Quadruple split

Chapter 605 Prologue (I): Birthday

March 25, 2049

Real time AM07:01

Accompanied by a burst of soothing and sweet music, Mo Tan, who had just logged out of the game, woke up leisurely in the game cabin. When he heard the somewhat familiar melody in his ears, he was stunned. He reacted for a long time before laughing and crying from inside. Open the hatch, then get up and adjust the game cabin to sleep mode, turning off the melodious birthday song.

I remembered, today is his birthday, March 25th on the Gregorian calendar...

To be honest, Mo Tan didn't really feel much about his birthday, and he had never lived it properly, whether it was the days when he was in an orphanage when he was young, or the years when he grew up and went out on his own, He never seemed to take seriously such a day that was so memorable in the eyes of others.

Of course, if we must be serious, this day may not be Mo Tan's real birthday. After all, today twenty-two years ago was just the day when he was picked up from the orphanage door, and it may not be his real birth day.

But no matter what, his attitude towards birthdays is still too casual. He has never lit a candle in these years without mentioning it. He has forgotten it countless times. Only Idong remembers it most of the time. Usually In some cases, you can use this as an excuse to ask him out for a good rub.

The reason why Mo Tan doesn't care about his birthday is actually simple to say, that is, he is not grateful and has never been sincerely grateful that he was born in this world.

Regardless of which one of the three states is absolute neutrality, chaotic neutrality, or lawful good, the views on this aspect are generally the same.

It's not that he is cynical for no reason, nor is he a pretentious late middle school student. He has really never felt lucky that he came to this world. Of course, it is limited to not feeling lucky. If he is really resistant, Suicide is not a matter of minutes.

As for the reason, it is not complicated. In the final analysis, it is his innate 'illness'...

Schizophrenia, atypicality, multiple personalities, etc., are very cool to talk about and sound cool. Making movies and writing novels may be even cooler, but for the people involved, is it really that wonderful?

The answer is of course - no.

Not only is it not beautiful, most of the time, there is a huge deviation between myself and my own outlook on life, worldview, and values, and there are three types of deviations. It is really hard to make people laugh.

Just imagine, in most cases, what you do will often run counter to your original intentions, every decision you make will mostly make you regret it, almost everything you planned will be disrupted, and you can’t even make the final decision. Basic protest is impossible, because the only person who affects what you do is yourself.

It would be fine if it was pure schizophrenia, then it could at least be considered as having multiple tenants living in the same body. Whether it is fighting or destruction, even if it is to eradicate the roots and die together, it is reasonable.

But Mo Tan is different. Even if his thinking and acting styles are completely different under different personalities, he is still the same person after all, not Hei Fan, not Tan Mo, not Mo, just an ordinary person named Mo Tan.

He is multifaceted, but also unified. No matter what the situation, he can clearly understand any idea he has when doing anything, whether it is his original intention or purpose, because it is his own business. , so he knew everything and could do nothing about it.

Just like the example given before, a person may still want to eat noodles in the morning, but at noon he will want to eat rice and have a slight dislike for noodles, but he is still the same person; a person may want to eat noodles yesterday. When taking the subway, I would give up my seat to the old man, but not today. He is still the same person.

Any normal person will experience this level of conflict.

The difference between Mo Tan is that his own conflicts are countless times more intense than others, and they are difficult to reconcile. To give an exaggerated and unrealistic example, with the same problem, others may only have to struggle with giving up their seats. / The problem of not giving up seats, but in Motan, it may become a problem of giving up seats / bombing the subway.

It may sound a bit funny, but this kind of thing is painful for the person involved...

Mo Tan has always been himself, but precisely because of this, he has never been able to be himself.

Perhaps Mo Tan would be slightly better in an absolutely neutral state, but he would still be tangled up in anger, uncomfortable and speechless because of various things.

There is an irreconcilable contradiction, but there is no solution at all. Mo Tan has almost taught himself to be a master in various aspects of psychology and medicine, but there is still no progress in terms of 'illness'.

