Mo Tan looked back and found a girl in light armor holding her arms and looking at him with an imposing smile, a smile filled with interest on her face.

"Hello everyone, I am Qiuyue, the leader of the fun-loving group!"

The girl grinned.

"Ahem, so, do you want your mobility to be so high..."

The man following the girl sighed feebly and nodded listlessly to Mo Tan and others...

"Hello everyone, I am Smith who loves to join in the fun and is in charge of the handyman."

Chapter 613: End

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