Quadruple split

Chapter 600 Getting your hands dirty

"Your Excellency Lord Sin, there are also rebels in this town..."

After getting the news, Willow immediately walked to the side of Sin Lord and whispered: "Just now our people intercepted five low-level thieves outside. Although they are not high in strength, they are all dead soldiers. They realize that there is no hope of breaking out. He committed suicide immediately afterwards.”

Because the people in this team have adapted to being led by Willow and Varez, the scout who came to report the news just now also habitually reported the news directly to the elder sister, but did not report the news to the real Lord of Sin. The commander reported that this was not because everyone disliked seeing the latter, but simply out of habit. As for why they chose Willow instead of Varèse, it was simply because Willow was good-looking.

Of course, even if ordinary warriors ignore this point, Willow, who is thoughtful and thoughtful, immediately reports to the Sin Lord. Firstly, she is unwilling to overstep, and secondly, even if Willow is allowed to overstep her, she has no constructive ideas. , so it’s better to ask His Excellency Sin Lord, who has never let anyone down at least so far.

"Is it……"

The latter sighed and nodded as if he had expected it: "As expected."

Willow was stunned for a moment, and then asked in confusion: "You already knew this?"

"It can't be said that I already knew it."

Sin Lord smiled bitterly and shook his head. He looked around with the help of the lights in the surrounding houses that had not been extinguished. He said softly: "I just observed the layout of this town on the road. Although there may be a lot of errors, But judging from the observation results, the permanent population of this town should not exceed two hundred people. I think Mr. Varèse should have noticed this..."

Willow blinked in confusion, and then turned her gaze to Varez, who was also looking solemn next to her: "You also noticed it? Why can't I see it?"

"Because you are a girl from a wealthy family."

Vares laughed dryly, and quickly added after Willow's eyes gradually became unfriendly: "At least compared to a 'country boy' like me, she is a girl from a wealthy family."

Willow snorted and didn't say anything. She did know Varèse's origins. It was said that the latter was born in a very simple family in a border village. Later, he left home alone because of his talent and unwillingness to be ordinary. He went out to make a living, but due to his lack of academic skills and impulsive personality, he committed something. When he was being hunted, he was lucky enough to meet Duke Fosset. With the help of him, he was able to escape unscathed, so he directly took refuge under Fosset. , and the latter also provided Varèse with a lot of resources, and later used his own money to bring Varèse's family to settle in Troon, and then disappeared.

If Varese had extraordinary talent and advanced to the level of a legendary powerhouse by three strokes, five divisions and two, this story would be more epic. Unfortunately, his talent would probably stop at the high-level peak. If there is no such thing in the future, If you're really lucky, the epic threshold is just too low to touch, so there's really nothing worth writing home about.

All in all, because he once grew up in such a small place, Varèse is quite familiar with this kind of "countryside". The precise analysis of the town where he settled earlier was also based on this aspect, and This time, he naturally came to the same conclusion as Sin Lord...

So long after the soldiers gathered all the locals, Varez's expression was already a little ugly.

"I do not understand……"

Willow frowned. Although she would not be disrespectful to the Lord of Sin, she was not shy when speaking to Varese: "What exactly do you want to say?"

"Your Excellency Lord Sin, it seems that you and I have the same idea."

Varez did not pay attention to Willow, but said solemnly to the sin lord who was standing there wondering what he was thinking: "Theoretically, this town will never have more than 200 residents, no... I think it should be There may not even be one hundred and eighty people, but there are people gathered in the square now..."

"Two hundred and sixty-seven people."

The Sin Lord calmly finished Varese's words and narrowed his eyes slightly: "Even excluding the children under ten years old other than the elves, there are still two hundred and forty-three, which is a very delicate number."

Willow was always a thoughtful person, so there was no reason why she couldn't react when she heard these words. Her tired face suddenly darkened visibly: "You mean, there are still rebels hanging around here. ?”

"Yes, although the strength will not be very strong, and there is a high possibility that it is just a low-level professional, but this is indeed what I judged."

The Sin Lord nodded slightly, looked at the 'townspeople' gathered in the square, and said calmly: "The thieves who were intercepted should have gone out to report the news after discovering our arrival. After all, even if they only have low-level strength , professions like thieves and rangers who can easily hide their bodies still have a chance to escape in the night."

