Quadruple split

Chapter 554 Interception

‘Silly woman, you react very quickly. ’

‘Ugly and abandoned house, each other. ’

The two of them extended cordial greetings to each other, then closed the friend bar at the same time, and casually issued the first clear order to the elite coalition forces following them——

"Count the number of people in the current area, one minute."

At the same time, Mithril City, a loft on West Street

"It looks like the situation has stabilized."

Kroilumi squatted silently on the railing of the terrace. He murmured in a low voice. The face behind the mask that had been sullen since a few hours ago finally softened, and then he untied it. The top button of the collar breathed out.

The young dark elf, who had changed out of the bard's standard robe, slowly stood up and changed into a more cool-looking posture, stepping on the slender railing with his hands behind his back. There are a lot of black feathers, a luxurious cloak that looks expensive, and a robe with an extremely loose hem. There are a pair of emerald rings on the index finger and thumb of both hands, and there is also a finger with half a sharp blade extending out from the middle finger of the right hand. He also wears a leather mask with a long beak on his face. At first glance, he looks quite similar to the "Beak Doctor" who was active in Europe during the Middle Ages in the real world.

"It seems I was worried in vain..."

With the alchemy tool on his face, Crowe was 'directly connected' to eleven ravens at the same time. He snorted in annoyance and monitored the situation dozens of miles away, which started to become white-hot from the beginning and continued thereafter. The fierce battlefield is now heating up to death.

Crow, who has the perspective of more than a dozen ravens at the same time, has almost no surveillance blind spots. He can see much more clearly than ordinary griffin knights and magicians. Moreover, as long as he does not meet people who like to 'hunt game' like Mo Tan, he can also It is rare to encounter safety problems. After all, few people would specifically target birds in the sky on a battlefield of this level. Moreover, the existence of fluid magic, arrows, etc. is also easy to avoid. As long as you do not seek death, you will definitely It is an extremely safe and comfortable method of investigation.

So Crow watched the live broadcast in Mithril City, and was even fully prepared, planning to rush to the battlefield for close reconnaissance at any time after the 'Raven Reconnaissance' was counterattacked. However, because both the Lords Alliance Army and Marshall's Legion were The reason why he didn't take those birds in the sky seriously was why he still stayed in the city comfortably until now.

The situation of the war has become increasingly clear...

At this moment, more than 10,000 people have been killed on both sides, and the number of seriously injured people has even doubled. Both the legions of the eight lords and the soldiers under Marshall's command are all fighting together in a mess. The so-called 'front line' 'Almost no longer exists. Except for the relatively stable eastern area of ​​the main battlefield where the Violet Family and Crystal Wolf Family are located, almost all other places have become war zones. If you look carefully, almost every place is in extreme chaos. .

But if you ignore the local war zones and look at it from an overall perspective, the situation is surprisingly clear and easy to understand, and this is the 'war' that conforms to the current world view. When most soldiers have extraordinary strength, the vast majority It is difficult for commanders to keep their exchanges, formations, and advances and retreats in order after a war breaks out. As a commander, as long as he ensures that the overall situation is always under his control, his soldiers can clearly and firmly implement strategic intentions. That's enough. As for whether the battlefield is chaotic or not, it doesn't matter at all.

So we can also see from the side how different the 'Black Van' is who was able to make all the forces under the joint forces orderly and integrated in Misha County, even though he had the advantage of a mutant who has no brains. , but the kind of 'talent' that can command every warrior, every profession and even every person with different personalities is still terrifying.

Obviously, no one can achieve this level, whether it is the commanders of the three Marshall Army or the double-digit commanders of the Lords Alliance, and they do not need to do it.

From Crow's current 'compound eye perspective', the strategic intentions of the lord coalition have always been very clear. Even if he is a layman in the military, he can still make a conclusion after watching it for so long. Numerous superiority, trying to crush the enemy like a snowball' is a reliable judgment.

As for the Marshall's three major armies, because of their numbers, tacit understanding, and unified affiliation, they should clearly have advantages over the lords' coalition in terms of flexibility and execution, but they are always in a passive resistance. It is true that they have advantages in terms of numbers. Huge disadvantage, but maintaining a ring formation with the main purpose of defense can only bring themselves closer to failure. As a result, whether it is the Buffy Sword Knights, the Ice Veil Mage Group, or the Mercury Guard, they have never been able to defeat the enemy. The formation has not changed since the beginning of the war, which makes Crowe very concerned.

