Quadruple split

Chapter 598 Delaying time

[The town you passed through at noon? 】

Willow and Varez were both stunned. It was impossible for them to have no impression of this kind of thing. Although they did not care about the name of the town or how many people there were, it was a must for this urgent march. The place they had visited had been analyzed by them from various angles before, so the two former commanders of the small army of 500 people were just a little confused as to why Lord Sin suddenly mentioned that place instead of mentioning the place they had just visited. Forgot about it.


Willow, who had a slightly stronger view of the overall situation, suddenly widened her eyes, as if she had caught something.

The small town I passed through... my loyalty to His Majesty... may not be as simple as it appears...

"No way!"

Willow suddenly raised her head and looked at the Lord of Sin sitting in front of her, with an expression of disbelief.

"Can't do anything?"

Varez had not yet reacted. Seeing that Willow seemed to have an idea, he quickly asked: "Xiao Luo, what have you thought of?"

"That's what your Excellency said...the rebels have grasped our movements."

Willow held her chin and said with a frown: "Excluding the possibility that the other party sent powerful scouts to such a borderland and that there is a spy among us, the town where we rested at noon is highly suspicious... Your Excellency Is this what you mean?"

The young sin lord shrugged noncommittally, and his tone was as gentle and humble as ever: "I just thought of such a possibility. Although it may not be the correct answer, it can at least provide you with an idea. After all, it is a matter of military strategy. You are the ones who know it.”

"You are joking. Maybe we did have similar thoughts before, but after the two previous battles..."

Willow lowered her head, the tips of her ears were slightly red, and whispered: "No matter how arrogant we are, we will never think that we are accomplished in 'military strategy', whether it was the ambush just now or the one half an hour ago. This is a breathtaking luring and strangulation, and your command can be called an art."

"Haha, I just found some of the Marshal's battle cases and studied them for a while."

The Sin Lord smiled, shook his head and said: "In the two battles just now, all I did was to restore the situation to the battle examples I had seen as much as possible, and then follow the script when the situation was similar. Of course, I can recite the words well. Maybe it can be regarded as a talent, so I will accept your compliment without mercy, Ms. Willow."

He is neither overly modest nor proud at all. Every word he speaks is so perfect that people can't help but feel convinced and trustworthy. Although he has the reserve of an aristocrat, there is no trace of arrogance and his eyes are sincere and gentle. This man Really...is there anything to be wary of?

Willow pursed her thin lips slightly, nodded with her eyes lowered, and did not continue to compliment him. She felt that the Lord Sin Lord in front of her would never lack praise and praise, so she did not need any extra affirmation from her.

Although Varez did not react immediately before, he quickly entered the state after Willow guessed the thoughts of the Sin Lord, frowned and said: "But... with all due respect, Sir Sin Lord, I don't think that People in small towns have the guts to defy us.”

The extremely nurturing young noble still had no intention of not forgiving Varèse's blunt words, and immediately nodded and said: "Tell me your understanding."

"Actually, as I said just now, they don't have the courage."

Varese smiled, shrugged and said: "In the final analysis, this is just the border of the Conda Territory, bordering the area directly controlled by the royal family. The people living nearby are not the core citizens of the Conda Territory. For these people, the biggest The best thing is to have enough food, sleep well, and even better have some spare money to have some fun. The royal family and the lords are all untouchable in their eyes. Do you think they are not loyal enough to His Majesty? Wrong, but these people are not very loyal to their lords. Maybe they will choose to remain silent under our threat, or leak information under the threat of the rebels, but in the final analysis, it is just to save themselves from the bloody disaster. As for providing intelligence to the rebels at any cost, I think it is unrealistic."

Obviously, although Varèse looks like a rough man, his mind is not rough at all. Otherwise, he would not have been able to make the well-founded remarks just now, let alone become a confidant of Duke Fossey.

"I got you."

Mo nodded slightly and chuckled: "What you said makes sense, Mr. Varèse. In fact, I don't think those simple people would take the initiative to dedicate everything to a lord who they may never see once in their lifetime, but the problem is... …What if they’re not ‘proactive’?”