This is the moment after nearly twenty years of hard work, and Mo Tan has already learned to compromise with himself.

As for the worse period, such as the days when his nightmare side had not been sealed away, he really considered the option of suicide. You must know that every time he passively switched to 'that side', other personalities would Mo Tan found it difficult to maintain his mental stability afterwards, as if his whole person was about to be swallowed up by something indescribable.

Fortunately, that has long since passed...

"So apart from making it easier to call the police by registering your ID card, another purpose is to play a song or something on a day like this?"

Mo Tan lazily sat on the floor leaning against the game cabin, looking at the bright sunshine outside, thinking about the students who could no longer stay in bed after the winter vacation. They were getting out of bed half-deadly, brushing their teeth and washing their faces. , the scene of lining up like zombies to walk into the classroom, I couldn't help but laugh, and then I thought of the girl who had just lost sight of for a long time in the game and then sent a message to chat with me for three hours, and my mood became brighter.

Although the chat with Yuchen was all about trivial matters, and the fundamental reason was that Yu Ying and the group of sisters headed by the 'eldest brother' were not online, Mo Tan was still very brilliant.


He swiped the screen, then stared for a moment, and casually opened a very popular card collection game with a pretty good script. He was surprised to find that his continuous check-in had been interrupted for nearly a hundred days.

Pushing back the time, it happened to be the last day of last year, the day the Innocence Realm opened its servers, December 31st.

It turns out that eighty-four days have passed since that day until now...

Although it was impossible for Mo Tan to truly forget how many days he had spent playing the Realm of Innocence due to his personality, at this moment he still felt as if he had just woken up from a big dream, expressing surprise at how quickly time passed.

[My life is really fulfilling...]

Although Mo Tan is currently in an absolutely neutral personality, he is still convinced that he will feel the same whether he is now or in other states.

All the things I experienced during this period are all vivid in my mind...

As Hei Fan, I have experienced many life and death separations during this period. I obviously don’t like to bear pressure and shoulder responsibilities, but I unknowingly started from a small soldier in the Marshall Territory Autonomous Army to become a soldier with countless people. One of the leaders who survived the natural disaster, met many important people including Xia Lian, and met people who could be called friends such as Luna and Yu Ying. Now he has become a member of the Dawn Sect and is preparing to focus on cultivating him. The rookie is even protected by a high-level Paladin.

Of course... there was also the matter of becoming good friends with that person by chance, and even causing a minor scandal.

Although he was tired and panicked, and he didn't know how many times he couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to give up or retreat, he was also very happy, because no matter what, at least when he was a 'Black Brahma', Mo Tan did not regret himself. Every decision he made, whether he escaped or persisted, even if he almost pushed himself to collapse in the end, was precious to him.

And, more than that...

Mo Tan, who can resonate with his other two personalities to a certain extent under his current personality, knows very well that even if he is in a chaotic neutral or lawful good state, he is also sincerely satisfied with this period of time.

The reason is exactly the same.

As Tan Mo, he was finally able to put aside all constraints and worries, and implement every crazy idea without any inhibitions. Without the checks and balances of 'himself', it only took him just over two months. It has harmed countless people, including the classmate Dave who was tricked to death for trying to make some small troubles; the Thieves Guild of Black Tower City, which was cheated out of hundreds of thousands of gold coins; and the Thieves Guild of Black Tower City, which was eaten by two crows and has no hope of promotion. Crow; up to the Marshall family that was directly exterminated, and the misfortune that spread to the southeastern diocese of the Whispering sect that was severely damaged. He had a great time and was extremely happy. No matter what was good or evil, everything he passed was Was thrown into chaos.

As for himself as Mo, the situation is similar to when he was 'Tan Mo', but it is on the other extreme. The adventure that seems to be drifting with the crowd makes him feel sincerely satisfied. He likes those trustworthy people around him who have constant problems. Partners, I also like the freedom to practice my own beliefs. I don’t have to think too hard about how not to cause harm to the world, but to go on in a down-to-earth manner at my own pace. I don’t worry about world peace in vain. But when encountering injustice, we will not turn a blind eye, we will not blindly trust authority, we will not be afraid to take responsibility, and we only want to have a clear conscience.