Under the overlooking observation from multiple perspectives, the lord coalition at this moment is like a ferocious falcon, flapping its wings constantly, using its long beak that can bite people, its wing roots that can bite people, and its long bite that can bite people. Its wings and biting wing tips tear at enemies.

And their enemy is like a crab. The Buffy Sword Knights with double claws rush left and right, trying to relieve the pressure directly in front of them as much as possible. The body is composed of the Mercury Guards and the Ice Curtain Mage Group. The former is like An iron wall spreads out around the perimeter to protect the caster behind him. The latter continues to bless the repulsed knights and the guardians nearby, and summons a large number of solid ice walls and water waves out of thin air through joint casting. The shield strengthens the defense line, but there is not much desire to attack.

As for those cultists with strange powers that worried Crowe the most, they turned into other pairs of crab legs, like a lot of tentacles, constantly harassing the lord coalition. Their offensive power was much stronger than the three regular legions. Not only does he have the basic strength of at least a mid-level professional, but he can also use the elusive 'whisper'. If it weren't for the large number of 'choirs' prepared by Mo Tan in advance, which have a very strategic interference value, without the slightest preparation, Under the circumstances, more than half of the warriors who were the wings of the Violet Eagle Formation had probably been killed.

But no matter what, the offensive of these people was finally contained. These cultists, who were already mentally ill, were given a splitting headache by a large number of broken throats, and the 'whispers' that often accompanied them The power cannot be exerted stably when they are upset. Not only that, but there are also many people who are so annoyed by the singing that they subconsciously have the idea of ​​"It sounds so unpleasant!" I really want to die! ’ People who were ‘whispered’ by themselves threw themselves into the street.

"Is there any near miss...?"

After continuing to watch for a few more minutes, Crowe, who concluded that the victory of the Lords Alliance was certain, took off his cloak and threw it on the wooden chair in the room. Then he took off the bladed finger cot, put his hands behind his head and spoke slowly to the crow. Mask, muttering with lingering fear: "In this case, that damn Cordoba... no, that damn Anthony Dabbs actually helped me, so that I would not take the initiative to leak information... Wait! What is that! What the hell is that!?"

His hands froze in mid-air, and he stared at the main point of view of Raven 3, which inadvertently passed by the edge of the battlefield, with a look of horror on his face: "That one looks like a... magic puppet... or an engineering puppet. When did the strong man rush over!?"

At the same time, game time AM11:27

[Quinn should be dead. 】

Gawen put away his weapon and concentrated on galloping on the battlefield. He calculated the time for a moment, then turned to the members of the assassination group who had more than a hundred people left behind him and shouted in a low voice: "Speed ​​up, even if they take part of the area under their control, The strong ones have been transferred to the south, and there is a high chance that our plan will be exposed after Quinn's death. Just hurry up and continue to use whispers to confuse the surrounding enemies!"


Everyone responded in unison. Among them, dozens of high-level cultists on the periphery of the team lowered their heads and kept muttering something. Under waves of almost silent 'whispers', more and more Lord Alliance soldiers around them They all seemed to ignore them, turning a blind eye to this group of people who were full of weird atmosphere.

Although these warriors belonging to various families clearly saw such a group of people rushing past them, and they also clearly saw the latter's strange clothes, strange actions, weird temperament and even the Marshall family emblem, But subconsciously, they immediately regarded each other as friendly forces, a group of friendly forces whose behavior seemed quite strange, but was extremely reasonable.

This is the power of the high-level Whispering cultists, and it is also the source of Gawen's confidence in this assassination plan.

However, this kind of 'whisper' with a wide-area interference effect can be broken in many ways, such as people with super mental power and always on guard, people like Crow who are observing beyond the distance through the medium of raven, Cole People like Dova who don't know why are immune anyway, as well as any professional who is above a high level.

Although the above sentence seems a bit strange after adding the last condition, the fact is that the four types without and including Cordoba are all existences that are very likely to be unaffected, and The last condition of 'high-level professional' does not mean that as long as you are a high-level professional, you will not be affected, but that people who are below high-level and do not meet the first four conditions cannot detect the clues on their own. Only high-level ones have the chance to eliminate whispering interference by their own power.

And how likely is it for an ordinary high-level powerhouse to get rid of ‘Whispering’?

The difficulty is probably similar to the difficulty when we realize that we are dreaming while dreaming, and successfully wake up from the dream and return to reality by relying on rational thinking and willpower.