Varèse's eyes narrowed: "What do you mean?"

"As you just said, what they care about most is to protect themselves from bloodshed."

Mo sighed softly, stood up and smiled bitterly: "They dare not take a stand or defy anyone, so even if it is impossible to take the initiative to leak information, if the rebels have made arrangements before... things will become worse. It’s much more complicated. Just imagine, we alone have already encountered two groups of rebel troops in this borderland, which is at least two days away from the core area of ​​Kangda Territory, so..."

He did not continue speaking, but Willow and Varez were both choked up, and their expressions began to become uncertain.

"Not to mention the hard-to-evaluate His Highness the Prince..."

Mo shrugged at the two people in front of him and said softly: "That Duke Witham must be a very charismatic ruler. His Highness Arthur also speaks highly of him. What a pity."

"Your Mightiness……"

Willow and Varez looked confused.

"Let's go."

The sin lord in front of them didn't say anything more to the two of them. He just walked slowly to the front of the team accompanied by the Dao En steward.

He has always been at the front of the team, and has been that way since the day we started.

"Haha, you must be a nymphomaniac, right?"

Seeing Willow staring at Lord Sin's back, Varez couldn't help teasing him in a low voice: "Stop dreaming, there is a young man under me who met Lord Sin's partner once before, and he became so sluggish that he didn't want to eat or drink. For several days, tsk tsk, a bunch of young men were fascinated just by listening to that guy bragging about how beautiful she is."

Willow snorted coldly and said in a deep voice: "I'm just thinking, it would be nice if His Excellency the Duke's original intention was only to recruit or observe, instead of treating His Excellency the Sin Lord as a threat."

Varez raised his eyebrows: "How do you say that?"

"I don't know what to say..."

Willow sighed and whispered: "I only know that I definitely don't want to be an enemy of the Lord of Sin. Although he has never made me feel even the slightest danger, that person has a way of making people think... The temperament of following him at all costs, it’s like... it’s as if just one look from his back can make people excited, and they can’t help but want to follow in his footsteps.”

Varèse laughed: "You said you are not a nymphomaniac?"

"Don't worry, I'm just like you. I'm willing to fight against anyone for the sake of the Duke, and I can sacrifice my life at any time." Willow twitched the corner of her mouth, spread her hands and said, "But in aspects that have nothing to do with 'loyalty', committing crimes It is my freedom not to be a nymphomaniac or to be a nymphomaniac to anyone."

"Tsk, tsk, how about I apply to the Duke for you and send you to be a maid to His Majesty the Sin Lord later, so that you can not only be a nymphomaniac but also keep a close eye on him, killing two birds with one stone. If something happens in the process What, then you still made money."

"Well, please."


"Okay, stop talking nonsense and lead everyone to follow! I've had a bad feeling since just now..."

Game time PM16:20

The bad premonition came true. Just when the team left the forest area and arrived at the nearest population center, they suddenly encountered an ambush by the rebels.

It was a small village with less than 200 people. The folk customs were very simple. The locals invited everyone in to rest with great enthusiasm, and then a large number of people rushed out from all directions with swords, guns, swords, halberds, axes, axes, hooks and forks. The fierce man screamed and slashed over. There were a large number of elements in the distance that turned into flames, thunder, and frost driven by the magic power. He took away more than thirty heads in the blink of an eye.

Although the Sin Lord responded immediately, commanding everyone to break through with all their strength, and then relied on the temporary terrain advantage to conduct a wonderful counterattack and defeat the attackers, the team's losses this time were somewhat serious. In addition to nearly a hundred people killed in the battle, more than forty people were seriously injured. With a limited number of clergy and pharmacists, without a good rest environment, it is likely that they would not be able to survive even one night.

Without any hesitation, after being temporarily out of danger, the Sin Lord did not leave everyone with much rest time. After a short rest, he led the remaining team to carry out irregular high-speed maneuvers. He used his role as a scout. Magnified to the extreme, Akiva and others were turned into wisps of silent tentacles, surrounding the large army like threads, and the intelligence sensed by these 'tentacles' was quickly divided and integrated, and then a plan was made. A series of precise and sophisticated mobilizations. In the process, the less than 400 people around him were even split into several teams several times, and a series of operations such as transfer, reorganization, splitting, detours, and reorganization were carried out according to different routes.