Yes, he is not a saint with a lawful good personality. He is just a person with a clear conscience. But these four simple words "with a clear conscience" are completely different for an atypical case like Mo Tan. Extravagant hopes, not to mention anything else, just talking about something as simple as going to bed early and getting up early, if the personality when you get up is not lawful and good, then it is pure nonsense.

And why wouldn't he be troubled by the same thing when he was in the state of 'Tan Mo' and 'Black Brahma'?

As a result, on that day three months ago, Mo Tan, who was a complex of contradictions, encountered the game Innocence, and then he got the birthright of most people - freedom.

Whether it is social restrictions or moral constraints, these existences that treat everyone equally are not obstacles to freedom. At least for Mo Tan, the only obstacle to freedom is himself.

And a game that can separate each of its personalities solves this problem quite absurdly.

Although life outside the game is still the same, for 'Hei Fan', 'Tan Mo', and 'Mo' in the game, they finally enjoy the rare freedom and finally dominate their 'own' lives to a certain extent. .

Same self, different life.

Although I don’t know about others, the game Innocence has really changed me a lot...

That lively New Year’s Eve dinner seemed to be a gift from it.

"Haha, if you think about it carefully, it's not a bad thing to be able to come to this world for a while."

Turning his head and looking at his face reflected in the game cabin, Mo Tan showed a tacky smile with a touch of warmth, and a hint of evil hidden behind the warmth. He slowly stood up and muttered to himself. One sentence: "Or... celebrate a little?"

So, ten minutes later, Mo Tan, who had changed into new clothes, lazily walked out.

Real time AM: 11:49

"Shuk Shuk Shuk Shuk Shuk Kai Beta's Shuk~"

Mo Tan carried the fresh turtle he had just bought in one hand and two bags full of ingredients in the other, humming a ditty and returned to the downstairs of his apartment. His expression was cheerful and he sang loudly: "Beta Beta Beta Beta Kai Shuke's Bei... yo !Did you get wind of some Japanese devil and come here to make a living?"

A group of people standing in front of Mo Tan's apartment unit simultaneously turned their attention to someone who was concentrating on playing with his mobile phone.

"Hey! You still know how to come back!"

Yidong, who had just reached the achievement of seventeen consecutive kneelings in Landlords, looked back and shook his middle finger: "You didn't bring your mobile phone! A group of us have been waiting for you here for a long time!"


While Mo Tan was carrying large and small bags, he miraculously took out his cell phone and took a photo of Yi Dong raising his middle finger. Then, as he walked towards the door, he distributed the bags in his hands equally to Cui Xiaoyu, Wan Yang and Kang. The three of them, Lan, finally stuffed the turtle into Yi Dong's arms. While inputting a large series of numbers on the doorbell, they turned around and smiled at everyone: "If you call me next time, just call someone else. That idiot is too annoying. So I occasionally block people."

"oh oh!"

Everyone nodded.

These new friends Mo Tan met in real life, Ji Xiaoge, Ji Xiaodao, Yuchen, Wan Yang, Kang Lan, Dao... Cui Xiaoyu, many of them, came over.

"Happy birthday, Mo Tan!"

Because he was wearing a little less, he was so passive that he blushed and jumped up and down in a soft voice.

"Happy birthday."

"Happy birthday, man!"

"Happy birthday, when will you arrive in Sumir?"

"Happy birthday! Akatsuki said too!"

"Oh, happy birthday. I brought a few cans of cat food to express my gratitude."

Everyone gathered around Mo Tan and wished him well, and it was very lively.

"What's your idea?"

Mo Tan sighed and rolled his eyes at Yi Dong.

"It's lively and lively."

The latter chuckled.


After Mo Tan finished inputting the numbers, he opened the door to a theoretically high security level, turned sideways and tilted his head at everyone...

"Thanks, come in quickly."

To be continued

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