"Thanks to Lord Sin."

Willow nodded sincerely and said softly: "If you hadn't made arrangements in advance and asked our scouts and knights to surround this place, those few people might have completely escaped from here by now."

The Sin Lord just smiled faintly and didn't say anything. Instead, Varese gritted his teeth and said after a few seconds of silence: "The key to the problem is, what should we do now?"

【Now how to do……】

Realizing that she still couldn't get around this fact, Willow subconsciously clenched her fists, then turned her head to look at the expressionless Sin Lord next to her: "Your Excellency, what do you mean..."

However, Zui Lord, who had never let them down this day, let them down this time.

"I have no idea……"

After a while, the young nobleman who tightly wrapped his cloak sighed softly.

Does he really not know?

Willow and Varez didn't think so, because even they both knew at least one way to solve the problem.

"But...I can do a little analysis..."

Seeing that neither of them spoke, Sin Lord was the first to break the silence and said in his smooth and soft voice: "First of all, the geographical location of this town of Risles is very close to the southern border of Kunda Territory. Even if it is normal, Calculated by human walking distance, it would only take less than five hours at most to reach the rebel-controlled area we had detoured from before. If it is a ranger, thief and other professions that are good at speed, even if it is only a low-level one. At the same level, this time will be compressed to one and a half hours, even a slower low-level mage or knight took three hours."

Willow and Varez nodded silently as they fought off the nearby warriors.

"Secondly, as far as I know, if you want to identify the opponent's strength, such as distinguishing between ordinary people and low-level professionals, the lowest threshold means must be high-level arcane [True Insight] and high-level druid talents. Mastered the [Eye of Analysis], and the only high-level professionals in our team are you two, and you are a knight and a ranger respectively, so it is obviously impossible to do it."

There was a flash of struggle in Sin Lord's calm and indifferent black eyes, but he still continued: "Third, compared to the rebels who are just waiting for work and have enough manpower to rotate, our team of only more than 400 people is already running with high intensity. After a full half day, everyone needs to rest. Even if a night watchman is arranged, it is not easy to keep an eye on the entire 243 people. And in this process, as long as one person is missed..."

He didn't say any more, and Willow and Varez didn't need him to say any more, because they both knew very well that if the thousands of rebels who were less than three hours away from here got the news, more than 400 rebels would be killed. It is equivalent to being sentenced to death.

After running all the way, even the two of them with high-level peak strength felt a little tired, not to mention those ordinary warriors who were mostly at the mid-level level.

How can I do! ?

Looking at the frightened faces in the square and the bodies of those people shivering in the cold wind, Willow and Varez almost broke their teeth.

"We...we might be able to tie them up and let these people sleep in the square for one night, and at the same time send those soldiers who are in better condition to keep watch in rotation."

Willow lowered her head and proposed an idea, but her expression became increasingly gloomy. It was obvious that even she felt that this method was too childish.


Sure enough, Varèse shook his head the moment she finished speaking: "We have a group of people to guard the night, a group of people to guard. There are only more than 400 of us in total, and there are dozens of seriously injured people. And even if we can arrange it, How do you ensure that the rebels who are mixed in are unable to escape and are tied up? Are you three years old this year? Only ordinary people will be tied up. Those rebels who are mixed in, no matter how weak their strength is, they can easily break free from the rope. Are things going well?"

Willow was silent, but the Sin Lord quietly interjected: "Although what you said makes sense, Varese, Willow's idea is actually not completely unworkable. Even if there are many people here, if we can ensure that the guards can not let go Without any details, the rebels inside may not be able to escape easily, but... this is just a possibility, can we really afford to take this risk now?"

"We...of course can't afford it."

Willow lowered her eyes and whispered: "I'm sorry, I was careless."

"How about questioning them one by one and forcing them to confess?"

Although Varez just rebutted Willow's rebuttal, he also thought of a way and said solemnly: "Willow and I can be responsible for the interrogation work, and I probably know how to do it. To put it simply, Willow and I can be responsible for the interrogation work. Even if we can't find out those rebels, it doesn't matter. We can let ordinary townspeople identify them. There are only so many people in this town. Even if they are not that familiar with each other, as long as we let them Most people are…”

"most people?"