These seemingly meaningless orders did not cause the slightest controversy. On the one hand, it was because the Sin Lord had already proven his strength in the previous three battles. On the other hand, it was also because everyone could vaguely feel that the vicinity was full of threats. Although they have never faced the enemy head-on since they defeated that group of rebels, everyone in the team does not feel safe.

[If it weren’t for the arrangements made by Lord Sin, we might have been picked out and killed by the rebels long ago. 】

Although there is no basis for it, the ideas in everyone's minds are surprisingly consistent.

"How many people have they sent? If this continues, let alone reaching the designated location, whether we can survive the encirclement and suppression is a question..."

When the troops who had been scattered by Mo gathered together for the third time, Willow, who was dusty with travels, complained through gritted teeth. Although she did not encounter any enemies along the way, everyone seemed exhausted mentally and physically under such frequent dispatches. The middle and high-level professionals were doing better, but others were gradually beginning to have trouble with it. In addition, this previously unanticipated situation made everyone very uneasy, and the morale of the entire team had begun to irreversibly decline.

Varèse, who was next to him, also nodded and said in a deep voice: "We can't go on like this, Lord Sin, everyone needs to rest now. Can you find a relatively safe place nearby? If you can't let everyone go before nightfall, If we set up camp and rest, we may not be able to hold on any longer.”

As Willow said before, unknowingly, this sin lord has become the backbone of everyone. Leaving aside other warriors, even Varez subconsciously began to seek solutions from the latter.

But the other party's answer made him a little disappointed...

"There is no relatively safe place."

Mo gently shook his head, drew out his long sword with his backhand and slashed it on the ground a few times, and said with a wry smile: "Because we are afraid of being implicated by the other party, we still don't know how many people the rebels have arranged at the border, but according to reports I estimate that it will never be less than three thousand. Although the quality varies, it is not a quantity that we can swallow head-on. Moreover, they have now clearly learned about our presence here. As long as they are commanded properly, unless they are like before Keep maneuvering like that, otherwise as long as we stay in place for a while, we will be traced out in up to an hour."

"Damn it!"

Vares cursed angrily and said angrily: "Are they crazy? Even if we wipe out this small group of people here, what's the use? The elites led by His Royal Highness the Prince and the Duke will be able to break through to the border tomorrow at the latest. They have sent so many people here, what about the core area of ​​the territory?!"

"So they should have back-up plans that we didn't expect."

Mo smiled, and his tepid voice seemed to have magic power to calm down the anxious Varèse: "According to normal principles, the wisest choice for the rebels should be to completely abandon the border and move the main The war zone was moved to the core of the territory. In this way, they would at least have an absolute advantage in logistical supplies, and they could also cooperate with the most loyal territorial residents to gradually eat away at our lone army. But they did not do this... Instead, they sent a large number of effective forces. When we get to the border, I think it’s not just us, there must be equal or more rebels on His Highness and Duke Fossey’s side.”

Willow shook her head vigorously: "This doesn't make sense, just like you said, they..."

"Even if they do what I said, they can't win this war. At most, they will cause us some losses." Mo Wen interrupted Willow softly and said softly: "Even if we analyze it from the most objective perspective, the royal family It’s impossible to lose, and the people in Kangda’s leadership are not clear about this, and since they didn’t fight in a way that could give us the biggest blow, will this move..."

"Could it be anything?"

"Is it delaying time? Can it buy them time to win?"

"Delaying time? Impossible. You just said that their strength is on par with the royal family..."

"Yes, 'their' strength is indeed not comparable to that of the royal family, but..."

The Sin Lord casually put the long sword back into its sheath, raised his head and looked at the two people in front of him with a solemn gaze...

"The same cannot be said for others, such as our good neighbor, the lion that has been spying on the empire for a long time...the Griffin Dynasty."

Chapter 595: End

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