It sounds like that's the case, but if you think about it carefully, comparing the total number of dreams we have to the number of times we realize we are dreaming and find out the specific number of subjective awakenings, this ratio is actually very exaggerated.

Therefore, in principle, it is possible that the group of assassins headed by Gavin will not be discovered until after the assassination is successful. The success rate of their operation is outrageously high. If there is cooperation from the Dantes and Hussein families, If so, the possibility of succeeding is simply ten to ten.

However, Gavin did not take it lightly, so she planned it from the very beginning based on the premise that "Dantis and the Hussein family would not cooperate, and the most vigilant servants around the emperor could decipher the whispers on their own". She prepared more than one We set up a plan and arranged more than three possible contingency measures and corresponding tasks for everyone, trying to do the best possible.


"Unified moving north in one minute."

Futaba clapped his hands vigorously, looked around vigilantly, and without looking back, ordered to the several rangers standing behind him and the gryphon knights hovering in the air: "Before that, take a final inventory of the people in the current area. Number of people.”

"Yes, ma'am!"

half a minute later

"About four hundred and sixty people, ma'am."

"About four hundred and fifty people, ma'am."

"More than four hundred people, ma'am."

The three rangers with the best eyesight and good math were the first to come to the conclusion and reported it loudly.

"About four hundred and fifty people, that's right..."

Futaba, who multitasked and controlled several mage eyes at the same time, was relieved after the answer was confirmed, and waved his little hand quite tiredly: "Okay, now everyone is sure... wait a minute!"

The girl who was always on high alert was shocked, and then quickly opened her friend list, and found a string of numbers in the chat history with 'Tan Mo' - 'Seventeen, 270'

The sender is myself, and the sending time shown above is four minutes ago, probably when I first arrived in this area.

[The seventeenth people count, about 270 people, four minutes ago...]

[The 18th head count, about 450 people, half a minute ago...]

[In about two hundred seconds, apart from these temporary horsemen, there were nearly two hundred people nearby? ! 】

"Damn it! Everyone is ready to fight!"

Futaba yelled angrily, opened the friend bar and quickly sent the current location to Mo Tan with three exclamation marks. Then he shivered on the spot and suddenly noticed a shoulder armor half a second later. There are swordsmen with Marshallese emblems printed everywhere, as well as a large number of characters who look very familiar.


Before Rubeus, who was standing behind her, could react, he saw two elemental dragon heads, one ice and one fire, rising from the ground, dragging long tail flames and ice marks towards the 'friendly forces' not far away. He was suddenly shocked. Exhale.

Seven or eight assassins who were caught off guard flew more than 20 meters in a burst of explosions. The two ice and fire dragon heads that fused and exploded very close to each other directly caused them to lose their combat effectiveness, including two who were definitely stronger than Futaba and had no chance of fighting. High-level whispering cultists who are afraid of noise disturbance.

This is not over yet!

"Don't be so dumbfounded! Those are the ones who sneaked in to assassinate old Clairvaux. Look at the trajectory of my spell! Anyone nearby who doesn't wear a badge, whose identity can't be identified, who whispers BB, is not a good person at first glance, looks like The ugly ones, rush forward and chop them to death!!"

After using screams to bring those around who were disturbed by the whispers back to their senses, the girl raised her two small hands with a grin, and condensed a blue, forty centimeters in diameter, constantly changing shape in the air above her head. Big energy ball!

"Vitality bomb!"

Chapter 551: End

Innocence Academy (1)

As we all know, Tan Mo, the representative of the music class, and Futaba, the representative of the computer class, have a very bad relationship, but they secretly run an online store called "Little Black Sheep" together. There are photos of her beautiful sleeping face (sleeping in class), down to the video of Dave, the physical education committee member of Class 7, being stuffed with his head into the toilet on the third floor toilet. The student union's intern instructor, Xue Bresne, has been there since last semester. The investigation into this matter has been fruitless, but there are also rumors that Teacher Xiu is actually one of the partners of the 'Little Black Sheep' online store, because except for him, almost no one has the chance to get the student union president, Mr. Mo. A photo of me taking a nap in the office on the eve of the cultural festival. (PS: What’s more worth mentioning is that the day after the low-definition watermarked photo was uploaded to the Little Black Sheep online store, Teacher Xiu took sick leave, and the photo was removed from the store at noon the next day, causing controversy. Strong dissatisfaction from a large number of female classmates.)

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