Willow interrupted Varez with a frown, shook her head and said: "Do you know how many people the rebels have sneaked in? Even if you can judge that there are less than two hundred people in this town at most, you can be sure that the rebels The number is the total number of people minus the number of people who 'do you think' there should be? What should I do if I am wrong? What should I do if I miss something? What should I do if the rebels confuse the public? It is the same as the idea I just had, it is feasible, but it cannot be guaranteed to be foolproof. .”

Varez clenched his fists and gritted his teeth: "Then if we leave here now and find another place..."

"Won't those people report the news after we leave?"

Willow sighed deeply and said with a bitter look on her face: "We have been seen, and since the other party has arranged something in this town, are other places safe? Maybe after we leave, those rebels will There is no need to go to Kunda’s territory, you just need to contact nearby companions, this is simply the worst way.”

"Then...then what do you think we should do?!"

Varèse looked at Willow with eyes wide open.

"I have no idea……"

The latter repeated what the Lord of Sin had just said, pursed his lips and lowered his head.

The cold wind was blowing, and the night was getting darker.

The more than two hundred people gathered in the square did not dare to act rashly. The soldiers who had not received orders also stood in neat formation. The knights and scouts surrounding the town still stood at their posts.

Everyone is tired...

Willow and Varez endured an additional layer of mental torture.

They all knew they couldn't waste it any longer and had to make a decision, but they didn't break the suffocating silence.

Another gust of cold wind blew by, and in the team, a pale-faced half-orc female mage from the Fox tribe couldn't help sneezing.

"This is not the way to go."

In the end, it was the Sin Lord who spoke first, but his next words made the two of them feel like they were falling into an ice cellar...

"It's up to you to decide. Even if it's the solution you two just came up with, I won't have any objections."

【We decide...】

Willow and Varez looked at each other, and both caught the expected bitterness and helplessness in each other's eyes.

In the end, the responsibility will ultimately fall on the two of them.

Knowing that they were not completely sure, if they had used the strategies they mentioned before, with just a few mistakes, the more than 400 people would probably have been accounted for here.

But if they choose the safest and most appropriate way that they have always avoided...it's really...

"I see."

After a while, Willow, who had bitten the corner of her mouth, trembled slightly and said, "I..."

"What are you doing, you are whining, go away!"

However, Varez held Willow's shoulders and pushed her to the side. He stared into the eyes of the Sin Lord and said solemnly: "Your Excellency, I have thought of a way to ensure safety..."

"How safe is it?"

But the other party asked leisurely, which also made Willow and Varez's expressions look a little uglier. After all, both of them knew that it was impossible for the Sin Lord to know what the way to 'ensure safety' was.

Varèse gritted his teeth and squeezed out each word from his mouth: "I suggest that in order to ensure the safety and confidentiality of our operations, everyone here should be..."

"That's it."

Unexpectedly, Zui Jue suddenly interrupted him, then walked slowly to the still neat team behind him, and said loudly: "Thank you for your hard work, I am your commander Mo during this period, of course you can also call me Zui Sir, in short, I want to announce something now..."

Everyone in the team swallowed subconsciously, especially those with good hearing.

"According to my observation just now, the town of Rislus has been completely controlled by the rebels."

The Lord of Sin showed a chilling smile, but his tone remained calm and indifferent: "According to my judgment, those innocent people have already fled here, or were killed by the rebels. In other words, those who are left in this town now People, except for rebels, are rebels who collude with the rebels, so... Although Mr. Varèse and Ms. Willow criticized my proposal, it is a pity that as the only nobleman present, as Fosset As commanders personally appointed by the Duke and His Highness Arthur, I am qualified to require you to obey orders. If you do not, you will be punished as treason and executed on the spot!"


"Your Excellency Lord Sin..."

Willow and Varez both stared in disbelief.

The sin lord, who had his back turned and his expression became increasingly grim, took off his gloves and pulled out the sword from his waist with his backhand.

"Now, for those of you who are not afraid of getting your hands dirty like me, please take a step forward..."

Chapter 597: End

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